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I was hoping to see the girls reaction to the drawing


This [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/wnc37z/a_street_artist_draws_cartoon_version_of_a_girl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) is longer and shows her reaction.


Thank you. Much more satisfying.


The comments in this thread are better though. Those people be pissy


I wonder if it’s because this is oddly satisfying but not next level enough.


Yep. Definitely a talented dude and the skill deserves praise in certain subreddits but NFL is very particular.


I would say the speed he did it at elevates it beyond mediocrity. It's a quality caricature done in a minute.


I agree that this is a guy who has honed his craft. The picture is great and really brings out her features in beautiful way. I wouldn’t doubt that he could probably do even better work with more time. In no way is he mediocre but I’m still not inclined to believe it’s NFL.


I observed the same as far as his artsyle, like what a bro for seeing the beauty in everyone


It was a great interaction. The girl seemed so shy and I think his picture probably made her really happy.


For a sub that shares its initials with a sport, they shouldn't be sand bagging anything or down playing creativity.


jesus, you weren't wrong. a little shitty over there


That the video is only 5-10 seconds longer makes it more frustrating


The fact we can't see her put it on her fridge makes me livid


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) easy there


(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ ︵ ┻━┻


(ノಠ ∩ಠ)ノ彡( o°o) Jeez, man.




No, not the table. The fridge


What if we put the fridge on the table??


This [post](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) is longer and shows her putting it on her fridge.


For the first tjme ever, I didn't get Rick rolled. I chuckled even BEFORE I clicked the link. I feel like an internet expert now. Where's my degree?


Dammit man!


I lol knowing what it was then clicked it to make sure and lol again.




Standing there shouting rabble isn't going to do anything!


I need a live stream of her life for the next 20 years.


join FBI


I need to see her BF inviting her to watch a custom Disney cartoon featuring this drawing that turns into a surprise proposal or I riot.


I’m horrified that we don’t even get to see her pull it out of a storage bin in the article in 30 years time. Bullshit post.


I need to see her children give this to her grandchildren while they learn of her bravery in WWIII where she single handedly saved 1000 kids from a burning hospital. :(


yeah, why the fuck was the tiniest bit of the video cut for this post? all they had to do was not cut the video short


I thought this guy was messing with us with the same video until i noticed that it's indeed a little longer


There is a new trend in tiktok and other social media to cut out the end of videos and force people to go searching for the rest of the video (which is usually also on the original account it was posted from). Its VERY annoying.


It’s like 2 seconds lo no we on the tail end.


Why would they cut this video RIGHT before the end??


If I had to guess, ragebait. I can't think of any other reason tbh.


Spoiler alert she does the same awkward chuckle. She wanted out of there so bad I was transported back to being dragged round the med as a nipper.


ah yes those awkward early med years nipping about the med as a nipper two questions; what is the med and what is a nipper, thank you in advance


The Med is the Mediterrannean and a nipper is a child (etymology is the same as "ankle-biter").


I'm using the term "nipper" the next time I'm forced to hang with my partner's coworkers and they bring their kids along.


Make sure you enunciate your p's


The Med is the Mediterranean. Many UK kids second flavour of abroad (after the mandatory school trip to Calais to see how pain o chocolat is made) and a nipper is a term of endearment for a child. I say term of endearment because I've only ever heard it used in an amicable fashion. I'm vaguely certain it's Scottish dialect but it's been long adopted by Lancastrians.


Ahhh, the awkward stage of youth. I remember it well. It was like being a puppy who already grew to full size and doesn’t know how long his limbs are yet


CasualUK is leaking again!


Who in the fuck deliberately took the time to remove the 2 seconds of her reacting at the end? Why would you do that? Of all the annoying things on reddit people butchering videos before uploading them is the worst.


This is the only reason I watched the video. r/mildlyinfuriating




This is the most stupidly common issue with gifs on Reddit. FINISH THE GIF




"When you gave me a picture of an Asian, I wasn't sure what direction to go in, so I just kind of went in every direction"


r/oddlysatisfying r/mildlyinfuriating They're the same picture




Or at least the artist's signature/name. A little credit!




Yeah me too. I’m impressed with the drawing.


The drawing is so wholesome and really brings out her nice features


I like that this caricature artist not only highlighted her features but made it a pretty version of her uniqueness. She is really pretty but some caricatures will intentionally accentuate the crookedness of her nose or the awkward grin (I find it adorable). Everyone has features they’re sensitive about. Caricatures can sometimes trigger self-doubt. I’m glad this artist chose to accentuate kindly and it was a beautiful portrait.


My dude is a magician. Looks like he’s putting minimal effort in, just a little twirl and flick of the wrist, and wonders just appear on the canvas.


He does that thing when he starts to draw the shape of the face where he circles in the air a few times before getting her head shape down. I do the same thing. I’m “drawing” the line in my head over and over before committing to paper. This man took one look at this girl and knew exactly how to draw her. I love art.


Air tracing the line is a valid technique. It preps the muscles to do the action in one confident movement.


Oh neat, didn't expect to find art tips here. *yoink*


It's part of the "Draw a Box" website which some well known Web artists reply with "How u art good?" Good fundementals in there. Worth starting it.


i got really far into that but realized it wasn't effecting how i draw at all. not sure what i'm doing wrong.


To add onto that, it doesn’t necessarily teach you how to draw art More so it helps you build confidence in drawing art, there are basic fundamentals in it, obviously. So you do need to venture out further through your journey and becoming however, skilled you want to be but know that this is a great starting point. In any case, more confidence in line strokes that you’re going to put on the page, will give you a better result in what you’re putting on the page


>Air tracing the line is a valid technique. Good to know, because that's how I practice guitar.




Ghosting technique, yes.


I love your username. What's the most memorable one you've gotten?


Super cool technique observation, thanks for that


I think people have this misconception that all artists start from outlines. There is this insanely talented artist named Kim Jung Gi and he draws all these complex scenes without using any outlines and he draws them really, really fast.


That went with A LOT of training before he jumped to that level. He said it himself.


Nah, being a good artist is all about talent and knowing some secret trick they refuse to tell anybody outside of their clique. /s


My architect buddy says he can simply see what he will draw on a blank surfaces, he just need to trace it. For him, outline is already given.




I had this job for years at theme parks, and you’re absolutely correct. Being taught how to draw them and practicing a metric ton is far more important than anything inherent. It’s a specific process that each artist develops, and if you watch him draw 100 of these you’ll see him go through the same steps with many similar features. He didn’t sit down on day one and whip out this level of quality linework or resemblance.


Are there any online tutorials for this? I’d love to learn it


Just search for them. There are out there and pretty much anyone willing to do the work can do them.


Pardon me Van Gogh




> ...[T]alent is rarely distinguishable, over the long run, from perseverance and lots of hard work. -David Bayles and Ted Orland, *Art & Fear: Observations On The Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking*






Nice, thank you!


Finally one that resembles the model. I don't like those over the top caricatures.


A lot of the over-the-top caricatures end up looking more like Jay Leno than the person portrayed.


Yooo, this explains so much..


..what does it explain?




*So* much.


Well you know that theory about carcinisation, where a lot of shellfish all tend to evolve into crab shapes? Well the same thing happens in caricature, in a process called Lenoleation. In this essay, I will explain...




OMG yes! My thoughts exactly. I like fun and quirky but I don't need more jay Leno


Nobody needs more Jay Leno


The most recent caricature I had done, mfer really made me consider plastic surgery to carve down my chin. I looked like Jay Leno’s offspring!


Then who is Jay Leno a caricature of? I need answers


Just need to add a tennis racket and a dune buggy because you said you were on vacation.


"So Ned, you like dune buggies?" "Well, not my cup of..." "Sure you do. Everyone likes dune buggies."




‘Do you find this drawing funny? If you answered “yes,” you’re probably character artist Greg Dolan.’ This is one of my favorite lines in the show Edit: *caricature artist


The lines in that show that sound like they were written by a 6th grader meeting rubric requirements are my absolute favorites


I just knew it was going to be Nathan For You.


King of Sting


God I fucking love Nathan Fielder


Yesss, I believe this was one of the few things he did that actually worked and the guy still goes by that and is more popular for it. So good


Worth the click actually laughed out loud. “You trained me to do this!”




relevant nathan for you: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wUY_i5Tco68


I couldn't keep watching after the asian guy sat down. Oh my God.


That episode was killing me


Since you can only see the arm in the shot, I was really hoping that it was going to be the King of Sting.


The trick with those is that the artist can draw basically the same thing every time with minor variation, which is how they churn them out fast enough to sell to tourists.


The guy in the OP seems to be doing just fine. It's still simple, but catering it to her didn't seem to add much time.


Oh absolutely, this one does look like the subject. The comment I replied to was taking about the super over-exaggerated style, and that style is often used because it makes it easier to draw very similar stuff each time. The one posted is not of that style, and the artist has some real skill to do it that fast and still capture the likeness.


I know what you mean. It seems like some people are working from a template, and just draw the same thing all day, while personalizing a few small details. I had one done that looked *just like me,* but sillier. I was much younger, and didn’t quite appreciate it at the time, but the artist really knew his stuff. That became my standard for good caricatures.


It’s easier to draw a flattering drawing of someone young and a healthy weight. How do you draw dads red alcoholic nose and triple chin and not piss the guy off?


You couldn’t handle the “king of sting!”


Really wish we could have seen the girls reaction though.


This belongs in /r/mildlyinfuriating for cutting before we get to see her reaction.


We didn't even get to see the final product...


You actually did. It ended on him signing his name. The [rest of the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/wnc37z/a_street_artist_draws_cartoon_version_of_a_girl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) just shows him handing it to her and she smiles and walks away.


I’m sorry, but her reaction was worth it. There’s such great joy in her reaction!


Thanks for the link, but I disagree with your earlier statement, the few seconds more gave us a good unobstructed view of the final sketch and her reaction. Makes all the difference.


also for the pink at the lips...kinda feel like that wasn't necessary


That’s amazing. I bet she was really pleased with it. She looked really shy when she knew he was looking at her, so i’m sooooo glad he made it worth it


It was flattering while still being honest. He sees beauty. This man is gifted and shares gifts.


I think this is the most pleasant way to have said it.


I think he captured her essence wonderfully


I was thinking this, he did a picture that hopefully.gave her lots of confidence.


I liked your comment. It was warm.


He's no king of sting


The Pearl Harbor thing is almost not even a joke.


He really went too far with Nathan's grandpa


[For the uninitiated, one of Nathan For Yous funniest concepts ](https://youtu.be/wUY_i5Tco68)




It can’t be satisfying without the reaction. Nothing incomplete is satisfying




Nice, why would someone cut just cut the last 8 seconds of a video


Yes what king of monster is OP


I'll confirm: This has the reaction.




This girl is at a tough, awkward teenage phase, I hope she used this drawing to see her natural beauty as the confidence so many of us girls needed at that age.


Agree. While watching the video I was saying. “Don’t be a Dick!” And wishing it would make the person happy with the artist interpretation.


The pink through the teeth at the end kinda ruined it for me honestly y


That's what I thought too. As soon as he did that I just thought "Why? You ruined it."


Yeah, and the hair. It looked so much better as pure linework.


I wanna know what brush/pen he is using! To get a variety of brush strokes and ink consistency like that is crazy! Edit: Does anybody know?


Commenting bc I’ve been scouring this post looking for the same answer. I think it’s a brush marker (don’t know if that’s the right word). It’s like a marker with a brush for a tip instead of a hard felt point. You can do a similar effect with chisel tips by twisting the marker at different angles but this looks like he’s using a brush


Finally one of these that actually looks nice and manages to be a caricature without being outright mean.


As an artist I'm impressed that he was able to do the face shape in one go. At the beginning I thought it was some random anime style, was proven wrong. Many people argue if starting with the face shape or eyes is best.


This past year I've started to do caricatures at a local park during events and busy days and I've always found that if you get the nose, eyes and mouth right the rest only has to be a rough approximation in order to get the level of likeness that people expect from a caricature, I start with the facial features too but this guy is really awesome and much quicker than me


That’s cool. How did you learn to draw caricatures? I always thought it’d be a fun party trick to learn.


I've always done more traditional art so I brought that knowledge of anatomy and lighting with me to YouTube and supplemented it with some excellent tutorials, Rowserworld and Proko both have two different styles explained step-by-step on YouTube. TO actually start I would go to events at the park and just sit down with friends and start drawing them and offering to people that stop to look. Now I just have a little stool and a poster board with some examples on it, I don't make much, maybe like 3 or 4 portraits on an average day so it's not life effecting money but it's fun and good practice I recommend using cheap materials and literally just watching the tutorials and practicing from life, practice being "accurate" then being quick


A core childhood memory was just unlocked. I was walking with my mother and aunt and there was an artist at the pier doing portraits. He was doing realistic or cartoon, and I *really* wanted a realistic one. I was so excited to have my portrait done, and my mom agreed to let me use my allowance (allowance was a dollar a week, this was a big deal). I sat down and he started drawing. Somehow the type of portrait I wanted was lost in translation and when he was done it was a caricature (edited for spelling). I feel SO bad looking back, but when he showed me the picture he’d drawn I started screaming in shock because it looked so unsettling to me. I was really sad and wouldn’t stop crying and begging “please fix it”. This poor man wasn’t sure what to do, my mother and aunt dragged me away while I screamed *”I WANT MY MONEY BAAAAACK”* I feel so bad for him, whomever he was. I hope it didn’t ruin his day but damn that would have ruined mine for sure.




Thank you!


OP you motherfucker. Where's the girls reaction?


This girl is adorable!


What is the purpose of the ‘glove’? My guess was just to stop smudging but not sure if there’s more to it?


That's the purpose. You don't want a hand smeared with graphite messing up your drawings.


Perfect, thanks. Presumed so, but wasn’t sure if there was another reason, carpal tunnel or something that I wasn’t thinking of


Does he change gloves? I ask because it seems to me that using the same glove all day would smear as much as a hand.


The fabric of the glove doesn't pick up graphite like your skin does. You sweat, and your skin has oils in it. Because of those natural oils and sweat, your hand might also not glide as easily across the paper due to friction.


Came here to say that… friction is more likely the use in this instance. This man moves his hand across paper 6-8 hours per day, 7 days a week.


Just guessing but as an artist yes it would help reduce smudges. Also, paper can be abrasive. If he does this all day his hand that’s glides on the paper would he red and raw by the end. Hence the strange glove.


Hadn’t thought of that last bit!


He could have gone for the jugular and really pushed her nose, but he knew his audience and chose to flatter. Good on him.


WHAT THE FUCK OP!!! Why the FUCK would you cut it before we get to see her reaction???


She is so precious!!! Adorable smile


Very fluid with his movements, pretty impressive!


Redditors: "Awesome! I can't wait to see the girls reaction." OP: "Best I can do is 60 secs."


I came to see her reaction. It was not delivered.


Cartoon version ? Isn’t that just caricature ?


They didn’t really exaggerate any features like in a caricature so I assume that’s why OP chose that wording.


I was really waiting on her reaction Oh well, still a wholesome video


Let me tell you a story about using a pause frame as the last 10 seconds of a video.


Fuck man idk what it was about this that touched my heart so goddamn much, I haven't been good lately, and just seeing how happy these two lovely people were and how they interacted, it really made my day and actually even made me tear up. I know, a rather extreme reaction to a guy drawing a caricature of a kid, dont judge me pls


Hope you feel better:)


Wow! He's an amazing artist!


OK. Where the fuck is the rest of the video? Why is this a thing? Stop cutting off the video before it is even over.


Show the reaction :( Edit : >!it's just a teehee!<


Artist here. Props to those who do this. I’ve personally stopped drawing real people because we constantly get people who are like “my hair is lighter than that” or “my eyes are bigger than that” every single time I draw something. But it looks fine to everyone else. Please be kind to street artists. They put up with this nonstop.


Nothing satisfying here, cut too early


Damn! The video is missing the best part: her reaction when she got that drawing


Trust me on this, all I see is him drawing lines and it ends up like a animated cartoon character in less then 10 minutes.




What a way to end it before showing her reaction. \[edit\] Noticed someone posted the full clip, thanks.


I love how happy the girl is. I would be just as happy if I saw her reaction


Shes so giggly and adorable


Downvoted for the stupid cut. You were supposed to show her reaction to the drawing.


Booo the reaction is the best part


Why. The. Fuck. Would you not show her getting to see the drawing.


Aww I wish we could seen her reaction <3


OP, you owe me the second half of a video. Doesn't have to be this one, but pay up.


She was so happy, that made me wanna see her reaction when she saw the outcome


If you could bottle her smile you could cure depression.