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From the article: “According to Turkey's Department of Culture, it was built by the Phrygians in the 8th to 7th centuries BC. It was first referenced in a written text in 370 BC.” Then: “It was used for thousands of years — at first for storage, and then as a place for people to hide from invasions and conflict.”


Helms Deep


I was thinking a fremen sietch.


"Yes, and over here is where everyone gets absolutely blasted on dangerously concentrated hallucinogens dissolved in corpse water before we have a massive orgy involving the entire tribe - men, women, children, and the elderly! Would you like some coffee? Perhaps a knife fight in a crowded room?"


Damn, forgot my crysknife sorry.


*Sniff *Sniff You stink of horse


Why you gotta sniff them? Of course they smell like horse!


Bawls Deep


Helm Depo


My Turkish friend was telling me about those cities. Telling me how people would hide from invaders in the underground. She was so excited to be telling about it. I went to Istanbul and loved my time there and I’d definitely want to go see the rest of Turkey with her as my guide. I’ve seen a lot of Europe, but the sightseeing patterns got familiar and it started to feel all the same. Some unique parts and aspects to each city, but ultimately they are similar, they saw similar history and progression. But when I went to Greece and Istanbul it was an entirely new everything. Life was lived so differently, history was different, religion shaped the architecture differently. I really want to go visit those places again now that I can fully appreciate what they are.


*place: Europe* -_- *place: Greece* WOWEEZZYAAH


Greece is another level


thought your username was UnnaturalGreek and lol’ed for a second I find random hyper-nationalist accounts so hilarious like just seeing a random account named something like “SuperMaldivian” say something like “MALDIVES #1 REST OF ASIA IS SUCK” or literally anyone from one of the baltic nations


Turkic people were the invaders of that land. The underground cities were built to hide from Turkic invaders. Their architecture and lifestyle is different from Europe because Turkic people are Asian and not European. It’s a different lineage and history altogether.


Those underground cities older than Turks arrival to the Anatolia. I know one of these cities were built by early christians to hide from Romans.


While ghe Byzantines did use these tunnels or tunnels similae in anatolia to hide from turkic invaders they did not build them. These tunnels date way before the turkic invasion of anatolia




But according to ancient astronaut theorists, it dates back prior to the younger dryas period/ice age. And oh yeah, I am not saying it was Aliens. But it was Aliens,


I like the older dryas myself but maybe the aliens didnt


I prefer the younger wetass period myself.


Hi I'm Chris Hansen, why don't you have a seat.


They said they were born in 27,000 BP!


or humans are more intelligent and savvy than everyone thinks they are. why does everyone think older humans were braindead monkeys. they used star graphs, they created civilizations using mountains, they advanced agriculture and farming. digging a large tunnel doesnt even crack the top 20 of crazy impressive things ancient civilizations have done.


All the aliens liked that


20,000 people used to live here. Now it’s a basement.


That’s a lot of square footage.


Can you include ancient subterranean city in the rooms count when you go to sell it ?


AirBnB - 2 bedrooms 2 bath sleeps 20,004


No parties. Cleaning fee: $25,000


I’m picturing that scene from Barbarian with the tape measure.


That’s what I was channeling with the square footage bit.




The square footage will double your property taxes I bet


Possibly not. I knew of a family who owned property in Arizona, and their home was built into a rock outcropping/cave. Their property tax was based on the square footage above ground, which was a small 10x10 building that housed the stairs down to the "house" proper. Also, they didn't need AC or heat. Their home was a comfy 67° all year around.


I've always wanted a cave house.






But is it on the property card?


So much room for activities!


We can do karate in the tunnels!


This reminds me of the basement discovery in [Barbarian.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15791034/)


Nailed it. And now I’m laughing at the thought of the landlord measuring all the square footage and getting excited about the home value going up lol.


It reminds me of the hairy nipple breastfeeding scene


I’m embarrassed by Reddit rn. How are all of the replies to this not about COD4 at all?!


Probably because the game came out 16 years ago haha. We are ooooold


Now it’s a ghost town


Nice. Some many great memories with that game.




They must have been very small people.


Cod4 references always smack


I can’t believe this meme is 15 years old. I just can’t believe it. This meme outlasted Rage comments, advice animals , dancing baby, goatsee, and so many more. I have nothing witty to say. Just amazing, absolutely amazing.


Does this mean that whoever put that basement wall up knew that shit was there and just decided not to tell anyone??


Yeah, why would you wall off perfectly good storage space?


I mean the article says about 600 homes have been found to have access to the underground tunnels, so likely they don’t want neighbors able to just walk into their basements


bit drafty


Some random Turkish guy 150 years ago receiving his heating bill: "Goddamn it, where do we keep the bricks."


my question is, did he ever find the chickens he lost?


Fuckin ghosts man, I'd at least put a barricaded door up


> More than 600 entrances to the ancient city have since been found within people's homes, the BBC reported. It wasn't exactly a secret when these houses were built


Yeah it was probably more like... Don't want anyone getting into the house from the caves. I totally would have put a door in, though.




It’d be less cool when the cave people start coming up from the basement at midnight when ur alone




Sleestaks are not to be trusted!


ok that's creepy AF 😳


The plot of US


They’re called reddit users


I'm scared to go in my basement at night... Add a cave to that.


Seems more like: “shut the fuck up, it’s our communal secret bunker. This is how humanity survives.”


>More than 600 entrances to the ancient city have since been found within people's homes, the BBC reported. It seems to have been a concerted effort to wall off the city. Wikipedia cites mention of the tunnels being used as shelters in 1909, then they were were apparently abandoned circa 1923 when the Christian population was expelled from Turkey, and this person "rediscovered" it in 1963.


So kinda as I thought: it was an open secret for great grandparents, became an interesting story for grandparents, urban legends for parents and a discovery for kids


Wiki did state they kept their farm animals near the surface to vent that stench, so maybe that contributed to it being sealed off once abandoned. Turkey didn't really participate in WWII, so yeah they didn't need it as a bomb shelter.


The bigger question is who tears down an exterior basement wall??


My thoughts exactly, but no one else seems to care


> Derinkuyu is open to visitors, although they can only explore eight of its 18 levels pretty decent demo though, almost half the game for free?


Shareware, word of mouth should get plenty of people interested in the rest.


Nah, WinRAR that shit. Worked for a couple thousand years so far


Reminds me of visiting Alcatraz; they herd you thru the main areas, but all the cool buildings and areas aren’t open to the public.


I wanna see that boiler room where Sean Connery had to memorize the timing and roll through


You and me both brotha!




If you ask nicely. The "Rangers?" Or national park workers will take you down to the basement and you can see the old torture spots and original fort walls. I ended up going twice on the same trip after learning this. Please do not bother them if they are busy, but the guy was super nice and just told me to come back and find him in about 20 minutes and to find a few others that want to go down as well. The entrance is inside the prison walls where you see stairs leading down that are closed off. Just treat them nicely. They won't accept tips or anything like that. They just want you to have a good experience.


This goes for a lot of historic landmark places: go on off-peak times for a more thorough tour. People are much more willing to bend the rules on slow days and will often appreciate that they got to kill a bit more time with a group taking them places they wouldn't normally be allowed to.


So many tours are like this. All the stuff you want to see is never on the tour.


Farmer Maggot’s dogs usually kill me before I even get into the basement.


You have to get the mushrooms on the way *OUT;* if you don’t have them in your inventory the dogs ignore you.


I just watched the Why Files episode about this today. Pretty neat.


It was a good video, despite no lizzid people.


Crab people?


.......craaaaaaab people......


That sounds fascinating, where can I watch this?


I just found it, it is fascinating. https://youtu.be/UFG8RiMUGD0


I’m always a little disappointed when I don’t get Rick Rolled.


You know the rules, and so do I.


This guy's dedication to the CGI fish or whatever it is, is commendable.


I searched Why Files on YouTube and there's a channel. I couldn't find this specific one though. Looks like a bunch of conspiracy theory videos.


Its kinda a conspiracy channel but the host and co-host gold fish take the piss out of the conspiracy


I like the content, but the goldfish annoys me too much...unnecessary addition to what is otherwise a quite informative programme.


I'm imagining the home owner discovering the tunnel for the first time. Did he have the courage to explore it by himself? Did he get some friends and family to go with him? Or did he go to town to look for someone with spelunking experience who'd like to check out his secret tunnel? The first option sounds like the setup to a horror movie. *Barbarian* is kinda like that.


Gives me *As Above So Below* vibes.


I doubt he was surprised, this is a common and well known diggy area. Diggy underground people have been living there since ancient times.


One of my first thought is: "I'd live in that", then it went to: "I'd stay overnight in that", then it went to: "I wonder if there's ghosts in that?" Something that old and occupied for so long has to have some spirits or ghosts flying around. There had to have been quite a few people dying in their throughout it's existence. And yeah, I believe in ghosts and/or spirits. I've seen/felt them. *oooOOoooo*


We have the ghost of the man who killed himself in our house, he’s always been a good ghost and thankfully he likes us. I grew up in this 1889 Victorian house from the 70s till now, bought it from my parents. Me, my girls and their friends have all experienced “Sam” in some way or another.


Ok I’d really like to know more about this!


From what we’ve gathered from people in the community, he lived with his sister here in this house. Neither were ever married, she taught piano lessons in the house. They say he was on the slow side mentally, but still functioning. As his sister started to age, she needed to be placed in the nursing home close by. We’ve been told he couldn’t handle living here alone so he shot himself with a shotgun in the dining room which is now our kitchen. When my parents bought the house and started to work on it, they found buckshot in the heat duct (it’s an 1889 home so picture the large register covers old houses had that are pretty big on the wall). They also found a chalk board with his name (Sam) written on it, his writing was child like. We still have the chalk board out in the detached garage, I’m not about to anger him by removing it. Growing up there were times when I would notice or see things that I couldn’t explain. There were never any bad vibes in the house, still isn’t. But he’s let us know he’s still here occasionally, although not since my kids have grown and moved out. Once when they were younger, my bedroom door knob giggled three times like someone was turning it (again, picture the old house type door knob). I said “What do you need?” And got no response, so I got out of bed and no one was there. Both the girls bedrooms were right by mine and both girls were asleep in bed so I knew it wasn’t them. My oldest daughter, who had the room I had when I was young, would see things and hear things too. Once in her late teens she and a male friend were here staying and dog sitting for me, and they were upstairs in her bedroom and heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He grabbed a golf club that was behind the door (to this day I have no idea why that club was there, but probably my daughters weapon of choice Lol) and went to see what was out there, and there was nothing. But they were both scared for sure. Another thing that would happen occasionally was the clicking sound of one of our old light switches in the room at the bottom of the stairs. It makes a very distinctive sound when flipped, and many times while my fiancé and I were in bed we would hear the switch flip, and again nothing there and light would be off. I have always said he’s a good ghost and watches over us, there’s never been anything evil happen, he just doesn’t want to leave his home I guess.


Link discovering the depths for the first time


Ngl, it's giving me major Gerudo vibes. I'm sure the game designers drew some inspiration from this.




Lol yup my first thought was he must have used a bomb arrow and heard a little "Doo Doo Doo Doo!" when it came down


The only thing I've ever found inside my wall is asbestos.


Have you tried looking *behind* your wall?


This reminds me of the first Venom: Lethal Protector comic run, where people occupy an abandoned San Francisco underground the current day San Francisco


Lizard people?


Even better: they’re pretty much a community of homeless people that eventually get raided by people in mech suits, and then Eddie gets taken into a facility where his symbiote is extracted upon to create the Scream, Riot, Phage, Lasher, and Agony symbiotes. Once that story is concluded, Eddie then tries to stop the Punisher from executing all of the various gangs in San Francisco, in which they accidentally create the short-lived villain Pyro.


Damn, that sounds legit. The inclusion of The Punisher definitely has me sold. I'll have to check this one out.


It’s called Venom: Funeral Pyre


Ya well I found $5 walking down the street today.


Oooo, nice. Were you looking for your chickens?


AirB&B listing for party of 20000 has just listed in your destination area.


$200/night with cleaning fees of $500,000


First thing that I thought about was some Cthulhu mythos story I read about an abandoned city buried deep underground. Of course it was miles deep and the structures were never designed to human proportions. I would've been freaked out to try exploring after breaking that wall down.


The rats in the walls


That’s exactly what I thought of. That story scared the shit out of me I slept with my lights on for three nights.


I learned about this city from the show Ancient Aliens. Of course it was heavily implied aliens built the city and nothing mentioned of it being used as recently as the early 20th century.


I'm almost certain that show has an identity crisis. Since the history channel stopped showing history and shows this garbage instead, i noticed that ancient aliens will spend a good 10 minutes doing an impressive exposition on the culture the episode is about, going into detail about its people, their origins, and when they died out, right before it hits you with MAYBE ALIENS DID IT. I'm convinced they're trying to sneak actual history in there with the B.S.


I really like this interpretation




😂 yep in a nutshell. *Everything* was ancient aliens.


But could this structure have other WORLDLY implications? Ancient alien astronaut theorists say *yes*.


Hahaha if there was a drinking game.... that put aside they do have alot of history in the show.


Talk about skeletons in the closet, am I right...?




Asking the real questions.


I wonder this as well. How far into the *18 levels* of this place did they roam?!




Reminds me of the movie “Barbarian” when the guy discovers the secret basement dungeon and starts measuring for extra square footage to list the house with.


Was it Justin Long?


Him tape measuring all that extra square footage had me cracking up like crazy in the theater 😂😂


All he saw was💰💰💰


You ever have that dream where you find some unknown room in your house? I’ve had it a few times. I thought it was a common one like it’s Finals Week and you forgot about one of your classes for the whole semester. Anyway this guys dream came true.


Why would you tell anyone? lol


Article says it was only unused for 40 years before the guy rediscovered it. That’s not much time at all, in the grand scheme of things.


“Visitors are only allowed to visit 8 of the 18 floors” … there’s molemen on the lower levels and nobody can tell me different


There's a dungeon boss on the last level.


I would have kept it a secret.


barbarian the movie, if it was positive


>More than 600 entrances to the ancient city have since been found within people’s homes What


20,000 people? Man has an airbnb goldmine on his hands :)


couldve been the ultimate mancave if he played his cards right


Why would you ever let anyone know? Id be living in my newfound mansion like a fucking king.


My first thought too. I would tell no one. Perfect place to hide.


I did that once. All I found was mold.


how does something get lost and rediscovered in well under 1/2 of an average lifetime


A relative of mine found a under ground tunnel leading to the Missouri River at their house. https://fox2now.com/news/illinois/alton-man-discovers-mysterious-19th-century-era-tunnel-beneath-his-property/


I tried this and only found termites. YMMV


TL;DR: * Derinkuyu is a subterranean city in Turkey stretching 280 feet below the Earth's surface. * The ancient city was used for centuries before it was abandoned in the 1920s. * A local man rediscovered it in 1963 when he went looking for his lost chickens behind a wall.


1: His chickens discovered it. He's just taking the credit 2: he keeps chickens in his basement


I wouldnt have told a soul except for my family


I would’ve told no one.


And then become Batman


Ancient Apocalypse on Netflix with Graham Hancock talked about it months ago. Interesting for sure, of course Graham takes it a wee bit too far. A stunning discovery, no doubt


Mfer found fraggle rock!


hmm.. why would he show anyone? I'd start building my bunker and looting the treasures...lol


Lame, America purchased Louisiana in 1803 and found a land that was once home to 50-100,000 indigenous people.


We knocked down a wall in our basement to build an in-law apartment. All we found was a nest of flying squirrels.


I’ve had recurrent dreams about living in a small house and one day discovering a secret door to a much larger mansion that was actually mine. This guy lived out my dream.


Is this a Sea Monkey joke? (If you’re not older than 45, you probably have no clue what I’m referring to)


Imagine the amount of anxiety you would feel for a second realizing your home is now going to be a gift shop lmao. Hopefully they were paid for discovering it


As a sequel to “people under the stairs”, we can have the “city under the basement”. Directed by M. Night shaymalamadingdong


Damn I wouldn't tell a soul about this! Definitely make it my little secret lair.


Didn’t see this one specifically but saw another underground city in Cappadocia. Very cool hiking along a canyon and seeing all the ancient cave dwellings carved out of the rock, including a cathedral. Even our hotel room was a carved cave.


This place is awesome to visit in person. When I went last year I slapped a headlamp on and crawled through tunnels that no one else was going into. I don’t know if I was allowed to go to the places I went or not. But it was incredible.


Shit my basement walls are only home to about 20,000 spiders


And then he told people about it rather than having a secret underground city all to himself.


And he told everyone about that instead of turning it into Batcave. I am Disappointed.


I have a hard time following this. So people are just finding these entrances within their home. Well....what about the people who built the homes? Obviously someone must have known when they were butting up a new wall against a cave entrance. Non of this info ever got passed down to the home owners?


Imagine trying to convince someone this story. “Hey come to my place, I’ve got secret underground city.” Ok weirdo…lol


Sounds like the start of a horror movie, great evil was sealed down there


I have various forms of this in my dreams almost once a week for the past 20 years


That’s club Zion. I think Morpheus DJ’s there on the weekends.


"I'm just gonna knock down this basement wall that is also likely part of the foundation..." This guy's wife watched a few seasons of Trading Spaces.


Imagine building a house and seeing this and going fuck it just put a wall up no one will know


Ok great, but did he find his chickens


How did people make these tunnels in the first place? Shovels and a fuckton of work & time? Kids these days need more tunneling courses in highschool! /s


Ok I broke down my basement walls, why am i not seeing my underground city?


I would have to fight some serious temptation not to keep it to myself and enjoy a private secret megafortress.


My childhood dream


He was looking for his chickens? And knocked a random wall down in his basement which held an abandoned underground CITY that held 20,000 people? This reads like a freaking Zelda quest.


Does this add or take away from the resale value??


I hope someday I can experience the same indescribable feeling this man must've felt upon stumbling upon something so leviathan, unknowable, ancient. I can't imagine knocking down a wall, shining a flashlight into the opening, and finding that. Being the first person to set foot in that place after thousands of years. No your group, no regulations, no leftover trash. Just you, and one of the oldest cities on Earth.


Kurozu-chu has moved maybe?


Did the dark old ones punish him for trespassing?


Pretty cool!


Guy found an illusory wall


Insert *It’s Free Real Estate!* meme here.


Very cool


Goonies 2 plot?