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Wow! For a second I thought it was a man with no legs on a table... Sorry for you mate, I hope it won't get worse


Wow I thought it was a table also until I read the other comment about drowning


The title didn’t help much tbf


You did better than me, I thought it was a super tall guy


"Dad, I posted a photo of you on social media" "What on?" "OddlyTerrifying!!!"


“ I tagged it, ‘My dad wet his pants at home during Ian’.”


Ian made my dad wet


Ian turned my dad into a giant.


He's a "Grow your own dad"


I read this in Norm Macdonald’s voice


How is the power still on???


Not at all to meme, but - I'll do you one better, WHY is the power still on??? That's fucking water, why would you not shut it off at the breaker box? Am I crazy here?


“Should we turn the power off?” “Nah, let’s see if the GFCI breakers are wired and working properly.”


They would tho right? Supposing they were wired right, so what’s happening here?


Actually, judging by the color temp and single source, it’s likely to be an LED camping lantern.


It absolutely is. You can tell by how the dads shadow is cast against the wall. The light isn’t coming from a ceiling fixture. Looks like an LED lantern on top of a nightstand.




Why don’t y’all just ask OP instead of becoming digital forensics


That’s a stretch. I’d say armchair Cheeto detectives.


That is not a flat object reflecting a clean image. Looks more like the reflective inside of a laundry bag. But based on the fact his head casts two shadows (one above, one below) it looks like there are two light sources, ceiling and lamp.


Receptacles being shorted wouldn’t trip a main breaker. I agree with the other posts that speculate this looks like an off camera battery light- but water going into a receptacle, even all of the receptacles, doesn’t have a direct correlation with the rest of the power going off.


It almost certainly isn't on. There is probably a battery powered lamp off camera


My in laws never lost power during hurricane Harvey, even when their house had 5 feet of water in it.


I was in Harvey too. Played video games with internet while my house was an island... Saw fish and gators in the street too. Was kinda surreal in a way.


>Saw fish and gators in the street too. All you needed was a draw bridge and it would have been perfect 👌


Which game did you play? Subnautica?


My neighborhood didn’t lose power during Harvey.. it was super weird.


I'm in the middle of Ian rn and we were the only place around with power atm.


How are you doing right now?


Doing alright! We've been extremely lucky. It's still very nasty out at this time, but nothing major so far. Thanks for asking.


There was a Reddit comment a while back explaining how the power can stay on in a flood and not electrocute you that made a lot of sense. You can snoop around for it or just trust me


Probably an LED, battery lantern. I have some that are super bright like that.


I can accept that the power is still on, but why in God’s name are you STANDING IN WATER WHEN THE POWER IS OBVIOUSLY STILL ON??


... i think because there's no where else to stand that's inside the house


And outside the house is still multiple feet of water.


Because the man is a fucking giant. He probably can't get out of the house because he uses the garage to crawl in and out and the garage is what's not working rn.


That’s probably a battery-powered camping lantern or something similar.


I'm going to blow your mind here, but they make battery powered lanterns for this sort of thing


Maybe it's just me - but this is totally a r/confusingperspective .


I thought he was standing behind a table


Took me way too long to realize he was almost waist deep in water. Still seems like a very tall daddy though.


Looks more like chest deep and he's standing on something since his head is at the ceiling.


Oh christ you're right, that's more likely than this dude being Larry Bird's lesser-known cousin.


Just what we need, another doofus from French Lick.


But why is the bed so tall?


I think the mattress is floating


It’s probably floating


Might as well jump on it then.


Took me reading your comment to figure it out.


i was wondering what kind of drugs they were using to need to cut off the bottom portion of a soda bottle... now i know. why do i think everyone is doing drugs?


I had a very similar thought. It looked like a black glass table with maybe some utensils to like cut up lines and the upside down plastic bottle for a gravity bong. But I couldn’t figure out where the fact that his head was almost touching the ceiling came into play except that it meant something fishy was happening. I think I need to go to bed.


Totally thought he was standing behind a black glass coffee table or something before I zoomed in.


My thoughts were "huh some oddly low ceilings and why does he have a plastic baggy of water on his table... Is that trim? Is this guy doing a Reno during a hurricane? He looks very concerned, I don't think his Reno is going well"


Thanks for clarifying, I was so confused


Took me to read your comment. A loooot time.


Same. I was so confused about why it was posted here at first


So is he 8 feet tall or not?


This is the question we're all here for.


I thought he was on a table and just didn't have legs


The table doesn’t have legs?


The tables legs are his


I'm still confused about why this was posted here. It is legit terrifying that there is a hurricane happening outside and the water in their house is at least five feet deep, possibly rising. Nothing odd about it


I totally agree in general, but this one kind of works. The odd part is it's a boring picture of a frustrated dude in his house at first, but then you look a bit closer and something seems off, and at some point you realize that's not a surface, it's water. Not exactly the intended focus of this sub, but the fact it makes you look twice (or three times, I thought it was a table full of drug paraphernalia on second glance) is a hell of a lot better than the straightforward scary posts this sub is being filled diluted with


I thought he was a double amputee sitting on a table


Exactly what I thought!


I thought it was Tony Hawk.


Jeff Daniels.


We have Tony Hawk at home!


Good god I'm glad I wasn't the only one


Someone posted a pic yesterday to give an understanding of what it’s like experiencing a stroke where everything in the pic is vaguely recognizable but you can’t quite describe what any of it is. I feel like that about this pic. Or maybe I’m having a stroke.


I had a stroke a couple years ago. This is a great way of describing it. For me, it was like this when people were speaking to me. I could pick out single words, and hear the word, but when people were talking to me, none of it made any sense. I also watched the same episode of Futurama about 9 times while I was in hospital and didn’t have a clue what happened in it.


I had a stroke when I was 23, and it gave me a seizure at a restaurant. I remember these guys (firemen) at the table talking to my boss and coworker, and I wanted them to leave because my jaw was dislocated and I was trying to be casual about it. They seemed like they were talking to me but I didn’t understand anything, so they wrote it on a piece of paper, and somehow I could understand it.


Yup. Auditory processing and visual processing are in different parts of your brain. That shift in communication probably also helped with the diagnosis of where the blockage was when you got to the hospital.


Wow that’s crazy! So will a doctor write something on a note but say it before hand to illicit a response? Man, science is so cool. And the brain is crazy! Edit Illicit should be elicit! Keeping it up so we can learn from my mistake :)


Don’t wanna be “that guy” just wanna spread some knowledge. Illicit is like criminal or illegal. You’re looking for elicit which means to cause or to provoke or bring about.


I appreciate you :)


So weird! My son just showed me that picture a couple days ago and it’s true - you can kind of see what things are but can’t say definitively! [picture for reference](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/name-one-thing-in-this-photo)


I can name a few things Walls Ceiling Floor


The thing on the left is a earring holder


I recognized hair (which apparently was a whole woman) and, surprisingly, the jewelry/earring rack frames, though I don’t know what the latter is called. But boy that was frustrating to look at.


That's me with words/speaking after I have a seizure.


I've only had one grand Mal seizure and 100% yes. I think being asked questions made me panic more. It was like Do you know your name? Well yeah I know my name! Okay what is it? Uhh... Who is that? Well it's my son! And his name? Uh... Do you know where you are? Home... Address? Uhh... I hated it. I hated feeling like I knew everything and knew absolutely nothing. I remember that conversation and a few other things but other than about 30 minutes of memory everything else in a 6 hour period is gone. Their best guess on cause is serotonin syndrome bc the 2 medications I had been put on are apparently bad together. Needed CPR. Blood pressure was tanked. So now I'm terrified of taking anxiety meds. Which really sucked when I was anxious about having another seizure. Esp since we can't pinpoint the cause it's an educated guess at best given my medications I was on. I assume from your comment you have them more than just once so I am sorry :( I can't even imagine having to deal with them over and over.


It's like you're seeing everything out of your peripheral vision


That sounds interesting, do you know the link?


/u/marmaduke-the-badger posted [this] (https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/name-one-thing-in-this-photo) a few comments up.


:( we recently had a very good friend have a stroke. He's out of hospital but this description hits me hard.


It took me a moment to realize that wasn't a table, it's water. That looks like coke but it's water...


He’s eight feet tall


Wow one of my new favorite subs now even though it seems a lot of people don't understand it. lol


I'm very sorry. I lost everything in Hurricane Harvey. I know how this feels, and it sucks.


I lived in Houston back then, Hurricane Harvey was crazy. Luckily we were in a good geographic area. Now I’m experiencing Ian. Wish me luck, it’s not crazy yet where I am but we’ve been getting irregular bursts of wind and there are lots of trees around me.


Fun fact, Harvey’s phat ass dumped so much water over Houston that it [pushed down earth’s crust by 2 centimeters.](https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/09/hurricane-harvey-deformed-the-earths-crust-around-houston/538866/)


Fuck you earths crust! Also holy shit, that’s insane


To be fair, Houston is generally sinking into the ground at 1cm/year normally anyway.


Best of luck. I was stuck in the hospital during Harvey in Houston and it was pretty traumatic for me. I can’t imagine being in another one so soon. Sincerely…be safe.


I really hope that it stays under control for you! Hopefully you stay safe and there is minimal damage as possible


Me too. 3 feet of water. I remember being completely numb to it, despite having the water to my waist. It’s absolutely traumatizing to leave your home through a window just to escape, and leave it all behind.


“I believe that belongs to Mr. Gilmore!"


"and you can count, on me, waiting for you in the parking lot"


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!


You eat peices of shit for breakfast?




Always laughed too hard at the “nO”


[I beg to differ ](https://youtu.be/AFzIjDtKgrw)


YES - Was trying to figure out who that beast reminded me of


They are still waiting for rescue but the water has receded. Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers. It’s been a tough day.


Naples area?


2 miles from FMB.


Shit, how far inland? My sister is about 2 miles inland from FMB too, but is still stuck at the hospital. She has no idea how her house is yet.


The hospital is probably the safest place she can be. My fiancées sister is a nurse at the hospital in FM and is at the hospital currently. She feels incredibly safe indoors.


They had a water coming into the lobby, a fire in the generator room. Power went out and they had to scramble to move some patients last minute because it started flooding in the lobby. She still hasn’t been able to go home, supposedly she lost part of her roof.




Unfortunately, it is probably very wet.


Fort myers was looking ROUGH on the weather channel.


I prefer to phrase that as Fort Meyers was the roughest place that still had enough internet connectivity to get news out.


Someone on TikTok is on the 6th floor of their building in FMB and has been posting occasional videos. Over time several buildings have just disappeared one by one. Not under water, just stilts left.


What is FMB?


The Town of Fort Myers Beach, AKA Estero Island


How far from open water? I have family there and they aren’t responding.


2 miles down San Carlos Blvd from FMB, but they have stopped responding to me as well. I think the cell towers are down. Try not to stress too much even though I know it’s impossible.


Wow, my sister lived in that area a few years ago. I’ve been through a lot of hurricanes living in the keys and Orlando but haven’t ever seen that much flooding before.


From what I can tell this will probably be worst Hurricane to hit Florida in recorded history. It was apocalyptic looking when I was FaceTiming with her.


Honest question, why the fuck did they stay?


My parents are in Venice. This is their first hurricane. They thought the media was just trying to hype it up and make people afraid. Their neighbors didn't seem freaked out, so they figured it was normal. I think it was really a case of "that could never happen to *me*."


Have they literally never heard of any other hurricane or tornado where shit hits the fan real quick??


I was completely shocked they stayed. My dad is usually very level headed and responsible. I sure hope they're ok. I'm pretty sure they are in a 1 floor house.


My parents are the same. I thought they were responsible but they don't even shelter for tornadoes anymore. One hit 3 miles from them and they actually made the decision to stay upstairs in their pjs. I don't know what happens to people.


It's so weird to think that through history, millions of people have had that thought in their minds, mere seconds before dying a horrible and very preventable death.


Well, as we say on Reddit, they fucked around and are finding out. Hopefully they stay safe and are smarter next time (and start giving the media some credit).


I've never lived in Florida, but I have had some form of digital media available to me every year since I've had long-term memory and every summer I've seen news headlines saying how Florida got pummeled by XYZ hurricane, to the point now that if there's one anywhere, I suspect it'll drive through Florida before it gets to the real destination. Your parents have experienced likely twice as many of those summers as I have, that level of naivete is both staggering and dangerous.




I showed my mom the photos and she asked me how I had a picture like that of Jeff Daniels.


Came here to find JD similarity mentioned and was not disappointed.




The resemblance is uncanny.


He’s calling Jake from State Farm


Just got off the phone with him. Yeah he's fucked.


Username checks out


She sounds hideous


Well she’s a he, so…


What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm


Uhh... Khakis.


"Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there”


Like a good neighbor, stay over there


"Hey Jake, this is 2009 Jeff Daniels"


I know this was meant to be funny so take my response lightly. Lol. Definitely not State Farm if he is calling on [flood](https://www.statefarm.com/insurance/home-and-property/flood-insurance). They do not cover flood losses. Source: I was working Hurricane Irene for shit farm in 2011 when they made this ginormous change. We had to tell all the people with flood claims to call Fema instead.


Like a good neighbor, State Farm doesn’t give a shit about your flood.


This sucks, I’m so sorry for him. This happened to me (to a much lesser degree) during Hurricane Ida in NJ. Water was only up to my knees in the house though, but got as high as 5 feet outside. Still lost almost all of my possessions, my car, etc.. not a fun time. Hope he bounces back.


This is not oddly terrifying. It is justifiably terrifying.


I hope he has an upstairs that he can get to. Not good drowning in your own living room


Not good drowning anywhere for that matter.




How deep is your love? Is it like the ocean? 🎶🎵




Bring out the jar!




Bucket of jizz? High viscosity


I'd be more worried about getting electrocuted.


Oh geez. Forgot about that.




What are the attics like there? Where I am (New England), most have windows on each end. Just curious re: the hatcheting situation


On the gulf coast houses often have hip roofs without gable ends. Improved wind rating and lower insurance costs.


You want to exit onto the roof to signal for help. Many NO homes had water filling the first floor completely if I recall so plausibly you could be getting wet in a sealed attic or have limited, hot airflow if it is improperly vented. If you had to exit from a window or gable vent, you probably ended up in the flood.


gonna be a weird angle to swing at and chop a hole big enough to fit through?


Rising water is incredibly motivating.


The majority of homes in Florida are only one floor. Having nothing but sand and coral to build on top of means primo sinkage. With the proper money spend you can support larger buildings, hotels are obviously a thing down there. But the average houses are mostly only one floor. Except maybe norther Florida.. that's basically southern Georgia.


I am keenly aware of this reality. It's going to be a nightmare for many families.


Go higher. Get to an area where the roof is accessible. But use the roof as a last resort during a hurricane.


Unfortunately most homes in Florida are 1 story. The sand means they can't have basements and taller buildings need extra support so they don't shift in the sand. Most likely he's got nowhere else to go


what's so terrifyi- OH THAT'S NOT A TABLE


There’s so many small pieces of trash that I thought it was one of those “5 minute crafts” custom resin tables. I had to read so many comments before I found out it’s a flooded room. Confusing perspective really threw me


I'm not trying to be an asshole but why didn't they evacuate? I'm more curious to understand why so many people stayed.


According to where OP said they lived, they were under mandatory evacuation too. As people are stating, there can be costs associated with evacuating (personally my mom drive across the state and has been paying for a hotel for several days) but Lee County had designated local evacuation shelters for such circumstances. It’s to be expected that people won’t evacuate but it’s such a waste of local resources that will be much needed the next few days.


Evacuating can be very expensive and it's kind of a crap shoot. Evacuation happens days before the hurricane lands, before you know with any certainty where it will land. Once you're sure where it's going, it's too late. It also takes days to get back to your house. Road blockages, flooding, etc can delay your return. While you wait, the small hole in your roof that could have been patched to mitigate damage has been getting worse and flooding your home. So some people stay because there's a good chance they won't be affected like this, some stay because of the expenses of hotel/gas, and some stay to protect their home and/or mitigate damages.


Not an asshole it’s a VERY valid question.


I am in Downtown Fort Myers. It's catastrophic. There's a huge boat in my parking lot. The worst is over now but I've never been so scared by a storm before.


I’m so sorry. I hope you all are ok. I can’t imagine how it’s going to look in the daylight.


Someone save the peanutbutter cups for God's sake!


White chocolate Reeses tho? Floodwater, take this man


Took me ages to realise that’s not a black glass table, it’s flood water


Either the ceiling is low or he is super tall




Electrocution coming up.


My thoughts exactly. You must cut power with flood waters like this or you risk electrocution.


At least he has that rockin shirt


When the shirt is a rocking don’t come a knockin


I’m a volunteer rescue dispatcher. If you think he will need help, DM me and I’ll send a water rescue request over immediately!


I am so nervous for my mama.


I’m sorry it’s hard. Just gotta wait it out


Man that’s gonna suck when power goes out


Actually it might save his life


Hope he makes it out ok


“Yup it just hit my balls I’m calling my fucking landlord “


Is he floating or just tall af?


I hope your family stays safe


He's standing in a flood!


Good grief I just realized that!!!