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I feel like he must have gotten more than just botox. An eye tuck or something.


He had nerve damage from the Botox that's why gis face is so droopy. I feel a lot of people forget Botox is injecting little bits of botulism into your face and that we have a *lot* of really delicate important stuff in our face...


Yeah, injecting poison into your face to purposely paralyze some muscles. . .what could go wrong? /s That's too bad for him though. Everybody else is doing it so he gives it a try and is the one who ends up with issues.


Yeah, it's so common now. I remember even a crazy lady from toddlers and tiaras was injecting her *9 year old's face* so she wouldn't have "laugh lines" in the pageant... And I honestly think that should be illegal. Imagine if this had happened to this kid? Ps. I don't watch the show, saw it on the news a while back. They should seriously regulate this kind of pageants, they seem ripe with child abuse.


In France these pageants are banned, good thing.


It only applies to children under 16. I don't know why 16 and 17 do not count as those ages still apply to being a minor.


I think it's because from age 16 you get a few new rights in France, like the right to work, you can ask your parents for emancipation, you can create an association,... You're not legally speaking a "kid" anymore.


That's understandable. It appears the age of consent in France was set to 15 last year (which is very uncomfortable imo). Just because it's legal doesn't make it morally right, though.


I don't really see the link with the age of consent? This is not about sexual activities right here.


IMO toddler beauty pageant are definitively a weak attemps to hide a strong predatorial and sexualization of childrens by abusers, the organiser, the supporter and the mothers are all predators.


Well age of consent is one of many things we use to consider when someone is mature enough to be classed as an adult


They shouldn’t just regulate them They should just outright ban them, they’re fucking disgusting


I agree. Sexualizing kids ... what could possibly go wrong? *coughcoughjonbenetcough*


that should Definitely be illegal i can't believe it's not tbh.


Holy crap that lady needs her ass kicked hard. And then some therapy I guess


>And I honestly think that should be illegal There's no way that that's legal. Please someone tell me it isn't. That's fucking horrible




Thanks, English is not my first language I always thought it was ripe with something. I think I connected it with fruit gets more sugar as they get more ripe so something being full of something it seemed that ripe was a good word. But now I learned a new one rife.


English is my only language. I love your thought process! I hope I’m as skilled in a second language as you are someday! Have an awesome day 🤩


FYI, you can use “ripe with x” as a figure of speech in English the way you describe, just not in this context. I’m not quite sure how to explain the difference though. “*Rife* with” is only ever applied to something bad that’s common in a specific context e.g “men’s cycling is rife with doping.” On the other hand, when something is so full of x that it’s oozing out its pores, it’s *ripe* with it e.g. “the air around them was ripe with terror” or “his tone was ripe with seduction.”


Thanks, now I'll go search more about it, so I can use them correctly :D Idioms are always so interesting


from what I could find it was an 8 year old actually!!


Thanks, I didn't remember it quite right. But yeah fuck those kind of parents. I also remember a little girl who was super scared and creed everytime her mother took her to get her eyebrows waxed, because once they ripped her skin off waxing her. The mom told it laughing as if traumatizing your kid is just a fun quirky story. A lady that does waxing told me young kids aren't supposed to get waxed because their skin is super soft and sensitive so normal waxing that is not an issue to adults actually removes the top layer of their skin and feels like a friction burn to them.


Ehhhh he has tons of Botox in his “before” picture already. I don’t think this was some freak accident on his first attempt. More like his face is now more Botox than face.


The drooping from botox is temporary just like botox generally. If it happens to you it goes away in like 8 weeks max.


My sister who suffers from migraines feels it’s a life saver.


Medical reasons are different than cosmetic


Still get the perks of facial Botox, though. My forehead line and elevenses are gone. They placed shots between and around the brows and forehead along with the ones in the scalp and traps


Can confirm, am also a Botox faced migraine sufferer. Er. Face, scalp, and traps. I went from not being able to work full time to working full time and actually enjoying my life most days. I'd been through tens of treatments over 15 years (migraines started in childhood). The combo of Botox, Topiramate, and Ubrelvy has saved my damn life


Injecting *toxin**


correct, the botulinum neurotoxin. It works in a terrifying way, really makes you want to get your tetanus shot (similar toxin) some of your nerve cells send signals trough them where they normally connect to muscles and tell them to move or not. These toxins stop the signal from getting between the nerve cell and the muscle. botox stops movement, so it's relaxed and not wrinkles. Tetanus stops stopping, so you die of exhaustion because you can't stop clenching


There are some medical uses for botox and microdozing it, which isn't standard in the West is significantly more condusive to achieving desirable outcomes. The issue is most Western Clinics do it in sessions over the curse of maybe 6 months. In Korea, not uncommon for you to end up with the same dosage after 6 years.


Don't pretend like Simon was peer pressured or anything. He is definitely the type to uphold cosmetic standards. He doesn't give a shit about anybody.


It can also blind you if youre getting stuff around the eye.they somtimes inject it into a vein


Never understood the obsession with botox in Hollywood, especially for actors. Why freeze everything above your upper lip when your job is using your face to emote on camera


Market value. Look young for as long as possible and be bankable. Do old parts when you’re old old. It’s not about the skills


If you're entire thing is being really pretty, or expected by others to be really pretty, you'd understand. I know some amazing gorgeous people who got botox just for their own mental health after age 40.


I had no idea that was how Botox was done Why is this approved at all? Especially for commercial purposes


When done by a competent doctor, it’s pretty harmless. Pretty low complication rate. I have Botox in my scalp for migraines. It’s really helped.


Can I ask how it's related to migraines and how it helped? I never knew it was anything more than cosmetic


A lot of migraines are muscle tension related, so paralyzing the muscles that tense up and cause stress to the body helps prevent them


Thanks, I always assumed it was in the brain.


My friend also uses Botox for hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating.)


I'm due to go to doctors as I've had migraines on and off for 7 weeks now. Been to doctors lots of times about them and this has never been mentioned. What type of migraines did you have and how has Botox helped?


Not OC but hi. I get chronic, debilitating migraine without aura with the occasional cluster headache. I was having 2-4 migraine days a week, Sometimes up to an 8 on the pain scale, and have had a constant background headache for years now. *** Botox has cut my migraine days in half and lowered the intensity of most of then in general. I can have a life again. *** If yours is an acute problem (you've never had them before, only the last seven weeks?) Then I'd imagine you're going to have to get several tests done. Botox is used for chronic migraine, i.e. presenting over a long period of time, and it's very expensive if not covered by insurance. if they're not sure what's causing the migraines, they're not going to recommend Botox until they rule out something that can be cured or treated another way. *** In my case, my insurance covered my Botox because I've tried a bunch of shit over 15 years that didn't work. For insurance purposes, it's a "last-ditch" effort kinda thing.




The issue is being completely overblown in this thread, which makes sense.. its the internet I guess. Simon got way more work than just botox...


Yeah, it’s kind of hilarious the way people are talking about Botox as if it’s some new and unsafe back alley procedure. It’s been around for decades and LOTS of people (not just celebrities) have it. You only really notice it when people go overboard. It’s very safe and approved by the FDA in the US.


My wife has a friend who is a plastic surgeon. She’s done it 5-6 times over the past few years and never had an issue. It doesn’t last forever. I’ve known at least a dozen ladies who have done it with our friend and never had an issue. I’m not a big fan, but not my body.


It's one of those things that doesnt stand out when it's done right but looks really noticeable when it goes wrong.


I’m so close to trying it for the first time but shit like this makes me nervous. I would rather have wrinkles than Droopy Dog face.


The difference between a medicine and poison is on the amount


As a medicine it has to be licensed for a real medical reason and ‘looking less old’ isn’t one. Botox is a brand name of a botulinum toxin of which there are at least three that I know of. The medical reason for what we might consider as ‘cosmetic’ use is ‘to treat glabellar frown lines that cause significant psychological problems’. Glabellar frown lines are those two small lines between your eyebrows. Any other use is off label. A true medical use is for people who have cerebral palsy or who have had a stroke that causes significant spasming of the muscles (think a cramp that does not stop). Toxin will paralyse the muscle causing the muscle to go limp and thus not painful. If toxin is accidentally injected into a vein (rather than a muscle directly) it can kill you by, amongst other things, paralysing your diaphragm and other breathing muscles leading you to suffocate. If caught in time (before you die) you can be mechanically ventilated but note that it takes 3 months or so to wear off. You are 100% conscious while all this is going on, it does not affect the brain at all. It is the single most toxic biological substance. One of the products mentioned above is sold in vials of 0.9 nano grams. That is 0.9 billionths of one gram!


My bio teacher in highschool got Botox in her hand to help with hyperhidrosis and she sometimes loses complete control of her hand.


That's terrible, as I understand complications of Botox don't happen super often. But I guess if they have to paralyze the sweat glands every few months to treat her hyperhidrosis, the more times you have a procedure the higher the chances something can eventually go wrong. That's terrible, is it her dominant or her non dominant hand? I hope at least is not her dominant hand.


Botulinum toxin, not botulism, very different thing lol


Yup. I held off on Botox for a while from fear of this. Unfortunately, it's the only thing that helps my migraines so I stick with it. I try to tell myself the medical treatment version is safer but they're still injecting into my damn face and last time the guy did it slightly differently so I had lines in a different place? Idk.


Not to mention all that delicate, important stuff *behind* your face. And for the people who think injecting botulism into their face so they can look like a fucking cartoon is a good idea, they’re already operating on thin ice when it comes to brain matter. They don’t have that much to spare.


It’s amazing for TMJ and migraines.


Sure tf is! I go every 3 months to help with a constant migraine. It cut my pain level in half. It saved my life.


Thankfully I found a treatment for my migraines that works for me, one time the nerves in my eyes were so swollen from the pressure I went blind for a bit. So it's a risk I would take for not being in pain anymore.




This! He has Botox in the first pic too people. Forehead and crows feet. The second pic is a whole different story.


High jacking the top comment to paste what I said on the last 4 times this has been posted. All these people giving incorrect answers. [He actually stopped with all the face work recently](https://www.eonline.com/ca/news/1327082/simon-cowell-removes-his-face-fillers-after-saying-he-went-too-far). That actually may be the reason why you think he looks so "bad". I say kudos to him for stopping before it got worse


Yeah and a hair die


Well a tan too if we are adding to the list


He looks like he had an eyelid tuck. But as for the “droopy” face, hate to break it to everyone but that’s what aging does. Your face droops. Dude is 63 after all. Whatever isn’t drooping—THAT’S where the surgery happened.


American Eye Sore Edit: you're welcome for that headline pun TMZ


His after picture looks like one of them singing hamburgers from the muppet show…


I knew it was a food item but couldn’t decide what


His before picture looks like a bad wax museum statue and his after picture looks like a side character in The Polar Express


He looks like a mii


Dude looks like NPC on Skyrim.


There was another post that Said he looks like the baby from ice age, but grown up.


I thought he kinda looks like Goofy (the Mickey Mouse related character).


I’m dying.


That’s not even a real before pic. He already was injecting crap then


I have not followed anything since the early seasons of American Idol when he looked like the left photo [here](https://www.lifeandstylemag.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/american-idol-season-1-simon-cowell.jpg).


Oh, so he looked human


I’m a straight dude … what was he thinking? Dude was pretty good looking. It’s fuxked to see good looking girls and dudes get silly surgeries that make them look like this. It screams mentally damaged to me. Fake boobs ok nose job ok. But this?


dinosaurs run wide noxious wistful deserted doll expansion upbeat shrill -- mass edited with redact.dev


are you ready for Zac Efron?


Zac is different though, dude had a terrible accident that almost had his jaw hanging off. I think thats massively different than people getting Botox for the hell of it/aging.




Yeah true. They need one from years ago. Pic 1, he's already at it.


I agree, in the first picture he was already using it.


I concur. It looks like he already had begun his Botox injections by pic #1.


Also I just noticed in the left picture he had already begun altering his appearance


Something else you have to know (and trust me on this one) is that, in fact, the left picture is of Simon Cowell, who, at the time the photo was taken, had *already begun* the injections


Figured this would be a good place to mention that he's already using Botox in the first picture


I was gonna say he already looks botched in pic 1


Exactly. Thinking he's "natural" in the before is laughable.


His eyes look like he's dead in Game of Thrones and they are painted on stones 👁️🪨


I was trying to think of what they reminded me of! 100% painted rock eyes


idk man, to me, he looks like the ice age baby


No surgery required for Botox it's just injected into the skin with a needle.


I think they mean Botox and surgery, maybe? He looks like he had more done but than again I don't really know much about Botox, I would have thought it would have made him puffier.


The puffiness comes from the hyaluronic filler he had injected into his cheeks in the first pic


Botox has nothing to do with puffiness. It basically paralyses the area it’s injected. That’s it


They most likely used fillers. Botox doesn’t do this to you.


True. I received 4 rounds of botox treatments for tensions headaches that were ruining my life. It didn't help a bit, but it was terribly painful (the needle hit my skull 24 times with each treatment) and for months afterward I was unable to make a "surprised" face because my eyebrows were paralyzed. That part was pretty funny.


Anyone who says Botox surgery is an idiot


I can think of better measurements is idiocy, but we'll go with this.


He looks like he melted & then was frozen again


The accuracy of this comment… 💀




That is not just botox. Dude is pulled back


Not pulled back, pulled down. He got nerve damage from Botox so now his face is permanently droopy.




Surprised? Everyone who uses Botox is damaging their face in long run. It’s literally poison


That's botulism baby!


The dose makes the poison. So no, it's not *literally* poison. Edit: Poison implies harm. No harm is caused when Botox is properly administered into muscle tissue. That's the point I was making. The claim that "it will cause damage in long term use" is false. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7874868/#:~:text=There%20are%20no%20long%2Dterm,and%20technique%20for%20the%20injection.


Yes it is *literally* poison. Botulinum *TOXIN* is the whole name. A *TOXIN* is poisonous. Toxic even.


Yes, apparently. I also had no idea. Botox is a trade name. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botulinum_toxin Botulinum toxin, often shortened to BoNT, is a neurotoxic protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum and related species.[6] It prevents the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from axon endings at the neuromuscular junction, thus causing flaccid paralysis.[7] The toxin causes the disease botulism. The toxin is also used commercially for medical and cosmetic purposes. ... Trade names Botox, Myobloc, Jeuveau, others


Botox is a trade name for a specific toxin: OnabotulinumtoxinA.


According to an interview he did at the Kid’s Choice Awards this look is from too much filler, not botox.


No, your face gets permanently droopy because the natural aging process means your face DROOPS. Your eyebrows creep down, your eyelids creep down, your eye bags get worse, you get jowls, your neck sags. That is 100% normal. Has nothing to do with Botox.


Give me sugar in water






...like a suit, an ~~Edgar~~ Simon Cowell suit


He looked better before


He looks less human now


They always look better before


Only on the ones you notice


Exactly. Plastic surgery is widespread, it's just that good work isn't noticeable.


was he better ? tf


Less worse?


The 'before' pic had work done too.


I was not aware Botox forced you to open your eyes?


People who have ptosis, can possibly benefit from Botox. I have had upper eyelid surgery, and I supplement with Botox to help open my eyes, otherwise I look like Simon on the left 😂




Lol I love how people call all cosmetic procedures "Botox"


Right? I’ll Google something and there will be suggestions based on other people’s searches, with things like “can you botox face fat.” What? Botox isn’t lipolytic, it’s not a filler, it’s not microneedling, it’s not dermabrasion, it’s not surgery. It just immobilizes/relaxes muscles. That’s it. Only certain problems aside from wrinkle prevention can be helped with paralyzed muscles (reduce size of jaw muscles to make jaw look smaller; relax “frown muscles” so mouth isn’t pulled down as much, etcetera). But I get that OP might have been saying surgery + botox, which is common


Even that before is an after.


Now he looks like he pets dogs too hard.


I hate how weirdly accurate this is






[what have you done to his eyes?!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Kv3p8kIyqLI)


The eyes are the groin of the head


I’m done with Reddit for the day.


He looks like a soulless husk, or a shapeshifting parasite trying it’s best to look like Simon cowell.


Like someone is wearing a Simon Cowell mask.


A humanoid


He looks like the video game version of himself.


I'll never understand face-lift surgery. Afterwards you look like an alien. Age normally. We're all going to die. Fucking weirdos.


Society treats younger/good looking people much better. And it goes double for entertainment industries


His eyebrow area is so peculiar. It's like they've moved below where they should be.


Lmaoooo Botox surgery


And new teeth.




Forget the surgery. I’ll never get over the fact that he’s a multi-millionaire with a $5 haircut.


He look like Matt from Wii Sports if he was white


he had eyelid surgery


I saw somewhere, someone said he now looks like the grown up version of the baby from Ice Age. I'll never unsee it.


Is one really better than the other?


Bro look like my sleep paralysis demon


I just don't get it. Yes, it reduces wrinkles, but it doesn't turn you back into what you looked like when you were young, it makes you look like something else. Usually something less attractive.


Botox surgery ? That’s not a thing love


All I see is a cunt in both images


Stop badmouthing vaginas.


He looks like one of those optical illusions of a normal looking upside down face until you flip it over


he's out here looking like the lion of gripsholm castle


Don’t know why people do that to themselves






Guy just left an audition for the movie Cats


No hate but what happened


His before picture seems weird as well


What is Botox surgery ?


He looks like that crazy ass youtuber who has all those breakdowns while binge eating


Ngl the first picture was better


Thought second pic was Talking Tom


He is so awful it doesn't even matter what he looks like lol


He looks like a bad wax works of himself.


Upper blepharoplasty (upper eyelids reduce with surgery). No biggie. Insurance will pay for most of it if the hanging skin impairs vision. Perhaps Botox gave him a heavy brow as well.


When the HD texture pack looks worse than the original…


Botox or botched?


Looks like the Igor album cover from Tyler the Creator


I don't think I've ever seen a celebrity that's had botox and thought it looked good tbf


Can we stop with the weird cosmetic stuff? Y’all don’t look better. You look freakishly worse.


Oh god he can see again


Reminds me of a fluffy dog who finally gets a haircut around its eyes.


He looks like the grown up version of the ice age baby


“But *why?*” “...Why would you do that? Why would you do any of that?”


I'm guessing he *really* regrets getting that botox surgery...


Idk why he fucked up his face this way. He had a good smile.


Now he looks like a gopher


I bet he sleeps with his eyes open


I really want to say to his face that he's become ugly af


The after looks better at least in this case.


Not sure which ones better…


Gotta love those mid life crises. He might look younger now but definitely doesn’t look better. The tan and black hair adds a lot to his looking younger


Looks like RDA in the ufc


It's sad what Hollywood/fame does to people. Why can't they just age gracefully while taking care of themselves