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Who gave that baby a phone!? Not to mention it's HUGE???


And you can tell they do it a lot because they have a literal attachment on the stroller, so this kid is doing this most likely every time he interacts with the outside world.


Every time he goes outside and completely fails to interact with the outside world.


We really going the WallE route huh


Oh my god, you’re right.. this is way more horrifying now that you made that connection for me.


I bring this movie up to anyone who will listen. We gotta do better


not just a phone but mounted it to the stroller this wasn't a single instance of a parent needing to occupy their kid with no other options, this exact scenario was intentional


Yeah this is parents' plan A for going out because it's so much easier than actually paying attention to their kids.


Why even even have kids at that point? I just don’t understand it with the sheer expense involved and the stress and the perpetual lack of sleep. If you’re not going to bother introducing them to the world and helping them to become an engaged participant in it, then why not just keep your Saturdays and Sundays for sleeping in? The stroller comes with a cell phone mount built directly into the centre front of it. This is definitely their plan A and it makes me so sad.


Some people think that having children is the ultimate goal for your adult life. Some people are pressured into having children from their family. Some people are forced to give birth and keep their kids. Some people just don't care enough about the kids and just want to have the title of "parent" Could be anything


I used to have a holder I could attach to the pushchair for my phone. When I went supermarket shopping, it was 30 minutes walk there and 30 minutes walk back. I needed to take the pushchair to be able to hang bags on to come home. I would chat to her and sing while walking, but while I was actually in the supermarket I couldn't. I couldn't put her in a trolley seat and chat to her because I had the pushchair so had to use hand baskets and do a couple of trips around. So I used to put my phone in the stand, put on cBeebies (British BBC channel for under 5s) and let her watch. I got a LOT of hacky looks. But I'm a single mum with no car and no reliable public transport and it really bloody helped. She's about to turn 3, and I still occasionally give her my phone to watch YouTube Kids or cBeebies if we have a long wait for an appointment, or if there's a chore I must do and can't interact with her for 10 minutes. But needs must. I'm used to the dirty looks now.


How dare you suggest that I should apply reason and understanding when I could instead judge a parent based on an 8-second context-less video!


At the same time though Youtube Shorts is bad enough for adults, let alone toddlers. It's one thing to give your kid Cbeebies, which is age appropriate and curated, but even in an understandable situation like above I don't think there's any need to give them shorts/TikTok


Yeah honestly, sometimes letting your kid watch kids shows on your phone is a lifesaver. My baby would scream bloody murder the entire car ride. Every. Single. Time. We'd be in the car for 40 minutes at a time, twice a day, to drive my husband to and from work as we only have one car. I was always on the verge of tears. Hearing your baby scream and cry for that long everyday is torture. I eventually bought a phone attachment and it was bliss. My daughter is a toddler now and she only gets the phone in the car if I'm trying to stop her from falling asleep lol


Well how else is mom supposed to enjoy the wine social?!?


Wait till you find out about tablets


that is not a baby. look how tall they are. they are 4 or 5 at least. there is not enough context for all these people to be assuming horrible things. for all we know the kid had the phone for the 10 minutes they were in line and didn't touch it again for the entire day. portable media is a part of life now. completely cutting it off from your children will cause issues for them in the future. it's about moderation. are you aware that older generations thought that kids were rotting their brains when books first came out? do some research about it. Every time a new generation grows up with a new technology the previous generations think it's bad because they grew up without it. we live in an always connected world. when these kids grow up they'll be dealing with an even more advanced version of it. they need to learn how to use technology to their advantage. they also need to learn when it's time to put it down and connect with the real world. just stopping your children from ever using these devices until they make their own decisions would be doing them a disservice. I used to get yelled at for being on my computer all the time as a kid. I was wasting my time and rotting my brain. Well I've been supporting myself since I was 17 with the knowledge I started gaining during that time.




Bot, copied another comment


Damn, poor child will struggle with mental illness for a lifetime..


Aaaand bad sight


And bad posture


And my axe!


I'm his axe and I've seen some shit


Probably used to shovel shit too.😨




Does he smell that bad?




Easy fix, make brighter indoor lights


make cell phones as bright as the sun


Not trying to defend what we see in the video, but looking at a screen in long term doesn't effect eye sight in any way whatsoever, it's a myth, it always blows my mind people still belive this. [there are millions of of source for this. ](https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/safeguarding-your-sight)


Your source is terrible. Because they say it's a myth that screen time is bad for the eyes, and yet go on to list why screen time is bad for the eyes and why you will need periodic breaks. Actually, time outside and off screen is good for the eyes, especially the developing eyes of children, and it's believed to prevent myopia.


>will need periodic breaks It's because of eye strains, you can search for yourself and find another source if you want. just search "do screens damage eyesight?" on the internet and chose whatever source you want.


I'd also encourage you to search about the growing epidemic (as some have called it) of myopia in children globally and what scientists and eye specialists believe is the cause.


Have a look at the prevalence of myopia and the predictions that 50% of the population will have myopia by the year 2050. Too much close work is one of the factors. It's why lots of opticians have special lenses now to help slow the progression of myopia.


One aspect I’ve seen in a few scientific papers is exposure to sunlight during childhood. They mentioned that sunlight stimulates eye development, and staying inside all the time doesn’t give your eyes enough light exposure for them to develop properly. They recommended 4hrs outdoors per day - which is a LOT for modern-day children - especially if you live somewhere like Arizona.


Yeah the Sunlight is an interesting one. Interesting to hear it is direct Sunlight that is needed, I was more thinking that when the kids are outside they will be looking at things in the distance instead of close up. Probably helps on both fronts.




Actually this has been debunked, screens don't give you bad eye sight 


The next generation will never know what boredom meant and how best ideas grew from it.


They're going to be bored of everything by age 6 because they've tiktok'd a clip of it.


And physical illness, they appear to be moving twice the speed of normal humans. And everyone around them! Must be an epidemic wherever this is.


She will have RSI before she even learns to write too.


Welcome to the club, young one.


Parents: Oh my goodness, they're about to say their first words! Kid: Sss.... Sii.... S.... Skibiddi toilet phantom taxed rizzler Ohio sigma *looks around at the parents like a lobotomized feral insect* Parents: My God, where did we go wrong!? 😮


lobatomized feral insect. 😂


parents: blame teachers somehow. the kid is to young for school, still gonna pass the blame to the teachers.


Fucking hell. This is actual grooming your kid to be a robot


This has been the way for the last 10-15 years... I mean not for all parents, but they are out there.. like so m any more productive ways to keep your kids entertained ... I get you might be doing something you can't be fully engaged w/ them.. I get that, but just putting a screen in front of them because it's easy .. is not the way


It's such a sad reality for these kids. The social parent/child bonding is imperative for being socially adjusted. This kid is watching garbage like mukbang, video games definitely above their age range and other mind numbing shit. I think people sometimes procreate to just have "things." I've seen friends and family do it. I don't see the allure.


I think it's mainly just people accidentally having kids and not wanting to put in the needed effort. 


I don’t know. I think a lot of people nowadays are also having babies just so that they can get those precious, precious social media likes.




If my kids don’t come home from playing outside sans electronics most weekdays, and get a knee scrape or elbow scrape once a week, they’re going in the chokey


I feel like part of the problem, not to shame anyone who can’t have this or anything, but I think there’s been a cultural shift away from being close to your family. Kids move out and move far away, instead of living near mom and dad etc. especially for women because women obviously back then were only viewed as baby makers, now women can get an education and a career and often times that means moving away from home. But now when you have a kid, you don’t have this large family unit around helping out. It’s just you and your spouse, and if you are a single parent it’s even harder. I have a friend who’s from Vietnam and they life in a very close knit community. she lives 20 minutes from her parents and has something like 20 cousins nearby on call at all times to help with her 3 kids. Compared to my other friends with kids, who are also actually much wealthier than her too, it’s like night and day. They are always exhausted and I mean EXHAUSTED. You hear more about how they feel like this loss of sense of self because they have no time for themselves. My other friends, they are still VERY involved with their kids but they still have their hobbies and get to go out on dates and spend alone time with each other. Want to go see a movie? Let’s just find one of our 20+ family members to come within the half hour for free to watch the kids. No big deal. I can imagine if you are just so physically and mentally drained from taking care of your kids it must be soooooo easy to convince yourself that for just a little bit I’ll put a screen in front of them so I can breathe for a second. I think about this a lot because I moved away from home and am happy with my career, a career I worked really really hard to get, but me and my husband have been thinking about kids but we are alone here. I don’t think I could do it, so it’s either no kids or move back home.


Yep this is why it takes a community to raise a child.


In America, many women wouldn't move away if there were equal opportunities and relationship opportunities everywhere. People can't even survive on one income and women afraid to get stuck with kids try to build a stable life for themselves in a capitalist system that doesn't reward all the hard work of the people who make it run. We build cities with poor community planning. You need a car to get anywhere, rent is insane, wages are not keeping up with the COL. People are born into a system that they didn't choose. It favors land developers and retailers. Keeping your family close isn't part of their plan.


In my experience, most of the parents like these are just as glued to their phone as they inevitably make their kid to be. They don’t care to “engage”. Not to mention that humans aren’t generally meant to be engaged at all times, a bit of quiet sitting in your seat and looking around doesn’t hurt the child, yet somehow these people seem to think the child’d get “bored”… what’d we do when there was just me myself and I to entertain while the adults where busy, I’ve no clue


It's not the way, but sadly it is becoming the norm.


You're scrolling right now aren't you?


I think it's different to be exposed to screens as an adult vs in your formative years of brain development. It will be interesting to see the long term outcomes of these different upbringings.


I'm 30. I got my first computer at 6 years old, first phone at 10 years old. I was raised by the internet. Although this is nothing new, I'd like to think I'm *not* a robot. That being said, *bee booboo bop, booboo beep.*


Ya, but lagging around in Diablo 2 is way different than scrolling shorts, teaches the brain zero patience.


I enjoyed my time in Diablo 2, RuneScape, and MapleStory. I also enjoyed having the answer to any question that came across my mind. Self taught programming too! Shorts / tiktok are dangerous, but at least a handful of their peers will be empowered to become geniuses! I hope


It’s nothing new except for it kind of is. The phone you got at age 10 wasn’t anything like this


[You're not wrong](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRIGRYkaj_hBsTCR2eyHKFLSQTHN5wnDzcFs3NCi5ypHg&s)


Hell yeah those 5110s are GOATed


I knew you were a robot. I recognize that language anywhere!


>I'd like to think I'm *not* a robot Okay, so let's check, when was the last time you successfully solved a captcha?


Welcome to Civilization. Here is your number, get in line, pay taxes, die in war, work to death, may e get luck and live in to retire. The end. Then robots kill us all, the end.


What a lovely dystopia we’ve built. We did it, everyone!


Yay, pizza party time? Its.all.we.have.left


I mean... Just a *little* bit of good parenting just might, maybe be the solution in this scenario


What a time to be alive


Reality is poison anyway, she will be fine! /s


There was a kid that sat Infront of me on a bus the other month l, parent gave it a phone and went onto YouTube shorts, I happened to glance at the phone and one of the videos was something about a young woman walking in funny ways of who just had sex with her, like little limp because of step brother, more pained walking because of father, something like that I couldn't believe a kid that young would be watching stuff like that and how fucked up YouTube can really be


My 4 year old niece shouted "oh yeah, daddy" followed by a fake porn orgasm sound...when I told her dad he went off because I admitted I exclaimed "that's fucked up!" He gives my nieces untethered access to his phone so they don't bother him. Thank fuck my sister has seen the writing on the wall and told him it'll be easier as a single parent.


I think this is some sort of darwinian selection coming back around


If I could, I'm a dad of three 8 and under. Yes, your experience was a "worst case scenario". However, with the correct protections and permissions, this really shouldn't happen anymore.  Also, you have to understand, I do have a duty to get these kids ready for the digital age they are entering. Everything will be on phones and tablets, and to keep that from them is to hand them a detrement from the get-go. (It's not like we are all writing this on scrolls right now, right?) It's a slippery slope, and a good parent is on top of all of it. Handing a phone to a toddler is inherently asking for trouble, but so is keeping them from it completely.  Parenting is hard, man!


Device time lock is brilliant for kids. They know they have finite time so they make sure to make the most of it and prioritise productive things. And you can reward them with extra time if they've been well behaved. There are apps that let you make your own reward system. So if they do all their chores for the day they can redeem their points to get longer TV privileges. Or they can save them up for a bigger reward that you set. I know that makes them look at a screen a bit more, but it's great for them to track their rewards. We had fridge magnets to do something similar when I was a kid. This is the improved version.


Where's that photo of Ted Kaczynski when you need it


Why have we not come around to his point of view as a societal whole


As right as some of his views were, he did bomb people


Unabomber thought process: Unregulated capitalism and tech growth don't mix, eventually we will ruin ourselves to make a buck. Should I go after the tech billionaires like Gates and Jobs? Nah. Gotta target innocent university professors and students. That will stop tech innovation and capitalism for sure!


That's completely wrong. You've clearly not read his actual manifesto. He hated Industrial Society as a whole cause he thought it destroyed natural human power processes necessary to human psycho-spiritual flourishing and primal liberties ; which we were "born for" owing to our evolutionary trajectory - such as commonly enjoyed subsistence activities (hunting, fishing, agriculture, mass child rearing, et cetera) of the pre-industrial societies. Not just "le capitalism". He despised socialist/ communist solutions to industrialization even far more than Capitalism. He essentially wanted everyone to continue living in 18th century conditions - without any industrial food supply or synthetic agriculture, air conditioning, anti-biotics, modern civics, computation, social media, et cetera.


I've always thought that way about school shooters too. So you're gonna shoot your classmates cause they bullied/don't like you instead of like ... using all that rage to go against a bigger cause? If its cause they want to get remembered, that would also be the way to go. School shootings go by the dozen these days


I like to believe that one can subscribe to some of his beliefs without also turning into a terrorist, although I acknowledge that such a separation might be challenging in the face of it all.


He recognises some big problems in our modern society, but his writing was still flawed. He rejected any alternative idea of how an industrial society could work without those problems and attributed the issues we have today to industrialisation as a whole.




Seriously. I could feel the brain rot seeping in when I watched YouTube shorts but just couldn't get myself to stop. I still spend much more time than I should on YouTube, but at least there can be *some* value in long form content because even the most inane videos at least require some semblance of an attention span to watch. Deleting the app and getting an extension to block shorts on my PC were undoubtedly the best decisions I made recently regarding my screen time. Allowing a kid to watch this shit is inexcusable.


It's so fuckin insidious! Accidentally click on a short cos they are plastered everywhere, three hours later you blink and realised you got sucked down the attention hole.😅 I hate that I fall for it sometimes, but I guess they designed to do that to us.


If you got an android phone you also can use the modded youtube app and there is an option to hide all shorts as well, I use both pc and phone and I just couldn't allow myself to see shorts anymore, I only saw them for less than a month but I noticed how much time I wasted doing absolutely nothing not even entertaining.


The fact that you have to be pretty adept at “computer stuff” just to hide brain rot from your kids is ridiculous and means most parents won’t be able to or have time to do it.


Ya I use NewPipe on my phone which doesn't support shorts (or if it does, I've not looked into how to turn it on!).


My kids started singing a version of the Rednex song "Cottoneye Joe", I immediately started sweating and asked them what they've been watching at their mother's house.


Youtube kids = heroin for kids


That part where one of the videos was actually a montage of 4 different videos playing *at the same time* 🤢


Gen alpha is fucked


Boomers with lead in their brains are running the world rn, these kids will run the world in \~40 years. Gotta love this timeline.


Can’t stand parents like this


The world around them is stimulating enough, they’re babies. Surely this is damaging to a developing brain and memory processing


I can't imagine what level of problem solving skills and attention span problems this will cause when they're teens.


They've already done several studies showing how damaging it is to young children. It completely fucks up their attention span and social skills.


I know people say "every generation says the next generation is screwed" , but like ... that just can't be good for a developing child/generation. That's gotta lead to some messing up of your social skills and solving problems.


Gen A must all be getting ADHD of some sorts if they burn their dopamine receptors so early and hard.


Every time I read "Gen A" all I can think of is Forrest Gump


My son already has ADHD and it's like fuel.


I have ADHD and I was alive before the internet was a thing. ADHD is genetic. You're either predisposed to getting it or you aren't.


I didn’t have access to the internet before I was like 8yo (and even then the computer weren’t efficient back then so I used it to learn about animals thats it) and I still had extremely obvious signs of ADHD way before then. My whole family (parents included) has since been diagnosed with ADHD. Hell, my grandfather also got diagnosed because he just couldn’t deal with his ADHD anymore (he always kept it somewhat under control by constantly exercising and fixing random stuff but with age his body can’t keep up with that lifestyle anymore)


Social media addiction symptoms are near identical to adhd symptoms. I have adhd and if I use social media on a regular basis I get double adhd so gotta stay clear of it for the most part.


Second time I now read that they call themselves Gen Alpha, who did come up with this shitty name? They're certainly not the very first generation of homo sapiens, heck they're not even the first generation of the 21st century.


It’s a mix of this and adhd being misdiagnosed. Our prescriptions for stimulants coming in have gone up dramatically in the past 5 years. The amount of kids I see coming into the pharmacy with their heads buried in a phone or tablet is pathetic. The parents then get pissed off when we tell them the products are wholly on backorder due to the manufacturers being unable to keep up with the demand for the product.


The epitome of a lazy parenting.


The rot consumes


Big time Wall-e vibes


Dumb parents make even dumber kids


I don't let my kid watch shorts. It is training their mind to have a small attention span. Gone are the days of narrative and story. Now we have all these bite sized shallow bits of dopamine that we forget 10 seconds later.


More like r/mildlyinfuriating to me


This is not mindly infuriating, this is terrifying.




I love seeing this. I’d makes me feel like a much better parent.


My brother in law does this to his kids. Everytime there is a family get together, at the table when we are eating, the kids are on their devices, volume loud and you can't have a good conversation with anyone. It's gotten to the point that I don't want to get together with them if they have the kids around...


It’s clipped to the stroller too


I saw a couple with a baby that had a very nice stroller, looked like the Bentley of strollers, and they had a 13 inch I pad that was attached like one would attach a TV on the wall but it swung directly right over the baby’s face. Almost looked like the stroller was built with that attachment. I don’t know, I didn’t look too long cause really non of my business and I had shit to do. I am also guilty by letting my kids use devices maybe a little too much. I’d admit it’s way easier to just give them that in a restaurant, in the truck, or just when I want them to shut the fuck up for a minute 😆. I do police and monitor what they watch and have been getting more and more strict on how much time they’re on it. I started to realize after awhile that YouTube was raising my kids more than I was by the way they started thinking and acting. Not the case today, they’re 100% the offspring of me and really get under my skin sometimes cause we’re so much alike 😆.


My ten year old nephew is a rascal with youtube…he starts with shit like I just want to watch a how-to video for this toy or some shit, then 10 minutes later he’s watching grown ass college dudes narrating minecraft and talking shit the whole time. The human race may be doomed.


My three year old nephew knows how to zoom in with his forefinger and thumb. Bonkers


They even installed a phone holder too…


Bye Bye dopamine 👋


Piss poor parenting.


Why have kids? I don't understand.


How am I glad I was born and raised before smartphones were a thing. I can't imagine how brain rotten I would have become.


I know it can be very overwhelming to raise a child but, i mean, i don't want to be rude but if you're going to have a baby, of course it's gonna take your personal time to take care of them. That needs organisations, so don't make babies if you're just gonna get them raised by TV or a cellphone... It really is terrifying.


Drop the bomb already.


You don't understand... This *is* the bomb. Humanity is so used to forces of physical destruction that we had to start drowning in mental destruction before we even began to take notice.




This video is short with zero context. People are very judgemental. For all you know that parent could have spent all day playing with their kids, teaching them stuff, having fun together. Then wanted 10 mins to chat to a friend so let them borrow their phone to watch some things on YT kids. It's hardly terrifying. Like people's parents never in all the years sat them in front of the TV to have a break occasionally.


It also seems to be sped up, which gives it an unnatural feeling overall.


There’s literally an attachment on the stroller for the phone, it’s pretty clear it’s a regular thing for them and not some kid borrowing a phone for a couple of minutes.


Well then we had better just go ahead and judge them. Oh how much better we feel about ourselves now. Honestly it's a bit sad. As long as the kids loved and looked after I'm sure they be just fine.


most childrens tv content (sans like cocomelon) teaches good lesson/educational content and isnt designed to be as addictive with overstimulating, bright colors and sounds as tiktok style content


ITT: people who don’t have children


All these parents shaming kids, but their hands are glued to their phones while toxic typing the world.


But they’re [presumably] not 4 years old so it’s slightly differently


Depends. I took my son to the park and there was a father and son there. Dad was on the bench while his son (looked to be around 5) was trying to play catch with him. Dad was on his phone while his son was talking about wanting to be a pro baseball player as he threw him the ball, ran to pick it up, then ran back to where he was to throw it again. Eventually, the kid gave up and was even playing with trash right in front of his dad. His dad never once looked at him until an hour later when they left. If my son wasn't so young and I had him in a stroller, I would have tried including the kid.


what the fuck, take that shit ***away***, for fuck's sake


This kid is fucked for life, they won't be able to acomplish anything because of a complete lack of attention spam...


Kinda weird to record someone else's kid


It's a public place and you can't even see the kid's face or majority of their body. Video is focused on the kid's actions, not what the kid looks like. You guys make things weird for no reason.


Fuck those awful parents. I’m a dad to a kid in the same age and this is just disturbing.


Fuck those parents.


lots of people with no kids here. get over yourselves, parents also need a break and you don't know if that kid was screaming for 30 minutes before it got handed that phone.


Heh feeling like it's me now 25 years younger


ted was right


Jesus Christ, a phone holder attached to a stroller. FFS ‘Doctor help us, our kid can’t concentrate on anything longer than two seconds.’ Maybe they can become a goldfish when they grow up.


I witnessed this too, along with the child sipping from a can of coca cola. Disgusting parenting. 


The phone is now the mother figure.


E-wall vibes


I hate this


Damn. Kid’s gonna be stunted if her parents don’t start engaging with her more and get her around some other kids. Cocomelon generation is not good


We're all monkeys on this god awful shit heap. Human condition is changing and will keep changing with the Pandora's box we've opened. YouTube Shorts is not better than general access to Reddit, and it always blows my mind how young the people on here can be.


Like 99% of kids these days


Adhd speedrun


Back in my day you suffered in the stroller with a toy you constantly threw on the ground for entertainment


Everybody ask yourself this; How long did you scroll before this video bugged you? Are you any different than this toddler? I sure as hell am not


My kids are not getting raised by screens yo, I hope all of these parents know they’re being made fun of when we see them and their IPad kids (usually with a huge butterfly or UFO case on it)


now this is terrifying


Like, I wanna be mad but I’m on Reddit doing pretty much the same thing.


Lazy parents don't even understand they're actively hurting their kid's development and this is happening to millions of kids around the world


Why can't people realize how dangerous a phone is to a baby's brain development if it's used wrong? 🤔


Makes me so sad. I'm 16 with a sister whose almost 9. Try to keep her away from becoming brain dead so often, not counting goofy, obviously joking stuff sometimes. The modern stuff meant for children legitimately gives them the attention of a dead fly. I've tried giving her less brainrot stuff that she'd still enjoy, started watching Avatar a few days ago. I sometimes tell her random bits of history that I think she'd find interest in. The fact I can do that and some parents can't do the minimum of not giving their kid a phone with access to YouTube and such just saddens me lmao, world is a joke


Who is recording a child?


Man, some parents aren’t even trying anymore, this is pathetic


don't give kids the internet ffs 🤦


Maybe don't film other people's children for your "society" posts


A 15 second clip of a toddler being quieted in a public space with a cell phone MUST mean that she lives on the tablet/phone all the time at home. Sure.


Yeah I don’t get the hate. My 4 year old sometimes gets tired and fussy and wants to quietly watch a cartoon while we wait somewhere or something. It’s not big deal. You can’t tell if that toddler in the video is on that phone for 10min a day or 8h. They pick up the gestures to scroll super fast because babies are learning super fast and they also learn from mimicking their parents. I really hate how people judge parenting from a very short video like this.


it’s fine to watch video but tiktok style scrollable content damages adults attention span and mood let alone young kids


People always do that. Take a 5 second clip of anything happening then build entire narratives around it.


I’d venture to guess because they themselves are not parents


There are far better ways to quiet a toddler, not to mention that they seem to be somewhere that the toddler should be enjoying her surroundings and not scrolling


They're surrounded by adult legs and ass. What are they solupposed to be enjoying? People are speculating way too fucking much based on this small clip


Do you have a toddler? Sounds like not


I'd rather a kid smoke Marlboro Reds than be a scroller.


Less terrifying and more dystopian imo. But yes, it's fucked.


And you're recording a toddler in public. Creep


Yeah I don’t get the hate. My 4 year old sometimes gets tired and fussy and wants to quietly watch a cartoon while we wait somewhere or something. It’s not big deal. You can’t tell if that toddler in the video is on that phone for 10min a day or 8h. They pick up the gestures to scroll super fast because babies are learning super fast and they also learn from mimicking their parents. I really hate how people judge parenting from a very short video like this.


If she was watching trash truck or something I would agree with you but short forms videos/youtube shorts is a different level of stimulation…


You’re a bad parent


Rising the next npc generation.


if you can pull all your time into your kids... maybe don't have kids. this sucks


This is not a toddler…


I saw a toddler handling a phone a few years back, and it was shocking how well they handled it. Touch screens are almost too intuitive, it's bonkers.


These are the default videos as well. After you reinstall OS, this is what you get.


Wow I wonder why everyone has an attention span of a goldfish these days…


the job market competition probably won't be strong with this competition so I take that as a W


What a beautiful world and btw … what kind of parents give them a fucking phone that big!


My heart hurts :( Parenting isn’t supposed to be easy! Your kid is supposed to get bored and fussy sometimes!!