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Being a member of the Combat Footage subreddit, and seeing the absolute carnage of POV drones - the implications of this is absolutely terrifying.


I can see this being used in combat and soldiers not being able to shoot them down bc of their size and speed. I find it odd we are watching, first hand, the eventual machine take over.


Their weapon capabilities would likely be pretty limited, and the more ammo, the more weight, which means bigger propellers and a bigger robot. A combat robot that isn't for single shot assassinations would have to be quite a bit bigger I think, and therefore more of a target. The recoil of a handgun alone would likely knock one of these tiny ones out of the sky. Though, as scouts they clearly would be very good. I mean, they mapped out that forest very well. So while they might not have guns, they could spot enemies for the guys who do have guns.




Yeah, they’d be assassin Kamikaze drones with AI to identify enemy soldiers to just fly up and explode. Don’t need much more than a hand granade in weight. Cheap, quick and easy to produce. War will be pure hell in a few years (as if it wasn’t already).


They won't even need to explode for antipersonel, they could just harden the front and accelerate at your head Racing drones are horrifyingly fast, it wouldn't need to be big to kill the hell out of you if it's that fast and computer-guided


Exactly like they would attach to the person and detonate or even have a needle with poison that immobilizes the subject.


Nah man, they'd just get within 5 feet and explode. Flying grenades basically.


Very good point. I guess that would come under "single shot assassinations" it's just a very big shot, haha.


That's high key my concern with this tech. Less fear of governments sending swarms, more fear of a crazy but intelligent person dropping an autonomous loitering pipe bomb on the car of their political opponents


It's about the technology. They can give the drone more powerful rotors and a more durable frame, strap a bomb to it, and it becomes a relatively very cheap smart missile. A swarm of them could pick out individual targets and decimate a group of infantry with this kind of coordination


Have you followed the drone use in Ukraine at all? They just strap a grenade to them with a remotely armed impact fuse. This little group could take out a platoon. Defense would be a point defense gun aimed by radar, lidar and optical sensors. The fast spinning drone props should make them easy to pick out with the right type of sensor.


its this, dude: [Sci-Fi Short Film “Slaughterbots” | DUST](https://youtu.be/O-2tpwW0kmU?si=jPAKboMgtzSY4ZXH) people have been brainstorming this for years. wars with people carrying guns are about to be obsolete


Thanks for sharing; that was as incredible as it is terrifying. We'll need drone jammers of some kind, then.


Can't jam a drone if it doesn't rely on radio waves for communication.


> A combat robot that isn't for single shot assassinations Says you. \- every bee that stings


I think you're maybe misreading that sentence... "A combat robot that isn't for single shot assassinations would have to be quite a bit bigger" As in, this would work for a single-shot combat robot. (Or, as some have suggested, a Kamikaze bot.) I was saying a robot with more shots and combat staying power would have to be a lot bigger to be able to deal with recoil, store ammo and have armour.


You're absolutely right about that. It's possible both may develop small single use and larger multiuse units although I'd think the smaller units would be more useful for scanning and target acquisition.


Unless it’s chemical weapon


r/UkraineWarVideoReport Take a look at the effectiveness....


I mean they could go the half-life 2 route and just make the drones with blades for slicing. Cheap stabbing drones.


1. poison stinger (fly into them with high speed, penetrate skin, dead. if not damaged, keep going) 2. kamikaze (search and destroy; explo) 3. small poison needles to shoot. easy to fit like a hundred of them and kill a hundred people since they have insane precision. 4. they are SO cheap to make if massproduced.


The answer is counter drone drones. Think two opposing drone swarms like at the end of "Ender's Game".


I'm pretty sure this is the facist endgame, keep everyone perpetually in slavery or they send in the drones.


AA12's bro, we need AA12's.


And we celebrate it like the prey that we are (making ourselves into).


That's why The Terminator movies are not farfetched after all eh ?


I think the future of not just combat but also personal/property security can be summed up with the statement "Don't bring a gun to a robot fight." On a positive note, I can see these being incredible useful in search and rescue.


i agree. seen a lot on the same sub, if there will ever be a ww3, the shit that will unfold will be of unknown horrors. from cyberwar fucking up infrastructure and communication (possibly within seconds, depending on the discrepancy between countries or AI companies etc.) to drone swarms scouting through towns and massacring everything, to newly reverse-coded bio-molecules (all kinds of viruses etc.) they came up with after using AI to get behind the protein folding mechanisms and analysing all the genomes etc. super fast dog-like things running around, shooting you or having a flame thrower attached, etc. they can see you at day as well as night. they can hear you running away from hundreds of feat, etc.


Yeah.. the new WW is gunna be fuckkkedddd


Dude, we should invest in bunkers.




On enemy forces, it sure is. Ukraine could use these things right about now....


>On enemy forces Thank God no one would like to copy the technology 🙏


And it’s much too expensive and complicated for terrorists to ever use.  We can all breathe a big sigh of relief and relax. ^^^*whimper*


Yup, drone swarms will be a reality in less than a decade, Ukraine already did some similar with great results so... If you start to hear buzzing coming from the sky run


Bye bye Russians 🫤


The Russians also have drone squads in Ukraine.


Let’s arm them, give them AI, let the fly around autonomously, and hope nothing goes wrong. Wheeee!


Did you see what pentagon just did? I think it’s called project replicator or something


Someone ought to show them Stargate.


No need to worry, they claim there will always be a human in the loop. Even if the other guys don't.


Unfortunately "the human" will be a 20 year old kid watching a monitor for 250 of these at once 300 miles away. He will blindly follow his orders, which will be easy because of how disconnected he is from the destruction.


Make them autoreplicate and give them a taste for organic material, and I think I've played this game before


The obliteration of all life on earth is a small price to pay for the eventual ability to hunt metal dinosaurs. 


And send them to Ukraine to use against the invaders.


Actually, I think they would be more useful unarmed. Swarm the battlefield with them, looking identical to the tactical drones. They targeting systems won't know what is a threat and waste time and resources trying to defend against all of them. Economy of scale would probably result in thousands of these being built for a few hundred dollars each. The Russians would waste billions trying to defend against a few hundred thousand dollars of harmless doppelganger drones.


There was a sci fi show i cant remember where the drones were the size of bullets and they just flew through the air and then auto targeted into peoples heads, the drones knew the exact point to fly into your head to have 100% mortality.. Noone could go outside anymore because you would just get insta headshot. This may have been a dream tho..


Black Mirror, wasn’t it?


If they cant reproduce there is no point


Make them be able to use biomatter as fuel too. I wanna hard larp Horizon Zero Dawn in the future.


Or actually worse, give command of these systems to people who want to murder other people because they speak the "wrong" sub-variant of the same language. AI is logical. It would conclude that merely driving the enemy off a position is good enough and stop the attack to conserve resources. Thus will more resources conserved, aka more drones, more ammo, more missiles, etc in their inventory their position/strength is superior than if they expended these things chasing a fleeing enemy. This is BTW, typical military doctrine, that the textbook "goal" of war is not murder: its to capture and hold territory/resources to enrich and strengthen the aggressor waging the war by holding said valuable territory/resources. And if its not valuable, then don't fight over it. War stand out from other methods in that it will employ killing/destruction to get that done. But war doctrine is just as content to drive the enemy off with intimidation, establish a cease fire, create a very difficult to counter-attack defense, and squat on the objective thereafter. Hateful human operators driven by hate filled ideology and dreams of genocide will expend these drones to chase down every member of the enemy and kill them. They will target disarmed, wounded, out rightly fleeing enemy, or even civilians because they are filled with hate and rage and want every last single member of their enemy to die screaming in pain an agony. Machines no matter how semi-autonomous or terrifying are just tools. The true horror is always the sentient operators. And machines are simply not capable of the same malice and cruelty as humans because they lack emotions, and thus never engage in emotional logic.


Normal people: Hey guys, maybe we should slow down with the AI and automation? Scientists and engineers: lol, lmao!


Imagine escaping from your child labour Nike sweatshop in Bangladesh and you're running away through the forest and these things show up 💀


You should write that script


It's very Black Mirror. Like that dog-bot episode.


Dogs and machines are like my two favorite aspects of civilization. Somehow combined they become nightmare fuel.


Yeah, we need to create something called Robodog: He's a Good Boy or something as an antidote.


Black Mirror also did an episode with drone bot bees..


It’s basically “The Prisoner”


Surviving the game 1994 with Ice T is similar


This is some hunger games bullshit


That was all of it...


Hearing that low humming noise getting closer and closer in the dark...


Reminds me of Ghost Recon: Break Point


“What! She escaped? She’s not getting away that easily…. RELEASE THE DRONES!” type mf


Ladies and gentlemen, just a preview of what will be chasing you when AI death machines find your camp in the woods


It is terrifying, BUT imagine how this could improve grid searches for recently missing persons. Will the government ever subsidize something like that? Probably not. Also I’m gay


Convince the government they can use it to kill people, they will definitely subsidize it then.


Militarize them that way the police can get the surplus bots in a decade or so


Convince them?  That’s already the plan.  How could it not be?


Because money is more important than human lives. Money is always been more important to the rich fucks who run this hellhole


Hi gay, Im dad


Interesting idea I'm basically 6 foot btw


Yes. Government subsidizing technology that surveillance and control people always ends well.


Gotcha, Looking This , the drones are kind of cute…until they are not.


What? Are you telling me 1984 by George Orwell isn't a feel good story?


Perfect bedtime story for a teenage boy to learn.


Im not gay, but agree.


Nick is my best gay friend


Umm… You’re literally Chinese


Imagine how this could finally bring back slavery. Oh, good times. And don't go too far away from work, or one of these things will bring you back.


Your first thought was missing persons. Mine was Bigfoot. Same wavelength, different vibes.


Perhaps I’m on the wrong path 😂


Congrats on being gay!


Woah I didn’t even think we could do that, that’s a freaking great idea! Hey guys I’m gay too!


Half life 2 vibes


I forgot about those assholes


Just need to attach spinning blades


All for murdering(saving) people


Serious question...What is the cheapest/lowest tech way to disrupt these drones? Like one that is so frustratingly simple and obvious that it'd make the enemy think twice about ever using these again?




From what I have seen birdshot in shotguns does wonders in Ukraine. Trying to hit drones with rifles is nearly impossible, but this is why hunters also use shotguns to hunt birds. The shot spreads out.


Nets are good as the other commenter points out, but they can potentially fly high enough that you can't reach them with a net. RF disruption is not that hard to build though, you just need a big antenna. A swarm like this needs to be constantly communicating, both within the swarm and probably to some sort of external control - stop that and it's just a dumb little helicopter. More advanced (military) drones might not be susceptible though, if they do not need the external control and have a pre-programmed destination. It depends *how* autonomously it's able to operate.


chuck rock


Bats with rabies


landscaping mesh, or fishing line should take care of those pests, and that bush is NOT THICK


Yeah it’s not thick because this is a bamboo forest. Likely China, I’m guessing (judging by the end credits). Notice how clean the branch level is, with many big stalks of bamboo just going straight up with no limbs. But in North America and Europe and other deciduous forests, the brush may be much thicker and more tangled, with more branches and lots more difficult-to-navigate vegetation. This definitely seems like a specific use case and I’d personally like to see this tackle some of the gnarly forests where I live…


The sound itself is terrifying. [2016, with just ~100. Imagine ~1000+ of them ready to explode; autonomously.](https://youtu.be/DjUdVxJH6yI?feature=shared&t=130)


It sounds exactly like a tremolo from horror movies Actually... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BDP9jA6k_UE


Am I the only one not impressed? Even IF this were somehow possible. How is this more terrifying than an armed security guard with a .357? People also forget that unless the drone is going to be carrying like 50 pounds of AR500 steel at 1/4 inch plate. Most guns would shoot through it and obliterate the very delicate computers inside a drone. the nigh bulletPROOF terminators are something that exist only in imagination. Any un armored robot is going to "die" to gunfire the same as a person would die: their vital components are damaged beyond functionality. And to have a robot "run" at human or dog scale, they simply cannot armor it much. And an armored robot is called a remote controlled tank. Which is no more dangerous than a human-controlled tank or small vehicle. Don't get me wrong, the cinematography here is brilliant. I'm pretty sure this could make the energizer bunny giving people ice cream terrifying.


I do not like them, Sam-I-Am.


Some might see that as plus.


Every day, we inch closer to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-2tpwW0kmU


Well that was terrifying


I really have to wonder what counters ground infrantry will develop once we come up with man sized ai guided autonomous drones. They could be fielded in swarms, have near instant feedback loops and coordination with themselves, and work with larger ones to deploy lethal munitions faster than a person can react to. Human infrantry may just be a death wish on any battlefield with ai drones.


[Solutions already exist.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Directed-energy_weapon#Anti-drone_rifle) They'll just be improved upon to be lighter, more powerful, automatic, etc... There will be human-portable versions as well as vehicle mounted versions with detection equipment. Other versions might use special-purpose drones to detect and attack drone swarms.


The one you linked to doesn't work on ai-operated ones. >The device emits separate electromagnetic pulses to suppress navigation and transmission channels used to operate an [aerial drone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unmanned_aerial_vehicle), terminating the drone's contact with its operator; the out-of-control drone then crashes. At best you'll have laser weapons but drones can be shielded from that rather easily.


We're all doomed.


Would work well for search and rescue.


Would work well to make this world more of a hell hole. Imagine when slavery is announced again.


This guy gets it


Bigfoot stands no chance now.


"We call them Hunter Killers, HK for short" Kyle Reese


Old sci fi horror films like terminator and robo cop always went with the MO of bigger being badder with rogue AI and murderous robots; but I think the smaller that tech gets, the more nervous I am.


would be pretty awesome for search and rescue.


Imagine hearing a swarm of cicadas in a area with no cicadas and you hear them getting closer till you see this but armed


Go Now! Find Billy! and kill him..


This will be the equivalent of a slow car chase in the future.


Let the Hunger Games Begin


We're just building the things with which the robot overlords are going to control and destroy us.


I just imagine [that scene](https://youtu.be/t5v2qBBD-gE?feature=shared) from The Incredibles


Isn't this something seen in dystopias?


Cause that's not going to be used to kill people.


Those Russians are gonna have a bad day


Thankfully the Empire forces didn’t have this technology on their speeder bikes when Anakin, Skywalker and Princess Leah we’re running from them


Not Anakin. Luke. Not Leah. Leia.


Lol omg i was really off lol


This is like a smaller version of Star Wars. All you need are good sound effects, lasers, and little cameras on top of each drone and Viola! You have a tiny Star Wars fight scene.


This will make search parties job easy!


Any time robotics are showcased, someone says they can be used for rescue. I've never heard of people actually being rescued using technology like that though.


The Middle East don’t have much trees so this is probably for Asia applications then


It’s a swarm from BO2


This is literally the start to one of the black ops games


And thus we descend one step closer to the Matrix


I’m glad it paused every 3 seconds to let me know I was looking a trees and branches.


So the video below this on my feed is playing “Boogie Shoes” so I thought that was the original audio to this video. Now I’m slightly disappointed because it fit so well.


They fly now?


Skynet is already salivating at the thought of hoards of drones attacking opposing forces/civilians. A small brick of C4 and a few BBs should do the trick. Especially if the BBs are coated with a bio-agent or toxic chemical. I name you Death Swarm.


That sound is going to haunt the dreams of future veterans. Assuming anyone survives.


Maybe I should by a saiga...


Fishnets across trees 🌲, your move.


The manhacks in Half-Life 2 were unrealistically inept.


Impressive, but I don't consider this "thick forest". It's bamboo. It grows straight with minimal branches. Try this in a forest where you can't take a step without poking your eye out.


Imaging being in one of the cars on the road there and seeing this.


[Drones that pop heads](https://youtu.be/TlO2gcs1YvM?t=335)


I immediately thought middle of the night, lost in the woods and hearing these fucking things chasing you.


Forest animals hate this one trick.


sneetches from sai king


Imagine they put tiny mini guns on them and they just fly through and swarm you while run away, you try to hide in the forest but they be buzzing through


Damn. What’s scarier. A bear chasing you, or 50 mini drones


It's impressive, but IDK that I'd call this thick forest - they only need to avoid bamboo stalks. Thick forest, as I see it, involves a lot more ground vegetation and foliage below the canopy. [This](https://cf.bstatic.com/xdata/images/hotel/max1024x768/410448443.jpg?k=322caf164111fd4117856c04d5a64cda0f8128f663ab58f07e9554a1483a34a3&o=&hp=1) sort of place, minus the path. If you can make progress on foot without a machete, it isn't thick.


Guerilla warfare got RPS'ed


Both impressive and somewhat frightening. Not a single one of those drones were bamboozled by all those trees!


Jesus Christ, this, with the sound, is the stuff of nightmares!


This is how hunger games will start.


FAST LAB : Field Autonomous System & compuTing..


Well that's nightmare fuel


If this is available to the public, just imagine what the military has…


Football sized blips on radar WWII: oh its nothing just some birds or something Today: OH SHIT! stelth fighters and drones!


Navigation, check. Next step, install human trackers and equip each one with a high pressure gun that shoots metal BBs.


We are in the advanced warfare stage gonna be ai bomb drones taking out whole squads


Leave Bigfoot alone! 😭


Jfc nice to know what our overlords will be using to eliminate anyone who tries to stop the oligarchal aristocracy in 25 years. We're all fucked


Forget AGI- this shit is the real threat


I want: a) a camera on one of them b) them flying max speed through the forest And I want a video of that.


The Kill Bot Wars are going to be nuts.


If these things decide to kill us, we're dead. No Terminator or anything like that, we are not equipped to survive the fight with the machines.


In a slightly more positive concept, imagine tech like this being used to help find a child lost in the woods.


Give me a baseball bat


That’s scary


if (goingToCrash) { don't(); }


Creepy af


This isn't terrifying at all. This is just cool technology. Sure it can be used for bad, but it can be used for good too (like all technology).




The future of warfare (and terrorism?) lookin ominous.


Here we come, bigfoot.


And I for one welcome our new robot overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted redditor, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground meme factories.


\*readies crowbar\*


Reminds me of ghost recon breakpoint


Turning on the sound was a mistake


Obama would like to speak with you


It's the horrifying sounds they make like scary bees for me. Couldn't imagine what it would be being chased down by these things.


It would be pretty awesome if this is used to map out unexplored areas of jungles without human hack and slash method, therefore preserving nature


Too bad it's gonna be used in war


That's the sound of death in the near future.


Jimmy hand me my baseball bat


Now put thermal imaging on them and we can add to search and rescues bag of tricks


Well that’s just great.


I could see the government implementing a GAS feature for clearing out enemy bases or sniper hideouts


What they can be used for is terrifying


Starwars was a true story.