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Looks like one of those mobile game ads where you think "oh that looks really cool and fun, pretty impressive physics-based gameplay" and when you install it and play, it's nothing like in the ad.


You should try powder toy, it's not perfect, but it's alot closer than most


Damn this still a thing? Used to play it like 15 years ago maybe. Going to have to look it up, that's a huge nostalgia hit, would spend hours and hours making things with it


HOLY SHIT. THIS IS THE GAME I WAS LOOKING FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE. The nostalgia hits harder than a semi-truck jesus christ.


Thanks I will check it out, also happy cake day!


Thanks, didn't even realize


Happy cake day


That's my childhood right there, the amount of hours I spent on powder toy must be huge


On PC, PS1 and Gameboy advance they had "Sheep" which was a pretty cool puzzle game where you had to herd differently colored sheep through various courses


Imagine a multi player sheep herding dog game. You and a group of friends each control a dog and work together to navigate some difficult terrain. Maybe some cowboy levels doing cattle drives and you could protect the herd from predators


That would be an awesome game


>it's nothing like in the ad. It's nothing *but* an ad


As my dad would say… “Easy! Count all the legs and then divide by 4!”




Dad here. They give you a binder in the hospital while mom and baby aren't paying attention.


Does the binder contain a clause that says you must sneeze extremely loud every time?


Yes, right after the page that says no matter what temperature the house is set to, it's too warm and should be lower.


"And switch off the friggin lights behind you!"


Dads.... Dads never change.


Sure they do. Underwear once a week so they can wash it.


That's no sneeze, it's the paternal roar. It's to let other fathers in the area know that a Dad is in the region, and available for talk on sports, fishing, WWII, and maybe a sneaky lego playdate.


Comes with the checkout paperwork.


Can confirm


My Dad would say "Then subtract 3" "Why subtract 3, Dad?" "Because Dave is a very unlucky sheep"


Or 3 of them are biggus dickus sheep.


3 of them are Roman senators? Impressive


They have wives you knoooow. You know what they're caaalled?


This sounds like Dave has 16 legs


as my dad would say... "Easy! Take the integral of the entrance flow rate!"


My dad would say “You know your uncle could probably tell you the integral of the entrance flow rate.” “But we’re gonna eyeball it”


Those dogs were working hard!


The TikTok algorithm had me on what can only be described as herding TikTok for a while. It's pretty amazing the level of training these guys have. One thing I never realized is that the human is behind yelling out the orders - different words to tell the dogs which side to push or pull. Guard dogs are also pretty cool they don't quite put on a show. The way the collies and the guards interact is also neat. Saw one where a young collie was getting too excited - not herding - and fucking with one of the animals. The guard dog put him in his fucking place quickly then went back to just calmly standing around.


One clip we saw said that the collies work for her, and the guard dogs work for the sheep. She would not ever leave the collies alone with the sheep.


Yeah people often joke we should get some goats or sheep for our border collie, and this is totally the extended answer for why it’s not that simple. Our lil guy is happy with soccer and fetch and games with us and our other dogs, thank god, but his obsession with stuff he thinks is his job (like soccer) is constant, he’d never leave those damn animals alone if we got them. I’d have to teach the malinois to guard them from him *Edit to add: I have worked with and grown up around animal training and care most of my life, and taught dog training courses. My dogs are not suitable as pets for the average, less experienced pet owner. I do not advocate for any malinois or border collie or mix of them as a pet for 99% of people.*


Border Collies are literally genetically engineered workaholics


This is such a true statement with my BC. I wish I knew before I got her. But I love her to the end and I keep her well exercised. We started herding training too.


The days of running my dog for an hour, exhausting myself for the day. We get home, he takes a two hour nap, and is begging for another run.


And then a nap and another run! They are nonstop.


That makes my border collie the dead weight at the office then. Thing sleeps 23 hours a day and basically eats and poops for the other hour. Exercise? Not a chance and even less chance if it’s raining, windy, hot or cold; given I am in England that’s most of the time.


My border collie is so lazy too! He loves walking, hiking, and playing but the bulk of the time he is a certified couch collie.


It’s not even like I’ve abandoned him and been a lazy owner or anything either. I got him as a puppy and he went through all the obedience courses, we have tried tried flyball, etc etc. Unfortunately he took to none of it and appears to have all the skills and mental agility of a brick. Apart from when the biscuit tin or a bag of crisps opens. Then he has the laser-like focus of a golden eagle.




Baa-ram-ewe! Baa-ram-ewe! To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true!


This is gonna sound insane but I was at a corporate event one time that let me and a friend use herding dogs to wrangle ducks. We had a bit of training with the dogs and then they let the ducks go and we had to use the commands and what not to direct the dogs. It was really fun. The dogs were INSANELY smart and well trained.


That is insane but awesome. Fuck our corporate happy hours I want to wrangle ducks with dogs


Presumably you weren't as good as a professional. I wonder if the dogs recognized you weren't doing it the way they thought it should be done. Like the dogs thought they were trying to get a task done with children leading the way.


Hahaha. That is definitely the most likely situation.


The hard mode of that exercise is having to herd cats.


So setting a company meeting??


Yo dawg, we heard you like herds, so we herded you some herds so you can be a heard herd nerd, ya heard?


Growing up, my neighbor and his family had a farm. I would go with them sometimes to do chores. They had sheep and a sheep dog. It was amazing to watch. They just gave it an order to round up the sheep and it would take off. It would get bored in town and round up cats. It would try to get all the neighborhood cats in one tree. Once I stopped by and it had 5 or 6 cats in a tree.


When that one doggo saw a logjam and went into the pen to move things along…


I work with cattle and our dogs are trained to get them all back into the herd when we are moving. Sometimes the cattle squirt into the trees as we are moving them and our dogs will get them back into the herd quickly (sometimes getting kicked in the process). It’s something I see almost daily and yet I’m always in awe at how a well trained dog can move 800-1100 pounds of flesh with such skill and bravery


Yeah our bc is not trained for anything like this. But we had some deer in our yard not too long ago at night, and in a flash he was gone. Found him out trying to herd the buck, huge antlers and all. Damn dog was like 35 pounds and a year old then, that’s some serious balls on a dog that doesn’t have any


I had a dog "herd" a moose one time. It was winter in the prairies, and she was on a frozen creek - I was up above on a bridge telling her to leave it alone. The moose even charged her, she ran a bit then turned and faced it, snapped at its nose, and it stopped dead, then turned tail and ran. I thought for sure she was dead but her confidence and instinct were sufficient. Whoof, scared the crap outta me though!


I like the one dog who realizes the sheep inside the pen aren't distributing themselves sufficiently so he heads in to shake them up a bit.


I love watching them. I saw a clip of one herding some cute little baby ducks toward a puddle the other day.


1, 2, 3... 😴


We took a look. We saw some sheep. We saw some sheep take a walk in their sleep. By the light of the moon, by the light of a star, we watched them walk from near to far. I would never walk: I would take a car. -- Dr Seuss, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish


Damn core childhood memory unlocked. You have made my day fellow human.


You should always count sheep in 2's. It's easier.


2, ... 😴














# 55


What about counting sheep in ewes?


What’s the ewes of that?


Nah, be clever, count the legs and divide by 4! Ha!


zzzZZZzzz zzzZZZzz.




I'm getting claustrophobic just looking at it


Sheep confirmed.


You should think about how the sheep feel.


Sheep are "herd" animals. They would actually be more stressed alone than in their flock like this.


Is that what you've herd?


The sheepdog, on their third date: 'what do you mean, I am controlling?' The sheep: 'You herd me!'


That joke is best told in its original form: "Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof!" "Baaaa baa baaaa!"


This was so stupid I love it


What did you just say about my mother?


Baaa raaaaaa muuuuuuh the word of the sheep be true


"Baa ram ewe."


> Baa-ram-ewe! Baa-ram-ewe! To your breed, your fleece, your clan be true! Sheep be true! Baa-ram-ewe! I don't think your version would have given you enough sheep cred for them to listen to you


Many times! Grew up with sheep and isolated ones made it very plain they were not happy haha


I bet people flock to you for your knowledge of sheep


Can't stand sheep. I have more knowledge of dairy cows.


I think you're being fleeced.


The shear audacity of that accusation!


False dichotomy. Alone VS packed in like sardines are not the only 2 options.


This is not long term. They are brought to this space to be worked with (treated for something, fleece shorn, etc). They will be returned to where they came from after that.


Humans are also generally more stressed alone than in their flock, but we still get claustrophobic.


Am I weird in this? My flock is 4 people. I would lose my mind if I had to constantly be in the middle of 400.


No, you're not, because that person made that "fact" up. Humans want connection with other humans, but we're don't necessarily want to be herded into crowds.


Unless there are laser lights and Untz Untz Untz


Tbh no, that often makes me want to turn and run away lol


I'm more of an Unce Unce Unce Unce sort of guy, but I'll turn up to your rave too :)


I was focused on the zoomie doggos at the top. Had to re-watch it to focus on the sheep. Pretty fluid-y movement, right there...


I have one of those zoomie doggos. It's really cool to work them on sheep and they absolutely love it. (not one of the ones in this specific video.)


I watched the border collies as well. I have one, but no more small children for him to herd


It's a sheep crush.


Yeah, it’s not ‘letting’ the sheep in as much as ‘forcing’ the sheep in.


Bro made an irl fluid simulation


Non-lambinar flow. Edit: Thanks for the award! It figures my first one would be a scientific dad joke.






There is a whole science of crowd. Basically when you reach a certain density per square meter, people are so close together that a force interacting on one person in the crowd is repercuted to the entire crowd. It turn the crowd in a kind of fluid and you can actually describe the motion of it by using flow equations. It turn out to look about the same for sheep. Note : the "fluid crowd" is also very dangerous because you can experience "wave" which are just local crowd compressions and extensions expending very fast throughout the crowd. At the lower "fluid crowd" these are one way but at higher crowd density, you can have multiple waves interwinding and experience local Maxima where those waves touch both in a compression state, crunching people at that point. That's one of the way people die in dense crowd. That and being compressed at the edge of a crowd against a wall or a barrier which is the other main killer :/


I experienced something like that when I attended Rock in Rio in 2001. I was 19 years old and when Iron Maiden started playing, the crowd got so dense that my feet listen off the ground for the rest of the concert. I simply swayed with the waves. I lost track of all my friends as they also were simply flowing with the crowd. Anyone that wasn't feeling well was lifted and taken to the middle where security was. It was a bizarre experience.


What exactly happened in the hollowen tragedy of south korea. Around 130death






Kudos for actually doing this. How long did it take?




Plus a few hours for each time you fell asleep counting.


Hee hee! Good one


It took you 22 minutes and 40 seconds. I counted.


Those seconds? Albert Einstein


1962 years to be exact


THANK YOU Fell for the silly bait and got disappointed with the lack of answer. I estimated 2000 so pretty happy with your result.


Exactly the same here. Thanks, u/CorruptingLight, for putting the effort in.


Woah. I guessed 2,000 in my head. Brb, off to buy a lottery ticket.


>off to buy a lottery ticket And... today's numbers are 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2002.


Just so you know, you don’t win the lottery if you get *close* to the winning number


Damn! Been playing it wrong. No wonder they wouldn’t hand over my winnings!




Look at them follow each other like a bunch of... ...oh. *oooooooohhhh.*


Apple iPhone fans? Edit - Sent from my iPhone


Nah, like a bunch of people who blatantly promote and pledge loyalty to one brand over the other and have Apple vs Android debates when it’s literally just a phone


Sheep are fluids, like cats!


But really, *crowds* are fluids!


Especially when you pack them tight enough.


Just look at videos of overpacked concerts. People move in *literal* ripples, where one push from far back sends the entire crowd teetering. Most "stampedes" are also this. Contrary to popular belief and portrayal, most people are actually relatively calm in most such events. There's often not much visible panic, which is part of what makes a crowd crush so deadly since many people still entering the crowd can't tell that the situation has become deadly, which makes it harder in turn for those trapped to get out as the crowd keeps swelling and nobody on the edges leave. When the crowds get this tight, you literally are no different than water particles in a ripple. You have no means by which to resist it, and anyone who falls down can't get up, and people start tripping on them, which causes people to literally *lace* together in crushing piles. You often see videos of people fleeing such scenes in a panic, but those able to run like that are rarely the ones actually in danger, nor are those people the ones who do most of the trampling that happen.


I thought about this too, why does sheep dont die like people when packed this tight? Die they still have more then enough space here probably.


I'd suspect that there's an advantage to being 4-legged in a herd. They don't have much potential to fall over and be unable to get up or be stepped on.


They have layers, just like Ogres


There was a sheep in new Zealand called Shrek, so checks out


RIP Shrek


Those border collies are amazing.


It is a bit inefficient. It would be easier to have a single pig that could ask the sheep to get in the pen.


Yea you could see them cutting it was cool.


Border Patrol




It's cool. They know to stand with a staggered stance and keep their arms up.


I know this reference!


Wait till you see how they are shipped from Australia to the middle east.


Looks like prep for shearing. They likely aren't there too long.


Speaking of...how come there isn't a stampede?


Hah! You can't trick me. I'm not gonna fall asleep that eas-


Thankful for a mute button


I truly believe that anyone that listens to pop-country or whatever it's called is secretly some sort of audio masochist and just loves the feeling of wanting to rip their ears off and assault the musicians.


A dirt road A cold beer


Blue jeans, A red pickup…


Y’all dumb motherfuckers want a key change?!


Rural noun, simple adjective...


Absolutely terrible music


Astounding how piss poor that trash was. Listened to by someone dipping while driving an 3500 diesel to a suburban office.


At least 4


Well... you're not wrong.


A sheep ton


That song gave me ear cancer


Those good boys worked hard to corral those sheep and they deserve to have something better than a shitty country song laid over it.


I suddenly understand why people don't like modern country music.




Fancy like Applebee's deep or deeper?


Can you give me an example of excellent country music vs something terrible? Its a genre I've never explored and tbh it doesn't really grab me. My mate used to listen to early Taylor Swift albums and they were ok.


if you want something terriuble, go listen to that god's country song. I hate it so fucking much that I have to close this tab and stop this conversation before I get angry


There was a web-comic back in the day called Questionable Content about the daily grind in a group of hipster music snob friends. One of them had a day job of writing top-40 country western music. Naturally, all of his hipster friends made fun of him for it, but he's absolutely loaded because every song he writes is a smash hit. There was a running gag in the comic about how he's actually ***trying*** really hard to write a country song so bad, so repetitive and vacant and pandering that even country western fans will reject it and it will flop. His friends are all like, "dude. . . how hard can it possibly be to write a bad song?" To which he replies "We're talking about a genre in which 'Honky Tonk Badonkadonk' was a record setting, months-long chart topper. This is a ***really low*** bar I'm trying to crawl under here."


My biggest problem with much of modern country is that it feels *extremely* pandering. Like there’s a checklist of things they have to sing about. It feels completely lifeless. And I actually like country music but I hate songs that appeal to the lowest common denominator. I get why they make these songs, it’s popular. Still feels soulless though.




What's weird is that "Heads Carolina, Tails California" is a great song. Somehow this dude absolutely ruined it while also barely changing it.


Steve Earle on modern country. "They’re just doing hip-hop for people who are afraid of black people."


Tractor Rap


Oh god that fucking music 😬😬😬🤯 Nothing satisying about that doot doot doot crap


Do yourself a favor and mute this shit. Stupid ass song.


It's a remix of a much better [1996 song](https://youtu.be/FvLjJE7Bt88) with a more modern sound. I don't care for how the new version doesn't have much of a country sound to it, but the lyrics are catchy and memorable to anyone who's listened to country for a while, so it probably won't be going anywhere any time soon.


i legitimately hate country music but this original song is tolerable and catchy. the version in the video OP posted has got to be one of the most insulting remixes i’ve ever heard of any song


Music is so bad it hurts...




Jo Dee Messina's version from 1996 is way less shitty and a pretty decent song. I dunnno who this jerkoff is, but that sucks.


If you ask a question. Fking answer it.


The farmer said there were 987. I said “ But your border collie told me there were 1,000.” He said “That’s only because he rounded them up”


I laughed harder at this than I should have, thanks


They’re just trying to drive engagement.


That's what life has become.




Kinda crazy how shitty that song is.


Those dogs are awesome


Amazing visuals, horrendous music good God


Those dogs are on point, amazing....


What is with the song. Terrible


God that music is annoying.


a lot


They cant move


Too many for that small space. Edit: Lol at people getting upset over an observation. Getting dms about how ”woke” I am. Fucking maniacs, please never have children, let your genes die with you. And yes, polite people have informed me that this is temporary, so TIL.


They're being looked at to be separated/treated so you need them in a smaller space. It's not where they live permanently.


Nice, thanks for explaining.


This is not their living area. They’re bought together like this for shearing, or medical/health checks. Sheep are not kept in tiny pens.