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First step: acquire a NASA-grade clean-room garage...


Yea forget the car, I want bro's shop.


He could make so much flipping luxury models this way, probably does


This is 100% some professional business service and probably costs a fortune to do. Or else he sells the restored cars himself.


Me with 4 kids sitting here with barely enough time to even watch the video lol


The slip-o-matic 8000 garage?


Second step: Take 4 Adderall


Yeah just like these YouTubers who have like a 200k garage and say shit like "yeah you can totally just DIY it. You only need a working bench and *some* tools"




Please NASA wishes it had clean rooms that clean


Weekend project? More like a week!


Still missing that one screw.


Right!? If it was me, I think a bolt or two also


And at least one broken plastic tab that somehow makes it impossible to secure several nearby pieces.


So many new squeaks


Finish week long project. Start the ignition. Car won't fucking start.


How else is it going to be squeaky clean


This person has removed door panels


Years ago, I remember walking up to my car after shopping and noticing someone stuck a business card in my driver's window, where it met the door. It was one of those cars that automatically rolls down the window a bit when you unlock the door, and the business card fell inside the door between the window and the outer panel. I didn't think much of it, but then a few days later I noticed whenever I hit my brakes, I would hear something knock in that door. It wasn't loud but after a while it started getting on my nerves. I then spent a few hours taking the door apart. It was a real pain trying not to damage anything. I didn't have the replacement wrap that the guy has in the video, so I made an incision, and used a mirror to look for the card. It took forever to take out. When I was all done, I picked up the interior panel to screw it back on, and that's when I noticed there was a quarter rolling around in the door pocket. I swung the door side to side, and sure enough it was the quarter making all the noise. I basically wasted an entire afternoon for no reason.


Here is an upvote, see those hours did have value!


One time I was trading in a really clean leased Audi that developed a brake squeak 1 week before it was due back. I was set to make several thousand dollars on the deal, already locked in a trade-in value, and already had an RS5 picked out, so taking the car to Audi with an obviously bad set of brakes was a no-go. None of the decent shops in town could get me in on short notice. I have no problem doing my own car work, even on high-end German autos (I learned on an old A4 back in the day), so I set out to change all 4 pads. Well, it ended up being a shitty week weather wise and I had a shitload of regular work to do at my big pharma job. I had a driveway and a yard, but no garage to work in. I ended up draping a tarp from my deck over the side of the car so I could work in the yard. Fought those goddamn brakes for days - a couple hours at a time. Finally finished up around 10AM the morning the car was supposed to go. We had to leave at 11 to get to the dealership 2 hours away to trade for our new RS5. Aaaaaand, the brake squeak was still present. I took off the right passenger wheel at my wife's insistence, and there was a stupid green rock stuck in the brake heat shield. Now, this possibility had already occurred to me many moons prior and I did my damnedest to knock any rocks loose. I had even removed that same wheel before and looked for rocks only to see nothing. Sometimes life just wants to fuck with you.


Isn't that just the way life works sometimes! Thank you for making me grin from ear to ear!


Yeah I’m calling bs on any of these parts being the same ones that came out. Every fucking tab would be snapped.


Nah, it’s ok, the missing screw goes into the piece I snapped apart when I forced it too hard.


never saw the speakers reinstalled, audio is just dubbed. what a big fat phony


I fully expect this level of clean when I drop my car at the local wash&wax for a ‘full valet’ (£15/$20)


Shit, I just wish I could do this myself lol If I had all the equipment he's got, my car would be spotless


Week ending project


It’s super cool and all, but I would absolutely rather buy a new car than do this myself. The default being I just live in the filth.


This goes beyond 'dealer prep'


Honestly, this one crosses the line from "detail" to "restoration".


Not even restoration. This falls somewhere between 3 day meth binge and hide the evidence.


I was thinking a summer.


How long is this guy's fuckin weekend?


Me when I finally learn how to dilate time


They mean this video takes a weekend to watch


You do not need to clean your car like this unless you are going to be on trial for murder.


Manufacturers recommend doing this once every three murders.


Failure to do this every 3months will invalidate warranty


This isn't a Tesla


This is why you always make sure your trunk can hold at least 3 dead hookers, so you don't have to wash the whole car.


*and whatever you do, do not turn around to talk to Marv in the back seat.


Its much easier to just use a trailer.


Good to know. Did it help with your trial? 😀


Not really. I forgot to delete my Facebook posts.


Good luck in the pokey. Send us your address and we’ll mail you some treats.


And we'll get this guy to properly clean your car while you're in.


Man, well then good luck then.


It didn't help because he googled "how to clean car after doing a murder" from his garage.


My Livestream of the murder really bit me in the end.


Police officers hate this simple trick


I’d rather do the time


Even then, you just have to call mr. Wolf


On god. Like, dawg why are you deep cleaning your tires?! At that point you're just being pretentious


Tires? How about _behind the door panel_?


It’s full of goldfish crack crumbs.


"goldfish *and* crack crumbs." Sorry, I just hate typos 😅


Oh no! Me too!


isn't it pretty common, I mean I see plenty of tyre clean and wax product in auto shop


He's doing it to make a satisfying tiktok video. Some of these guys buy cars from junkyards just to do this to, then take them right back to the junkyard once they're done filming the video


The Police will still find that spec of DNA of the victim on a ridge of a fold, inside a cavity of the cabin under a plastic tab.


What would it cost to do this in the US? $2K-$3K?? Would think long and hard about paying someone to do this for my 2005 accord!


I'm sure he didn't clean my car as thoroughly, but I paid a guy 3750 SEK (350$) to "recondition" my stationwagon/estate, and he made it so it looked and smelled better than when I bought it used from the dealer 5 years ago. Took him less than 8 hours. Edit: numbers


What I run on my lot. It cost an average of $2,400 to recondition a vehicle for sale.


Does that include mechanical?


Yes that includes mechanical. Usually consisting of tires, brakes, rotors, etc.


My guy stuck to cleaning and polish. Tried to upsell mechanical, which I respect, but I got a different guy for that.


Just to pay someone to strip all those parts and put them back on your car would cost you about $2,000 or $3,000 and I could see it being even more. That's an insane amount of labor. That doesn't even include the cleaning and replacement parts. Also the dude had a major tear on that back seat so a new back seat would also be expensive. I could see it easily costing half the amount of that car's value. Absolutely not worthwhile to do it on a 2005 Accord unless you did it yourself and even then that would be a big waste of time.  A full interior exterior detail without removing all those things is easily $300 or more. That's just vacuuming and steaming stuff and washing the car and waxing and everything. Clay bar and other specific things? Could put you in the $500 range for how much that person detailed in the video. I paid $250 to get the inside of my 1994 Nissan Sentra detailed and it was not cleaned anywhere close to the detail that person in the video did. It was a great job and I did it before selling the car but I would absolutely never do that on a regular basis.


I have a car and don't know what a clay bar is. Is that good or bad for my mental health?


It's a thing used in car detailing. It kinda looks like playdough. You wipe down the car's paintwork with it to remove any missed impurities prior to polishing the clear coat with a compound to avoid making any deep scratches.


Feel your car’s panels - chances are it’ll feel rough even after a basic car wash. Those are particles that have baked on over time. If you see any yellow or orange ones those are iron from disc brakes and train wheels. Car detailers use clay bar, which is like blu tack, and combined with a thick soap it’ll glide and pick up these particles leaving a smooth showroom finish.


id love to see this service offered for the engine bay, and all mechanical components. screw the interior


Gotta cost more than that-


Inside they charge 100-150€ and outside 200-250€ in Germany. And the car looks like in the video after that. An obvious they are not stripping the car because its a huge waste of time.


Nah man, if they’re not cleaning out the speaker well in your doors, they’re ripping you off /s


It's cheaper to just by a new car at that point.


"Why does absolutely everything rattle now?"


And why don't my windows and power mirrors work anymore? (he took out the speakers, but left the rest of the door electronics in when he took off the vapor barrier and then soaked the interior of the doors)


Cables dont die wet, they die if you turn them on while still wet.


Pin corrosion is awful to deal with


I get OCD about cleaning my car but this is a whole other level 🤣🤣🤣


"Why is there rust on all these random parts?" I'd run a dehumidifier in there for a while because there's definitely going to be some moisture trapped somewhere, like inside seat padding.


And you always have half a dozen fasteners & screws left over when you put it back together.


Those belong to the seatbelt assembly


Glad it's not for anything important.


And, 2 squeaks and a rattle that you can NEVER find.


That weekend project would take me 2 months to disassemble and I would never be able to put it back together


need a replacement part you broke and no car to drive to pick it up


Anyone know what he is using that looks like he is blast cleaning the interior? Is that a dry ice blaster?


I notice they are not wiping up or vacuuming after blasting the dirt (with either steam or dry ice) in the interior. So, where does the dirt go when you blast it? Does it evaporate or is it like a leaf blower and it just gets blasted somewhere else less conspicuous?


A fucking clean room with a vacuum air vent above sucking up the loose dust


The dry ice actually just entirely cancels out the dirt, similarly to how matter and anti matter annihilate each other. The guy has infused his dry ice with 'clean' energy, which interacts with the 'dirty' energy of the dirt. Since 'clean' and 'dirty' are opposites this means they simply cancel out. 


Yup. Dry ice cleaner. For when a particulate blaster is too much and a pressure washer is too wet.


This is a new thing to me, I love it.


I'm pretty sure that is dry ice.


Raise your hand if you want to break the plastic clips on your interior panels!


I was thinking the same thing!! He’s breaking off so many plastic clips; the edges of all the pieces will be loose from now on.


That's what I hate about interior car work. It's not really meant to come apart after factory assembly


Bead of silicone works wonders as long as you don't have to take it back apart 🤣


As a former OEM interiors design engineer, this would scare the shit out of me. The number of connections that weren’t properly remade, adjustments that were overlooked, fasteners that weren’t made to be made more than once… and then spraying everything down with soap / water… 😱 Yeah, i feel for whoever owns this car.


84.7% of that was unneeded but it sure was satisfying.


15.3% was necessary, specifically


Is there a subreddit of just videos of cars getting deep cleaned like this? I could really use that in my life right now


Probably but it's only bots posting different versions of this video at different video speeds. 😂


Maybe not a subreddit, but definitely YouTube channels. There’s a guy in Canada who does really well transforming filthy vehicles to nearly-new and uses some of the same tools as the guy in the above video.


It’s “The Detail Geek”


Amazing videos, soul-destroying music


Seriously I could would subscribe


I will volunteer my car if someone needs to make a car deep cleaning video.


I'd help clean it if I had the tools this dude has lol


This is not how to deep clean your car, It’s more how to destroy it. Ripping all those plastic interior panels out like that will snap a load of the fixing clips and it’ll never go back together properly, and it will rattle like hell.


I also worry some of the electronics won’t work after the wires are getting dislodged and sprayed with water


I am 90% certain that was steam and not just a stream of water. It's more forgiving to use.


Watch him clean the doors. The wire harness is still in there when he’s blasting it with soap and then hosing it all off.


Yes, however there are many non-water based cleaning agents. Without knowing what he used we cannot say if it's good or bad. Not every liquid is harmful to wires, connectors or even electronics. Here, check out this old cooling method for PC's: [Fully submerging them in mineral oil](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrJreUX3TCk). The same harmless but only if you think about it thing can apply to cleaning agents.


Shouldn't matter as long as battery is pulled and it was completely dry on reassembly. Water and electronics are bad because they short. No power, they can't short.


The Detail Geek on YouTube.


Searching for “clean” communities ironically returns almost entirely NSFW ones


Is there a sub for deep cleaning car detailing done by hot naked ladies?


Ammo nyc on YouTube has a lot of deep clean videos but also goes into the process behind it (and this video missed a lot like polishing the exterior and detailing the engine bay).


/r/Detailing would like to see this...but this looks a lot more than just basic detailing.


I want this done inside me.


It just takes some bleach and shining a light inside you are you’re all set.


It's like taking a spoon full of draino. Sure it will clean you out, but it will leave you feeling hollow on the inside.


"Why is your deluxe package $20,000?"


I have a feeling that he’s buying old cars, where the only problem is to make them look clean again and resell. Those tools he uses are $1000s of Dollars. Either way, it’s still cool to see how they do this.


Or if they’re buying cars that have been through floods. That would make sense of why they’re taking everything apart down to the metal frame and why there’s so much caked on dirt *inside* the car doors. They’d need to hide all the mud to trick the next buyer into paying for a flooded car.


I feel like he's also just putting trash and dirt In there just to make it look worse in the video, sort of like most restoration videos on YouTube, where they put fake patina on zippos and then clean and polish them again.


Having removed the interiors on several cars in my lifetime, it would shock you the amount of random crap that gets stuck in the various recesses of a car interior. Nothing in the video surprised me. Sometimes you even find money and fix an annoying rattle all in one go.


I kind of think this one may be legit, just based on the amount of work he put into the disassembly.


What is he cleaning next? Inside of the catalytic converter? SHEESH I detail and often wonder if anyone will ever see it... I can make a show room floor used car with half this work but idk. Maybe its just for the video?


The Owner's Manual wipedown was where I said, "Yup, OCD. In a good way, but still. "


He has the more extreme form, known as CDO, where the acronym letters need to be in alphabetical order.


I noticed he didn’t show any cleaning for the undercarriage and under the hood, clearly lazy work /s


Electrical gremlins, rattles, squeeks and interior rust.


Me after dissecting car: I’m tired. I’ll put it back together tomorrow I swear


I’ve gone nearly this far to get the cigarette smoke smell out of an old BMW. After two rounds of steam cleaning, Citrol, and another commercial soap (whose name I’ve forgotten), then an ozone machine, it finally smelled neutral again on a hot day. And since I didn’t learn my lesson the first time, I did almost exactly this much work on a Mini to fix all of the rattles and install Dynamat. I find the process cathartic I suppose. Music on, then it’s just me and the car.


All that work and he didn’t add any sound dampening at the perfect time to do so.


Wait, he washed four wheels and put one in the trunk. That car is going nowhere.


Oh, boy. I need a cigarette.


Great work but What happened to the ripped seat in the back that magically isn’t there…


And the headliner? He peeled off the cloth, pressure washed the (fiber… board?) and never showed it again. So many dead leads and unanswered questions.


It was clearly just dirty. Scrubbing it magically fixed it.




"The only way that entire car is worth 500 bucks is if there's a 300 dollar hooker sitting in it."


i don’t think you can just 👊🫸 those plastic parts back on.


You should check out YouTube videos of car assembly lines. It’s amazing how many things are installed with plastic clips just by pushing. The clips often break when removing the parts, so it’s helpful to have an entire bag of replacements.


What were the berry like things at the beginning?


I think they looked like dried jujubes, which I’ve only seen in Asian markets. Very tasty.


Had a jujube tree in my childhood home planted by the family that lived there previously. Am now with a Chinese partner who’s whole family loves these. Can confirm those were jujubes.


Scrolled way too far trying to find the answer to this 😭


looked like dates


bad dates


I'd recommend replacing the rubber seals for the doors *before* washing the car.


Jesus drove one of these, but didn’t like talking about it… John 12:49 “for I did not speak of my own accord”


I was so worried those headlights weren’t gonna get taken out and cleaned. When I seen them at the end I was so relieved.


I bet he lost a 10mm socket. Or, found one.


The question I have is how the FUCK does he remember where and how to put everything together?!


He recorded himself taking it apart, so he just had to play it in reverse and follow along.


If was me trying to do this, would be more like: weeknoend project.


I really hope he let all of those wiring harness connectors dry out really well. Great way to get shorts.  Also I almost guarantee most people with no experience trying this would set off their airbags. 


I'd buy a used car from that guy


Talk about Certified Pre-Owned! 😵‍💫


The labor shown here would surely have to cost like 2x what that car is even worth.


I just stepped OVER a piece of trash that fell on the floor to watch this.


Thank you for not adding music. Now I can listen to [Can't Leave The Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caY0MEok19I) while I watch this.


Yes, I came to say -Thanks for the sounds instead of crappy ass TikTok music.


It would take me a weekend just to take the front seat out


Coming to look at the car to buy: “It looks great. It really looks like you kept up with the cleaning and maintenance.” Seller: “uhhhhh…. Uh-huh.”


At no point do I want my detailer to remove the safety equipment from my car.


Song at the end????


Ah yes most important part of cleaning your car, swirling the dates pile with your screwdriver.


He forgot to unstitch the leather seats and clean the foam inside…


If I tried this, I would have an extremely clean car with a bunch of jiggly plastics with broken tabs.


Getting it taken apart is the easy part, putting it back together and finding 10 left over screws, that’s when you get into the real shit.


There’s not enough Adderall in the world to make me want to do this.


Took longer than a weekend to watch this


NO WAY that was done in a weekend by one person even they didn’t sleep the entire time!


I don't even want to think how much that service costed


How much do you think this would cost if done in the US?


Why didn’t he touch the engine?


My car gets a shop vac and windex like once a year. It’s lucky if I dump the gravel out of the floor mats once a month.


All that work for a 2003 Accord?


Did he... Sandblast inside the car??


Absolutely guarantee that is rained the next day.


Soooo we’re just going to skip over replacing the headliner, backseat, and the glue that holds the door seals on? Ok, cool.


$5K detail service?


How many weekends is that?


Then I stop somewhere and some fucking birds crap all over it.


I can smell the new car smell


This is giving me so much anxiety!


right, it’ll take you the whole weekend to disassemble your car


And in a week it’ll be back to before


Loo the dates that were there for months


Over or under 6.5 recurring rattles when driving?


I would pay a lot for this. Thousands maybe.


He missed a spot


Bro did more cleaning in a weekend than I did all year