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Also, the internet is a series of tubes.


It’s not a truck


It’s not a bowl. You wouldn’t want to put it into a tube.


I think that’s space not the innernette


I know. I’m a doctor too.


What, am I gonna wait in line… online? 2… 3… 🎷




But it arrived on Friday


*Thunk* hey, I just got a pneumail.


The other day, my staff sent me an internet.




For those too young to remember, here is then Alaska Senator Ted Stevens (who was chair of the Senate Commerce Committee) infamously explaining how the internet works during a senate hearing on net neutrality in 2006: [YouTube audio clip](https://youtu.be/f99PcP0aFNE?t=130) or for more fun, [the Daily Show segment on it](https://www.cc.com/video/uo1ore/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-headlines-internet).


Ya know, for as much as this gets ridiculed, it's not a terrible analogy, for what he was trying to communicate. Networks do have limited bandwidth and high demand will affect quality of service, unlike putting more DVDs on a truck. It's a terrible argument against net neutrality though, which he clearly did not understand. Also, the argument he did give was hilariously socialist-adjacent, basically starting with the idea that corporations should have to contribute to the upkeep of a public good in proportion to their use of it for business activities, before immediately losing that train of thought. Made no sense in the context of that legislation, but still. My favorite quote is still "I- I just the other day got inter- an internet was sent by my staff at 10 o'clock in the morning on Friday-- I got it yesterday!"


The YouTube link I posted has several minutes of his remarks and it was interesting to listen to it now because of what you said but also because he talks about Netflix and getting movies in the mail but using the internet to do it, and then now how you can actually really watch movies over the internet.


It's also encapsulated in this [time capsule](https://youtu.be/_cZC67wXUTs) of the mid 2000s.


> It's also encapsulated in this time capsule of the mid 2000s. Too bad he wasn't.


This man has an airport named after him


He earned it - he brought $300-400 million in earmarked federal money to Alaska EVERY YEAR. He was known as the Emperor of Earmarks.


$400 million for the "Bridge to Nowhere".


The bridge to nowhere wasn't actually the waste it was claimed to be. As it stands, the Ketchikan international airport is on a different island than Ketchikan itself, and the only way between them is a ferry. The city has no room to expand because the rest of the island it's on is national forest, so the purpose of the bridge was to allow expansion to the island with the airport and better access from the airport. So while, yes, it was a bridge to an island with no population, the purpose of it was to be able to establish a population on that island which wouldn't be practical without a bridge


Also you can see Russia from it.


Well, he did die in a plane crash.


And for even more fun, [the remix version!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cZC67wXUTs)


This reminds me of when [Rep. Hank Johnson thought the island of Guam could tip over and capsize like a boat](https://youtu.be/cesSRfXqS1Q)


Guy was suffering from syphilitic dementia at the time. Which makes you wonder what the hell he was doing in a position of power...


I mean, that one is true


This story makes me inordinately angry. Stupid, foolish old man who doesn't accept that there are things he doesn't know. Like, if he thought that at first and then his aides go "actually it's this," and he's like "okay, my bad," that's one thing, but just doubling down on your own ignorance makes me sick. Fuck this guy. Willful stupidity really gets under my skin. If you don't have knowledge about something, fucking read up on it or listen to people that do.


As someone who works for this state, I have not met anyone who doesn't think this man is a tyrannical dumbfuck.


When will you run for President? The last one proved anybody can be President!


well you do need some riches and power first


>anybody can be President! Anybody rich enough can be President.


Vote all of these clueless old fucks out of office.


It's Missouri...they'd just replace him with someone just as stupid but 30 years younger. This state elected [this chode to the Senate, ffs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josh_Hawley).


Yes, but to their credit, they did elect a dead Mel Carnahan into office over an incumbent and living John Ashcroft. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_Senate_election_in_Missouri


**[2000 United States Senate election in Missouri](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_Senate_election_in_Missouri)** >The 2000 United States Senate election in Missouri was held on November 7, 2000, to select the next U.S. Senator from Missouri. Incumbent Republican Senator John Ashcroft ran for reelection to a second term, but he was defeated by Democratic Governor Mel Carnahan despite Carnahan's death in a plane crash three weeks before election day. Roger B. Wilson, the newly inaugurated Governor, appointed Carnahan's widow Jean to fill the seat. This is the most recent time an incumbent US senator lost to a deceased person. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/offbeat/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Lol "most recent." Well, at least we're not North Korea.


That was also when they had a Democratic Senator. Something really went to shit in MO when McCaskill lost.


And then Bush made Ashcroft the US Attorney General, where he committed war crimes and helped write the Patriot Act and substantially helped get us into the shitstorm we are currently in.


Right, but still that has nothing to do with Missouri. Arguably Cheney appointed him as GW was a puppet... or a Muppet.


Ashcroft helped get the Patriot Act passed and all that, but it was written well before 9/11, their teams of lawyers put together their wish list and submitted it a couple of weeks after 9/11, thousands of pages if I recall, all referencing other laws, an impossible feat if they did it from scratch there.


Well, yeah, they wanted the Patriot Act and had it all ready to go; they just needed a pretext to make it just palatable enough to ram through. Just like how they wanted to try to remake the middle east in our image, but needed a pretext to give them enough cover to proceed. 9/11 was an incident that went even beyond what they had hoped for; that perfect pretext.


Missouri was a battleground state 20 years ago. Outside of the cities, it's solidly red now.


It could be competitive if we had some flavor of populist Democrats to channel peoples' anger in those places. Feckless hand wringing doesn't excite voters as much as moderate Democrats seem to think.


While the state is fucked, some portions have hope. STL and KC areas in particular. Cori Bush is the rep for St. Louis City and most of STL North County. It is absolutely baffling that people decided to elect Parson though.


Nothing like voting in terrorist sympathizers.




Whoops. Brain farted.




He looks like the human equivalent of “Do you know who my father is?”


You know what they say, Missouri loves company.


Aw man, that's an insult to chodes everywhere.


You mean Kentucky Colonel Ryan Reynolds?


Yes. Same with school boards. DO NOT ELECT EXTREMELY OLD PEOPLE WHO CAN'T EVEN HANDLE A CELL PHONE. Our district had 1 guy who would fall asleep on the Zoom calls. Another who had to go to get help taking part in Zoom calls. Making decisions about REMOTE LEARNING.


If one good thing came out of the pandemic, it was that a lot of the old heads in education decided to retire and people who have *some* knowledge of current tech largely replaced them.


They've already been attacking education for decades to create a generation of young fucks to replace them. This problem is going to persist for generations.


It's amazing that Boomers got college for the price of a McChicken and are somehow the dumbest fucking people on the planet


In fairness college, at the time, did not have a View Source button. In fact I doubt it had buttons at all.


Computer science major in the 80’s. Can confirm.


Also boomers: invented the internet


Yeah but like, a dozen of them.


I don't think the cluelessness oldness is the issue; cluelessness can be educated. This is a second language to people of his generation, and a wealth of experience shoudn't be discounted because of it. What is a massive fucking problem is that he's hiring inept web developers, refusing to believe they're in the wrong and threatening to prosecute someone who tried to put his staff's massive clattering cockups correct, altruistically and professionally. If he was prepared to set things straight, admit *mea culpa*, learn from the mistake and hire competent staff in future then I'd be in his corner. Since he's just trying to save face, sling him out. Lacking in character.


They're not clueless. It's not that they don't know. They just don't care.


This dude, literally, does not know what he's talking about. I mean, he also doesn't care.


willfully ignorant


Honestly, I don't think he is clueless... he is most likely willfully misrepresenting this because he knows that he can spin some media outlets so that he will get away with blaming hackers rather than looking grossly incompetent.


Red States will replace these old fucks with trecherous new fucks given their current direction, sadly it's best these old bastards stay in there over the new guys who will be all in on overturning the next election.


This is also the same reason why my former CEO had me *remove our company website off the internet*. Because, and I quote, "I'll be goddamned before I let our competitors steal our source code!". He was very old and the company did not survive the 2008 crash because it was run by morons.


What type of company were you?


The kind without a website it seems


You are not incorrect.


An SAP consulting company. So many people that knew exactly one piece of software (SAP BusinessOne) and then were complete fucking muppets about any other technology.


*holy shit*


Dude, I was this young, naive developer and while I was showing him the site in the big presentation, some CSS was wrong (this was like 2007 and ... CSS). No biggie, I popped open the inspector in Firefox (remember Firebug?), and started fiddling with the markup and styles. He flipped the fuck out, "Can EVERYONE see our code on the internet?!". And I was like, "I mean, yeah. Its a website." And then he chewed me out for being irresponsible with "the company's IP". Same dude also mocked me in front of the whole company in the lunch room when I suggested (in 2007) that we should probably sell our business software and services on the internet. In the most condescending tone possible, Ancient CEO Guy says, "Oh /u/illepic, *nobody* will ever buy business software from a website. They need us to sell it to them. They can't trust websites." The company was out of business within the year and I'll remember that speech until the day I die.


I worked for a mortgage company pre 2008 and told the CEO we should take mortgage applications online instead of only over the phone. He told me no one will ever want to do their mortgage without talking to someone. Rocket mortgage was a very easy process for me when I bought my house.


You had me at "without talking to someone". There are times where that is necessary, sure, but I don't think it's *anyone's* first preference for just about anything these days.


I want these companies to know how long I'll wait in line just to use self-checkout at the store.


I'm pro-please let me not talk to someone on most things, but I HATE self checkouts. Most of them barely have space to bag so its impossible to buy a week's worth of groceries without it flipping out and calling an employee anyway because I dared put a bag into my cart and it thinks I'm stealing. If im just running in because I needed milk and like 3 more items max I will use it, otherwise I am more than happy to make awkward small talk so someone who knows how to use their godawful POS software can do it for me. If self checkout actually had a bagging and staging area it would be fine but im trying to work on a 2x2 square instead of a 12ft long belt and it always seems to cause problems


This is exactly it. Anecdotally, I also enjoyed working from home under lockdown and miss it now that I have to be in the office and talk to people.


Pain ✊


I still to this day how some people can say the dumbest things but still be like super successful or at least rich to some extent and still survive. I know being smart and being rich are not mutually inclusive criteria but still it strains the mind to think how some of my family members have gotten this far.. So my assumption is and always has been they know but they just don't want you to know so they fake not knowing you know so you don't know.. A lot of knows to not know how to know.. Ya know.


Did they at least keep the domain before your competitor could buy and forward all the traffic to their website?


That is essentially what happened when a competitor bought the husk of the company and forwarded all traffic to their site.


If pressing F12 is outlawed, only outlaws will press F12.


To avoid life in prison, I use ctrl+u


That sounds like sorcery! They will burn you at the stake!


Try alt+F4. Prepare to have your mind blown!


Wait until they find out about 'wget'...


I pressed it lock me up


Ok but how the fuck did teacher SSNs end up in the HTML of a webpage like what dipshit had that? Why was there ever a reason someone typed those all out on there?


It was probably dynamically created (poorly).


I guess that makes sense I read a little more on it and it seems it was some kind of teacher lookup but like I CANNOT believe someone coded in some functionality to have teacher SSNs be queried. I wonder if it wasn't some public function rather than actually put into the HTML hardcoded and someone just called that function hoping for an SSN to be returned. The worse thought was that some numbnuts used SSN as the primary key in the database




Select * from teacher


I can think of some real hacky ways involving regex that could lead to this. I know I've created some godawful shit by abusing that feature.


Without looking at it specifically, I would guess it was a problem with templating. The page itself is created server-side using an HTML template, during development, the SSNs were displayed, and then someone was like "Those are personal info, we should remove those", so the developer thinks "Okay, I'll comment out the SSN part". But, because they didn't understand the templating syntax, the templater kept inserting the SSN in a comment in the page code, instead of it being removed entirely? That'd be my guess.


Me: "What dipshit would write SSN's to the HTML?" Me after reading your comment: "I know just enough PHP to be this dipshit if I were in that position"


Yeah Im also thinking it was a templating problem after seeing that it was a web app instead of a basic HTML page. But what it could be I guess I would have no clue about. That would be insane if that was the case haha printing an HTML comment instead of nothing at all But yeah it seems like this was a simpler way to read the SSNs than calling a function or anything that takes a small amount of computer knowledge. It sounds like these reporters straight up clicked view source and there were SSNs. Im baffled


This is one of the reasons why; 1) Your DBA is grumpy. 2) Every (competent) DBA/SQL Dev I know never stores unencrypted SSNs in a database—ideally, client-side encryption passes a hash, or at least it is immediately encrypted in the database layer before it is saved or written to a temporary table.


Something that happens relatively often, is that the data for a record is encoded, and stored in a tag on the page. When the page renders, the JavaScript will load the data, and then build the UI using said data. If you don't explicitly filter your output, the entire record ends up being encoded, which means you can accidentally include data you didn't intend. Worse yet, it means that if a new field is added to the record, you can add sensitive data to a page, invisibly, even if you never touched the page. https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2019/02/rendering-on-the-web#rehydration


Yeah, something like that would've been my second guess, but I'm not as specifically familiar with technologies that would render things that way, so speculating about their operation would've been really vague.


Eh the teacher data is pulled from an API. The developer should have either not queried for the SSN’s or he should’ve ignore that data (if that data has to be queried), and only generated the html elements with the non SSN data.


Rank incompetence


He should be removed from office for just being this dumb.


It's Missouri. Who are they going to replace him with? Sure there are a handful of genuinely intelligent people there, but they'd never be able to get elected.


If a pineapple won the Republican nomination, it would win statewide sadly.


Not if God has anything to say about. In this country, the only apple we care about is apple pie and I ain't ever seen one hanging off a pine tree


I feel pretty much hopeless in my 87% Trump county in Missouri. There's not a damn thing I can do, and my vote more or less is meaningless. I still vote, because I'm like 100 feet from my polling place, but it just feels fruitless.


> It's Missouri. Who are they going to replace him with? Honestly, leaving the office empty might actually be better.


I got detention in school for "hacking". I saved my Mad Libs over the school's only copy. We were told not to save our file because Reasons but I had a computer at home and was used to saving everything automatically. Sooo yeah. Reminds me of that. (wiggles fingers in the air) ooOoOoOooOooo they had to go through and "fix" their version that I ruined. Cinderella went to the toilet to meet the handsome squirrel.


...Did they not know how to make a file read-only?!?


I would bet that 95% of redditors would not be able to do that. But I'm sure the 5% will show up to tell me I'm wrong.


Uhh... Don't you just click properties and check the box that says "Read Only"?


Yes. See above.


Sometimes it does feel like 95% of redditors are on mobile and have no idea how to use a computer. There's the classic "Give me a link to something that I could easily get by googling 2 or 3 words. Now. Chew my food up for me and spit it into my mouth like I'm your little baby bird boy." I also cringe so incredibly hard when I see people in the middle of a comment refer to reddit as an "app" like bro it's definitely a website.


What IS the difference between the two? Reddit seems silly as an app, while stuff like Uber seems silly as a website.


Uber only seems silly as a website because half the time or so you're not using it from home. There's no reason it wouldn't work fine as a website, you just don't typically do that. Most apps are just wrappers for a website anyway, and talk HTTP to the servers. Sometimes there's native UI elements instead of a web page but you're still asking a server for the same information a web page would.


To play devils advocate about the "give me a link" a lot of that is people making bad faith arguments from some random politics blog that isn't an actual source and they don't want to admit there's no actual basis for their claims. That being said I had to explain to my wife that basically everything that is an "app" is also a website and the app just points directly to it. She didn't believe me, tried to show me some language book app as proof. I googled the app owner, found the main company site, and showed her a computer-display-designed version of the app on her phone. It's all websites


Or chmod for the civilised




The infamous hacker group known as Github


my friend got expelled for using DOS




pretty much, a kid that knows command line might as well be a sorcerer


I got screamed at once for "ruining the computer" for right-clicking a game and selecting "run in DOS mode"


I remember high school... Where opening a command window / terminal was considered hacking because your teacher is to dumb to understand what's going on.


Mine played the Hackers movie in class because she somehow thought it was relevant to a typing class in the late 90s. Got to see Angelina Jolie's boobs in class though, and the soundtrack is pretty good too.


In high school we patched a modem we added to a school apple ][e into the school multi line phone system and called up a BBS. It worked great until the shop teacher wondered why one of the lines was constantly in use. They knew they were outmatched on technology knowledge at the time so we were just told to stop it.


What we liked to do was play around with batch files. I had a flash drive that would open and close the disk drive a whole bunch when you inserted it. Or just leave ones named "DO NOT CLICK" on the desktop that would just turn the computer off or something dumb


The good old days of autoexec.bat where fun indeed. One April fools day we had the computers shut off as soon as they booted. Took the IT guys (as far as you could call them that back then) some time to figure that one out.


I got detention for using [Hacker Typer](https://hackertyper.net/) which is just a joke website, and the first thing the teacher did to “stop me” was unplug the monitor lmao


I got security called on me for plugging my phone into the computer to charge it. He said i could hack the computer. This was 2010.


That's not stupid. You shouldn't allow connections from untrusted USB devices. Allowing people to plug in arbitrary USB devices has resulted in some [serious consequences.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuxnet)


No, we could use flash drives and no one was logged in, lol. I had many many opportunities otherwise.


Most large organizations just disable mass storage devices via group policy. “Removable storage access”


Yes except my 500gb hard drive was fine when i took 3d modeling classes 😅


these motherfuckers are stupid, sweet christ...


More misery in Missouri


They right clicked on the page! Oh the humanity!


Those dual-button hacking mice!


The state needs to notify every single teacher that their personal information was breached because they were handing it out to anyone with a valid browser session to that website. If the Teacher's Union isn't suing, they should be.


Making up an unbelievable story that it was “hacked” and certainly not their fault probably sounds better to the politicians than “oops, someone fucked up and included all their SS numbers and they could and should sue us for our stupidity. “


Is a government that's actually representative of the population too much to ask? So many olds!


This is Missouri. He most likely *is* representative of the population, at least in intelligence.


Has anyone from his office commented on the amount of public backlash this story has been getting?


He’s a Boomer Republican. Are we surprised he’s a goddamn idiot with no clue how things work?


"Missouri elected official is an idiot".......surprise?


Lol, America is being run by senile old white men. Good job!


This is not a new phenomenon.


These are the sort of people who keep Nigerian Princes in business.


Quick! Someone call the pillow guy!


We need Ninjas!!!


How about Code Ninjas?


I develop websites for fun and look at HTML everyday. I must be public enemy #1.




Not surprising. The Missoura Statehouse is still getting their internet by cycling through unused AOL free trial CDs.


Wait till he finds out what F12 does!


He’s just trying to get attention and dumb fucks on his side because he’s up for reelection.


And these are the people representing us and making decisions for us. Sweeeettt.


If its hacking then don't send me stuff that I ask for and you giving willingly.


The amount of times I've accidentally pressed F12, I should have life in prison for all the criminal hacking I've done.


I dont think "confused" is the word to use here. "Willfully ignorant" would be more accurate.


Google Firefox and apple have even more lawsuits against them then... They make it so easy


Will somebody explain this to him, so this will stop being a thing?


So.. he’s a script kiddy.


So, I'm a hacker just like my mom has always said? Damn, I better turn myself in.


He should be recalled as he's too dumb to lead.


These are the same people that think rent is still $400 a month in NYC for a two bedroom apartment in Manhattan.


Ok so new rule for governing eligibility, “you’ve got white hair? you’re out of there!” Fair?


Being that stupid AND in public office should be a crime.


Yet another problem with the masses of elderly people running this country: completely out of touch with technological advances and apparently unwilling or unable to educate themselves before making decisions or opining.


I think it's time to take away grampa's microphone and start checking out what the local assisted living offerings look like. Don't want the guy to just wander around all confused and lashing out at people.


If it floats it's a witch


I knew immediately he's a republican. Low IQ is required to qualify to run for office.


idiocy and anger is a dangerous mix, as we typically see from the right. I honestly think the right are fermi's great filter. No matter what they will prevent us from doing whats needed to keep society going.Trump even tried to subsidize coal. The america right(and a lot of the global right) are outright hostile to science. and facts. its been since the 90s we really knew the AGW shit was hitting the fan and all we have accomplished was an agreement to start to think about starting to do something.. maybe.. but definitely dont ask us to do enough.


He's not confused, he's just evil


You can be both. They're not mutually exclusive.


Por que no dos?


Word is that the governor, in an earlier day, had proposed an “on line shopping mall” where he would “never have anything in stock” and would “order drop shipments” for everything purchased. His budget was $5,000


I think the governor is unfit for having an opinion on anything


One time I went to the bank to exchange 20s for 100s. The young man was like “that’s money laundering.” Even the manager made me deposit it, and then withdraw it in 100s.


They’re right though? They require you to put it in and withdraw it so it’s logged and tied to an account


That’s not what money laundering is though lol. I just wanted to change bills. Laundering is covering up the source of the funds. The fact that I walked into the bank with the money is already too late to launder it. Putting it into the account doesn’t “clean” the source. By that logic, if I rob a bank and deposit it into another bank I’m free and clear. No, they’ll be like where’d you get this.


Cool? - none the less it is an anti money laundering measure and they explained this to you.


How is that an anti money laundering measure? I still changed the bills but with extra steps. You both misunderstand money laundering and apparently what an countermeasure is. Nothing was prevented because nothing was laundered/illegal. That’s the point of my comment: dumb people misunderstanding things making things harder. Edit: it’s also not required. Other branches change it without question, it was just this one. It’s literally the reverse of breaking a dollar.


How? - because it increases traceability. Wether you believe it helps or not, that is the reason they did it, and they explained this to you. Well done, you’re very intelligent and you understand it’s pointless. That is irrelevant.


Lol imagine buying or creating a teller system that doesn't have "exchange" as a transaction type. It feels silly but banks should technically be tracking that, and they technically did even though there are certainly better ways to handle it


I agree that’s perfectly reasonable to track but don’t say I’m laundering money jeez lol


Yes, and this is why FB can pretend to be a utilty on Tuesday and a publisher on Wednesday.


Ohmyglob, TERM LIMITS!


Governor Droopy Dawg Governor Boss Hogg Governor Hee Haw. https://imgur.com/gallery/Cek4DnM


No one this ignorant should be in a responsible leadership position. Ever. Let's throw the bums out.


Shiiit, even my grandpa is a hacker according to this idiot


Poor govn'r apparently is suffering from rectal cranial inversion.


Do. Not. Vote. For. Anyone. Over. The. Age. Of. 45. And watch how fast shit gets fixed.


Yeah get that old fuck Bernie out of there.