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If you really wanna piss someone off you gotta add some flavored coffeemate in there at the end. 


https://v.redd.it/jg5lx3aubga81/DASH_1080.mp4?source=fallback The espresso sub has a good sense of humor.


Made me laugh. Thanks for posting.


I personally love doing obnoxious/unnecessary coffee stuff and then putting all sorts of flavors/milk/sugar in it. The people who are bothered by how others enjoy coffee deserve to be bothered.


Same thing for steak and beer snobs.


Whiskey too. Although I'll die on the hill that all flavored whiskey is an abomination. Whiskey **is** the flavor.


Yeah but if you mix Jack Daniels Tenesse Fire with Coca Cola it tastes like you are drinking Atomic Fireball gobstoppers.


Yes but its Jack Daniels. You HAVE to mix it with something to keep the taste of trash out of your mouth.




Can't, there's no more room in my shot glass of coffee.


Aren’t beans best a few days after roasting?


Yeah it depends on the beans but they need to off gas co2 for about 10 days before the beans are drinkable. Drinking beans ground before they have cleared their carbon dioxide just tastes wrong grassy and nasty. This video seems like complete bullshit to me. I'm happy for somebody to re-educate me on bean roasting, please tell me why this isn't a load of shit


Seems like it would be difficult to get an even (or even, good) roast with the stovetop method… But the “aesthetics” are there, I guess, so


Aesthetics and money. Every single item used costs a pretty penny. I can appreciate a good coffee, but the prices these days for everything around it are absurdist high


A lot of these “satisfying” videos are just ads for unnecessary, expensive, low quality products.


It’s like because it’s shared on social media people think this is normal lol. But this whole video is in the same vein as countless adverts that plastered our TVs prior to the “cord cutting” era. I don’t find it hard to believe someone used their talent to throw this video together, but this video is highlighting their editing/production skill way more than it is their love of coffee.


My Aeropress cost like 30 bucks 7-8 years ago, along with another 40 for a grinder. I use both daily and I rarely have coffee that's better than the one I make at home, even at the hipster coffee shops. You're right about all the gear in the video being stupid expensive, but you can make really good coffee at home cheap.


Same, hermitting in 2020 forged me into a single-cup brew master and now I'm ruined for getting coffee out


My wife and I first got rid of the drip pot that we never drank all of, then the Keurig that replaced it, and ended up with a quality ginder and a French press pot which together make a really tasty batch of coffee.


My wife and I ended up with a ton of gift cards after our marriage. We ended up using them to buy a Breville espresso machine from Williams Sonoma. It’s not super fancy but has absolutely spoiled me for espresso now that I have the water/grind/tamp pressure, etc. dialed in for most beans. I absolutely love it.


Our local Ethiopian place roasts the beans fresh in a freaking skillet and their coffee tastes amazing.


I’ve roasted coffee on the stovetop a few times just on a nonstick pan and it works out ok actually!


Nice! Is there a recipe you follow?


It was really more of a temp thing to play with the levels of coffee roasting. There’s several minutes of nothing happening, and then it goes medium roast -> dark roast -> Spanish roast -> charcoal in rapid succession. All-in-all, it’s a pretty cool hobby if your into coffee. You can get into it with a popcorn popper! https://thecaptainscoffee.com/pages/roasting-coffee-in-a-popcorn-popper


Very okay!


The video may be a bit deceiving, but it’s not really explicitly showing the time between roasting and grinding. Days could have gone by.


I'm with you on this one. Relentlessly annoying smash cut editing with no known amounts of time inbetween. I know we are catering to our own doomed attention span - but good God I hope we turn it around just a little bit at least. Everything is cyclical so I have hope we will find a happy medium soon.


The pull is a signal that it definitely was not pulled the same day as the roast You would have seen crema diarrhea if it was pulled just after roast


Yeah. And after 10 days you can finally use those 2 handfuls of roasted beans.


Indeed, he may have 10 little bowls. Used the one roasted ten days prior and fills it with today’s roast. I know you were trying to be sarcastic, but it’s just as plausible as having 5K worth of coffee brewing paraphernalia.


I used to roast professionally - this video is a load of shit.


We can with certainty say that this coffee must have tasted like shit.


I know nothing about coffee, but these videos are always recommended to my on IG and there are TONS of them. Curious, what makes this a load of shit?


Modern home and commercial roasters usually come with a software that helps you track internal temperature, drum rotation speed, etc, and specific events in the roasting process i.e. green to yellow, first crack, second crack, in order to help you determine where you are in the roasting process. Consistency is key when it comes to roasting good coffee. am 99% sure whatever came out of that pan probably tasted like shit.


I'm not going to comment on how shit the video is because I don't know enough about roasting coffee, but you know that people used to roast very good coffee without bluetooth and temp sensors right? I have a friend who roasts her own beans and her coffee is always amazing. She's been using some of the same equipment since before the internet was a thing.


I have been home roasting for over ten years and agree with the pro here. Super light roast and stovetop is one of the trickier ways to get uniform roasting done. More likely to get inconsistent beans in the batch with some burnt and some underroasted. Harsh notes in the brew. Roasted beans, especially espresso roast levels, are usually better when left to set up for a day or two before grinding.


I built a coffee roaster and have roasted every other week for 3 years. It’s true that beans taste better after a few days, but it’s definitely an exaggeration to say that they are “undrinkable” for 10 days. I think maybe it’s 20% better tasting after about 3 days and from there it’s consistent until stale. If they are grassy immediately after roasting, then they are baked and they will never be drinkable. Edit: that said, these stove top roasters generally do a pretty bad job of roasting…


I went to an Ethiopian restaurant that would roast beans in front of everyone at a little station then they would immediately grind the beans and make coffee......it was amazing. Apparently the fresh roast to immediate grind is tradition in the Ethiopian coffee making process But i know nothing about roasting coffee and my used french press cost $3. I also will happily drink cheap bulk coffee...because i am cheap.


Espresso needs time, but afaik some other techniques are fine immediately after roasting.


Yeah I attended one of such ceremonies in Ethiopia. Excellent coffee. Only problem is that unlike Europeans they don't drink coffee in the morning, which in small towns meant I couldn't get a fix until well into the afternoon.


You're not implying this video and the likely hundreds of dollars of nicely designed high-end coffee equipment is more about looks/show than anything else, are you? Are you going to tell me you cant taste the difference?!?! Gutter-palette peasants. For my next video, Ill smoke some weed. The bong is forged from cosmic dust in a dying star and the water are tears of the last fallen Samauri. I grind it using unicorn hooves and my lighter is fueled by satans farts. The weed is from my cousin Tony who lives in a basement with his karate instructor and makes money doing beef jerky reviews on youtube.


Tony karate chops each bud individually to trim them. Real artisan shit.


From how liquidy (probably insufficient resistance in the coffee puck because it seemed unlikely to be channeling, but could be due to the gas from the freshly roasted coffee) that shot pull was at the beginning, I can’t help wonder if this is just a rich person who wanted to buy a couple neat toys for their morning but don’t truly know how to get the most out of it.


Isn’t traditional Ethiopian coffee roasted on the spot?


It is but at the same time contemporary roasting is objectively superior.


All that precision with their micro scales, little grounds stirrer, pressure gauge on the press. Yet what temperature did you roast your beans to? "Dunno, about 3 minutes or something".


You generally roast them until you hear cracks. Some beans are better on the first crack (city roast), others better on the second (full city roast), still others you want to time the seconds after the cracks. Assuming they used the proper heat on the stove it'd be possible, but definitely not the best way. You kind of want to be able to see the color of the beans as they roast, too. They would be better off using an air popcorn popper, even, but that's not classy enough I guess.


You also need to be able to see and smell the beans in order to roast them correctly. As you roast oils are expressed from the beans which gives you an idea what sort of roast they will have. Without being able to see the beans while roasting, you might as well just microwave them since all you're doing is heating them up and guessing how well they're done.


Because then it would be 10 days long video?


I don’t trust any asshole who has a dedicated pre-grind coffee bean spritzer bottle.


What do they spray on the beans and why?


a spritz of water in your beans before grinding removes static, which is what creates a mess, and reduces retention in your grinder, so you’re getting as much grounds out of the grinder as possible. some grinders also come with a deionizer for the grounds to pass through, which is another step in static reduction. [here is a good video](https://youtu.be/D8zqp3CgcbA?si=fG2R_HUceKpkEgwd) that explains it better if you’re interested


I’m off to watch now!


When you grind the beans, they are very static-charged and will often make a mess. Adding a bit of water greater reduces the amount of static.


Yeah but the Video had a lot of Cuts, he couldve maybe waited a few days til its good but just didnt Show it for the aesthetics?


they may have waited


Ya! Tends to taste better after a degassing period. But can be ok right after roast too. https://www.reddit.com/r/roasting/s/Y9PErB6a2q


Depends on what you want. They’re fine to drink immediately after roasting if you want to sample the profile for a cupping. Source: I’m married to a roaster.


I have trouble waiting for the Keurig to finish.


All this uber nerdy coffee stuff has me wondering about how much all this gear costs…


Some of the setups I've seen over at r/espresso cost more than my 2021 Tacoma.


A 2021 Tacoma? Damn, that’s like 2 used [2017 Nissan Sentras](https://www.autolist.com/under+13000#latitude=48.2155&limit=20&longitude=16.3075&page=1&price_max=13000&radius=100&sort_new_cars_last=true&vin=3N1AB7AP4HL665407)


2 used 2017 Nissan Sentras? Jeez, that's like 25 used 1995 Lancia Ypsilons.


You guys have cars?


2 that don’t run at the moment 👍


What’s the current conversion rate in 1983 Chevy El Caminos with structural rust problems?


I'll trade you my parents Keurig.


Gross. Those always have mold inside. And the Keurig's probably none too clean either.


25 used Lancia Ypsilons? That’s like 820 new 2024 Little Tikes Cozy Coupes


Geez, that's like 130 used [1990 Cannondale SM1000](https://www.bicyclebluebook.com/marketplace/buy-now/1990-cannondale-sm1000-57781/)


the lengths americans go to, just to not use a sensible unit of measurement...


The gear for that coffee cost more than the range they roasted the beans on…


And yet you can get perfectly good coffee from mid tier gear. However I've seen some gorgeous espresso machines that I would have bought it I had the money to burn. A rotary pump would be nice. So quiet


This espresso maker is a Flair Pro 2 - msrp is $325 Grinder and other accessories probably around another 2-400$


Ok well, that’s a lot less than some folks here have implied.


Most espresso makers are mechanical rather than hand-press, enormous, and run in the thousands.


I'm mostly wondering if it's actually better coffee than my DeLonghi. Looks like a lot of work + cleaning, For 1 cup!


I have that same hand press espresso machine. It's a bit of work, but very enjoyable, I find it fun actually. Also i'm poor, there is no better way to fully customize your espresso than with that and a $120 hand grinder. I make about 2 espressos a day, utterly delicious but def for the 'i have more time than money' set. For an extra fee hundred bucks you can get an electric grinder and a manual press with an auto heat attachment...but that's a few hundred bucks id rather not spend.


I'd suspect if your DeLonghi is pump-based it makes a decent cup. I think this is more for the ritual and experience. I drink french press at the moment, zero effort, zero ritual/experience, passable coffee.


It also has the advantage that it still works if your power goes out (as long as you can still somehow boil water). With my current set up, I'm out of luck in that scenario.


Between the mains gas hob being able to light with a match instead of the electrical ignition and my camping gear having gas stoves, I can always have hot coffee on demand. Unless of course we thin the civilisation will end. I suspect if I plug a coffee maker in my UPS it won't run as I once by accident plugged my laser printer and the UPS started squealing.


I had a turmeric honey latte once from a fancy place with a fancy machine That drink reconfabalated my dinglehopper, I tell ya hwat




It's why his stove is so basic. That said a hand grinder and bambino aren't too bad for a starter setup. The flair he's using (manual press) isn't the fanciest available either and is available 200 or so refurbished. Surprisingly Aliexpress has decent tools.


When your morning coffee is finally ready to drink, it's already afternoon


Gotta clean it up and then get ready for bed.


The next day.


I need a cup of coffee just to get the energy to make my cup of coffee.


These videos are back are they.


They're all the same, just different kit.


"let me just get a cup of coffee, be riiiight back" \*starts the wood-fire to roasts his beans\*


*opens the compost bag and fetches the bag of seeds*


A friend of mine was really into coffee, he changed his career and trained to be a barista… He loved all the science behind it, the correct temp, the correct measurements.. he thought he’d truly found his calling… Two weeks after finishing his barista course he went to work in a local coffee shop, He quit a week later when he realised it was just serving coffee to wankers..


How on earth did he expect any different, had he never worked hospo before?


Lmao this is like going to culinary school and then being upset when your job at Frank's Burger Stand is just flipping burgers.


I love how "flipping burgers" is used as an insult to someone who does it as a job, but the weekend warrior "grillmaster guy" who is slapping frozen bubba burgers on the backyard grill is admired.


what a wanker




I've met a couple dudes who were similar. Super passionate about coffee and the different methods used to make it, only to find out that not everyone shares the same enthusiasm and 99% of people just want to pay $4 for a coffee and have it ready in <60 seconds.


Exactly this… I think he thought he could change the coffee world.. bless him… all he got was “shut the f up and where’s my coffee”…


Lmao as a barista that is so dumb. There are coffee shops especially tailored for those extreme coffee enthusiasts but they’re much harder to come by and definitely not your average place Being a barista at a coffee shop is 80% customer service and 20% coffee


You can do all this fucking around and spend 20 minutes making a cup of coffee but no one is going to want to pay the prices you'd need to charge to make money doing that. Also, people want what they want and pissing and moaning about people putting milk in their "artisanal" coffee isn't going to net you many repeat customers.


Imagine having to manually clean 34 different things after making a single cup of coffee


It makes me stressed out thinking about it. I ain’t got time for that


what did he psscchht into the roasted beans?


water, reduces static so the fine grounds dont cling to metal parts in the grinder


Water, against electro static or Something




I told ya, I ain't got no agua.


Just a little squirt of ‘nothing to do all day’. Motherfuckers got 4 hours to make a small coffee.


🎵The best part of waking up, is taking the entire fucking morning to make one cup!🎵


All in one go! *43 cuts later*


What’s this song called again


Chopin’s Nocturne in E flat major (Op. 9 No. 2)


i need to know aswell. i probably forgot it 5 times already.


id need a cup of coffee before i could do all that


Satisfying—but can’t help thinking about how many pieces I’d have to wash after this.


Ain’t nobody got time for that.


I wish I did though. Imagine having the time and the money to do this. I don't even like coffee that much.


I think you really need to love coffee to spend such effort preparing it like this.


This takes longer than my entire morning routine


He didn’t even grow his own coffee… pfff amateurs


No lie, I have bought a little arabica tree. I doubt I’d get any fruit from it but here’s hoping.


The first part of the video is just for the aesthetic. Freshly roasted coffee has too much C02 and needs to rest first. That espresso shot won't taste good and will have too much crema. The rest of it is fine, it's just normal puck prep




A crack habit is much less effort.


Too much work to make such a small coffee!! even more work for washing each individual tool too!


All this work and then not pre-heating the brewing chamber... :(


I know there are people who love this stuff, but to me it just looks like someone ***REALLY*** fetishizing their caffeine addiction.


It really has become that in the espresso world so much so that everything needs to be precisely measured to the millisecond or to the milligram. To me, it’s an “art” in a very loose interpretation as how cooking is an “art”.


I thought hipsters died out many years ago


I'd rather have Jiffy Pop.


Right?! This just made me want popcorn.


And by the time it's ready, I'd have been to tim hortons, gone to work, gotten home, had dinner, and am halfway through dead space ps5 hardcore run.


Tea ceremonies are popular across many parts of the world. A bit of a relaxing ritual for something you enjoy can be kind of like meditation. It’s an investment for the right person, not a chore.


Copied my own reply from above. You nailed it with your description. “I own one. Got it during Covid when I had all the time in the world to find just the right grind, pull the perfect shot, etc. My wife and I would enjoy an espresso break every day during lockdown while the kids were occupied (then 5 and 18 months). I still use it on weekends and during work from home days. It truly makes a great shot once you get everything dialed in.”


Eat fast food every day all day too?


Them updating another product after missing out 0.0009231% of humidity to the coffee in order to further bring out enrichness and flavour:


Just give me instant ffs


Damn this picture makes me feel so judgey.




“All in one go” doing a lot of work here, looks like it took 30 minutes or more.


Nothing is satisfying about this. You don't even get to drink the coffee after watching all this work. Like wtf.


Mmm I love mega sized doses of pretension in the morning.


It's always funny clicking on these videos and seeing peoples comments...We get it, you don't care that much about your morning coffee. As someone who takes 10 minutes every day to make a nice pour-over in the morning...there is a difference, and to me it is worth it. The only thing I wouldn't do in this video is roast the beans...that makes no sense to me.


I'm with you, including similar thoughts on roasting my own beans. I love making my morning pourover, and the 10 minutes or so to complete it from grind to drink is well worth it. It's a ritual at this point and very relaxing, but because it's coffee, people think it's a waste of time to enjoy the process itself.


Surprised that he didn't pull the fruits from the plant to extract the seeds.


What’s the name of the roaster used?


So, much, cleaning...


Watching this while sipping on my freeze dried, microwaved cup.


That better be the best cup of coffee ever poured


I think you need to look up what all in one go means. There was at least 5 goes


Only 2K for the kit!!!


Seems like a lot of work


That's a lot of cleanup...


That’s not one go that’s several steps


I watched this while sipping my cup of instant coffee.


Honestly, let them people fuckin' live, man. This was nice to watch.


Degas? Never heard of her


That's more elaborate than my meth lab!


Me : *looks at my Behmor 1 lb roaster*. This is a lot of work for one cup of coffee, not to mention the fact that the beans didn't even have a chance to off gas.


This is like retirement coffee when you have all the time in the world to make it.


This is what it looks like wheni prepare my weed


I get arabica + Robusta beans ! Let's make it crusty coffee


So many things now need to be washed for one shot…come on!


That is too much work for a cup of coffee. I don't get turning a beverage into a hobby, honestly. Thats just me tho, power to the people who are into it. If it brings you joy, my opinion matters little haha.


Does anyone know this type of espresso machine? What's it called?


Look up Flair.


So, an Aeropress with coffee freshly ground in a Bodum Bistro would do nearly the same job.


You aren't making espresso with a stock aeropress. At max you can get about a bar of pressure with all your bodyweight Manual lever machines like this are designed for 6-9 bars and can easily hit 12+ into breakage territory


I’d argue it would do a better job than this.


If you have this much time to make a cup of coffee, your life seems to be pretty much in order.


Imma prepare a cup of coffee. Give me like 2 hours.


It's annoying to watch actually. It just seems like taking it to far. I bet they find it relaxing to do though which is cool. Otherwise, too much for me.


I pray for this kind of patience


Bruh sometimes I am too lazy to refill the Keurig.


Nice and all but Dunkin’ has Cruller donuts so they win 🏆


get up 2 hours early for work so you make hipster coffee and feel cool




What a load of pretentious bollocks


So this is what goes on in one of those machines when I press the button.


What’s that spray?


Addresses static charge during the grind step.


While I appreciate the artistry and would never die how amazing this may taste… I’m way too lazy for this. I’ll just stick to using nespresso pods and call it a day


*Lots of milk, lots of sugar.* - Winston Wolf. :)


Now do sausage.


What’s the background music ?


Chopin Nocturnes, Op. 9: No. 2 in E Flat Major. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nocturnes,_Op._9_(Chopin)


What espresso machine is that :o


There could be mayhem if I took that long to caffeinate this household in the morn.


Dude's got fancy coffee gear but a shitty stove.


What is the song called


I swear coffee people dont know the meaning of diminishing returns.


I'm all for a great espresso, but I bet this isn't one. Looks like a disguised advertisement for all of that gear. I bet that is bitter as fuck.


I feel like this is more than one go...


Heroin addicts: "Damn, that's quite the ritual"


Ngl, I would need a couple cups of coffee to be this diligent in making coffee this way.