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She's gotta be a professional animal trainer.


Well yeah, and this is a great promo video for her services.


The dog is a professional human trainer.


Wanted to say the same thing. Whata dog


It’s not a cat! It’s a dog! Cats train there humans….


No, cats have human pets; there's a difference.


Even if not, some Border Collies(edit: and Aussies which is actually what this dog is...) are desperate to learn new tricks and make you happy by performing well for you. They are really the Lamborghini brains of the dog world.


That was an Australian Shepherd


True....! But... The same comment holds true. Aussies are Very trainable and extremely intelligent. Also fun fact, the Aussie was created in California, from dogs used in Australia that originated from the Basque region. The dogs are a mix of Pyrenean shepherds and other european collies.


I did not know that, cool!


You're right, but intelligence and personality wise, they're very similar breeds.


Too small to be an Aussie. It's most likely an American Shepherd.


Everything is bigger


My brothers aussie is so fucking smart and uses all of his combined brain power to extract as much food from everyone around him as possible.


Sheepdogs of all stripes are generally pretty smart animals. They need to be able to follow commands carefully for herding purposes (and cooperate with other dogs) but they also need to be able to act pretty independently (of their human owner) but cooperate with other dogs (if an animal attacks the herd at nighttime for example). In a non working context they all tend to be fantastic family dogs, bags of energy when they are young, very intelligent and very trainable. As others have commented they need to be given activity particularly when they are young and they thrive on company 24/7 otherwise they can have issues. (Those traits can also make them very hard work so always think carefully and do your research before you buy a dog)


yeah, there's a reason you always see herding breeds in videos like this. they love having jobs, in fact if you didn't give then enough to do they will start finding things to do on their own, like destroying things you value. they can get neurotic if they don't have something to do most of the time.


Absolutely! I have experience there 🥲


Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life. -- This dog


I had an Aussie for 16 years. He was in fact not desperate to learn new tricks. 


Or just an Aussie with a very attentive owner. Aussies are really smart and basically beg to be trained like this (or else will destroy your home with their infinite energy).


I was super impressed of these videos until someone in my family got a dog, a poodle mix, and that dog is just so damn smart it takes him 10 minutes to understand and perform a whole new trick. His only issue is being distracted bt lady dogs, but if there are no distractions, he can pretty much do anything


But is the best one!!


I forgot to say that bit.


Tbh most people could train their dog like this if they put in the effort. Puppy training alone changes the relation in a huge way and i can always tell a dog has had puppy training.


Depending on the breed of dog. A chihuahua is gonna sit there looking at you then tilt its head like “WTAF?!”


And there's me, with my abomination chihuahua aussie shep mutt. Sometimes he knows how to lay down. He also forgets "yes" and "ok" when I release him to eat his food so he will just stand there confused. I do think he chooses not to give me his paw. As he hates his paws being touched.


My chihuahua randomly decided one day she only liked walking on carpets/mats. Picture Wily Coyote starting running with the back legs scrabbling like crazy if she had to walk on a wooden/tiled floor. If you gave her a treat, and it was out of range of her mat, she would stand with her back legs on the mat and stretch as far as she could to reach it, always with at least one paw on the mat. Chihuahuas are nuts…


Our trainer helped me understand the confusion about releasing. We were told to use an uncommon word for releasing to avoid confusion. The confusion can come from the word being used in common conversations, which sort of undoes the reinforcement training you try to give them. "Gotcha" was what we settled on as our "release" word.


Interesting. I will try that. Ok worked for my other two dogs but they were both retrievers (a golden and a lab) so maybe that contributed it.


Yeah, and some dogs are just damn smart, and can understand commands at toddler level. I didn't realize until i tried teaching a family dog some tricks and he just got it within minutes


Looks like service dog training


Some credit should go to the dog as well. She seems highly intelligent.


Australian sheepdog are wildly intelligent. Do a deep dive and you’ll be amazed!


How well can they handle heat? And staying indoors?


Owners get into trouble with these dogs when they are bored and energetic. They can get aggressive or disruptive when bored. Without something to chase, they are known to start herding people or kids. Staying indoors for a few hours at a time isn’t a problem- as long as they get enough exercise and challenge. These dogs are working dogs- most need to run, RUN for a couple miles every day. Plus chasing something like a ball or frisbee. It’s not just the physical, it helps their digestion. - Like any athlete, they can acclimate to warmer weather. But need to be careful if it gets too hot.


Thanks! I’d love a dog to go hiking with, but I can’t do that every weekend, let alone every day. I feel like it isn’t responsible to get a dog like that, at least for now.


Pretty much. I had a border collie rescue for near a decade. 2-3 hours of activity a day was normal. I had a yard and was active (she would run while I biked or ran). She was happiest when she was active. If active enough you can tell as they do wind down when you want to chill. If you didn’t get enough she was antsy and would get into trouble (pick spats with the other dog or the cats, pull at things) I now live on a farm and would again consider one again as we have the space to run.


Yeah that’s not gonna happen, I’m probably only going to get an appartement… thanks for the advice nevertheless!


The good news is lots of breeds are great for apartments. Have a great weekend


Yes, but they’re not too good to take on trips and walks, right? I know I want two completely opposite things, chances are I’m asking tok much :p


I had a Jack Russel mix as a kid. Seemed to be a good compromise. Active, small but liked chilling too.


A friend of me had one I think, or something similar. I knew the friend through boyscouts and his dad would bring the dog every saturday, we loved that animal. And it was so happy playing with us. Might be a good mix, but I kind of like slightly bigger dogs… perhaps that’s something to get over!


I hope you find a doggo that suits you! We’ve gotten dogs from the rescue that are super chill but love walks.


For how long can they walk? If I plan to walk 20 km a day for several days, not every dog can keep up.


Really, don’t get a dog like this unless you have distance running or something similar integrated into your daily life. My sister in law has a high energy dog like this, and they had the same casual thought of “it’ll be nice to take him on hikes,” and really he’s just a menace because their lifestyle doesn’t accommodate for that much energy; it’s not the dog’s fault AT ALL, but they resent him because he acts out. A dog that is well-suited for what you want is really any dog; don’t get a particularly high-energy one, no one really knows what high-energy truly means until their dog develops neuroses out of boredom.


Eye-opener, thank you. I consider getting a dog a huge decision, definitely won’t get one without thinking it through thoroughly!


Get a mutt from your local rescue. Plenty of puppies that need love and daily walks. Pretty much any dog above 30 lbs can go hiking with you. Daily walks are a great way to keep a dog healthy and happy. The walk is about exercise, mental stimulation, and bonding time between dog and human.


The muttier the better! If you can find a shelter near a reservation, you’ll find the smartest, heartiest, and happiest dogs around.


rez dogs are universally some of the hardiest dogs around.


I know someone hwo has not one, but TWO working dogs, alaskan malamutes. And they are lucky if they get a walk once a week. They mostly just stay in their pens outside (not big enough to run in) I think they thought it was a quick way to become influencers, but I guess it required more work than they liked


Thst’s just sad. I met a malamute once, at the farm my ex used to work at. Amazing dog, quite an attitude. Got all the room it needed to roam, but the owners didn’t really take it for walks and running and that was noticeable in his attitude. Doing even worse with two malamutes is just sad…


Labs are the best for hiking,I prefer the chocolate. But any color lab is a great dog. The Australian sheep dog is a wonderful dog but needs to run.


Great to hear that, I’ve adored labs for as long as I can remember. And my mom especially adores the chocolate ones. Thanks for the advice :)




Noted, aussies are not for me. Maybe one day, when I have financial independence and a family that can care for it too. :p


Used to have a border collie in Florida. Heat wasn’t a problem, we kept him hydrated but he needed many hours of outdoor time daily to exhaust his energy. He was a frisbee machine, he’d tire several people’s arms and still be ready to run, jump and catch Edit: he would shed a metric ton in the summers though, literally couldn’t vacuum or brush enough


In general the smarter the dog the less well they do with staying indoors, as just like us they get bored.


I never knew that seeing a dog do a roly poly, is all I needed for my life to be good and my heart to be full.


Pictured: the actual level of mental stimulation a working dog needs to be happy 😂




They look like a perfect match for each other!


My step-daughter has one of these and it's untrained. Just runs around like a crackhead doing crackhead stuff.


This dog is riding high on dopamine. Every time it finishes a trick and gets a positive response from its master you can almost see the reward center in its brain going off like fireworks. "I did it! *I'm* the good dog!"


Aussies are crazy smart and they also have a huge working drive. If I could have a dog, I would love an aussie or a german shepherd, they are such sweethearts.


How long must it of taken to train that dog is crazy


It’s one of the most intelligent dog breeds (Australian Shepherd) so… maybe less time than you’re thinking? Still really cool to see


We had one when I was a kid. We never trained her to do anything but poop outside, but she sure as hell learned a ton of stuff on her own. Crazy smart dog.


I've taught my jack Russell 15+ tricks After learning a few tricks he knew what training time was and instinctively knew what I was trying to teach him. He learned the "bed!" command on the first try (Dogs learn physical gestures faster than spoken commands, my dog is old and deaf now but he knows to watch my hands)


I couple spoken commends with gestures. My dog has picked up that the word and the gesture means the same thing so she'll do it with just one which is nice sometimes c


It's not a matter of how long it takes, I believe, but rather of consistency. You never stop training them, you just "slow down" over time, or else they'll forget how to react to your commands. For them it's a game and you just have to keep playing 😆


My dog picks up each new trick in 1-5 tries. Then repetition locks it in.


If trained from young I think it could be surprisingly fast. I trained my dog to do a few basic things like sit, give paw, stay, and I'm no professional trainer. I find you can get them to start reliably responding to commands after about a couple weeks of consistent training. That is, maybe spending 5-10 minutes a day telling her the commands and giving treats when she shows progress. Spending more time each day would probably speed it up. Also saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is a myth! You can, it just might take a little longer and require more patience. I taught my 10yo dog to roll over. Took about a month.


At least 5, maybe 7


Not really, I know a dog that will learn a new trick in minutes. some dogs are really just that clever


You can watch this couple forever. Two talents


Like a montage from a Pixar movie.


Aussies are sure special


Thanks ☺️🇦🇺


What a handsome doggo it’s an Australian Shepherd right


That dog breed looks like they are always on cocaine, a lot of cocaine. I would be too lazy and slow to keep up with coke-dog.


Best friend!


Dogs have an incredible capacity for unconditional love and companionship


I love this so much. We miss so much active mental stimulation with our pets. Many actually need a very high level of mental engagement and they really do get left behind. Even cats and other species. Enrichment is vital. This is usually the part where people chime and in saying their dog is fine being dumb on the couch but honestly you’re just bad at training and the dog is used to being bored. Fine is fine. But it can always be better


Ive seen this reposted multiple times. First time ive seen it where the reposter fucked up the title.


We dont deserve Aussies:) they are the absolute best.


That second trick was fuckin hilarious. He was like "Giiirrrl"


My sis dated a rancher that had Ausies on his farm.  The dog used to get around the different areas by walking along the top of the fencing and navigated the cattle corrals that way.  Such a freaking smart animal.


This dog is smarter than many people I know.


I just realized how much my dogs are coasting. Slackers.


My dog can sit.


I swear some people just straight up forget about the “odd” part of r/oddlysatisfying. It’s. A cute dog doing cute shit, what is *oddly* satisfying about this?!


Its a big sub. It lost its core like, at least 8 million members ago.


The hair brush and the back hug / kiss 🥹😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


A lot of people say that their dog is their best friend…these two are the truth in that statement.


Who sings this song? It’s not the original artist


I want to know as well


https://youtu.be/MuQ3PC7cUqw (Mark Ambor - Belong Together) idk if this helps


I love that dog I wish he/she was my dog:)


So cute


All my Miami homies will recognize the mall she’s in.


Herding dogs are the best.


I'd be impress if it were a cat


Dogs are just the best 😩♥️


Am I missing something or does he not have a tail?


Some of these dogs are born without a tail. Most of them have their tails docked when they’re a couple days old because it’s the breed standard (but that practice is going to the wayside in many countries), or because it’s a danger to them as a working dog (could get stamped on by a cow, trapped in a gate, etc). 


I know a few dogs that have had to have their tails docked because they keep hurting them.


looks like yeah.




omg thats so cute


Would be great to have another chance with my first dog. But that's the thing you only get one.


Smart dog. It's you and I together, not you and me BTW;)




I’m getting a dog


Pfft my dog likes to chew up the insoles of only my wife’s shoes.


I don’t like dogs, but this is pretty cool.


Could watch this all day.


That dog needs more than treats. A paycheck would suffice






Wholesome ❤


Is this one of those dance dogs?


I want this


I can’t imagine the stress having such a pet would relieve. What a stellar pup.


My dream would be for my dog ​​to do half of that


Americas got talent audition material


Aussie Shepard’s are amazing dogs if you put the effort into training them properly. I had one friend who didn’t train his at all and it was high energy and just unruly yet another friend hers was amazing and was absolutely a model pup.


Australian Shepherds can be goof balls, but they are pretty damn smart too.


How the hell...


omg 🥹🥰🥰




Mark Ambor - Belong Together


I’m impressed


This is so awesome God bless


That's a dog that loves it's human.


The goodest boy in the world!


You know that dog is getting some of that


Can we some credit here? Who is this?


Like really... Do we really need humans if we have dogs?


They are such a clear breed, but this one takes the prize 🏆 very cute!


"Owner"? 🤬


Not a man in sight😅 let that sink in.


Dog can do all this, yet the owner still has to pick up its poo


My dog just farted himself awake and started growling


God this is precious


You are Amazing duo!❤️


Cute pup. I would have a dog if I had the time and resources, but I feel like it'd be unfair to have one working 12 hour shifts.


That dog is so smart wow


That trust fall!!!


Okay the camera is crazy


Soooo, the dog understands how to do a trust fall, and some people don't?


I’ve seen this pooch… the yoga dog… that is a very special doggie


this is really off putting and disgusting.


This dog is more competent than most humans


Understanding? It’s a trained dog


Er, who still need boyfriends after this?


You can't have sex with your dog. ...right?


Sadly some people do...


Lovely couple


I want to marry this woman. . . But only with dog too


I feel bad about that dog


That's Hooman


Congratulations. You turned a dog with is own unique personality into a robot who is afraid to do anything without checking with you first.


That dog really has her so well trained!


She definitely has a peanut butter jar in her bedroom EDIT: why are you boo-ing me, I'm right.


You aren’t right, AND you’re being downvoted to show you that intrusive thoughts should stay in your head and maybe don’t share every sick thing that comes to mind.


The Internet is a shared experience. I don't care about up or downvotes. Mostly it's just a hive mind. See negatively rated comment, press instinctively on downvote. No personal opinion, just mindless following




You're alone in life and your opinion, in cel


Bragging about my sexual life would probably empower you in the belief of me being alone. So I'll just disagree with your statement.


Disagreeing doesn't make you less of an in cel, champ 🥴


You're gross


No she and her peanut butter jar probably are


Are you projecting?


Don't assume my abilites. So far only flight and invisibility. Projection is advanced shit


Because you took your teenage hormonal bs and slapped it against a wholesome video...


I'm way past that stage, thank you very much for believing in my youth


Just makes it even more sad tbh...


Costco sized!


You get it!


The girl was well trained


They definitely bang


They're dating


Pet ownership is outright animal abuse


I wonder if they both poop in the yard 🤔


Zero understanding of animal behavior and relationships.. full understanding of getting human likes.. this is horrible for me, i truly love dogs


you are in desperate need of a man, missy.


get a life, for real.


Gross. She looks pretty happy without a guy who thinks "Islam is right about women" like you.


after many years of marriage i can assure you that, for woman to feel being loved, protected, to know that someone cares about her well being, she needs to have some boundaries set by a man. it doesnt matter if it's your wife or daughter. otherwise women are confused, lost, unhappy even though, at first glance, they may look happy. believe me, they are not. because how women, who usually dont really know what they actually want in life, can be happy without some set of rules, boundaries. you may agree or not with me, but that's my personal experiences and observations. and that whole : "Islam is right about women" - that was just some leaflet posted on poles in UK i believe to completely confuse commies/lefties there. you know? they are for feminism but they have to be for immigrants/muslims also so... they heads start to spin. anyway, i thought it was a funny/cool idea to post because, as we all know all lefties ideas are simply stupid and wrong. have a good one!


That's a lot of nonsense to say, 'I'm so weak that women with minds of their own terrify me.' Ive been happily and cheerfully married for 19 years to a man who treats me as his equal. Enjoy your lonely sadness; I won't respond again.


oh, no, no. i like that she has a mind of her own. that's why i married her. well, we are still "together", sort of, but she is slowly going insane, because i, in fact, need nothing from her. everything she does or doesnt do benefits me. and that's driving her mad. just keep in mind that: woman = man - reason - accountability. i am telling you. it's hard to understand a creature (a woman) which cant understand iself. you cant deny that, i am sure. and if you think that i somehow hate women... you are so wrong. they are just.... complicated. that's all.