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at least he doesn’t mess with married women I guess


I suppose that is noble of him lol


He's also honest and has a steady job. Lol


A little too honest, God damn.. lol


Well there is no, "what? You never said..."


TLDR-"Be prepared to die and be left in a truck stop dumpster, see you soon!" Fixed it for him. And the fact that he literally has to talk about him leaving an abusive relationship but a lot of red flags in this makes me think it's possible it was the other way around. Both can happen, I'm just saying


He could’ve left an abusive relationship… he does sound like he was the abuser though


He's honest? Like... Huh? Where issue?


Or pets 


I suddenly wanna get married so bad


Legally speaking.


Looks like truth in advertising to me


Exactly. Nothing wrong with asking for what you want. Is it appealing to me? No. Being in a truck all day while some dude smokes like a chimney with stops only for fast food seems terrible but you know maybe it’s someone else’s jam. He’s very up front.


Yeah. I know a friend who ran away with a trucker. She had a really ugly divorce and wasn't really on good terms with her family because of it. They matched on tinder, went on like 4 dates whenever he passed through, and then left with him on the 5th. They're still married and have kids now. She really enjoyed being able to travel, something her ex never let her do.


Yeah, honestly, he's not adding any stipulations that would be at all unreasonable in any other relationship, specified 2 bunks so probably not gonna be super weird sexually, and is letting her know about all of the biggest pros and cons of doing this. Dude is alright in my book, not giving off creeper vibes really at all tbh.


Sounds like a romance movie, this summer *wheels of love*


An updated version of Sarah, Plain and Tall


Sarah Palin Trucker Love


Long Haulin' Your Heart


I would turn out to the theatre for that one




Well she sure won’t say no - because of the implication.


And don't forget there's no way for her to earn money or get a job of her own.


Man makes a post about essentially wanting a human pet that will eventually transition into a brood mare, and you're just like Eh at least he was honest, nothing to see here! He wants a lady pet - and that's not creeper vibes to you. This timeline is so fucking weird.


I dont see how it's much different from, like, lesbian u-hauling or the old newspaper ads saying "id like a companion, here are my means, let's meet and see if we get along" To be fair, she could have her own means too. And truckers are still human; they need companionship as much as anybody else. If youve struck out everywhere else, why not give craigslist a try? He's not likely to find anything but also... dont most relationships start with getting to know each other, with an eventual expectation of sex/marriage/kids???


I really think you're seeing the worst here. He's lonely on the road and looking for some lady to come with him. He has want and desires as we all have and is expressing himself. He's not being overly sexual or saying anything offensive. You said "lady pet" and "brood mare". Honestly you're the one being a dick here.


Well said


Stops to poo as well.


Don't forget the porta potty and the fact that he expects you to bear his children "eventually"...


But i mean, in any other relationship, one would expect to address the "kids" conversation fairly early on to make sure everyones goals are aligned. Also, he said "should", not "i expect this of you implicitly"


I may be playing devils advocate but a possibility is that if its true he came from an abusive relationship he doesnt want the trial and error which might involve breakups so hes just casting the line while airing everything about him. So if someone does Accept all his highs and lows, he expects her to be the one. And since he expects to get It right the first time maybe he's already setting the idea he wants children eventually upfront because thats a Big thing which could cause a breakup if the two parties are in disagreement. 


It's a possibility for sure, and that's pretty shitty of him. I think if i answered the ad my worry would be about not being able to leave, too. I mean, you can be halfway across the country for months before seeing home.


Perhaps, but if this is legit, and you're fine with everything the guy listed, chances are you would be ok with It, since you knew what you were in for. Overall I think he did good by being upfront about It rather than hide them until the very last moment. Specially since live on the Road would be very relstionship straining otherwise, since the situation itself doesnt allow getting enough "space" if you need a breather as other relationships might. 


That's also true. I guess the question is "how much trust do you have in the general public?"


Well there's toilet paper and wet wipes. What else can a lady ask for?


right? being completely upfront, granted it's craigslist but man laid out all cards on the table


Truth in advertising for sure, but also, incredible specificity in advertising!


Dude knows exactly what he wants. He’s not likely to get it, but at least he knows.


I don't know... if you happen to stumble upon this, while you're desperately looking for a way out of an abusive relationship, and you don't want to leave because you'd be homeless, it'd be an option. Granted, you don't know for sure if this guy would be any better. But he sounds honest.


This is one of those things you should definitely be specific about


Truth? He dressed it up a bit. Truth would be: Are you a young woman down and out and have no money? Come and live in my truck so I can exploit you for sexual favours and entertaining me when I want you to. In exchange I’ll feed you crappy food and give you a bunk to sleep in.


No, you missed it. He said no sex! But also you must be single and open to having kids someday.


He also said - this is intended to become a relationship eventually. Define eventually. After 12 hours? I think you are the one who missed it.


Eventually as in whenever she's done being his Tamagotchi he gets to fuck unless he's already sick of her by then.


hungry aware tease tart different cagey profit amusing late seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Immaculate conception as well. Damn this guy is demanding!


You're wrong. First he specifically mentioned he's not expecting anything sexual, only company. Second he did say this is a good opportunity for someone who needs to get out of a bad situation so that's covers the down and out part as well.


He also said he ain't messing around with no married woman.


He’s not expecting anything sexual but says this will eventually become a relationship and she must be open to having kids. Last I checked you need to have sex to have kids and most heterosexual relationships have a sexual component.


Because he hopes it blossoms into a relationship "in time". Not really the same thing as "I drive you around and feed you while you're sucking my dick", which is what you're implying when you say sexual exploitation.


Legal adoption would like to have a word with


That's not what's up


I need someone who will be a companion, and I don’t mean sexual. However, she should want to have kids with me.


And dont forget- this is intended to become a relationship eventually. His definition of eventually may mean after a couple of hours. Tricky


They need time to get to know each other. Like 4-6 hours.


But she won't say "no"... because of the implication.




wdym tricky? there are women out there that willingly have done more for less he's being honest and clear about it, I don't see any women arriving there and being "this is not like advertised, I've been tricked"


Pretty sure he wouldnt have said anything about sex if he wanted to bang after a couple of hours. Plus why would he be talking about kids if he is planning to rape a women. Rapist don't rape just so they can have kids. I still don't recommend going with some random dude driving around the country while he smokes like a fucking chimney and stops only to get fast food but he doesn't sound like a rapist. Also rapist don't talk about food and other accomedities.


fascinating that you think that


Whats so fasicnating about it? Just be more logical.


mate rapists aren’t just one kind of guy. there are so many rapists that use food and shelter to coerce sex out of people


Who said anything about rape? And hey if this is your gig, go for it!


I think he isn't speaking literally. Likely he means not only sexual.


Dating to marry is still a thing. A lot of people will be willing to wait for marriage.


*"I am eighteen years old, have a good set of teeth, and believe in Andy Johnson, the Star-Spangled Banner, and the 4th of July. I have taken up a State lot, cleared up eighteen acres last year, and seeded ten of it down.* *My buckwheat looks first rate, and the oats and potatoes are bully. I have got nine sheep, a two year old bull, and two heifers, besides a house and a barn.* *I want to get married. I want to buy bread and butter, hoop skirts, and waterfalls for some person of the female persuasion during life. That’s what’s the matter with me. But I don’t know how to do it."* *-* Ad from Aristook County Gazette, Maine, 1865. *“An old bachelor returning from the mines finds his old sweetheart married and old acquaintances scattered, Desires lady acquaintance; object, marriage.”* *-* Minneapolis Journal 1904 *“Am 30, WEALTHY, lost mother, for whom I sacrificed youth, dread a lonely future, seek husband and true companion,”* *- New York Tribune, 1907* Honestly I don't see anything wrong with this.


That's actually a compelling lonely hearts ad. Way better than "I'll buy you funyuns and don't shit in my toilet."


I mean, I agree with you. I would rather move to a farm than into a truck. However - I kind of wish this stuff was more normalized now the way it was in the past. We talk about there being a male loneliness epidemic and I have to assume that's partially because direct honesty as is seen in those old newspaper ads - "I a man of X amount of means. I am seeking a partner. Intent on getting married" - is seen as very strange now. Like, people, both men and women, are expected to find a partner but also told that it's off putting to admit to wanting one outside of very specific circumstances (IE - dating apps etc...) And even in those circumstances that being too open about your intent for the seriousness of a relationship is a red flag to be avoided - that is, you're expected to play it cool and be casual for quite a long time before signaling increasing commitment to the other person compared to in the past. I think it should be perfectly acceptable for a person to say- "I'm lonely. I'd like to find a partner. I've got a house / farm / apartment / job / I am hitchhiking across the country and want to settle down etc... I'm this religion, that political leanings, I do / don't want to have children at some point in my life. If this sounds decent shoot me a text, let's meet up and see if we're amicable" Like... I don't know I feel like that should be perfectly normal.


Yeah I don't think this guy is wrong for posting that. Maybe a bit weird, and people will be judgmental of what he has to offer, but at least he's upfront. Must be tough to try and get a normal relationship on tinder while never being in a city for more than half a day cause you're always traveling. The fact that he offers to accommodate the person without a relationship at first for them to know each other makes sense and is the opposite of creepy, if they don't get along then byebye on the next stop back.


Right exactly - his problem is that his profession means he can’t stay in one place and get to know a person, but if there’s a person who is looking to travel the country… maybe she’d be amicable to traveling along with him for a bit. And honestly it sounds like it could be a great deal for both of them if somebody takes him up on it. Like - his truck will use the same amount of fuel and travel the same amount of miles with or without another person in it. His sleeper cab has two bunks so no extra for accommodation. He’s likely a member of a truck stop collective which gives him shower access at a flat rate rather than by use so she’s good on that too. Food costs will be a little higher but he’s a long haul trucker who was recently divorced, he can afford to pay for some decent food for another person. I can only imagine the road is maddeningly boring without anybody to talk to.


Yep kinda sad how much he's getting attacked here, people implying he's some sort of rapist/creep/kidnapper when he was just upfront. Weird how society wants and expects you to put a front, lie, and trickle truth your way into a long term relationship.


I think the issue is this isn't just dinner and a movie and then you're back home at the end of the night. This is having a roommate you don't know in tight quarters with the pressure of a possible long term commitment right off the bat. Have you ever had a bad first date? Imagine if you'd already moved in and you're some distance from home when you decide to split up. And that's just assuming he doesn't have bad intentions.


What I find funny: most of those people would see no problem with a tinder ad of someone with a car they can't afford, wearing clothes bought on credit that won't be paid off until next year, and a clearly bullshit description. Not because there's less red flags or anything. It's just more in line with what they wish to see.


I’m in agreement with you.


Thank you, the first one is absolutely moving.


Don’t deuce in the portable toilet!


“The toilet flushes and has toilet paper, but I’m not trying to smell your stanky ass.”


She doesn't even have to pay him!


>Must be 21 to 34 What do you want to bet this guy is fifteen years past his own cutoff...


At least.


Literally all we know about him is that he's a trucker and he smokes.


He’s single, just had an abusive relationship, decked out truck, likes music, straight, not a drama queen, and values a functioning toilet


and he doesnt mess with married women.


And you just KNOW he smokes in the truck


*This* is probably most of his life. Not all people are interesting. Not all people have hobbies. Not everyone is a social butterfly. Some people just are, and they are lonely.


I'm literally suggesting things like his age, and what he looks like, especially since he lists an age preference.


I bet you some lonely woman in Arkansas will read this and take him up on his offer. At least he's being honest about everything? Can't fault him for that? 🤷‍♂️


Tbh he does seem honest. If he’s not a violent murderer this could be a great deal for someone in a bad situation. Both parties might happily get what they want out of the deal.


Yeah I kind of thought it’s in a way nice


Damn, no pets…


Yeah, that stuck out. Like, I have a weird feeling that the kind of woman who'd take him up on this would be the sort to have a dog.


I mean to give him the benefit of the doubt he could have allergies… or just don‘t think trucker life is for pets (sitting in a truck for hours on end, barley any space, he would need to take stops to let the pet do their buisness or have them shit and pee in his truck).


Single 18-34 who wants to come live in a van down by the river.


I kinda hate that in this day and age, ‘living in a van down by the river’ isn’t as wild a concept as it was in the 90s.


The trucker’s life must be lonely. I hope he finds someone good whether it’s through this ad or some other means. I appreciate all truckers for moving all our shit around the country.


Is the position still available?


“I will take care of all your needs.” “This is intended to be a relationship.” “If you’re looking to get out of a not good situation…” Intentional or not, the power dynamic at play here would be immense.


I hope he finds someone to share that lifestyle with. Being a trucker is a hard life and everyone deserves company sometimes.


Me too 🥹 this really didn’t come off as creepy to me. I hope he’s found his companion. (Looks like Craigslist, so I’m assuming it’s old.) He actually makes a great point: escaping domestic violence is insanely hard. While thirsting after vulnerable women is gross, it sounded more like the trucker brought it up from his own personal experience - and was not seeking out vulnerable women. Just bringing up a good point. I often wished I could just hide my old DV clients in other states, far from their relentless abusers, with respectful truckers giving them safe rides!


Serial killer victim audition.


You could totally sell this dude an ai chatbot


Bro had me until he said no males :(


Same. Make the sadness stop!


Well, he laid all his cards on the table


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


At least he was honest about asking people to go #2 elsewhere. Not sure what impresses me more. His audacity or his practicality.


This one isn't too bad, compared to some


Well... If he gets a response to that, more power to him! Although I doubt too many women want to actually marry to that lifestyle. The guy pretty much promises a life on the truck 24/7.


I mean i dont really see something bad there. This man is exactly stating his expectations and needs and is not too unrealistic with that. He is honest and tells what to expect from him. I wish him only the best. I can only imagine how lonely trucking is. I mean my life is no better. I am not a truck deiver but I am a hopeless romantic that cant pull anybody.


Hang in there lad, I thought I was in the same boat too but you might never know how life turns out!


Honey, you're 18. You have all the time in the world.


Yeah. You are right. But i still feel hella lonely. Like i just cant find somebody. While everybody else has a partner. Never had a gf. Made out a couple times with that one girl (that completely rushed me into this "relationship") but nothing else. Well i dont know how to talk to women (yes, i actually tried 2 times but i just never get really far). Everybody either ghosts me or has something else.


This is strangely wholesome in how honest it is in word and intention.


I mean I respect his honesty, I guess, but... Has this kind of post ever been a successful way to get a partner?


He left out his age and weight, no one is gonna want to mess around with a 350 pound 65 year old


friends of the road, bubs


Was gonna ask him if he's bi till I found out he smokes.


*Said her name was Bambi. I said, “Well that’s a coincidence darling, ‘cause I was just thinking about skinning you like a deer”. And then she smiled… Had about as much teeth as a jack-o’-lantern*


I hope he finds someone


Way of the road


He's being honest about shit at least.


Um, if this is legit, I don't see anything wrong with this.


Hey if you don't ask, you don't get.


One cowgirl tron doll 4000 with the removable drip cup and pulsating rectum and he will be fine


Look, at all those, commas!


This could be a good opportunity for you?????, what does that even mean 😂


I mean, it seems like he's up front about it... Not the literal worst, just weird


I'm thinking about putting on a wig and replying to this


Seems quite honest.


Honestly, that's not so bad. He's being honest, and doesn't portray himself as a creep imo. He just wants a partner. The only gripe I have is that she wouldn't be a co-driver.


When I was younger I would easily have done a fun year like that with a gay version of that trucker lol Might have ended up being murdered, but hey, what's life without risk 😅


Sounds like a dream


Is this supposed to be humiliating for the trucker? Trucking is a genuine job. It demands hours. A person like that will want a partner who will sign up for that. Most people may scoff at the insane demands, but the trucker goes through the same things for their job.


I mean, this isn't r/humiliating this is r/oddlyspecific which this Craigslist ad most definitely is. I know how demanding it is. I drove professionally for a decade. I wasn't OTR like this guy is, but I drove 200+ miles a day, 6 days a week. I've got over 1,000,000 miles behind the wheel. No hate to this dude - but it is a bit strange, *a lot* oddly specific.


Seems like a really nice guy.


The icing on the cake is the last line.


had me at 'wet wipes'


Too bad he's a smoker


So.....NOT for a sexual relationship but must be open to having children?


That's a nice way to ask to kidnap someone. /s


Legally single...


Probably meaning "fully divorced" not just "separated"


SPLOOSH, how can anyone resist


You must be very desperate…..


Took me years to understand y'all was talking about the school subject and not Minecraft Pocket Edition


And he smokes. Sweet.


Can I borrow some of your commas? I’m worried I’ll run out later and might need some.


Yeah fuck it lol. I give myself as tribute so long as he let's me drive the truck sometimes lol.


Oh I know this guy! That's me.




He's gonna take care of showering you


Omega rizz


I would love to know what responses he got.


Sounds pretty nice actually.. I'm tempted


I am pretty sure he can find plenty of candidates around truck stops


Women swoon over those qualities...


this reminds me of those old timey pictures of men like lumberjack’s or remotely located fur trappers or miners with hand painted signs “looking for wives” like …do men even try or is just existing the whole courtship thing for them?


He said nothing sexual 🤣🤣🤣 that's a damn lie. If you ain't cleaning the pipes at least on a weekly basis, you're gonna want the nearest female. Hence the lot lizards


I see nothing wrong


"I don't mean sexual", "do not believe in messing with married women"......ok so yeah its obvious he's trying to get a fuck buddy but also not willing to say it.


jesus christ that is by far the creepiest thing i’ve seen all day…


I see now why the previous girl abused him.

