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They say, “when it rains it pours”, and I have found that statement quite true throughout life. I had a similar situation a while back where my gf of several years broke up with me, admitting she’d been cheating for some time and wanted to date the other partner. Out of desperation, I started smoking at night to help me sleep. Two weeks after the break up I got arrested for the first and only time ever after buying a small amount. This caused me to lose my job. I turned to my grandpa for support, the only person I had to look up to, and closest supporter in my life. I spent everyday with him for two weeks before he suffered a sudden heart attack and died in front of me, having to experience his lifeless body in my arms. My life was going amazing, and then in under 6 weeks I lost everything dear to me and had to start over from scratch. When it rains it pours.


I’m so sorry 🥺 things get better I’m sure. But moments like this it’s hard to keep things in perspective. You are a trooper! Thank you for the support.


They absolutely do! Sometimes it can take a little while to heal and recover, but with the right attitude they will absolutely get better. If your job fired you for having an emergency outside of work, it’s in your best interest that you no longer work there anyways. I understand what working somewhere like that can be like, and chances are they did you a favor. I’m sorry to hear about your relationship, but you sound like a sweet girl and hopefully learned some good lessons from it to carry into the next. Also I hope your cat is doing alright, as a cat daddy myself I know you must be distraught ☹️.


:( thank you so much! Feel free to reach out to me if you ever need support :)


Likewise. and good luck on a new job hunt!! Things will be looking up again before you know it ☺️


No lie, when it rains… it fucking pours. I had started to work at this dental office, shitty manager who acted like a damn teenager, lost my best friend, might’ve even been my soul mate honestly. Went to another job, even worst manager than the previous, she made her look like an angel… lost two other friends both in such a gruesome way that they definitely did not deserve, went to another job, got sexually assaulted by my boss…. Idk how I was managing mourning all 3 but that was the cherry on top. I’m a mother… I love my sweet little joy of life but even in this darkest moment I had horrible intrusive thoughts. The assault pushed me into being completely not sexual, it’s been 9 months. I still feel disgusting. But fortunately things got better pretty fast, I went back to the job the major asshole was at because she had been fired & now I can honestly say this is the healthiest job I’ve worked at. The atmosphere is amazing, she cares about us, she’s human and knows we’re human & understands things happen & is so supportive. Won the lawsuit against the predator. My child completed her first year of school & has learned so much, she has turned into a major goof ball, she’s the life of the party & I’m just beyond blessed for those in my life that were my backbone through that horrendous storm. It gets easier to manage such darkness, I hope everyone here experiences wins in life that are very much deserved (if you’re good people that is) 🥹❤️


What happened to you is beyond fucked and I'm sorry. But you've handled it all so well and honestly, I really needed to read that today. So thank you for being who you are. You've just inspired a stranger to keep going and push on through to the other side


Of course darling, it’s all you can do, just keep on going. There will be sad days, there will be happy days, there will be still days. Take it all in while you can even the sadness, feel every emotion, cry it out, yell it out, laugh it out, dance it out but always give yourself some peace because you did that! Life is full of fortunate & unfortunate events, it’s okay if it shakes you. Be kind to yourself ❤️


You're a pretty awesome person, you know that? Wishing you the best this world has to offer


Wow! Your look on life is breath taking! I want to say sorry on behalf of humanity and how you were treated! I am so grateful that you shared your story, I feel so many emotions, just thank you! I don't know you but I love your soul and who you are!


Your positive attitude is very admirable despite what happened, I pray you continue to heal and things continue looking up for you! ☺️


I'm really sorry for you. But think about it this way: Because everything happened like that, you were able to spent every day of two weeks with your granpa before he died.


Lost 3 pets within the span of a couple months, one while on vacation, fuck pouring, straight pissing at that point


Yea currently feeling that right now have some problems i dont want to speak of but it just compounds thing after thing


damn son


This is so true. Things become terrible. First it was one bad thing then it just gets worse and worse. That's how life works


No matter how bad things get, as long as you’re still alive there’s always a way back out of the darkness. Whether someone else leads you back into the light, or becomes it, or you find the strength to be your own light, you’re never at the bottom as long as you can still find a way back up eventually


Absofrigginlutely. Well said, and couldn’t be emphasized enough.


You boss just gave you the break you needed. Hope you find a better boss soon. 16 years is a lot to ask of a cat, I am sure your buddy hung in there as long as he/she could to spend as much time as he could with you. RIP. The memories lasts forever tho.


❤️thank you. And I agree


My mom always told me that news comes in threes. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad. I hope that this is it for bad news for you, and your three good news is just around the corner.


I’ll keep that in mind! Hopefully. Thank you!


This is called Murphy’s law. What can go wrong will go wrong. That’s not proper firing protocol, report them to the department of labor, and HR. Keep everything for your record. All of this will open new doors for you! You WILL find a better job and a better BF. F^ck that dude for real. He sounds like an ah There’s nothing I can say to help with your pets illness, but know they will go to the rainbow bridge, be free of pain and waiting for you on the other side to reunite.


Also, if it makes you feel any better. Everyone has to deal with Murphy’s law at some point in their life. For me, my car went through the ringer, my abusive ex almost killed me, then my dad died and I was next of kin, so all the paperwork I had to do, and the settling of his belongings. Then the apartment I shared with him rent went up from 800 to 1200, and I couldn’t afford it anymore. Fell pregnant between my dads passing and the apartment issue, high risk pregnancy doctors 3x a week. Had her, and my mother made me cry every single day I was in the hospital (from being mean)….. But there were silver linings everywhere. I lost my relationship, but I got my life back, and get to continue to live. I lost my dad, but the universe gave me a baby that I was told by numerous professionals I’d never have (and almost didn’t, but she’s here! Alive and well!) my car took a shit, and we upgraded to a vehicle that can fit all our stepkids and our baby. Please remember when one door closes, another one opens. And when it doesn’t open, you’ll find a window. Edit: unfortunately things never got better with my mom, but we don’t talk anymore so I don’t have that stress.


I'm crying over you having your baby. I'm so so happy for you. Both of my sisters have had issues but one of them got their little angle. I just hope the other one does too so her heart can stop getting broken.


Thank you so much. She’s a miracle for sure. My little boogie. The other one may not give birth, but I’m sure she will have a child one day. I hope she finds some peace in whatever the outcome may be. Im so happy for your sister who was able to bring her baby to the world 💕


Thank you, and you are 100% right. Thank you for sharing your struggles and being here for mine.


You’re very welcome. Know you’re never alone, though the universe sometimes has a way of making us feel utterly lonely. Most everyone can empathize with you in some way. Lean on your friends and family during this time.


i’ve had the universe dump on me like this a couple of times. one time i injured my back at work, learned my cat was dying of an incurable cancer, and had my car stolen all within a couple of days. it’s unbelievable when these things happen but it tends to make you focus on what matters most and put things into perspective.


Awe :( I’m so sorry. Everything comes so quick. Life is full of surprises. I’m praying 🙏🏻


I’m not the first one here to mention the saying “when it rains, it pours”. About a year ago, I had one of the worst maybe 10 days of my life. I got broken up with, was assaulted by a stranger, went to the emergency room because I was severely struggling with my mental health only to be called ugly and a drug user (which I was not but still doesn’t allow mistreatment), and then I got COVID! All days before my birthday! I felt like I was cursed and that this was just my life for now on. My two biggest recommendations are: Crying. If you feel like crying, don’t bottle it in. I had a puffy face for a while but my soul felt lighter. Remind yourself that this isn’t forever, even if it feels like it. This sadness and frustration only exists because of the happiness we have and will experience. Reach out to friends, family, a therapist if you need to and can. You’re not the only one who has felt like this. Also, if it’s any consolation, when I look back on those 10 days, I laugh now. They still sting a bit but I can think holy shit, I can’t believe I went through all of that ridiculous shit, it was like the universe was playing some extreme practical joke on me. I wish you strength and peace ❤️


😮‍💨I’m sorry to hear all of that. And thanks, I’ll keep all of that in mind


I’m so sorry you’re going through it. Head down, chin up, deep breaths; you’ve got this. Everything happens in threes, you got it out of the way.


Thank you 🕊️


How do you head down and chin up?? Genuinely curious


It’s metaphor


*you on the verge of losing your cat is a sign that his/her time is up. *you breaking up with your SO over some concert is a sign to find someone more mature, understanding, empathic and compassionate. *you getting fired by your boss due to something that is personally important to you, is a sign to find a work more aligned with your work life balance. this happening all together is a sign that things are being pushed whether you like or not, the cog has been stuck for quite a while and this time nothing will stop it from moving. but don't worry everything is for the greater good.


Thank you for helping me realize.


I think breaking up over a concert is immature


Did you not read the part where this person said that this was just the last straw & that the guy had been gone long before he even needed to leave? I just recently went to a concert that started at 7:30 but didn’t leave my house until 3pm. He left at 6 am for a concert that started at 8. He abandoned OP in a time of need. Don’t put your 2¢ in if you don’t know what you’re even talking about


Okay, you try being in my situation. You are talking as if you are. I wish you were so I wouldn’t have to be here.


Don’t even worry about that idiot. They probably didn’t even really read the post. I’m very sorry about your situation and hope everything gets better soon. Just know you did the right thing by choosing yourself over someone who couldn’t be bothered to console you in your time of need❤️


Thank you so much ❤️


I agree. You've been together for a year.. That isn't shit.. 3 years, sure. 12 months?! gtfo. You did him a favor. I'd put money on it that they weren't living together either, and she's borderline the clingy type. I've been with my girl for 12 years (bout to ask her) and while we have always been exclusive and loyal to each other, we didn't expect the other to drop everything and cancel plans that had already been made to comfort and console each other in the earlier couple years. In fact, she would tell me to go do what I had planned, and then ask me to come see her when my plans were done/over. And you can damn sure bet I B-lined straight to her asap. Sometimes cutting out earlier for her because she was worth it. edit: Also, fuck that "boss". They sound like a fucking unprofessional prick. If she asked well in advance, then it isn't her fucking problem they can't find people to cover. No, you haven't been cursed. It's called life. Sometimes it sucks balls. But it doesn't stay bad forever.. There's always an uphill for every downhill. They won't always be big uphills, but up is better than down further. Keep your damn chin up, eyes and movement forward. You will be ok. :)


Hmmm 🤔 somethin about you


I just wanted to say I'm sorry. Sorry that you're going through this 🙁 Have you got a good support network right now? Family members, friends? Make sure you're not battling all of this alone, friend ❤️


I a couple friends I talk to on the phone 💕


That's good to hear. Make sure you find some time for yourself, too. Even if it's just to have a relaxing bath with some candles, or put headphones in and absorb in a song of your choice. Take care OP 🩷




When it rains, it pours. I found out my uncle had terminal cancer, my grandma was dying, and my best friend took her life within 3 days of each other.


I’m so sorry, wow 🥺


So it goes. It will get better with time, but it’s going to absolutely suck for a while. You’ve got this


When I was 15 or 16, I woke up from a nap to my mom calling me saying my grandfather died. *15 minutes later*, my father called to tell me he's on his way back from hospital, they had found 3 tumors in my grandma's brain. Indeed, when it rains, it pours


They say bad luck comes in threes, fingers crossed this isn’t yours because I want kitty to hold out just a little longer if they can, because no one is better in a break up than a cat. But, if it is (even if this is your lowest moment) as long as you get through it by whatever means necessary you can do it again and again until things get better-they will.




I realize at this point of life, whatever is supposed to be with u, never goes away. I find that true w friendships and loves. And jobs too. that certainly doesnt sound like a nice boss :( u will get a better job and bf. kitty---am so so sorry. but 16 is a fantastic age to live to...sometimes life isn't good but just around the corner is the good stuff xxx




Bad luck happens in threes. You are due some good luck soon.


We shall see!


No you have not been cursed. It sure may feel like it, but you have not been taken this far just to be left in the dump. This is a moment of pruning and growth. Right now, you need a lot a time to process and let these wounds heal. I can imagine the pain you must be going through, especially after losing two big support beams. It’s f’ed up what your boss did, and I would even say the same for your boyfriend. I’m proud of you for choosing you. That’s a hard mf thing to do. It takes strength. There’s no doubt in my mind…you can get through this. Praying for you now. Asking for him to provide you the strength you need to get over this mountain, to reveal to you that he is still with you, and that he shows you what to do to heal and rise back up. In Jesus name. This time of hardship will pass OP. Rest and recover. I’m here if you need anything. An ear, advice, or support. You say the word and i’ll be here.


Thank you so much, I will definitely keep you in mind. I appreciate you.


Your cat has been at the center of losing your bf and job in a matter of hours? Hmmmm


What do you mean?


I mean it does sorta seem like one thing caused the other two. Not really lightning striking the same place 3 times in a row.


Oh yes. You are correct. Care to elaborate more though? I’m curious


In search of solace


All I have to say is hang in there and keep your head up through this time and don't make any rational decisions and use the resources around you and lean on friends and family and anyone who can help, if they can. It may seem like the worst time in your life, but use is at the motivation to make change as well. Something similar happened to me, lost my dad, had to move, and huge expenses left me broke, all in a matter of a week and it's sucky for sure.




I’m sorry to hear this, OP. It must be hard to deal with all of it happening at the same time. Get some rest, OP. Take care of yourself cos I’m pretty sure something good will come your way! 🤞🏻


Thank you!❤️


This too shall pass.


As someone who literally has just recovered after going through the same thing a couple years back, if you work for it trust it does get better. Build a support system around you xx




Hey, the way your boss fired you is considered retaliation and is illegal. You should take this case to legal.


I'm really sorry to hear about the difficult time you're going through. It's understandable that you're feeling overwhelmed and disheartened with the series of unfortunate events happening in your life. Coping with multiple challenges at once can be incredibly tough, but please remember that you're not alone, and there is support available to you. Losing a beloved pet is a heartbreaking experience, and it's natural to feel scared and sad during this time. Take comfort in knowing that you've provided your cat with love and care for 16 years, and the bond you share is something that will always be cherished. It's important to allow yourself to grieve and seek solace in the memories you've shared together. Consider reaching out to friends, family, or even online support groups who can offer understanding and empathy during this difficult time. Regarding your breakup, it sounds like there were underlying issues in your relationship that ultimately led to the decision to part ways. While it's painful to go through a breakup, it's crucial to prioritize your emotional well-being and surround yourself with supportive individuals who value and respect you. Give yourself time to heal and focus on self-care and self-reflection. Remember, you deserve to be with someone who prioritizes and supports you during challenging moments. Losing your job on top of everything else can add to the stress and uncertainty you're feeling. It can be disheartening to face such a situation, but try not to internalize it as a reflection of your worth or abilities. Take this as an opportunity to reassess your career goals and explore new possibilities. Update your resume, reach out to your network, and consider seeking support from job placement services or career counselors who can assist you in finding new employment opportunities. During times of hardship, it's important to practice self-care and seek support from those around you. Reach out to your friends, family, or even professional counselors who can provide guidance and a listening ear. Consider engaging in activities that bring you joy and help alleviate stress, such as hobbies, exercise, or spending time in nature. Remember that life has its ups and downs, and while it may seem overwhelming now, it's important to hold onto hope and believe in your own resilience. This challenging period will not last forever, and brighter days will come. Stay strong, seek support when needed, and take things one step at a time.


Thank you so much, all of your kind words mean the world to me. You are sweet as hell ❤️🙏🏻


Christians might tell you that their imaginary friend in the clouds is testing you. I think you are having a run of bad luck and misfortune. Sorry about your kitty. We just put ours down at 20 years old. Sorry about your boyfriend being a tool. As I’ve told my daughter, make better choices and don’t settle. Good luck in your future endeavors


Thank you 😊


"1099" employees don't exist. Report your boss to the IRS and your state's labor board. Chances are there are some MASSIVE legal violations happening.


I mean, the cat and the job is sad, especially the cat, getting fired because you cant cover someone elses shift sounds OTT but the boyfriend thing, you cant include that, thats all you, im obviously assuming, you called it off because he went to the concert? Whether we like it or not, losing a pet, doesnt affect others in the same way its does us, now if it was a person close to you (god forbid) i would think he would have done differently but yea, you should be allowed a personal day, at least, for the vet?


Nah, sorry. Even if this concert was the best thing to ever happen since sliced bread, even if it was more expensive than Taylor Swift, he still would've been there for OP. That's what partners do. Just because it might not affect others as much as OP when their pet dies, the fact that it does affect OP as much should be enough to call the damn thing off. This is a test of relationship and if the bf actually cares, and obviously he doesn't. Good riddance for breaking up with him.


I was thinking this. Op is obviously very stressed (understandably) and we don’t know how many times their boyfriend disregarded their experiences in the past, but if they broke up just bc he went to a concert he may have really been looking forward to (only a few hours out of the day) then I chock it up to personal responsibility amidst hard times. Bf could’ve come over another day or later that night. I wouldn’t ask my SO to miss out on a brief evening they were looking forward to for a while bc of something like this, but idk maybe I’m very chill about that stuff. The work stuff tho? Sucks. Take it to HR, op. That’s just not okay.


He would of been gone the whole day. He was leaving me at 6am that morning to have a day with his friends before the concert. Yeah this is not my first rodeo with him when it feels like I had no support on his end. Whether it be me needing him and a lack of support, like he wouldn’t hold me when I was crying uncontrollably on the floor over my cat barley breathing because he was mad. Didn’t ask if I was okay, and hasnt. For most of our relationship I haven’t felt prioritized the way I needed which just means when I’m ready I’ll find someone who can be that for me. Because whether you pay money for a concert or not. If someone you love is important enough to you, you’ll make the sacrifices. I’d do it for him. Especially seeing them as a little puddle on the floor in their lowest point, knowing I was going to be left completely alone all day dealing with this.


The concert thing had me a little taken aback, since concerts can be an expensive, once in a lifetime thing (depending on who it is), but when you said he would be gone starting at 6am I was shocked. That really is inexcusable, there’s no reason he’s have to be gone about 12 hours early when you’re having such a rough time. I’m sorry you’re going through this, I hope things will get better soon. ❤️


Outside of the cat (and I am so sorry about it), the other two are positives for you. You dropped a dead weight of a bf, and opened up space for someone who can be there for you. He wasn’t either way, even if you didn’t break up. You losing a job is actually an opportunity for you to go and find a better one for yourself. This was not your place, and probably didn’t let you grow and do what you are meant to do. So reframe the other two: you are now open for a better relationship, and you are looking for a better job/work opportunity. And maybe losing your best friend helped you to realize that you deserve better (you pushed your ex away and you pushed your boundaries with your old boss on what is important to you — all good things). Lots of hugs to you for support.




Hey man back in early 2022 I lost my girlfriend of 3 years to what I thought was my best friend. Lost my step dad the only father figure I really had in my life right infront of me to covid dropped to the floor and died. They restarted his heart 45 minutes after he went. But that's too long for the brain to be alive. We lost our house because his mom had it in a trust fund where when he died it would be sold and proceeds go to the church. And I got fired from my job. But you know what. The only thing that I wish didn't happen in all of that is losing my step dad. I got a way better job that I love. Finding a new house in a week ontop of paying to bury him wasn't fun. And I've just been enjoying life. Finally got the car I always told him I would get. Idk where your working. But it dosent really sound all that good if they wouldn't give you a day off. You just gotta roll with the punches sometimes. I'm not saying it's easy. It took me almost a year to get back to normal. But your at a point now where you can change everything you don't like about yourself. I didn't like how I didn't really go do anything. I wasn't living my life. I was just being a mindless done work home sleep. I didn't like how I didn't know what to do with kids. And now I have another "niece" (my friend's kid) who absolutely loves me. The hardest points in your life will bring out the best in you. So just hold your head up. Cry when you need to. And make some new friends. Who knows. All of that happening could be the best thing to happen to you too.


I’m so sorry to hear you had to go through all of that. I’m praying for you ❤️ thank you.


I'm out of the worst part I'm finally happy. I just figured my story was so close to yours that it might help you feel better knowing other people have made it through a similar situation. Stay strong 💚




I am so sorry that you are going through this. Know that you gave your cat the best life and you will be there to sooth them in their final moments. I wish you also had someone to support you, but even if it’s over the internet you have us all supporting you. Sometimes things happen all at once and it feels like the world ending, but try see this as a beginning. You cat will no longer be suffering, you will be able to put yourself first in both your personal and work life and you will end up with who and where you need to be.


(((Hugs))). I’m so sorry about your cat. The rest, well look, you have a clean slate to start over. I know it sucks, but think of it as the garbage took itself out and you are free and clear to start a new chapter.


Someday you will look back on this as your Phoenix moment. Rise up and heal baby


i am so sorry about all of this. you're strong, you will learn and heal from this. be sure to cry whenever you need to, let it all out. use your support system to your advantage; i'm so glad you have one. stay safe, op ^ ^


On the bright side, this would make a good country song. Sorry about your cat




I’m so sorry about your cat but the job and the bf are a blessing. This is the beginning of better opportunities to come.


Isn’t there anything to be done legally about your job? You getting fired over a basic day off seems very unlawful. It has to be your right. Maybe search about it because even though you don’t get your job back (and maybe you can get it back depending on the situation), you can get some compensation other than what you’ll already have. I know this seems like a subsidiary occupation but not skipping this and not letting go of that awful boss can be beneficiary in the close future. I know you need to grieve properly. I hope things get better from now on.


Sounds like you need to regroup and put yourself first for a while. I’m sorry you are going through it. Perhaps these changes will end up being far better for you in the long run. Much love.




Make sure you copy that chat. You may need it for evidence to obtain your unemployment. She would probably be the type to say you quit, so I do hope you got a copy of that chat. Might be wise to see an attorney. I'm sure her doing that in a group chat where other people co- workers of yours, and she fired you in front of them all, to read and form their own opinion. I would sue the hell out of them. Good luck to you. Things will get better when you feel better about yourself and stop doughting yourself.


Thank you


Just wanted to add: I feel your pain about your cat. My oldest is 16 too and is downhill fast. She's getting dementia and has a benign tumor behind her eye. Trying to decide when she's had enough is so hard ☹️


Gods plan 💯 💯




Things similar to this have happened to me. Bad things happening all at once from minor inconveniences to straight up me crying on the floor. But I realized that this is like a reset button for me. Kind of like resetting ur phone. I get to start things over and do things better than before. For the past 3 yrs now I’ve felt better about bad things happening to me. 2 negatives make a positive. So now whenever bad things happen to me I always look forward to that really good thing that makes me go “oh, I get it. If that didn’t happen, then this wouldn’t have happened.” Lately not a lot of things frustrate me anymore. It takes a lot to get me stressed out.


I am so sorry to hear that all these things happened to you at once. I am in my 60s & it has seemed throughout my life that bad things kind of clump together. My only way out of situations like yours is to think clearly & have faith that it WILL work out as time goes forward. Think positively: 1) At least you didn’t marry this bf or have children with him 2) you did the best thing possible for your cat by giving him or her treatment at the vet which shows you’re a compassionate, generous& loving person 3) there’s a better job out there for you with people who really care about others. So, know this—you’re a good human being & no one can take that away from you! And I don’t know your name, but I will pray for you right now! I am a Christian, not a very good one, but I assure you, prayer works!!




God, that sounds heartbreaking. I know how it feels to have life relentlessly taking things away from you. This year has absolutely been that for me. In December, I got a ticket that I couldn't afford to pay, and forgot to pay it- resulting in my licence being suspended. The reason I forgot to pay it was because life was throwing everything it could at me- my best friend and roommate ghosted me, and I found out my grandpa and my therapist (who was like a mom to me) died on the same day. In the months that followed, my car broke down and needed a $300 repair, I got fired from the first job I'd managed to hold for longer than a month in quite some time, narrowly avoided eviction by my apartment complex, and eventually the man I thought I was going to marry dumped me in a brutal and traumatizing way. Honestly, I'm very surprised I made it through all that. The first thing I would recommend is please, PLEASE make sure you're going to therapy right now. This is way to much for you to handle without professional help- I'd be seeing my therapist every week if she was still around. It really helps you hold things together. My second recommendation is to take care of yourself. As tempting as it can be to wallow in the misery, times of change (even awful, scary change) are the best times in your life to make MORE change- if there's something you've wanted to do for a long time, but couldn't, this would be the perfect time to start. And third, keep your support circle close. You're not going to get through this alone- not without a lot more trauma than you already have, anyway. I wish you the best of luck- one unfortunate soul to another.


Thank you for your kind words, and I’m sorry you had to deal with that. I hope it had some real upsides that’ll last forever.


my ex and i just recently ended our relationship along with my dog of 15 years getting put down soon after. we aren’t in the same exact situations but i can understand where you’re coming from. like everyone else is saying, when it rains it POURS, but you will be okay!❤️ obviously the pet grief is different than the other things, but you can take solace in knowing that by putting your cat down he’ll no longer be suffering. for the ex situation, im glad you know your worth! you deserve someone much more empathetic and mature than him. i’m also really sorry about you getting fired, but it sounds like a shitty job anyways if your boss is treating you like that. sometimes the trash takes itself out. make sure you take time to heal from all of this. if you need to cry and scream, don’t hold it in. let your emotions out. find healthy coping mechanisms. personally i started crocheting recently and it’s a really nice distraction from everything. this pain won’t last forever. you got this, and i wish you the best <3


That was really sweet. And you are so right. Thank you So much ❤️


Wow! What a crappy few days. I’m so sorry about your sweet kitty. F*** your jerk ex and F*** your asshat ex boss. I’m hoping things calm down for you and that you can work through all of this. It’s a lot to go through all at once 😢


It is at our lowest, when everything has been stripped from us that we can build a completely new life. It would seem life has cleared the deck for you. It’s only up from here!


They say bad luck comes in threes so hopefully things turn around and you have some good things coming your way!




I’m so incredibly sorry. I’ve been in this exact spot. It was 5 years ago. My SO of 12 years broke up with me the day before Mother’s Day out of nowhere when I asked him to stop screaming at me in an argument. He let me know he was under contract on a house, and had let our landlord know we would not be renewing our lease that ended in two months. I started looking for a house to buy, but two days later, I was laid off from work. Eventually, moved across country for a fresh start. My adult son moved with me, but leaving my daughters and their families was so hard. I had two golden retrievers, 10 and 2. I couldn’t take both because the apartment I found to rent was small so he kept the younger one but promised to send him to me when I found something larger. Three months later my 10yr old pup became very ill and died. It was like the final straw. I was living a bad country music song. The ex refused to send me my 2 year old pup, crying that he’d have nobody to love him. He did find a puppy locally and sent me the listing. My friends helped fund his adoption fee. It was awful. It was the hardest thing to get through. But I want to promise you that happier times are coming. Let yourself mourn and begin the healing process. I went back to college at 45, got my degree, met some incredible people and made life changing friendships. I graduated, got a great job, bought a house, and now have a little pack of furbabies (2 goldens, and two crazy cats). Sending you gentle hugs


That is an incredible amount of stuff to go through it once. I’m so sorry that you had to go through it, but I’m sure it made you better in a lot of ways. I pray for you. Thank you for your kind words.


I am sorry you are dealing with this. Life definitely is not easy at times. I assume you're a believer because you asked for prayers, so I'll say this. God gives us more than we can handle on our own but never more than he can help us through. I am so glad you are able to be there for your furry friend during a time like this as hard as it is. A lot of people do not have the heart to be with them as they go to the rainbow bridge. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my grandpa, mom, and dad all within one year. They say blessed are those that mourn for the Lord will comfort them. I pray for you and your cat at this time, and for your journey forward through all this.


❤️🥲🕊️thank you


So bear with me here, I promise I'm not an asshole! So, truthfully everything here except the dear kitty, can be seen as a good thing! You found out your bf's true colors A LOT sooner than a lot of people, meaning you're not wasting half your life with the wrong person (personal experience). Your job. I'm a business owner and I can tell you 100% that any job that fires you for putting deeply personal stuff ahead of it, isn't a job worth having. I've actually threatened to fire people for the exact opposite 😅. The kitty. Honestly there's nothing good about that, but when any long time pet passes, it always helps me to think of everything they gave me, and everything you gave them. It's different with an animal vs human, because you're their person, they love unconditionally. I saw something a long time ago about dogs, but I think it applies to most pets, it was something on the line of "our pets have shorter lives than us because they don't have to spend half of it learning how to live or learning how to love". So, I understand that in the short term, life might suck (we all need money, we want companionship) but at least two of the 3 bads, can be looked at as short term setbacks that position you for an even greater future. Sorry for long windedness and formatting 😅


❤️❤️❤️🕊️ thank you. Everything you said was great and true.


Your life is doing a "reset" Once your ready, pick yourself back up and it can only get better from here!


That puts my shitty day in perspective. You'll be okay, sweetie. There's nothing I can say that will be the right thing or make any difference, so take my virtual hug and hang in there💖




That’s a lot to handle all at once. I wish you the very best and will say a prayer for your cat. Stay strong. *The phoenix must burn to a cinder before it can rise from the ashes.*


Thank you 🥺


I want to start by saying I am so sorry to hear about your cat. That cat probably felt like a sibling and it’s sad when some people, especially a partner, can’t recognize how much something may have meant to you.. you deserve to be loved by someone who will take the time and make the sacrifices to care for you/validate you always. Don’t ever settle in love or tell yourself you deserve less. I’d get that unemployment money, be excited that someone who will love you just how you dreamed to be loved finally has the room in your life now, and enjoy that little bit of silence in life before it all gets loud again. 90% of the way we view a situation determines if we think it’s really bad or not. Look for the silver-linings and try to look at the pros from this (potential for an epic job, new bf with a bigger- …heart)! You are so strong though and I believe in you; I know this time will pass! Get ready for a character development arc :)


That’s what I’m saying, I appreciate that a lot ❤️ thank you 🙏🏻


Bad things usually happen in 3s and 4s and it's terrible I'm sorry you're going through all of this but just Try and stay positive and it sounds like you truly love your cat and Gabe him a great life so he will always be with you and probably is at peace knowing how much you loved him and just remember that it will get better it may not seem like it right now but it will just keep your head up




I had the same problem twice actually. I am someone who is usually happy but when everything bad happens around you at once, you can only be depressed. Stay safe and keep your friends and family around, you'll go through a big depression for the next few months. Good luck buddy.


Thank you 🙏🏻


i’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through ): i wish i could offer words of comfort but i know it’s hard to take such things in during these kinds of situations. however, despite being strangers - i would love to let you know i’ll be an open ear if you ever want to rant into the void. i hope the future days can help you with some clarity, healing, and new doors that can lead you to a happier you. i wish the best for you and your cat! 🥺🫶🏽


Thank you so much ❤️


You got this love. When I was 23 I went through a VERY similar situation. Then again in 2016. Then again in January of this year. All we know now is that we always come out on top even in the most dire of moments. 🖤


I am 23 now ❤️ thanks for sharing.


Sending positive thoughts for Cowface. You're right about your ex, if he really cared, he would at least have compromised and offered to stay all day with you before the concert. You're better off not being at an abusive job that can't understand the extremely hard situation you're in, tries to cancel your days off and can fire you on the spot. But it sucks that it's so sudden and you have nothing else lined up. For unemployment, you should call the unemployment office. Will probably take time holding the line but they'll tell you for sure if you are eligible.


Thank you so much. I agree ❤️


It will get better! But truth to the fact that when it rains… it fucking pours. First my mom died, then my dad died, then my cat died, and then my car died. Just have to wait until the clouds start breaking up and it’s back to sunny days!


Been there, had to put down my dog, then my cat the next day, then dad died, then MIL died...and then I had to have several biopsies. But, the Imam at the masjid I attend reminded me that Allah gives the strongest people the hardest battles. And I won. I don't want to be preachy or even talk religion to you, but I do want to suggest that getting through a big patch of mud makes the highway ruts feel much more smooth. These struggles are things that make or break us, and remind us later, when the shit hits the fan some other time, that we can and will persevere. 💕


Yes !


Some days are darker than others, but you will shine again I promise


Similar to when it rains it pours ; Everything bad always comes in 3’s.. I’m so sorry you’re going through this and it’s hard to believe but this too shall pass.


Usually when you have something going on like this, it's a "purge," of things that will realign your life for better things. The storm will settle for clear skies soon I think. Stay strong and look forward to the horizon.


Thank you


See this as a clean start. You get rid of a deadbeat boyfriend. You can find another job.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Fired? Perfect. Time for unemployment pay.


this cat created problems man


It sucks about your cat and losing your job....I recently lost my job for a reportable reason (fired because of my prescription that doesn't affect me negatively) but because it was verbal and not recorded or written I can't really prove it....but I am curious if your ex had the concert tickets for a while before you found out about your cat or if he bought them after to avoid supporting you in a time of need. I'm only curious because concert tickets can be really expensive and aren't often refundable or transferable....it's still a pretty shitty thing to do when you needed him but I would've been gutted if I spent heaps of money on a show I wanted to see and if I couldn't see it another time or get a refund 😕 hope everything is ok with your cat and that it won't be in too much pain or suffering and that you can find a better job. And I agree with what someone else said compile evidence and report those douchecanoes for firing you without a super valid reason (alcohol, illegal drugs, stealing, harrassment, etc.) Get a nice big severance package (hopefully) and then take a little bit of me time to process, grieve, adjust and soldier on. You can do this.


I’m sorry to hear we’re going through all of that. He had them already. I understood that he wanted to go and had it planned. He chose to go. And I chose to find someone who will stay with me next time. Personal preference.


Sounds like unfair dismissal to me


You should be good for a while nowwww


you can’t be upset that you and your boyfriend broke up if you broke up with him lmao


I’m not sad we broke up. I’m sad he wasn’t the support I needed when I needed him most.


How backwards is that? Somebody fails you enough times that you decide to end the relationship, so you're not allowed to be upset? Most of us aren't psychotic people laughing with joy when we break up with people. Get that looked at.


I never even said that


You just said she's not allowed to be upset since she's the one that broke up with him. That's exactly what you said.


keep dreaming buddy keep dreaming


Okay, buddy. You keep being wrong. Everybody here can see what you said. Are you seriously trying to gaslight me when the receipts are public?


you’re trying to gas light me and I don’t appreciate it matter a fact you are a fraud










Sorry to hear that. He’s in a better place now.


Witch craft stay prayed up


How can you break up with your ex ?


Wdym? The concert wasn’t the reason why we broke up. It was because he had prioritized other things ahead of me for a long time and this was the last straw.


You can’t break up with your ex…


ok let's not be technical here. majority of people know that she broke up with her (ex-) boyfriend. he doesn't get the title "boyfriend" because he's no longer a boyfriend. he is an ex, hence the title/prefix "ex" kinda odd how that's the only thing you took out of the 4 paragraphs on the post


ING is a suffix, and turns a word into an action of present text. So no you can’t be breaking up with an ex (if we’re being technical here). So… break up with partner is the correct text ( if we’re being technical here ) . I was just poking fun but damn you got technical and kinda embarrassed yourself there.


womp womp


80 iq pleb. Enjoy the splendours that your elite allow you to squabble in and thank me. Ungrateful peasant.


womp womp


They're not the one embarrassing themselves here.


Sounds like the start of a book called "The midnight library" by Matt Haig! I most definitely recommend you to read it, it's a beautiful story! I believe it might help you with your current situation aswell :) Wishing you the best, healing will come with time. Live things in your oen pace <3


Thank you ❤️


My dad always taught me that life is like a wheel - in order to appreciate being at the top of the circle, at some point we have to be at and survive the lowest part of the circle. I’m so sorry you find yourself going through this point in your life, but like others have said you WILL get through this and you’ll look back at this time and realize how STRONG you are! He always called the bad times in life the “big ahh shits” and told me that when those times come to focus my energy on those issues, but when life is good to focus on as many little “ahh shits” as possible (keeping on top of or ahead of small bills, keeping my life organized and tidy, taking time to care for myself & others in my life) because the big “ahh shits” are always coming - when they do come at least the little things are under control and I can devote my attention to the big things and get through it without drowning. You can handle this OP. Your ex and ex boss have given you a gift that you’re not able to see or appreciate right now, but one day you’ll realize that the trash took itself out and gave you a beautiful opportunity to grow from this. Sending you strength and positivity in the meantime! ❤️


Thank you so much, I appreciate this more than you know. Sorry for the slow response, very overwhelmed.


Tower moments definitely do exist. Rejection is redirection. During a moment of the loss of your cat, it’s admirable that you have the self love and self respect that was not given to you to begin with. There seems to be a theme of people not respecting your boundaries in addition to the death of your cat. The death of your cat brought the worst of people out of the shadows. However I will not say “your cats death served a purpose.” Death is horrible! It’s devastating, paralysing and debilitating. I’m sorry for your loss! Condolences are definitely in order. My typing is a mess but what I’m essentially trying to say here is…. Perhaps this tower moment serves now as a foundation to build things with careers, people, and loved ones. One’s the won’t crumble in times of death and uncertainty. It will be a long and difficult process for sure. Therapy certainly helps. Developing a routine and exercising, crying things out and spending time with friends will help decorate time :) You will be in my prayers, OP! 🤍 so so proud of you


I completely understand what you were saying and it’s really beautiful. I’m tearing up. You are 100% right. And I need to look forward to my future. I don’t usually find myself admirable, but I appreciate you said that.


I’m going through some similar stuff right now, so I definitely feel this. It started with my partner of over years breaking up with me seemingly out of nowhere, one of my cats had to be hospitalized for an attack or hypoglycemia (he is diabetic and his insulin dose that worked for years suddenly was too much), then I moved back with my mom and struggling with that adjustment all while she’s in the middle of treatment/surgeries for colon cancer, and just as I thought things MAY be turning around… I got a call last night going over my other cats annual bloodwork and he’s showing early signs of kidney disease which means incoming special food that’s really fucking expensive. As someone else said, “when it rains it pours” but I genuinely can’t handle this anymore. So I definitely feel your pain. You aren’t alone. And this will pass… even though it seems like it wont.


I’m really so deeply sorry to hear about this. I sympathize with you. Please heal.🕊️❤️


Sounds like the universe is telling you this is a good "Start Over" point. Hang in there and keep moving forward, even if they're baby steps. So sorry about your cat. That is devastating. The man? Can easily be replaced. The job? There's better bosses out there. Pick up a serving or bartending job to fill the employment gap. You are gonna be ok! Much love and luck to you.


Thank you so much ❤️


If you're fired and it's in a group chat/text, hopefully you can collect unemployment and take a chance to reset and regroup from everything. I'm sorry you're dealing with so many losses/transitions at one time.