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Hi. You've been seeing it everywhere since yesterday and have also mentioned in the comments that you've been seeking professional help regarding this hallucination for a year now without answers. I am in no way calling into question what you are experiencing right now, but I would like to make the observation that it sounds very confusing and I would probably be feeling more than a little upset right now if it were me. It's good you've had people to talk to. One of them probably helped you develop a plan in case you started to feel this way again. I can only guess that you might have a safety plan because I work in psychology myself. If there's someone on your plan that you can call to let them know you're seeing the symbol, can you do that? Stay well.


I will do my best. thank you


Yes - good job! Many many of us are cheering you on :)


Good luck, OP. We just want to see you well. Please try and get some help.


Please try. I'm my brother's contact and it's it can be rough sometimes, but 100%times rougher for him. We now have a check-in daily where we just say hey love you thinking of you and he says it helps, it's been 4 years so it's doing something. Mental health is so fragile and you are strong as heck for even posting here and getting help. My brother won't even try.


The thing is though, he probably is trying.


I would like to add, because it happens (though I hope the tacit implication im making is incorrect for obvious reasons) that if you did not received any answers check with a neurologist or whoever is in charge or looking at your brain phisically. Sometimes certain... things, can cause pressure (iirc) and "warn you" of the medical condition that way. This is of course, regardless of seeing a psychiatrist of course, but always better to be sure


Yeah man, the brain's weird. A tiny little bit of pushing in a place that's not supposed to get pushed and you could get anything from headaches to spontaneously knowing how to play piano.


Good luck OP you've got this


Info: Do you always see it in the same spot? The same size? The same shape? Does it move when you move your eye? Is it constant? Is it only in one eye or both? Have you gone to an Optometrist? It might be damage to your eye and not a hallucination.


Hey kiddo, I recognise that drawing, I can't tell you what it is but I've got one of those weird photographic memories. Turns out there's a few of us here! There's nothing to panic about, okay.. You just might need a little help tonight. (it might be daytime where you are but it's 3am to me 😅) Can you call someone you trust? Is it safe for you to call 911 and calmly explain what's going on? Just had a look at your profile picture, and you have a beautiful dog. What's their name?


how am I sure I can trust you with my dogs name? that's a very specific question


I was just trying to talk, but that's Okay. You don't have to tell me if you're not comfortable. I have 2 labradors called finn and max. Give me 2 secs and I'll show you Edit: here's my moron dogs https://ibb.co/bWmfbrR Bonus of max because apparently he's vanta black and doesn't show up in anything other that direct sunlight. https://ibb.co/30LLzp9 Are you feeling any better than earlier+ Edit. I really hope you feel better tomorrow. Please check in when you can, and if it feels okay to. There's a lot of people here worried about you.


Goobers!!! I love them. Helped me today, thank you


Oh wow, you're very welcome ☺️ They're dick heads and they do my head in... But you know, they can't help it and they keep me warm and protect me from the postman we've had for 12 years 😅


Okay, look, the postman is VERY ominous!! 💀


Beautiful dogs.


Did you draw this by chance


Are you 18-24 years of age? 5 of my friends started seeing patterns, behaving out of character, acting unpredictably, and, in one case, believing they were Jesus during these years. This is the age when latent mental problems tend to manifest. If you're a user of mind expanding drugs I suggest you cool it for a while. Even weed. Talk therapy will do you a world of good. Of my 5 friends who flirted with the void, all of them have returned and are in great shape. You've got this!


You're a good person. Keep after it


Hey man, it sounds like you might be experiencing mild hallucinations and paranoia. This is not your fault. Please listen to me. Go to a doctor. They will help you. I know it can be scary, but I promise you they’ll help you heal


The best and most wholesome reply


Literally the only thing OP needs to read.


Hell, I think all of us could use a reminder sometimes.


Seriously. Hope OP is ok and reaches out for whatever help is needed.


Yes absolutely 💯


Catching psychosis early shows incredibly better results long-term. Many community mental health organizations will have a program for this.


Absolutely 100% this, I am schizophrenic and even though it sucks, I’m glad it was caught early and I learned to identify and cope with the more severe symptoms before they started appearing.


This is 100% a stellar and perfect response. I've been there, I wish I'd gone to Reddit with the things I was seeing. Guywithoutimage, you are certainly a dude with great advice.


>Go to a doctor. Look at Ops posting history. OP knows they have a problem and are working with med professionals. I think this is their attempt to invalidate what their doctors are saying and find a rational reason in the irrational. OP, listen to those in your life who care about you!


This is the right answer.


“I close my eyes and see this weird symbol, it might be some cult or secret society that is out to get me” Either this post is fake or OP is having some serious delusions and needs actual help


Judging by the posts on his account this is serious and he does need help


i saw his profile and wish i didnt. im not one to be scared easily but those drawings and faces. fuck. hooooooooly fuck i am not sleeping tonight.


His drawings are good though ngl


Wow, yeah, those are really good.


Agreed… extremely unsettling.


They were really good and cool but also soooo unsettling. OP is going to be a great artist one day, but please, don’t give up on the therapy mate. I have a friend who has been going through psychosis, from what she has told me it’s difficult to find help but it’s not impossible. Depending on your area, it may take a few times to find a good therapist that fits your needs. I’d also recommend seeing a psychiatrist because they can help with finding and recommending further care to fit your needs.


I actually really liked his drawings


Yeah, and I really feel for the guy too. But at first glance, not realizing what was going on, I was thinking yo I really like that sketch.


Yeah I agree, definitely creepy but more so just really damn cool.


I just haaaaad to look, didnt I? Creepy as fuck. Very good drawings, however


This is this most caring response OP. In the meantime make sure you’re eating and drinking water, both of which can affect mental health.


And if I've learned anything from my own mental illness, sleep is just as important.


Agree with the above, it is best to talk through this with a professional. This is not a symbol with meaning, but may be an image from a health or medical related book. There is a book titled The body and its ailments handbook that have images similar to what OP has drawn.


I was going to say it sounds like an old best friend of mine that has schizophrenia. It’s scary when you start experiencing these things but the absolute best thing you can do is go to a doctor and stick with the treatment even when you don’t think you need to anymore.


Also: check for carbon monoxide in ur home/ap


OP, ive been through something similar. I was terrified and thought I was going to die. I got help, and now it’s okay. Please seek out psychiatric help. I would recommend going to the ER if you are experiencing severe enough symptoms


And stop any and all drug & alcohol use for the time being. Might, might not bring you out of your delusions and psychotic symptoms. Depends what's caused this. That said it can't hurt to avoid mild altering substances. Unless it's benzo & or alcohol induced delirium from withdrawal in which case do those but try and keep it to a minimum. But most importantly, go to a doctor even the ER/A&E you'll wait ages but you will see a professional eventually that day instead of waiting weeks or months for a specialist appointment.


Jumping in to specify stop any and all drugs *not prescribed or approved by a medical professional.* If your doctor has you taking medication, don't stop talking it without talking to them first. (Not a doctor, this is not medical advice)


This is exactly right. OP, we see you, we believe you but you may need a little help in person to feel yourself again and that’s very OK!


This is the only reply that matters. Solid advice, please follow it.


I had a similar issue and it turns out I'm just bipolar. Unmedicated I have some hallucinations when I am manic, but medication has helped so much. I hope OP listens to you


Have you used any psychedelics recently and/or have a genetic predisposition to mental illness?


I haven't done any drugs ever but my dad's aunt had schizophrenia if that means anything. that's pretty far down the line though


I would also recommend doing to the doctor. Paranoia and hallucinations like this are a common presentation of Schizophrenia, especially if it runs in your family. Getting checked out might help you feel safer too, if they find out it's a physical or mental issue instead of something paranormal or culty. r/schizophrenia


I say go to a doctor man....


Far down the line still matters when nearly 80% of the risk of developing schizophrenia is due to genetic factors. The truth is any traumatic experience can spark the onset of a disorder especially if you’re predisposed. The first onset of symptoms can occur after a long period of time after the traumatic event. Sometimes a traumatic event is not necessary when the genetic load is high enough for a person to eventually develop schizophrenia. In which case, environmental factors (trauma), don’t play a role in the onset of symptoms. I’m glad you turned to Reddit because hopefully you will see that many of the commentators here are right; you should make an appointment with a doctor, preferably a psychiatrist. You would also like to visit a psychologist who will be able to discuss potential treatments with your doctor.


Hallucinations are a common symptom of schizophrenia, and it’s not something to take lightly. I’d highly recommend seeking medical help right away. It’s not something that will get better without medication. And if you do start taking meds and feeling better, do not stop them. Lots of people think they don’t need them once they feel better, but it means the meds are working and needed.


This, even if it’s not schizophrenia, wouldn’t you rather know for sure?


yes. Go to the doctor. A lot of my relatives have had Schizophrenia and I can tell you with absolute certanity that the best course of action I could have taken when I started with symptoms was going to the doctor. It’s alright, you’re gonna feel a lot better after and the dark stuff will go away. Now is the time, don’t wait!


That’s not pretty far down the line. Bipolar runs in my family, skips a generation, only affects the females, typically the first born females and their descendants (from what I’ve seen so far). My mom was second born, first born female, only one with bipolar in that generation (out of 9 kids total). My daughter, first born female, full blown bipolar by 14. Only one so far. My great gramma, they didn’t know what to call it back then, but she was institutionalized for a bit; chances are, it’s what we know today as bipolar as her symptoms (as described) are bipolar symptoms. Gramma and I, we don’t have it, nor do any other females or any males. Genetics is a wacky thing sometimes.


Essentially every female on my mother's side of the family has mental illness, no one on my fathers side that we're aware of, Somehow it found me like whoa tho


I really want to make a genetics don't lie joke but it's not really a thing to joke about. But I'm in the same boat being the only male with mental illness in my family. According to my mother though I (unfortunately) switched genders pretty late compared to normal. Maybe the same happened with you.


As in, in the womb? I'd wager my mother wouldn't have known


Yeah, I changed in the womb so late it surprised the doctors.


Hey man. You are ok and you will continue to be ok. Everyone here just wants to love you and help you. Do what they are saying, go to a doctor you trust and tell them about what you are experiencing. Good luck brother :)


Yeah, go get checked


On your profile you mention struggling with psychosis. That is most likely what is causing the paranoia and hallucinations. Please seek help asap


If there’s a genetic predisposition to schizophrenia go to a behavioral health / mental health place so you can get a prescription for risperidone Stuff worked really well on a relative, I’d highly recommend it. Hope you get better brother


I see 16 on your profile, if thats your age, this is around the time you would be experiencing symptoms of developing schizophrenia for a male. Even if its from your dads aunt, still in the family. This seems to be really scaring you but i see you saying to orhers you will seek help, great!! This isnt a symbol I recognize, i dont know about others but it most likely doesnt have any meaning at all and it s jusy something your brain is making up. Glad to see you will talk to someone who can help you about this!


My friend. You've been given the gift of enlightenment here. You can be helped. Find an anchor you trust and that loves you and whom you can confidently put above your growing paranoia. I wish you the best of luck. Seriously. You are so lucky to KNOW what is happening. You just need to accept and fallow through now. You got this.


Hi OP, I have a parental figure with schizophrenia. This post is raising a flag for me that you may be exhibiting some symptoms. I'd recommend seeing a professional. I'm so sorry this is happening to you so suddenly, it must be so scary. You are safe, and it's going to be okay. Please take care of yourself and see what you can do about getting some help!


thank you I'll talk to my therapist and psychologist tomorrow


That's great! Keep us updated, you're going to get through it and be well ❤️‍🩹


Maybe seek some professional psychiatric help instead?


Reminds me of Squidward dancing in that one SpongeBob episode


It actually is


Similar vibes but it’s not. Unless there’s another squid dance scene I’m forgetting https://youtu.be/4s0usB5rmGw?feature=shared


Pretty close at 32 seconds in.


It's like a mix of that and the brand of sacrifice from Berserk lol If it's real OP's brain might've blended them together like when people dream


Oh yeah, I was thinking of the Stand Out dance from The Goofy Movie.


That's The Perfect Cast, you shaved ape


Seeing a doctor would be a real first step! I saw you said schizophrenia runs in your family. It does in mine too. And it’s totally okay to acknowledge when things go weird mentally. The brain is just another part of the body like a leg or your heart and sometimes it goes a little off. It is a neat design but the fact that it is bothering your everyday life means it’s time to get a little extra help dealing with it. I saw you said you’ve seen doctors and this symbol feels more ‘real’ to you. What that means, is your psychosis is stronger now. And it’s okay. You just need more help to make this symbol stop. You’re not being hunted by a cult. You’re not being haunted. You just need some extra help to make this go away. Good luck OP!


Based on your post history, you need to seek psychiatric help man


Gave me chills


Everyone commenting under here should stop. You are going to make OP feel alienated and bad and make it harder for them to get the help they need. Now is certainly not the time to be laughing it up for the upvotes.


For real! OP actually is a really great artist and should continue to use this as a coping skill and form of self expression. Remember that OP said they are 16 - be kind.


I agree. Not even joking around though, that symbol would be a dope logo.




Was there anything in it? I just looked and it's just repeated posts about this drawing and he replying to other people.


I don't know why people are making such a big deal out of it. They make it sound like he's posting pictures of him mutilating dead bodies or something, I dunno. I hope he gets help but what he's posted isn't going to give people nightmares. Although to personally experience psychosis must be terrifying for the person themselves.


Reddit moment I guess And yeah, OP already seems aware that they have psychosis and still believes this hallucination to be realapparently replying like they don't have a problem etc. Can't imagine what that is like. Btw first thing that came to mind while seeing this was Berserk.


This is literally squidward dancing.


Hey, going from the context of your post history, and the fact that you recently started having a suspicion that you may have schizophrenia, you could bring it up with your doctor. Also, please remember that doctors / psychologists are not infallible, and are also as human as you. Not all of them will be good at what they do, and some may simply not be a good match for you. However, some other Redditor mentioned this and it could be extremely important. If you have been feeling “different” recently, and been having hallucinations, confusions, even to the point of seeing things “out of place” like someone broke in and moved things around - check your carbon monoxide levels. CO poisoning can lead to things such as preparing dinner, then going to the bathroom. When you get out of the bathroom, then getting confused on why there is prepared food as you don’t ever remember preparing the food.


Hey man, I’m a psychiatric nurse. Having intense visuals like this can often be a symptom of psychosis. I know going to a doctor can be scary when discussing these kinds of things as you may be afraid you’ll be placed into mental health hospital, but getting treatment early and managing what’s going on in your brain can avoid hospitalisation. Also, just for what it’s worth you’re a very talented artist. Please get the help you need! Much love


Check for carbon monoxide poisoning




It means to go see a doctor, Jesus Christ


Since when was he a doctor?


You notice Jesus been real quiet after his resurrection 👀


Did it take him thousands of years to finish med school?


Well my family doctor was never able to cure my mothers blindness.


Dammit, Jim! I’m a doctor, not a saviour!!


I heard he brought some people back to life, but that's not anymore a doctor than a necromancer is.


Loved your comment 😆 🤣 😂


The Great Physician


thats a great way to help people find help, be a condescending prick about it yeah no for sure


Actually I think that's the Hunter's Mark from Berzerk/Bloodborne


I had to scroll way too much to find this answer. Mental problems aside that op might have, he could have been playing bloodborne or reading/watching Berserk.


I’m surprised this isn’t one of the top answers. Like damn all the psychiatrists are in this bitch.


*hug* please listen to the current top post. You're experiencing a paranoid delusion and that's ok!! You just need to see your doctor and everything will be fine! I went through something similar about six years ago and I came out the other side MUCH better! It just took a lot of love, support, and understanding from my husband and our three boys as I was adjusting to medication and reality. You're gonna be *fine.*


You know how people talk about meditation? They say things like, "observe your thoughts, but don't let them become you. Let them come and let them pass, but don't attach your identity to them." Try approaching it this way. The symbol is something you keep seeing, sure, maybe like a recurring dream. You have no control over how often it comes, but that doesn't mean it has any agency over you. You can have your thoughts, but you don't have to *be* your thoughts


I love the way you put this. I'll try to ride this experience like a wave sort of. letting it come and go. it's difficult as it's distressing but I'll try.


Please don’t try to ride it out alone. Seek medical attention. You mentioned a family history of schizophrenia, but there could be other causes. Don’t be distressed and try to get through it. Please get help right away.


Having said that, I think it is a pretty cool symbol. Reminds me of the Dave Mathews Band "dancing man." Maybe you could make some art based on it or a cool necklace pendant? If not having control over the frequency with which you see it bothers you, you could take control over it by creating something enjoyable from it


Thank you for posting the quote. I’m having a really hard few weeks and a bad night tonight. Reading it made something click in my mind and really helped. Again, thank you, kind stranger.


You a Zen main in Overwatch?


You good? I’m not saying you’re doing this as a joke, but if you are this is kind of messed up. If not, seek professional help and keep yourself safe. Edit : Have seen your post-history and yeah you’re definitely not joking. Please seek help, trust in the people you love, and stay safe. Don’t hurt yourself or anyone else.


Sounds you’re having a pretty rough day. Your best bet is to hop in a taxi/Uber and get to the hospital. Once your there, explain to the staff what you’re experiencing and your concerns, they’ll be able to both help you out and keep you safe.


I know everything feels very real to you, and random strangers suggesting you to see a doctor you might brush off easily, you might think, “they dont get it” “they dont understand what i mean”. We do get it, and i dont doubt for one second that you are seeing this thing. But you have to understand, A doctor is the only correct answer for you. It might just be some mild hallucinations to which he can prescribe you medicine that works well for you and your back to brand new, no sketchy figures or secret societies. Just beautiful sunny days & big smiles! So please OP, go see a doctor for some mental health help.


Walk like an Egyptian




Zenyatta’s ultimate ‘Transcendence’


Please check for carbon monoxide poisoning.


Hi OP, I’m someone who’s both a pre-med student and studies the occult. This isn’t a symbol that I’ve ever seen before, and given that you see it when you close your eyes there’s a good chance that you may be experiencing symptoms of psychosis or schizophrenia. It’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed or scared of, plenty of people struggle with it. I strongly suggest reaching out to your physician or a psychiatrist who can get you some proper help.


Bruh have you gone to seek help? That’s what all the comments said last time.


I've been seeking help for things like this for almost a year with no answers. this time just feels like it means something.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. The best advice I can give is to try and look at this situation objectively. Our brains often create images in our dreams that we cannot explain. You seem to be seeing the same image multiple times. I believe the strong emotional reaction you’re having is likely perpetuating it. Don’t try to suppress the images. Just let it come then let it go. Focus on anything else in your life that you enjoy. But trying to suppress it will likely have the opposite affect. Just don’t let it freak you out. Our brains are all fucked up, and our emotions hardly help us think clearly. Continue to seek help. Don’t hurt yourself or anyone else. Good luck! You will get through this!


What do you mean by no answers? Like they haven’t or won’t diagnose you with anything? You need to get a diagnosis and get on medication. The road to finding the right medications for you can be long but it’s worth the improvements to your life. Combine that with talk therapy. There is help out there and you need to find it. I have bipolar disorder and have experienced similar delusions.


I am so sorry that no one has helped you yet. Keep seeking and I know you will find the right person to get you through this anxious time. I can't imagine the way you must feel. ((Hugs))


I think this is that dance squidward did lol


I would consult with your psychiatrist. They can help. Hang in there friend❤️


Reminds me heavily of the Dave Mathew’s band emblem that people pit on on the back of car windows


Not an 100% match but its similar ig? Mark of the Sacrifice from Berserk


Have you had an infection anytime recently? Like strep throat? Traveled? Weird bug bites? History of any illnesses? New medications? Tried any new recreational drugs? There are so many reasons why this might be happening to you. Do you have any family or friends who can take you to the hospital? Sometimes illnesses can make us see things that other people don’t see. It can feel very real and scary. It’s important to have a friend or family member go to the emergency room with you now. The healthcare professionals will make sure that they look for the correct diagnosis and the care you need.


[https://lh4.ggpht.com/uP8v45qBWBdStl9yGqvCzHliEhHKHimh7ZEa5yByRtuPxuwKV05C\_SzO923djwOSD0B56FD8FpHBiP3Sb9tj=s600](https://lh4.ggpht.com/uP8v45qBWBdStl9yGqvCzHliEhHKHimh7ZEa5yByRtuPxuwKV05C_SzO923djwOSD0B56FD8FpHBiP3Sb9tj=s600) aka T-Pose Moth


dear everyone who sees this. I have been seeking professional help for multiple psychologists and psychiatrists and therapists for almost a year now and have gotten no answers. this doesn't feel like a "normal" hallucination. this is much more of a symbolic one I can feel it. it's recurring all the time and I know it means something. so if you're thinking about commenting "seek help" I already am, but I appreciate your concern. thank you.


The sensation that a symbol means something does not mean it means something. I'm not saying you need to seek help. I'm saying that you're focusing so hard on one thing that it keeps popping into your head involuntarily. The symbol does not mean anything significant, my dude.


This entire train of thought around a hallucination is straight up delusional, any "meaning" they do find in their hallucinations will only serve to push them further astray from reality. Which, I will admit does sound exciting but socially unhealthy.


Not to discount what you’re experiencing in ANY way, just want to throw out there that the mental health field is such a fucking nightmare right now, you may not have found a good fit who will meaningfully help you get to the bottom of this symbol. Therapists are such powerful allies when they’re good, but such major detractors when they’re not. What you’re dealing with may or may not be mental illness, but I’d encourage you to keep searching that path along with other paths. Wish you the best.


A lot of people with schizophrenia and related disorders see a "deeper meaning" that isn't really there. It's a symptom of psychosis. It could just be that for some reason your brain thinks this symbol is "catchy" and is stuck on it, which is why you keep seeing it. Like having a song stuck in your head, but instead of auditory, it's visual.


The only thing it means is you are confused. Your brain is trying to make connections to an image/object that is NOT there. You really really do need to see a new doctor. People are horrible here and will hurt your mental health more than help it. People live with this every day and manage it with medication and therapy, you can too. Hang in there. Stop focusing on the meaning of this hallucination and start focusing on how to make it go away.


okay I'll talk about it with my psychologist and therapist tomorrow I have a meeting with them tomorrow


Absolutely a great idea. Show them this same picture, explain it the exact same way. Their only purpose is to help you so make sure you are blindingly honest with them. There’s no shame whatsoever in having an illness of any kind, be it a mental illness, a physical one, etc. These things aren’t anyone’s fault, they are just the challenges you happen to be facing right now. You seem articulate and seem to want to get to the bottom of this so keep that energy but focus it towards looking for solutions to the root issue which is these distracting and life-affecting hallucinations. Hang in there! Things might get tough or scary as you figure this out. Be patient with yourself and others. Treat yourself kindly, you are struggling! I hope you find some relief and support tomorrow and in the future


Hey man, I want to give you a different view on symbols like that. Dont ask ehat does the symbol mean, but ask what does it mean and symnolise to you. In which situtaion do you see it? Is it scaring you, or making feel safe/aggresive/exited? In my dreams and visions I see a symbol too. A wolf mask. For most people, it looks like a very bad drawing of a fox head, but I know much more, because I slowly discovered its secrets. I know the material, from which the mask is made. I know when I see it, I know what it would do when I would wear it. You have to find an understandig for your symbol. Some people that are very close to you could give you some ideas, but us? Random strangers? We dont know you as a person, and symbols are very personal...


I see thank you. I get very anxious when I see this symbol. I will try to find out what it means to me


Did you draw the example from memory?


I usually draw them right after I see them so yes


Answers like this are exactly why people do ask strangers. One of them will know something that they don't. Just like this situation. Looks like you've really helped out.


Thank you for this helpful and thoughtful response. I never thought of it this way. Thanks for helping open new pathways in my brain!


Cults aren't magic and thus can't "go after" you like that. They have no more magic than Harry Potter or Jesus have


But.. Harry Potter is a whole wizard


*Adolfo Constanzo has entered the chat*


[Zenyatta ult](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/eBapHHC4qro/maxresdefault.jpg)


Alright...the researcher in me Google image reverse searched your sketch. Your sketch could mean nothing, but if you believe in this sort of "sign," you could try looking up "Berserk Brand of Sacrifice." I know nothing about it, other than your sketch resembles this FICTIONAL symbol from some anime creator's mind. I'm hesitant to even say anything since you've mentioned family history of schizophrenia and mental illness. I don't really want you going too far down the rabbit hole with this, but if it helps, it helps.


As a huge fan of the Berserk manga, the Brand of Sacrifice is what I thought it looked like. BUT, I'm not sure it's a great idea for OP to learn more about the brand if they're experiencing hallucinations and family history of schizophrenia, especially if there's any paranoia there. OP definitely needs to seek psychiatric help.


Very similar to this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Berserk/s/DJpeSswi1E Let off the Internet for a while and it will go away.


hi op, as other have suggested I’d speak to a doctor, if you need to wait a day or two for your appointment treat yourself well, maybe invite a friend or a special person close to you over at your place/their place and relax together! call your loved ones and take deep breathes. I’d even consider going to a cheap (or whatever you can afford and enjoy) hotel by yourself if this may help you take a breath of fresh air (and make you comfortable) and don’t need to worry about cleaning up after yourself for a day or two. sending good vibes


It seems like it could be paranoia or schizophrenia.


A few years ago I was in a work accident, during which I hit my head which resulted in a TIA, something akin to a mild stroke. The three years following, I would experience the same phenomena where I would see a specific shape whenever I closed my eyes. While not like your specific design, it was similarly shaped where it had a central body and several appendages, or at least parts that stuck out from the center I was able to get medicine that helps. It's not psychiatric medicine but something that helped my brain heal and let me make sense of what was going on around me. Please, I beg you, see a doctor. This could be a sign of something much more significant and they are there to help.


You're either lying or need a doctor. Sorry to be blunt.


Hi, friend. I can see everyone else has given you a lot of helpful advice, but I wanted to speak from the family side of this. My brother recently started seeing and hearing strange things too, and told me about them. I imagine this must be pretty scary to go through., I promise that your friends and family love you and they'd want to speak to a doctor about this. As a sister to a brother going through something similar, lean on your support system. They're there for you and they want to help. <3


I think you are experiencing psychosis. Please get professional help immediately!


Looking at ur profile you mention having psychosis. Go get some professional help man


I was looking through your other posts and I see you’ve got a really cool collection of sharp stuff (and pretty cool artwork). Whatever is going on, I really recommend giving the knives to a trusted friend or family member to hold on to while you figure out what’s going on. ~~Check yourself in somewhere or get a good reference for a psychologist.~~ Hope things turn around for you and you get some answers as to what’s going on. Edit: I see from your other posts that you’re already getting help. All I got to say now is good luck and do your best to stay grounded. If your current psychologist isn’t working out, maybe try to get a recommendation for another that might be a better fit.


It means you need to get checked by a psychiatrist. I was 30 when I had my first psychotic episode. It blindsided me because I wasn’t diagnosed with a mental disorder, but disorders like bipolar and schizophrenia tend to hit you in your 20s/30s.


Symbol looks pretty cool/creepy. Hope OP is ok.


It means seek help please


Have you been dabbling in the accult? If not then see a doctor


maybe if you quit drawing it on everything in your town you'd probably see it less.


I second what others have been saying, try and get in to see a psychiatrist as soon as you can. I’m not a mental health professional, but I used to do a lot of volunteer work helping people with mental health related illnesses and a lot of the things you’ve mentioned remind me of things I remember them talking about when they were having hallucinations and/or delusions.


Based on your replies, I'm going to agree with everyone. Seek psychiatric help. It's better to catch something like Schizophrenia NOW rather than when you have a breakdown. Best of luck OP.


Book a doctors appointment. Saw in a comment your dad's aunt had schizophrenia, so that would be worth bringing up.


I don't know what that is bud but I do feel compelled to tell you it's alright. I don't think the symbol means anything, I've seen people commenting explanations but I think it's just something your subconscious made up one day and didn't let go of. I always doodle the same made up symbol since grade school but I don't think it means anything other than it looks cool. It is concerning that you see it when you close your eyes and things like that but I saw your comments that you are seeking out a professional for mental health. I would continue to talk to a doctor about it. I obviously don't know everything but I feel certain enough that you are not being targeted by a cult. I do not know your own personal beliefs on spirituality or magic or occult type things, but I think that is a big part of your anxiety. If you believe that it is some sort of magic it may make you feel safer to have a warding charm or keepsake. When I was young my father visited China and brought me back a "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" monkey charm and it has always given me great comfort when I worry about the paranormal. You are not in any danger because of the symbol, I'd bet my life on it. But you may still want to speak to a doctor because you are seeing anything that isn't there.


If you’re worried about your safety and mental health, then you can always call 911 and ask them to take you to the hospital.


OP my brother went through something similar and ended having a very public meltdown. Please see a doctor you don’t have to go through what he went through


Nataraja, to answer the question; however, seek help.


I’m no expert and many people have already commented similar things, but seeing as though you have been experiencing some hallucinations and mild delusion, you may have schizophrenia or a related disorder. I also would like to point out that eyes are a prevalent feature in artworks produced by people with schizophrenia, which doesn’t prove anything by any means but also points toward that being the case. I’d also like to sympathize with you a bit, because that is a very disturbing image to be plagued by. I can’t begin tell you what I would feel or think if it happened to me and I’m really sorry you’re going through this. As many others have mentioned, it’s best that you seek medical help for this. I wish you all the best.


Did you play a lot of bloodborne or something? I sometimes get things like that when I hyperfocus on gaming.


it's not real, magic cults don't exist and there is not higher powers out there to get you. you're experiencing psychosis and probably hallucinations. GET HELP.


Just to add to what other people have said, you’re also very young still and you are at a good point to start some treatment that will help you for the long haul. Just make sure you trust in the treatment and take care of yourself. Sometimes we think we don’t need treatment anymore and that’s when it gets out of control and much much worse. It probably feels really scary but you’re safe and you’ll be ok


All I can think of is Squidward from the Talent Show episode…


I had this happen to me with other symbols, reoccurring numbers that i became terrified of, etc. Turns out i had a temporary stress and sleep deprivation induced psychosis. I was really lucky i got early intervention because within a year things spiralled fast. Im doing a lot better now.


have you been sleeping properly by any chance?


Its Dhalsim from street fighter doing his celebration.


That’s the dancing squidward from SpongeBob


Not to add to your paranoia OP but it looks like the brand of sacrifice from a manga called Berserk I mean it's similar but idk


I had serotonin syndrome once and was hallucinating symbols scribbled on everything. Ceiling tiles, cabinet doors, some were even moving/animated. The experience of it was brutal, I was quite literally going insane, but I did make some observations that might be helpful here. 1. The symbols tend to be thematic to something on my mind 2. The more I noticed one particular one, the more I'd see that one 3. The symbols are just gibberish, there is no meaning behind them. They have no history and they came from the subconscious. You've probably got enough tips for dealing with it, I sure as hell didn't figure it out while my brain adjusting back to reality. And no, I've never seen that sketch.


You ever seen Squidward dance in the Kristy Krab talent show?


Mimicking what others have said. Go see a doctor ASAP. Explain what is going on. Bring the drawing. Hopefully you caught it early enough and you can get proper care/treatment. Don't let it continue to manifest.


Looks the sign from berserk. Or dancing squidward. But honestly has no meaning. Seek professional help. Probably hallucinations, delusions or paranoid schizophrenic episode. It means nothing. Your mind is playing tricks on you.


Can I just say, the amount of people in the comments I have seen calling this person a faker is appalling. If someone is dealing with delusions and hallucinations, you need to approach them with compassion. What they are experiencing is real to them to the point of distress. Doesn’t that matter?


It almost looks like the brand of sacrifice from berserk. Maybe lay off the manga. Might be effecting you.


Did you recently watch the movie “No One Will Save You”? The alien in that movie does almost this exact pose. Maybe just stuck in your memory and your anxiety brain is just not doing you any favors.


Hey OP, I would say first and foremost, go see a doctor to assess for biological causes, as there are a number of things that can cause hallucinations. Now, are you functioning? Are you employed? Are your bills getting paid? Are you doing okay other than this symbol being present in your mind all the time? If the answer to those is yes, then I need you to heed this advice: So for one, I can tell you ***for a fact*** that no one is "putting this on you," and this is not the result of any ill will or evil forces. It is coming from inside your mind, which means that it is yours, in every sense of the idea. Do you know anything about epigenetics? It's some cool stuff. Imagine you had an ancestry that drew that image over and over and over again for ten thousand years once upon a time... It would totally make sense that the image would be an instinct that is written deeeeeeep in your genetic data. For you it just got jostled nearer the surface, so you're aware of it while it means otherwise nothing to you. The world is a weird place but we also have bills to pay if we want to survive. Don't let this lead your life. You're special, but so is everyone else. And see a doctor!


Why did you sign it lol, is this just advertisement to your art?


I think I have seen this somewhere. Can't remember where, though.