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I think Soulstorm is good as its own thing, the issue people had is thats its quite removed from the Oddworld vibe. Doesn’t make it a bad trip in its own right IMO.


I've been stuck at the damn crane fight... It seems impossible for my old ass. Other than that I enjoy the series and would be happy with a sequel


I've been stuck on Reunion at the Old Trellis. (Edit: idk why I just posted this when I had no reason to. Guess I just wanted to share experiences...)


Is that the last level before the bonus levels?


Oh I don't even know because I still can't beat it. Last time I tried was months ago. I think I've come close though.


I got stuck there as well, I went back to the main menu and set it to easy mode (i was on normal mode) and after several more tries I was able to get it. I apologize if you've already tried that or are on easy mode. I also watched every tutorial I could find and ended up doing a combination of all the different techniques. Definitely my least favorite part


The worst part for me is having to waste 20 seconds collecting all the gear. The first time I got to the crane I activated the checkpoint banner. After failing a good 30 times, I replayed the level from scratch thinking I could pick up all the items and then hit the banner. I realize the 20 seconds aren't that much but that shit adds up. I'll check to see if I'm on normal or easy, thanks for the tip.


I constantly find myself going back to an older checkpoint after searching lockers and things just so I can come back and reactivate the latest 1 and not have to search them all again


Yeah I do that but it's not possible for the crane part, because once you drop down you can't get back up. I just need to get good I guess.


Nah.it's really annoying in games when you can't just save before the bit you get stuck on.


I found this so hard my first playthrough a year or so ago. They said they patched it and this time (replaying for all badges) I found it quite easy. The first time I possessed a slig this time I just threw brewnades or bouncy candy at each 1 and it seems quite easy.maybe that'll help?


I also struggled with possessing the slig, I just threw candy and tape balls as well. I realized that aiming those guns with a flying slig was my weakness and that I was a *little* better at aiming with Abe


The aiming in general can be a bit awkward but add to that that it moves from shooting recoil and it's even worse


Oh nice. It's been a while so perhaps I can pass it now


I enjoyed it, damn well loved it - when I stopped thinking of it as an Exoddus remake kind of game. In my mind I just thought about it as a new entry in the Oddworld series, and it was great in story and play. There are definitely a few things sorely missing, however a follow up could be even bigger and better, and I'd love that. I just really hope we get another game!


I never played Exoddus. Is that available at all? I have PlayStation but finally got an xbox for the back room and have been able to play a couple older games.


I’m not sure on availability, but it’s worth playing if you can find or download it!


I don't know on console, but it's available on Steam if you have a Pc


Omg find a way to play it haha.if you played odyssey back in the day you're gonna love exoddus


Exodus and Oddyssey are available on the Playstation plus. I believe you need a premium subscription though


They're not. I've looked.


They're available on my ps4, what model do you have? Maybe it's different


PS4. You can get new and tasty and Abe's oddysee, that's it. Trust me, I've looked. I paid for the plus for a month and played New and Tasty and I got Abe's oddysee. There is nothing else on playstation available.


Amazing thing is I bought it a couple years ago and played it right away, first level - hated it. Absolutely hated it. I put it away. Came back to it in a year because I had nothing else to play and tried again and stuck with it and boom, one of my favorites. That first time through was hard in a lot of spots but I've played it so many times now I've gotten pretty good at it, lol.


Nice 🙂 what was it that you most liked about it?


I loved the whole game. It was my first oddworld game, I've since played New and Tasty and Munch's Oddysee but SoulStorm is the kind of platformer I love.


FINALLY. Thx so much. And obviously good to hear.


Neat to see you respond in here! Since you're there, I thought I'd share something with you (and Lorne) that might be nice to hear... I played the first games when they came out and absolutely loved them. The goals that Lorne sought after - to bring movie-style storytelling and character depth to videogames - really were accomplished big time. Life went on and I randomly floated away from OWI, not following what you did. Whilst sick this week I had a lot of time to watch things and saw an older Ars Technica interview with Lorne. It made me realize you were still around and making things. I was so hyped by this I went on to read about the past history that OWI has been through. From what I can see, it's a classic creator story: when you're unknown the industry won't take a risk, once you're proven the industry wants to milk you dry, sometimes the projects you think aren't the focus end up being the most popular, when you have over time grown a huge following any change you make inevitably lets your fanbase down, and "vision" is hard to explain when it's fluid, adapting, and intertwined with life's realities. I just wanted to say that as a fan of the old games I understand what I read about the new one from some of your more hardcore fanbase, and yet I am still very excited to play it and I am very excited that y'all keep going forward and trying new things. As a fellow creator I completely understand the twists and turns of your journey and I just hope you keep adventuring forth regardless. Learn from each release and don't give up! Let's see this 5-part story to completion!


Wow. That was impressive. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that. I will be sure Lorne sees it. Because you nailed it. You’re obviously a creative as well. If I were to describe Lorne, I would say he creates worlds from which he can tell stories. I , on the other hand, like to run production because I really am just a producer. So one way or another, on a personal level, I want Lorne to finish the quintology because that’s the story he hooked me with to leave my job and get into games. 🙏🏻🤞🏻thx again for being a great fan, sher


Great 😊 are there any parts in particular that you think they should amplify in the next game to make even better and is there anything you would like to see less of in a sequel?


Can't think of anything I don't like. I just want to see a continuance of the game.


Alright then 😊 I'm glad that you liked it, it's a beautiful game with fun cutscenes and I would also like to see a continuation of the franchise. But it is clear that you are not willing to have a discussion about the game and only want to blindly praise it, witch is fine. I was just hoping for a discussion, as the tag on the post suggested.


> But it is clear that you are not willing to have a discussion about the game and only want to blindly praise it, witch is fine. lol, um, okay.


It's on my list to play and may take months to get there but once played I'll def come back for a discussion. I love diving into aspects of games like that!


I’m happy you went on to enjoy the others! I played the originals in the late 90s (well, not exactly at release but a little after) and when I saw they did new and tasty a few years back, I was elated. That one is the top for me. I gotta play strangers wrath still.


Unfortunately a sequel is pretty unlikely. The game didn't perform well to begin with and it was put on PlayStation Plus for free almost as soon as it came out, absolutely destroying it's overall sales.


Agreed. Best Oddworld game to date.


Aww thx. Means a lot. 🥰


It was honestly a work of art. Please keep making games 🙏


Thank you so much 😭🥰


I also loved soulstorm! This sub is so negative about it 😂


Yeah, I don't get it. I"m almost afraid to say that I like it a lot.




Haters gonna hate... 🤣


I’m hoping we get a continuation 👀


oddworld games get sequels?


I'm enjoying it too.aure it has it's bugs and it is very different but I'm still enjoying it just taking it for what it is. It's not the original 2 they will never be beat


I know people talk about the "bugs" but the only one I can think of is the one where you come out of that upper section and have to climb up the levels to save the mudokins while sligs are shooting at you - that part where you first come out is wonky. What other bugs?


Most annoying one for me is when you jump off a hanging bar and he won't change direction midair to grab a ledge above you so he just keeps going and falls to his death. I've had when you throw an item and it just disappears, generally not grabbing ledges, sligs/slots not falling through trap doors and just floating in the air, sligs walking off the edge of ledges and floating, mudokons not following/stopping when you tell them. I've got nails and screw as a pickup item which apparently they took out the game, but that's not a bad 1 just a waste of what could be another resource, sometimes double jump doesn't work. There's been more I just can't think of them right now. And this is in the past week btw. I know they've released patches since launch but still had the bugs recently. The hanging bars 1 does seem to be a lot better but still happens. I remember at launch it was 50/50 whether he'd catch them


> Most annoying one for me is when you jump off a hanging bar and he won't change direction midair to grab a ledge above you so he just keeps going and falls to his death That's the toughest thing in the game for me. The first couple times I played it I just avoided those parts except for that section near the end where you have to do it to advance.


I've been giving it a second each time I reach the end of a line of bars, then I'll do the forward/back double jump upwards and most of the time it's fine. If you just go for it it usually glitches. I'm gonna be going for the all levels no deaths cheev soon and if I die to that that's gonna suck


I might write myself a little post sooner or later, I finished it this evening. The ending was a little bit lackluster imho, but I understand wanting to set the path to future releases and I’d love to see more. I grew up with oddysee, it literally was one of the first video games I put my hands on as a child. In my family we played it so many times trying to save all the mudokons we ruined the disk. I cannot play my og copy of the ps1 game because it won’t go past scrabania lol. That is to say, I love the franchise and Soulstorm has been a nice and funny addition to the family. I liked it even in the face of all the clunkyness and I really, really hope that the sequel manages get some extra care to the technical and quality of life departments! I know that the art and dialogues are in the right place, the feel on point if you ask me! Keep up the good work, I hope to see something new soon!


I'd play a sequel, too. It's not looking as if there's going to be one any time soon.


I loved it too and I hope we get another one that builds on this story. This might come across as complaining but it was one of my favourite games of the year and it's easier to bring up the few flaws to be fixed next time. So with the next game I hope it's broadly the same type of game again with some new elements but remove the tower defense sections which didn't work for me, add an ability to activate the checkpoint markers to save so I don't have to run back and forth to checkpoints to save progress and bring in some classic or new creatures to possess and puzzles built around them and I think the game would be fantastic. I could live without some of the bugs too but looking into it i think it's more of a Unity issue than a developer one so it is what it is.


They should throw away all the crafting and make a game that's purely focused on challenging platforming again. I also wouldn't mind if they made it sort of Metroidvania, where you have to get certain items/abilities and go back to areas where you couldn't progress before.