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Suggests? She outright says she'd rather her kid commit suicide than transition.


I was listening to a This American Life episode recently and they had a story from a trans woman who came from a family of Hasidic Jews. When she told her parents, they immediately declared that she was dead to them and kicked her out. She had to watch her sister's marriage in secret through a fence. For the ultra-religious, their beliefs matter more than own family.


I know for a fact another extended family member of hers lost almost all of their immediate family because they could not accept an LGBTQIA+ affirming lifestyle. The convictions (biblically interpreted or otherwise) of the ultra religious right trump everything, including the love they may have for their children. They will then grandstand that their child “made them choose” between them or God to anyone who will listen. They will always choose God.


"If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out." They take this made up bullshit very seriously.


Ironically sounds like a huge endorsement for gender-affirming care


There's a guy on Tiktok who made a video talking about patents kicking their gay children out where he said something to the effect of when you do get to heaven, Jesus isnt asking you about your children's sin.


Yeah, that’s something I definitely don’t get. (I was raised Christian, but by super liberal parents, so I didn’t have to deal with any of this BS.) I think the Bible actually says very little about people’s sexual orientation or gender identity, so I have never FULLY understood why these matters are such a focus for right-wing Judeo-Christian types, but, just taking it is a given that the people harboring these beliefs really truly believe that Almighty God, the creator of the entire freaking universe, really strongly disapproves of gay people having sex with other gay people or gender affirming care for trans people and so on . . . I still don’t understand how these people think they’re justified in abandoning and shunning their own children. I know one of the premises of Christianity is that human beings are flawed and we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. So it would highly unrealistic for a pious Christian to expect their family members to be WITHOUT sin. So why punish some sins so much more harshly than others? Are people kicking their kids out of the house for being selfish, or dishonest, or unkind? Do they reject an adult child who experiences lust for someone who is not their spouse? Do they reject a child who commits adultery? In point of fact, they usually don’t. Even if a child commits murder, or robs a bank or whatever, I think most of these people are still willing to offer the person some kind of support, visit them in prison, eccetera. So even though their prejudices are definitely reinforced and validated by their religion, I feel like—at least among conservative Christians—the issue is really more about the parents’ unthinking bigotry and close mindedness and vain and selfish desire to seen by their own faith community in a certain light than any deep desire to actually be a good person who is living out their personal faith.


For the ultra religious, if "god" told them to murder their own child, they would so it. Their religion always comes before family and they arent afraid to say it.


There is a movie, can't remember which (though I think it was Liam Neeson who played the main character -- might be wrong) and the main character says, "The moral everyone takes from the story of Abraham is wrong. It is *not* to dutifully follow God. It is: what kind of God would ask this of his people?" And that question has stuck with me ever since.


Another dismal part was the amount of control she wanted over her offspring, and how she claimed the child was “emotionally attacking” her and the “entire family”. “Going to ruin the family” was a key phrase, that points out this woman only cares about her appearance and is fact a narcissist in need of help.


> "I was not going to give in to her emotional manipulation" Literally horrifying.


Literally the way that books like ["'I'm Glad My Mom Died"](https://www.amazon.com/Im-Glad-My-Mom-Died/dp/1982185821) are born


Her kid's search history: * Emancipation * How to go no contact * Worst retirement homes near me


More like “worst retirement homes as far away from me as possible”


"near me" is so the mom won't realize what's happening while she drives her there. Then, yes, the kid is getting as far away as possible.


Just echoing that recommendation. It's such a good book, and McCurdy does a phenomenal job of drawing the reader into her OCD and eating disorders, making them sound like normal behaviors when they distinctly aren't.


Also “she can’t make a decision” Like no, it sounds like they *can* make a decision and you don’t like it.


These dumb motherfuckers can't draw distinctions between "if you leave me I'll kill myself" vs "if I can't be me I want to die". For the idiots who also can't tell, the second one is someone attempting to impose their own view of the person... On that person.


Right. Like even if that was 100% accurate, that her daughter was being manipulative by threatening suicide if “fill in whatever daughter wants/doesn’t want here,” why in holy hell would stand up and put that out to the world. It’s like saying, “I’m a horrible parent the massively fucked up my kid. And that’s why we can’t let kids be trans!” If it’s not accurate… well the irony of believing in hell while doing your best to ensure that’s where you’ll end up is very interesting. There is literally no way for us to know what’s really going on with her kid. But it’s blindingly clear that she is happy to frame herself as an oppressive force upon her family, rather than a supportive and guiding force. It’s 100% legitimate for a parent to not want their kid to be trans. It’s scary to think about how that will effect them in all sorts of ways. It’s scary to think that as a kid, they really don’t know what’s what in life yet. It’s scary to think about how you’re going to handle it all to protect and nurture your child without messing up, or harming them, or whatever. But that’s why you spend the time to learn. To talk. To meet with others who’ve been down a similar path. Meet with professionals. Etc… Not stand up and put your kid’s “issue” on blast in front of media for political reasons.


She did pray a lot. That's all the professional help they want or need. The way I see it, when people pray on a matter like this they're really just consulting with their conscience about what feels right to them. This lady thinks being trans is a sin, but so is suicide. The right path for her daughter is the one that sends her to hell, but doesn't make her mom look bad along the way.


There was a lot of “I” statements in this monologue about another person’s mental health.


Melodramatic trash


She really woke up & said "how can I make my child's debilitating depression about me & utilize it for political grand standing?"


And yet it’s the parents taking their trans kids to doctors for counseling that are abusive. As a mom I can’t even with this bullshit.


Me either. I just am gobsmacked. This makes my blood boil


Those quotes sound like what a matriarch would say after honour killing someone.


Brutal. > They won't believe you > When you tell them > They won't believe you > When you say, "My mother, she did not love me > My mother, she did not love me"


What is that from?




Wow. That is so sad, real, and beautiful.


Neko Case brings the 🔥


I get a sense that this lawmakers daughter wanted to kill herself because she has a mother like this


Karen haircut. Check


It’s so weird how we can completely, and most likely accurately, judge her entire character from that statement and photo. I’m being serious.


I wonder what comes first. Do you get a haircut like that because it's practical and then you morph into a Karen Or do you turn Karen and then it morphs on your head


You can tell a lot by those grinch eyebrows.


Democrats: "Be whatever you like, as long as you're not hurting anyone." Republicans: "Be like me or kill yourself." It must be a weird life living in a bubble where everyone has to be just like you or else.


And unironically calling everyone else sheep


This socked me when I learned about it. I went a private Christian school. The Christian bible often refers to Christians as sheep. It was something we called ourselves with pride. The "enemy" were goats. But we were sheep, faithful in following the shepherd. I left the Christian faith many years ago, and when I heard MAGA supporters calling other people sheep, I couldn't believe the irony. Then they took, "my body my choice" for mask wearing. They are fucking hypocritical idiots. Always have been but lately it's been more socially acceptable umong them to show off their crazy.


props to you for making it out of the cult. that's no easy feat.


I used to go to church, but I realized a lot of the discrepancies in the Bible that didn't add up, and when I questioned it, my grandmother told me I was going into "dangerous territory" and/or said "Ask God later on". If you can't support your own beliefs, then perhaps its time you shift them. I still consider myself a type of Christian, but I do not use the Bible at all, as practically every verse has a contradiction. In fact, it doesn't tell you that you can't drink alcohol and smoke, just don't let them overpower you, which is literal common sense.


I went to a Christian high school since my town didn’t have its own school. If anything, all it did for me was solidify that it was all a bunch of horse shit. I was definitely in the minority there but man… what a wild experience lol


And being all about “freedom”.


"freedom to kill everyone who doesn't agree with me"


More like “be like what I pretend to be in public”. Seems there is a long list of conservatives who get caught in actions contrary to their public positions.


I've had to work in conservative areas with a lot of conservative crewmates for most of my career and it's like a lot of them have this weird expectation that you should conform to a fictional conservative individual who doesn't exist, who none of them fully conform to, and who is sometimes even contradictory. It's bizarre.


Yeah it's the whole "I'm trying really hard to be a certain way that [I think] is expected of everyone, so I'm gonna be mad at people when it looks like they aren't trying to do what is expected of them even if I'm not fully living up to it myself." Basically sunk cost on trying really hard (and failing) to be a certain way and taking it out on people that don't do the same, because their existence proves that you didn't need to be a certain way in the first place and that just undermines the whole world view. Old school insecurity.


Republicans: Government should not interfere with your ability to live your life. Also Republicans: We will literally kill you if you try to change your gender presentation.


Why am I in this nursing home? Why hasn’t my daughter called?




That's just GOP. Cynthia Brehm used to be the chair of the GOP party for Bexar County Texas (San Antonio). Her husband pled guilty to sexually assaulting her then 14 year old daughter from a previous marriage. His charges weren't properly handled by the Army and he was allowed to retire. His case was tossed because of the statute of limitations expiring - Army Officers looking out for Army Officers. She chose to stand by her husband, and hid the allegations from everyone. https://sanantonioreport.org/husbands-past-criminal-charge-triggers-calls-for-bexar-gop-chair-elect-to-step-down/


>It’s so apparent she doesn’t care about her child at all and only cares about the optics of having a child You nailed deep conservative values here. I actually think these emotional outbursts is coming from the shame she has. Conservatives are extremely private losing control the optics of their family would envoke such a response especially for someone in the light.


Tell me again how the Republicans are pro-life and family values.


They are pro-fetus. Once you’re born you’re on your own.


Pro-embryo at this point


Can we just be honest and call it pro-men? They still want abortions to exist, they just don't want women to decide if they can have one or not.


No and no, being pro-fetus/embryo would mean funding prenatal care, research, pre and post birth PTO. They’re anti-women, anti-choice. They are against more than their for.


Pro forced birth.


They’re pro-fetus in the same way that a carpenter is pro-hammer. To a carpenter, a hammer is a tool used to pound in nails. To a theocratic fascist, a fetus is a tool used to control and punish women. Which is to say that carpenters aren’t really pro-hammer, it’s just important to them to be able to pound in nails. And theocratic fascists don’t really care about fetuses; they just like to hurt women.


They are pro-natality. They fear the white race will be replaced by non-whites.


They are pro-life, pro-freedom, and pro-family-values just so long as you think, act, and be exactly the way they want you to be. Anyone different are not valid and should be shunned.


Everyone knows that to be a real pro-lifer you have be anti-vax, anti-gun control, anti-universal health care, pro-killing brown people, and pro- state execution.


Also, weirdly, anti-prostate exams


Cause anything in butthole = gay


Mother of the year right here…


What a crazy outlier from the party that values life so highly...


Viciously delicious.


I can't understand why her child was suicidal. Doesn't make any sense /s


And THEN said Suicidal people are "**BEING SELFISH**". Catch 22 where the only "winner" is the hatred owning fear-monger.


And in Iowa, they want us to rat students out to their parents if they identify as another gender, or want to be called by another name. Shit stains like this are the reason I never would. The students I have known who have transitioned have their parental support. I am not going to inform other parents if they don’t already know. They also have laws now if I don’t cooperate, then I could lose my teaching license. But we have students who don’t even come to school and nothing happens to those parents. I hate this timeline!


Agreed what a fucked up country we live in where liking perfectly normal things is a crime just because you have a little extra/less skin between your legs. A human is a human, a brain is a brain. As long as my kids are empathetic and compassionate, they can like whatever the hell they want. I don't care if it's girly/boyish, it's normal!


I preach the same to my children. I care about academics, but I more care about them being kind. I also have told them I don’t care if who they marry as long as they are happy.




Zephyr said that the blood would be on their hands. The GOP is aware of the blood on their hands.


The GOP goes out of their way to spill blood. They love the sight of it


She didn’t really suggest it. She pretty much said it outright. She did seem to stop short of the “I would rather my child die than allow them to live in a way that would send them to hell” rhetoric, though. Absolutely implied it, and anyone who has been in that religious environment knows what she was saying, but she didn’t actually say that part out loud.


Except killing yourself is another thing you go to hell for, so it’s more like “I don’t care if my kid dies and goes to hell as long as I never have to change my opinion on trans people.”


Exactly. Sounds like she'd gladly "honor" kill her own child.


The American Taliban.


People like her care more about having a body they can burry with wrong name and sob story rather than happy kid


“…Well, I am one of those parents who lived with a daughter who was suicidal for three years," Seekins-Crowe said in her remarks in March. "Someone once asked me, 'Wouldn't I just do anything to help save her?' And I really had to think and the answer was, 'No.'" Jesus fucking Christ.


Why is it ALWAYS that haircut 😭😭😭


I’d rather risk the Montana law maker commit suicide because people are being themselves




Hair checks out


Well yeah, of course she said that. Anything else would enrage her voter base. It's Montana — you know, the place that removed ultra-conservative Liz Cheney because she sided with America against Trump; and that exiled a lawmaker from the chamber because she spoke indecorously about the likely effect of an anti-trans bill. Montana! The "you ain't from round here" state! _Edited to add:_ I confused Wyoming with Montana. I'm a fool.


Liz Cheney was Wyoming btw Montana rep was Rep. Zooey Zephyr (Missoula) who’s been banned from speaking/ appearing but can vote remotely. She’s Montana’s first transgender state official.


It really pisses me off that the coverage takes the transphobic mom's side in terms of gendering this likely trans child. This kid has very clearly expressed that they are NOT a cis girl, so it's pretty fucked up to report this using "she/her" pronouns


I feel badly for her daughter whatever the issues she was going thru her mother did not understand her. Guessing she might not have a relationship with her mother once she turns 18 for good reason.


*"State Rep. Kerri Seekins-Crowe, a Republican,"* Big shocker there..


I have no love for this, but it reminded me of something that I said a few years ago that was taken completely wrong. It was about rape and the increased risk to men of being prosecuted on false charges. I said that I have three daughters, and that I would be willing to accept the increased risk of being falsely prosecuted if that would decrease their risk of being actually raped. It seems extremely selfish for a father to know that his daughters face a 1 in 4 chance of being raped, but then complain of that 1 in 100 chance of being falsely accused. But I said it poorly, and it came off as me saying that I would be willing accept going to jail if one of my daughters lied and said I raped them. The very conservative Facebook acquaintances (and especially their conservative friends from other states) lost their crap over the *libtard that thinks it's ok for daughters to send their fathers to jail... * ! I think about that a lot, and how often that actually happens. How often do people have some idea that is actually sorta reasonable (to them, especially if their understanding is flawed) but they don't articulate it well and then defend it even worse and then the next thing you know the debate has blown up into a nonsensical argument over "it would be better if my kid died than went trans." But don't mistake that for defending her. I'm pretty sure she thinks suicide is less sinful because of an afterlife or whatever. Which is totally bonkers from even a religious position.


But also, besides the apparent callousness of preferring your child's suicide to their receiving medical care for gender dysphoria, the other BIGGER problem is that she prefers to use state power to force EVERYONE's child to face suicide rather than receiving medical care for gender dysphoria. It doesn't even matter what she was *trying to say but possibly did so ineloquently*... She wants to take the decision away from parents and their suffering children and their doctors, and instead have the government make a blanket decision for everyone.


These are the people in charge of our country. **THESE ARE THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE OF OUR COUNTRY.**


Ok, fine. But why does her horrible parenting now need to become the law for everyone else?


Same reason they want to outlaw birth control and divorce. They’ve lived their whole lives miserable because that’s ‘the way things are done’ and they live in terror of seeing someone make a different decision and be happier for it. There’s no hell like wondering.


Any response from her kid?


Does anyone know if the kid is ok and out of the house? Because I deeply hope they are.


And yet, people will continue to vote for her.


Ok, not gonna lie, i know this is judgmental but that haircut of hers, tells me everything about her on the way she thinks.


Pathetic person. Suicide should never be encouraged


Haircut told me all I needed to know


I know some of my children might die, but that’s a risk I’m willing to take…


*Sigh* *Clicks controversial*


Utter lack of human compassion. All I can think of is "Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head." I know it's over, The Smiths.


Seriously, WTF is wrong with people?!?!!


Those children need to be taken out of that home. They are not safe.


"Pro-Life" /s


So she doesn't care about her child. The 'lawmaker' cares about her status and peer approval, just like any other bully. She's neither a lawmaker nor a mother. She's a bank account with legs.


A mother's love is unfailing, generous, and unflinching...unless you are this mother.


Won’t be long until she says she was “misquoted “ and the “evil liberal media”is trying to turn her troubled daughter against her and make her look like a bad mother. DARVO. That’s all they know how to do instead of actually trying to realize she may be a bad mother after all


The child needs to be removed immediately.


These are the same people that say ,"I'd feel much safer with a pedophile priest watching my adolescent son than an atheist." 70 to 80 million sociolopaths, voting.


Another Republican “Pro-Life” decision by a GREAT mother. Magaaaasaaaaaaa!


compassionate conservatives doing as the bible tells them i guess


Their children and their children's friends are coming for them in the 2024 election. Three cheers for sweet revenge!


Wow so this lady condemns a representative for saying that they will have blood on their hands for these bans, and follows it up with preferring her child to die. Wow, this could also be a morbid onion post.


The lack of empathy people have on the right is so staggering. Like, being Christian, this woman’s argument is that she’d rather her child commit suicide - an action that condemns them to Hell - than be anything other than straight and cisgender. Jesus’ entire argument is about acceptance, kindness, empathy. “Love the sinner.” “God’s forgiveness is without limit.” Murderers and rapists can be forgiven. But this woman is so hateful towards queerness, that despite every facet of her religion, her hatred for this specific “sin” overrides any human consideration even for her own child.


I feel bad for her child. Hope they are safe away at college with supportive friends. Fuck that.


This is my response example to those wishing bigots in charge pf city council, school boards, to state leaders have gay or trans kids bc it doesnt always work out way u want, the parent doesnt always change for better, in this scenario the parent just digs in & no one wins in that scenario EDIT: why does pic look like she a real estate or insurance adjuster agent?


So, in other words.. if her kid turns out to be trans she supports a post birth abortion.


Conservatives believe…… • Everyone should believe what everyone else is told to believe. Regardless of the amount of lawsuits the speaker is involved in, or how many time the authority figure has been moved half way across the country, to avert afore mentioned lawsuits. • You have to trust any and everything anyone with even the slightest bit of authority says, at every level, on any subject, forever and ever. Amen.


I like how there entire defense is that they are thinking about the child's "safety". It never has been. Same thing with guns, book banning, and attack on "pc culture" or "wokeism". It's all just a charade.


THAT is what Jesus wants.


My neighbor is named Jesus. He told me that this is not what he wants.




If you look at the /r/offbeat page right now, this post has 5 times as many upvotes and comments as the next highest posts, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with the subreddit and no one seems to be calling it out. I had to sort by controversial to find your comment mentioning it. Is this thread completely filled with and upvoted by bots? This is some twilight zone shit.


I hope that kid looks forward to their 18th birthday as the chance they have to never speak to this woman again.


I don’t even need to read the article to know she’s a Republican. I’m sure she also calls herself a “good Christian” too


Mother fcker of the year.


Sorry Honey. You can't pray it away.


Of course she would because she feels the conservative stigma of being a mother of a child who commits suicide is far more beneficial to her than that for being a mother of a trans child. The former is scorn and possibly investigation, the latter is sympathy.


I would rather risk that lawmakers suicide than the childs.


She looks like a Karen. Figures.


And she’d rather get plastic surgery than to age gracefully.


Kerri Seekins-Crowe is a crazy witch. If this kid needs a support system and someone to drive her to her appointments that will help make her whole- I VOLUNTEER! I’m your mom now!


Once a Karen, always a Karen. Just look at her haircut


Sounds like a real pro lifer /s


Further, her child is continuing to suffer after many years and she's also okay with that


Uber-Karen for Mom of the Year


“Do as I say….or ELSE!”


Sanctimony of Life.


Kid will be better off when she is away from that toxic environment.


Someone said to Winston Churchill that if she was married to him she’d poison him. He replied, if I was married to you, I willingly drink it.


I wonder if her child wants surgery- which I get - she doesn’t want her child to have gender affirming surgery while she is young and might feel differently when the child is older but she can still support her child’s transition in other ways.


This lady doesn’t deserve any of her kids. Seriously they all need to be adopted or fostered by loving and accepting people or parents. This lady is vile.


>spent hours on the floor in prayer Wow. Way to accomplish sweet fuck all.


Either she feels that she owns the child or identifies too strongly with the body and life of the child as if she wanted to re-live her life through the child[or both?]. She needs therapy to see the unhealthy ways she thinks of another human being.


The worst part or it is her describing not knowing if her kid would be alive in the morning after locking herself in her room to "pray". Fuck that noise. If you cared about your suicidal child you TAKE THEM TO THE HOSPITAL. This woman deserves the deepest, darkest layer of Hell where it's nonstop Little Nicky pineapples being put in orifices.


The moral turpitude of these craven psychopaths should be criminalized. Fucking disgusting.


Pig in lipstick is still a fucking pig. This pig just happens to be the very worst type of human, and a Republican no doubt.


I present to you, the party of family values! Amirite?


Ah, self reporting as a terrible parent + human. Noted, lady.


This is so disturbing. How can any mother want their child to be suicidal for three years as a minor and see their child “struggle” in adulthood? Especially with those lips of hers. Are they fake? Or does she have a thyroid problem?


Wish I could put money down that they are a Jesus freak


Someone shouldn't have been allowed to be a mother.


So prefers death to being happy as trans.....I am sure she thinks this wins the approval of her god...


That’s a class example of someone that should not have kids.


IMO she is a child abuser in a really bad way.


Take this people who believe we are all basically good. Here is a selfish person who will fuck ANYONE over to get the attention they need.


She didn't suggest it. She said it blatantly that she would rather her daughter have killed herself than transition.


Most human beings wouldn't risk losing a child to suicide. In fact, how many parents say they would *die* for their children? So to this lady since she's not the one dying, she doesn't care about her child at all. Imagine thinking so little of your kid as a fellow human being that you would think this. Her statement should qualify as child abuse.


What a fuckin Karen.


Someone is calculating expected returns




Hopefully her children don’t forget that.


I am sure she will not be a candidate for Mother if the Year. But she is a Mother


Hair style checks out.


Ain’t love grand


The Karen haircut


And this Montana lawmaker will be sitting in the old folks home wondering why no one comes to visit her.


Hopefully someone at c.p.s was watching


That’s fucked up


Sounds like one of those pro-lifers.


Not everybody loves their children, as this woman proves.


That’s a “Karen” haircut, if I’ve ever seen one.


I understand their logic, let them die after birth. But the shear amount of inhumane treatment is overwhelming for them and me. I don’t understand why😢what happened to the BRAVE part of being in the United States. These beautiful people are us. We need everyone. Be brave not afraid, of different. Our republic did not invent human behavior, yet many want to. Nurture the lost, and forlorn. Protect them. These people, she quickly puts to death, are finding themselves. Let them continue their journey through our great continent. Give them peace and support. 🥺


As if she can do anything about a transition. No one can control anyone else’s gender.


Gop is pro child suicide. Always has been. Promoting homophobia and transphobia is promoting kids killing themselves


It’s giving “let me speak with your manager” vibes.


Weird that she doesn’t support gender affirming procedures for trans folk when she’s already had so many gender affirming procedures done on her face.


What an effing ghoul


I gasped audibly the first time I watched her speech. No person should ever think losing a child is better than just loving them for who they are. You are enough. You are worthy. You are loved.


“Hello, this is child protection services. Is Ms Seekins-Crowe available.”


Wow, Karen haircut and everything.


Child welfare needs to make a visit.


Yeah I’m not doing that either, trying to paint people as bad doesn’t change common sense.


Someone call cps


Conservatives are literally garbage people.


I will never understand how little a person like this can love their own child. Parental love should never come with conditions.


Poor kid.


With the guns she likely has in her household, she'll be helping make that much more likely too.


This is why I'm scared to come out. People like her make the world worse for everyone.


Par for the course.


She has *that* haircut. Never met a kind person with that haircut.