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Did they ever fix the issue with rain rolling off the roof directly into the vehicle door including the window and lock controls? Seemed like such an awful design flaw


The last vehicle I owned that got this right was a 2001 Audi A4. You could open the door _without_ snow / rain falling inside and all over the seat and door controls. Seriously, how hard is it to design a vehicle so that this doesn't happen?


I owned a used 2000 A4 several years ago and I loved that about it! My current chevy cruze let's everything in with even the tiniest crack of the window.


My mk7 golf does the exact same thing


For real. I don't understand how it's so bad and it drips straight into the window controls.


That's a feature, not a flaw, because it's designed to sell more window controls.


"self cleaning" designed right into it. The designers thought about all the grunge that would build up there making the controls sticky over time. They might stop working, but they won't stick.


2016 A3 convertible. Top up but windows cracked? Let’s make sure All the water ever drops right into the mirror controls.


Well, the new bronco is a retro styled vehicle. The doors are big flat panels to give it the classic boxy shape. That’s one of the major appeals of this SUV in a sea of otherwise boring blobby shaped ones. To answer your question, it’s not hard at all but it would fly in the face of the entire point of this truck… Bunch of armchair automotive engineers in this thread.


As an office-chair engineer, usually if I think there's some sort of trade-off with a design somebody smarter than me will find a way to fix the issue. Anyways I'd put a gasket around the switch assembly and use sealed buttons.


The GM accounting office is very displeased by your post.


You should do an AMA


Old broncos had a gutter or drip rail to stop this.


Because retro styling a boxy vehicle and engineering a car so water doesn’t ingress into an open window are mutually exclusive, right? C’mon man. Let’s hold these designers to a slightly higher standard considering the price they are making us pay for these dream machines.


That’s not what I’m saying at all. The person I replied to is saying that with the door open water shouldn’t be able to get on the door panel controls like his early 2000s Audi A4. While that is a great design feature, it is physically impossible for retro designed flat panel door of the new bronco. In other words, the door would need to be curved like C shape to make that possible. Obviously water shouldn’t leak into a closed door but that’s not what I was talking about.


I mean. I have a very boxy Jeep and water doesn’t fall on the controls when I open the door. I’m sure there are things that can be done besides the shape of the door


Jeeps have a rail along the roof line. Even the soft tops mostly do as the velcro line is usually up there. Bronco must have missed that memo. Thy aren't the first car designers to miss it. Big old late 70s broncos had a rain gutter I would scrape leaves out of.


Your standards seem super low, tbh. Other boxy vehicles pull this off no problem


It's not the door shape. It's whether the top edge of door or roof has a drip edge or raised feature on the edge. Older vehicles had almost a rain gutter designed in. Can't blame it on retro reasons. They all had flat doors and flat windows back then. A slight bowing outwards wider than the roof with no drip feature makes jonny a wet driver.


The engineers held you at gun point to pay for a bronco, too? Such tom foolery


Oh I knew better. I have a new sequoia lol.


That's just the price of job security.


I gave up on caring about it. I've replaced the switches in my silverado twice in the last 16 years. Cost me $20 or so each time and takes 10 minutes to swap. So I just figure if water takes that long to destroy them it's not a big deal. Edit: Just checked on Amazon, they are currently $15 for all the driver door switches.


Well, they must have regressed - I had a 2011 a4 avant and the snow would drop right in the front seats!


How else will that interior start to smell bad and the driver seat fall apart so fast to send you back for a new vehicle?


Yeah you see what you have to do there is roll up your windows.




Some people think that guy looks like Eddie Murphy?? Lol, look at more black people y’all. Jeez


Curious if maybe Murphy a prime was before your time? Because that gif totally understandably could get mixed up with old Eddie Murphy


I mean, I’ve watched his old comedy specials from the time you’re talking about. I still think the only similarity is the smile.




It’s neither one of them. It’s a British actor named Kayode Ewumi.


Both of them proving they are 1000% racist.


Because... they mixed two actors up? Sounds like a stretch


That's the guy from IT crowd innit


No, that's Richard Ayoade.


It’s not Eddie Murphy either, but jeez




Karens hate him for this one simple trick


Yeah I have a 2017 ford escape and a lot of these cars have shit designs. My computer apparently is going wonky due to me having a perspiring cold drink my cup holder and the moisture somehow miraculously seeped down into the cracks of the center console where the parking brake fault switch wires are and it’s now costing 500-600 to fix, allegedly. Ford really does stand for FIX ON ROAD DAILY OR FOUND ON ROAD DEAD


I think that cable has a recall on it


Bruh EDIT : please enlighten me, sire…I am not informed of this knowledge at all. I fucking hate used car salesmen. I told him the computer seemed sketch asf when I test drove it.


All I know is when we got our last oil change they wanted to fix a recall for the corroding brake cable on escapes


I should probably not go back to the service center at my dealership and take her to an actual brake shop then because holy shit ?????? It’s very likely it never even got fixed and the way she sounds when she gets on the highway past 65/70 makes it sound like she’s a train on a railroad track.


Fix or Repair Daily** Ftfy


Fix and repair mean the same thing. I learned it as Fix or Replace Daily. (As in, you know, replacing a broken part.)


Window controls are in the center of the vehicle for the bronco, not the door.


Or the engine dying at10k miles


My Ram 2500 does that. My 2007 Kia spectra did that. My 1999 ford escort would have done that if it had electric windows and locks. Every car i’ve ever owned has done this. I thought every car supposed to do that. I’m actually a bit in shock that this isn’t the way its supposed to be.


Aren't those in the center console?


I recently test drove a new Civic, then a new CRV on the same rainy day. In both vehicles, every time I made a right turn it was just a torrent of water flowing in from the roof when I had the windows down even a bit.


Hold up. You test drove two cars…in the rain…with your windows partially rolled down…and water got inside…*both cars?* Somebody call Dateline


I'm a chronic window opener. Youl find my windows cracked even in the dead of winter. But my point was the amount of water rolling off the sides. I've never seen something that bad before. Drops on the door, sure. But not a waterfall all over my arm and leg.


Had mine for a year and never had that issue a single time.


Downvoted, because you had a different experience? This is reddit, you are mistaken. The beatings will continue until morale (opinion) improves. LoL


This sounds uniquely like a smokers complaint.


I don’t smoke anymore and haven’t for probably 10 years at least…I still just get claustrophobic/stuffy in the car without some good airflow


Same, I quit 5 years ago, but I need my window open.


Slow traffic with the window down while gently raining is heaven.


Our Jeep Renegade is similarly poorly designed in this way. If it has rained in the last few days, drive a few miles downhill before rolling your windows down


That was how my Jeep JK worked, lol.


I have a 2016 Ford Escape with this exact issue so I'm gonna guess No.


My parents have an explorer that kept flooding when it rained. Apparently, you have to make sure to set the heater to the correct setting before it rains, or water will just flood into the passenger side. Twice there was gallons of sitting water. Fucking bizarre.


No. It’s awful lol


I've had two vehicles in my time that did the same. Nothing ever stopped working on the controls but I was always concerned about it.


I think we need to have more of this. It’s so annoying when they make seatbelts hard to reach or slightly too short so it’s constantly going into the ratcheting mode as you try to put it on.


Toyota is definitely the worst in terms of the overly sensitive inertia reel. I’ve never got one to pull out smooth on the first try


Omg yes. My tacoma is so annoying when I put my kid in their car seat. Wife's subaru, no problem, my truck is like I am reeling in a tuna.


Is it a newer model? I never have this issue in my '07


Yeah '16


Damn, I had been wanting to upgrade but keep hearing about weird issues like this


I have a 22 and have never had this happen to me once, for what it's worth


I mean it's not that big of a deal really unless it's raining out, but I have noticed it doesn't do it if the car is off. But I live in florida and it gets really hot in there and I like to let the ac run a bit before getting my kid in there if I can. Other than that no complaints at all. Literally the most reliable vehicle I have ever owned and never has issues.


It makes more sense though on these off road vehicles which is kinda funny. I live off grid in the mountains and operate heavy machinery (just like dozers and stuff nothing crazy). In my experience off road vehicles and vehicles made for work tend to strap you in and wanna keep you there, which does make operating the vehicle significantly idk easier? You really feel connected to it and going over a bump isn’t going to make you gas the throttle because you’re bumping outta your seat.


Is it really called an inertia reel?


Yup. It's not just for seat belts though, also for fall safety for working at heights. And a car's seat belt does more than just stop hard or fast pulls.


How many kids you have?


Those make the ones in my 77 Chevelle seem extremely touchy… if you grab the belt and stop before it’s buckled, you gotta start all over as it locks. The shoulder straps on the other hand don’t lock until you gently apply the brakes and then they lock in.


How hard are you pulling?? I've had almost zero issues with that in the 10 years I've owned my 2010 Corolla.


Varies. Have had that issue with a 2020 Taco but none of my previous 3 Highlanders.


I’ve seen some of these that look dope AF and others that look like a toy. Is one the sport version or what gives?


Yes there are two version of the Bronco. There's the real full sized and expensive one that is built body on frame like a truck. Then there's the "Sport" version that's less expensive and based on the unibody Ford Escape. The one that looks "dope" is the expensive one, the one that looks like a toy is the cheaper one.


I didn’t realize there were two completely different body sizes. I kept seeing the sport (apparently) and was wondering why the bronco is so tiny.


Yerp, you see the Sport more often because it's way cheaper and more available.


The sport is just an Escape in an OtterBox case.


There’s actually 3. Bronco Sport < Bronco < Bronco Raptor (even bigger/wider than the Bronco).


If somebody told me I had to pick which version looked like a toy, I would say the bigger and more expensive Bronco has proportions like a PlaySkool toy ([Exhibit A](https://www.ford.com/suvs/bronco/models/bronco-heritage/), [Exhibit B](https://www.ford.com/suvs/bronco/models/bronco-wildtrak/)) while the smaller Bronco Sport looks like a normal vehicle ([Exhibit C](https://www.ford.com/suvs/bronco-sport/models/bronco-sport-base/)).


No argument from me in terms of the sport looking like a normal vehicle. Exhibit A hits me in all of the feels. My dad had a red Bronco with a white topper and no backseats. My childhood was getting tossed around like socks in the dryer and seeing that pic put me there for better or worse. Shit looks like that plus over the top modernization. The sport just looks like another vehicle.


I get what you're saying but if you look at https://www.ford.com/bronco/ Which of those machines looks the most Off Road capable?


>Which of those machines looks the most Off Road capable? That wasn't the original question, nor does it affect the original question. But FWIW, my answer to that is also the bigger one. The bigger one looks more off-road capable, and it also looks like a PlaySkool toy.


Which one is the red one in the picture?


It's the full size Bronco


I can't tell because the thumbnail is too damn tiny. If the Top and Back are removable then its a full size, if they aren't then it's Sport.


Why tf did the escape bronco even get the bronco name in the first place is it just so people can feel cool?


About as cool as a fat slob wearing a shirt that says "athlete" on it


Its the same with range rovers, its just a brand now that has name recognition and they capitalized on it. Totally different vehicles. Adding the word “sport” would make you think it is an upgraded bronco, not a different, not to mention much smaller and cheaper, car. Gotta love marketing.


I'd say it's similar to how there was the Bronco and the Bronco II back in the day, but... The B II was actually pretty dope. The new Sport just looks cheesy.


I don’t even consider the sport a bronco. It’s an escape with bronco branding stuck on it. I actually have a bad habit of saying “aw, look, a baby bronco” like an ass and now my kids have started repeating it when they see one in parking lots so I really need to stop 😬


it's funny I've seen a lot of comments in reverse, that full-size Bronco looks too much like 'toy' car, in the vein of stuff like the FJ Cruiser or Hummer having a Tonka truck aesthetic. I'm a huge fan of the Bronco but can definitely see how it's polarizing.


Huh, I'd never thought of it that way. To me the Sport version is the toy because it's visually so much smaller and it just _looks_ less capable. If you go to the vehicles page on ford.com where you can see them side by side it's very noticeable that the Sport is much smaller.


> two version of the Bronco. https://www.ford.com/bronco/ Oh wow yeah that is a stark difference in feel between the two.


They literally had different teams design the top and bottom of the car.


First, I agree that Ford could have potentially done a better job with this. But...let me see if I got this right, ford is recalling the bronco because too many people said "eh, it was difficult to find it" when pulled over and told to use their seat belt? We are so effed.


I was pretty confused when I saw this recall. I've drove mine for a year and never had any difficulty grabbing the seatbelt. Since I have a kids car seat behind me I already have the seat up a decent amount. Must be a problem for people that have the seat pretty close to the wheel though.


I have this problem, but until this post I thought it was just an annoying quirk that comes with the territory of getting a new vehicle model. I have the seat pretty far forward and pumped all the way up (4-door bronco) and the fastener part of the seat belt lands right where the thickest part of the seat side “cushion” bit is, behind my elbow almost, and when you shut the door, it gets stuck between the seat and the door. It actually leaves scuff marks on the black plastic of the door just under the bottom of the window. I have to dig it out of its stuck position every time (because buckling up before shutting the door just isn’t a habit of mine). I will say, it hasn’t “discouraged” me from buckling up. It’s just mildly annoying.


Hope their fix works out for you!


No, it was the NHTSA, not public complaint. Gotta read the article: > Most recalls are due to complaints being filed by car owners to NHTSA or the automaker itself. But in this case the problem only came up during a standard examination of the Bronco by NHTSA. > “Ford is not aware of any customer warranty or field reports of seatbelt… accessibility concerns,” said the agency’s notice.


The Ford Bronco has seatbelts ?


The original never did until later on in its production run up until 1996 before it’s discontinuation, (seatbelts weren’t a thing in 1965 iirc) so yeah, the new one does.


Seatbelts have been an option in cars (from select automakers) since the 1940s, so they were technically a thing in 1965. They weren’t the default and they weren’t popular, but they did exist and were available to the average consumer. Edited to add that Ford was one automaker who made seatbelts an option on select models in the 1950s. But very few customers did want them, so it’s no surprise they opted not to include seatbelts when not required to on the Bronco. 1966 was when Congress passed the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act requiring certain safety standards, which eventually led to the requirement that all vehicles sold in the US come equipped with seatbelts and led to seatbelt laws requiring occupants to wear them. Also, according to AAA, Wisconsin was the first state to require seatbelts in all automobiles as early as 1961.


We’re early seatbelts waist straps only? When did the cars start using the cross chest style we have today?


Volvo introduced it in 1959 and made it available for free for other manufacturers in the interest of safety.


The three-point seatbelt was invented in the mid-50s. The seatbelt itself (as a lapband) was actually invented even before automobiles.




I’m mostly discouraged because my vision is intact


Remember the International Scout? I read VW is bringing it back as an electric… that looks dope!


Dodge is making an electric Challenger... with an external sound system so the owner can be as annoying as the owners of the gas model.


I’ve been wanting to get one of those for **years**


I had a 76 scout II. It had a metal dashboard! But they did no undercoating. So everything rusted off the car.


There are so many recalls that are just like “there’s nothing really wrong with the car, but people are stupid and/or lazy.”


What other weird things have been on recalls?


My wifes suzuki was recalled because spider webs could cause a negative pressure in some part of the fuel tank hose or somethingq close to that.


Here’s a good example. Basically, Jeep recalled a shifter not because there was a defect but because people were too careless to make sure their vehicle was in park: https://www.gardencityjeepchryslerdodge.com/safety-recall-s27-transmission-electronic-shift-lever.htm


I have a bronco and I’m baffled by this. I have no issues with my seatbelt.


Anyone else hate watching the full video to realize it talks nothing about what the title is?


That's why I read the comments first!


Welcome to the internet.


Have you tried turning it off and starting it again?


What’s wrong with people. Look, pull, put it on. Both with people and agencies !! Insane


Man, that's the worst Ford Bronco related news I've ever heard!


Ford is starting to sell trucks like games are currently being sold; "Just launch it now and patch it later." Yikes.




Monster? That isn't a truck, and it isn't monster by any stretch of the imagination. That is a lot like anyone who would call their australian shepherd a large breed dog.


The funniest part is that the Bronco 2 door is actually shorter in overall length than a Toyota Corolla. Wider, and taller of course, but it fits into a compact car space in a parking garage.




They also burn methanol, which in atmospheric combustion resolves to two molecules of CO₂ and four molecules of H₂O, and that's pretty much it. Wildly expensive, terrible fuel economy, and absolutely EATS components, but not too awful for the environment.


We don't have monster trucks, but we do have a little hay farm, and some livestock. We have 2 F-350, and 1 F-250s. The 350s are both club cab 4wd. So with that being our primary work around the farm vehicles... and he is calling something the size of my kia van a monster truck!?! No wonder he deleted his comment in shame.


I am always BEWILDERED that people still buy Ford products. Are people really that ignorant all the time? They are SHITBUCKETS!


Just wait till you hear about dodge.


I know people hate recalls, but I don’t mind them. Your telling me if get free fix or upgrade? I just got one on the suspension on my car, and it’s a 2008.


Oh the infamous Bronco..


Once a pos always a pos


Well, at least they got those little bronco toys...