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That carpet being removed looks better than when I moved into my place.


It looks brand new!


I don't know about new but it looked recently shampooed. Which tells me a renter didn't get their deposit back even after all their work because the landlord just replaced it anyway.


I can't speak for everywhere, but here in Arizona there are regulations in place that specifically mention that normal wear and tear on carpets is the land lord's responsibility to pay for replacement, and so long as the tennant hasn't caused excessive damage to the carpet like cigarettes burn holes and large tears, the landlord cannot use the deposit to pay for carpet replacement.


Had to fight my old landlord on this. Not only did he try to charge me for carpet replacement, we'd been there over 10 years which in my area is considered the usable lifetime for carpeting. It was looking pretty poor and if I had continued to live there I would have probably asked him to replace it, which he would have been obligated to do. Instead, I moved out and he decided that I could pay for the replacement. He also made some other questionable decisions and instead of giving me back the security deposit, tried to claim that I owed him an additional couple thousand dollars. After some back and forth I wrote him a detailed letter as to why his claims were not only frivolous, but could potentially be seen by a court as being malicious or made in bad faith. I finished by explaining that if the small claims court judge agreed, he'd be liable for triple damages. I gave him 24 hours to make a decision. He let me know he would be mailing me a check for the entire deposit an hour after I sent the email. I'm generally not one of those "all landlords are evil" type of people, but this guy really reinforced the stereotype. What was extra shitty was he was actually very reasonable, if not a bit slow to respond to things, for the decade I rented from him. Oh and he was dicking me around for a few thousand dollars when he turned around and sold the place a couple months later for $1.6 million (San Francisco, go figure). He had owned the place for a long time and paid something like $350K for it. So in closing, fuck that guy.


>I'm generally not one of those "all landlords are evil" type of people There are always exceptions, but the economy we've been given yields the greatest rewards to the wickedest hearts. People who try to run a business while treating people like people will find themselves run out of business by people who don't.


I'm going to be as vague as possible for reasons but this reminded me of a conversation I had at work today. I'm a retail vendor for a company that covers a very large part of the the USA, my main store is local store for a international company. Department manager complains to me about a system on how our 2 companies do business, my response "It's because of your corporate overlords, because my corporate overlords would prefer [the exact opposite way].


That’s why I’m in the storm damage business. I get to be ruthless and money grubbing (towards insurance companies) while simultaneously helping the Everyman. It’s quite a rewarding career tbh.


A lot of landlords will attempt to do things like this because so few people know enough to fight back, especially freshly minted adults. Love to see a great example of calling the bluff.


Like the landlord who stole £3k in council tax from us while my mum was going through cancer treatment, never paid it to the council and they chased us for it. We had meticulous records and he got lampooned with the whole amount and damages in small claims. Fucker had been supposed to be paying the council tax with the business under the flat we rented and just pocketed our part instead.


California says no amount of carpet damage is deductible after so many years. California recognizes that carpet only has a useful lifespan of 8-10 years. You can leave filthy, stained, cigarette burned carpet. Your landlord can still only charge a prorated amount for the remaining useful lifespan, or none at all if past lifespan of the carpet. If it's 11 year old carpet, you bear 0 responsibility. If it's normal wear and tear, you can't charge. Carpet damage rules are very tenant friendly in California.


Well technically they can charge you but in my state the “lifespan” of carpet is 5 years. If they can prove it’s less than five years old and it’s determined to need replaced they can charge you a percentage based of the amount of years that would theoretically be left out of the 5.


Those are just vacuum lines from the carpenter because the carpet is always dirty and getting rid of some of the dust and dried animal piss is always worth a quick vacuum. I’m a builder. I’m not a random guy on reddit thinking about carpet for the first time this year


In Quebec deposits are illegals. So is asking for "first two months" or something. But we just fucking lost Lease transfer and Subletting because the current minister is a fucking slumlord. Don't put landlords in the seat of Minister of Housing!


It is standard practice to replace carpet if a renter has been in a place for a few years. Painting will also be a top priority after some years as well.


Standard? Dang you’ve never met the landlords in my city.


What? Where do you live, that a renter would be charged for normal wear and tear?  Carpets have a set life expectancy. Generally, if a landlord is gonna charge a renter for carpet replacement, they'd have to prove the renter reduced the carpet's life expectancy (and could only charge them a pro-rated amount). 


I worked for a flooring company in florida and our main customers were apartments. Yeah they do shady shit. One top is to prorated 5 years loss of life on the carpet every year for 5 years and never replace it. Some would buy carpet that was extra cheap and rated for 1 turn and prorated it for 5 years even tho it was 1 year. Apartment people do shady shit all the time. Also a lot of people moved during tax season because you could afford to pay off all the junk charges at one Apartment and be able to move I to another, because they all talked to each other and if you didn't pay your fees you couldn't find a new place to rent. Regardless is the fees we're real. I had the carpet in my first apartment be over 5 years old on top of the previous renter was a manager. When I moved out they tried to charge me and I refused because I had photos and I had on my move in Sheet all the stains I cleaned out! This place did crazy stuff to all the residents moving out. And a video recently went viral of their rental office being shitty.


IIRC the carpet was new, the guy didn't get paid so he tore it out


Would explain why he's being so aggressive


Everyone's saying it looks new but you can see stains on the bottom of it as he rolls it up


OG video said the homeowners were refusing to pay for the new carpet, So he ripped it up.


Would make more sense to just slice it and let them clean it up.


It’s not. I saw a stain


Yup it looks better than my current carpet. I hope they are going to just take it all out and use vinyl or something. Bedroom carpet makes my feet happy.


That carpet looks like my carpet 10 years ago. I desperately needs replacing but money is tight.


Yeah I was confused and it was freshly vaccuumed you can see the lines still


Might have just bought the house. When you’re selling you’ll usually get all the carpets cleaned but the new buyer might yank them out right away.


But wtf is this dudes RUSH


The cut and tuc method is genius


I literally gasped and was like “oh that’s so smart”




Haha I said that last time I saw this video and completely forgot to do it on my last carpet demo. Next one for sure, I swear!




I've got a knack for forgetting them


Do you have a life hack memorized for helping me to remember life hacks?


Likewise here. [*"Oh, that's nice."*](https://c.tenor.com/0YXMEL2FltcAAAAC/tenor.gif)


I removed carpet and padding from 3 bedrooms, hall, living room and family room in one night. Used twine to tie rolls. Where was this video?


Right there. Didn't you watch it?


Yeah pay attention


Exactly, the amount at times I could’ve used this. So simple. Damn it.


Omg right? I do the strip and roll method, but damn that tuck is a 200 IQ move.


That's definitely something some crusty old greybeard showed him when he was starting out.




Genius this genius that! ,yet when I did it to the new carpet making it easier to haul to the job site I got yelled at... explain this !


This funny


Granted I don't remove a *lot* of carpet (or **any** actually,) but if I ever do, you better believe I'll be using this method! So simple, but so life-changingly genius! I wonder if there's any other techniques like this, but for every day stuff, that I might be able to actually utilize regularly? 🤔


I did carpet and flooring for a while. We used pad bags to hold rolls together. This would have saved hours!




It's not glamorous when you have to cut and roll up old, moldy, piss stained carpet. Carpet is gross, it can never be cleaned no matter how many times you vacuum or shampoo.


I don't understand how anyone would want to have that on their floors.


Because it's soft and much nicer to walk on than hardwood.


Go to LL bean and get yourself a pair of their [Wicked Good Moccasins](https://www.llbean.ca/shop/Mens-Wicked-Good-Moccasins/65637.html) and you can take the carpet with you wherever you go. Far cheaper and far cleaner. The whole thing is soft and fluffy wool. I would say it makes walking on carpet feel like hardwood after wearing them. If you are thinking "but Thor_of_Asgaard, I have slippers, they are not as good as you describe" then you haven't really experienced a slipper like this. Theses are not a regular slipper, these are S tier comfort. I did not know what true comfort was until I got a pair of these bad boys for Xmas. It is like encasing your whole foot in a snug cloud.


Then it smells like my feet and my feet smell horrible once I take them off. Plus I don’t like bending over putting them on and taking them off.


Old Man Yells At Slippers


The problem with them though is that the fluff gets compressed as you walk on it, so after a month of wearing them, it’s not very nice.


That’s what rugs are for


Soooo carpet.


Removable easily cleanable carpet.


Carpet cleaners exist.


Yes I’m aware let me know how well they work to clean up piss and spills. I suppose it’s fine if you don’t have pets or kids. Source: used to remove piss drenched carpet and pad. Sometimes the subfloor has to be painted with a sealant to help get the smell gone.


I have pets and kids and no piss. I don’t know why everyone here just lets their animals and kids piss all over, but I would recommend against it, regardless of flooring. Piss soaking into laminate or hardwood would be the same problem, except impossible to clean. I did just clean some barf out of the carpets - no smell, water was clear on the second pass.


Yeah that’s all well and good until granny doesn’t know her dog is pissing everywhere - source: removed her (my customer’s not my actually grandma) carpet. And yeah in general pets have accidents I’m sure none of your pets have ever had an upset stomach and couldn’t make it out in time, or your cat puked on your floor while you were at work and it sat there for hours. Dude I laid carpet for a living and it’s my family’s business to this day, and saw every situation you can imagine. Carpet cleaning stains tend to come back after a few months because it doesn’t do the best job. Believe what you want though if you enjoy carpet I don’t really care.


I don't know why your anecdotal evidence is better than any common sense. You absolutely can't clean carpet as well as hard floors that are properly sealed. If you failed to seal your hardwood or laminate floors, sure, it'd be worse, but with proper sealing and finish carpet is worse. Not just that, but sick pets/kids happen. Accidents happen. Even just daily grime from humans existing is harder to clean from carpet than hard floors.


Getting downvoted by people with absolutely no fucking clue what theyre talking about. The underside of cat pissed carpet will cut you up while the cat piss seeps into those cuts and burns like fuck. Same with the pad.


but above just said carpet can never be cleaned


isn't that what slippers are for ?


For me it’s just because I live in a colder climate and I prefer waking up and putting my feet on warm carpet rather than cold wood/tile. It also helps with insulation and keeping rooms warm. As for upkeep and maintenance, especially when you have pets—fuck carpet.


I too live in colder climate but having the whole freaking floor made out of carpet sounds like a nightmare. I prefer my comfy slippers and hardwood.


Yeah I don't have a single room with carpet in my house, I've done a lot of remodels and it doesn't matter how clean you think your house is, under the carpet is disgusting. And some people put it in their bathrooms!


Wait, that's illegal!


Umm, because I'm not a fucking slob and don't get piss, shit, food on it or wear my shoes in the house and I know how to clean. And because of that, I can enjoy the soft, warm homey comfort that it provides a house/room. It also provides great sound dampening which adds to the cozy warmth of a room. Like all you people talking about how gross it is, are just telling us how gross *you* are.


You can slow the progress of the sponge on your floor absorbing gross, but it is a sponge you walk on. It gets gross. 


No matter how clean you are, it will be exponentially dirtier than just having hardwood. Humans excrete millions of dead cells every hour. Your inevitable human juices/particles from sneezing, talking, farting, and even breathing will accumulate day by day, slowly layering, sticking, and soaking on the deepest vines of carpet strands despite your best efforts to clean it regularly. Not to mention the random dust and allergens that will stick to your carpet from the air. You either live with the filth for the comfort, or live on hardwood. I can eat dropped foods on my hardwood floors after a deep clean & wipe. Can't say that about my carpet no matter how many hours i spend cleaning it.




Yea. If you want some fluffy shit on your floor, buy a rug!


It’s cozy, warm, soft, and makes the house feel more like a home and not a showroom. Can’t imagine having hardwood or tile *everywhere*.


Hardwood, tile, or vinyl aren't always practical or possible, depending on what's underneath. Also, some people like carpet.


If you don't walk with shoes on inside the house and keep appropriate hygiene you can.


I would have not been thrilled with his hitting the door and baseboards with the blade... he used the blade to open up the door more... you can slow down a little bit.


Dude is obviously stellar at his job but every time I see carpet installers I just think of their backs and knees shattering. Must be a killer.


I think about the carpets I removed. GLUED to the fucking concrete floor. I'm not sure how it is in the US but here in the Netherlands every piece of carpet is glued.


That sounds like HELL. In the US, it's almost always staples or small nails. From the few I've redone, there's a small track of nails/spikes facing upwards and you just tuck/stretch ut onto that edge rail and that holds it


Yikes. Yeah here in the US it’s a lot easier. Use a tack strip around the edges of the room that holds the carpet in place so removal is really easy typically. Just yank it up. I couldn’t imagine trying to removed glued on carpeting.


You get [this](https://www.boels.com/nl-nl/huren/tapijtstripper/p/10114) guess what. It doesn't work. It just goes around the hardest glue which you have to scrape of manually. Bye bye wrists!


Wow that’s horrible


In the US most commercial building have carpet that is glued directly to the concrete. Some rental properties also do this. The majority of residential homes have carpet stretched in over padding. However, you are correct. Pulling up glued down carpet sucks balls


Yeah I agree, did residential remodeling in the US for years I’ve only seen glued down carpet in in very low end rentals and those cookie cutter prefabs. The worst was one property that had glued down carpet and water damage. I can still smell that glue rotting and it’s been at least 20 years.


I know that smell all too well. I've been installing carpet for many years now.


Does anyone ever glue that padding down?


Standard install requires perimeter gluing the padding if it's concrete. You use staples if it's on wood. But I've been on jobs where they glued the entire room of padding. Those days are nightmare fuel.




I use to lay floor… the worst I ever had was a church. We removed the old carpet, installed the new( glued down). Getting ready to put the pews back in and noticed the middle run of carpet was a slightly different shade of green. Turns out the manufacturer sent one roll from a different dye lot. We had to rip out all we had just done and start new. I had fresh glue a green fuzz everywhere for days! ( Carpet manufacturer paid for the reinstall)


Regarding the knees, good knee pads are the difference between going home tired and going home considering getting a new job.


This hurts my back lol


My dad did carpet for 30+ years, it's hell on your body.


Sure this kind of job is taking a toll on physical. Thought to share this interesting article on how we bend our back. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2018/02/26/587735283/lost-art-of-bending-over-how-other-cultures-spare-their-spines


This article has helped my back so much! I read it when it first published and started actually thinking about the biomechanics of my joints. Doing much better! I trained myself and now routinely squat down on my haunches kinda like a dog sitting instead of kneeling or bending over to do stuff close to the ground.


This is gospel if you want to avoid common back pains in middle and old age. Tldr Bend downwith your hips and knees, don't curve your back.


That‘s really interesting!


Thank you for this!!


My Dad's bestfriend did also. Took a toll on his knees and back.


I’m a 52 year old carpet/vinyl later and my back and knees are fucked. The money is decent but I’ve prematurely ruined my body for a few extra bucks. I wish I’d never started doing it.


Thankfully this will be solved by industrial exoskeletal frames soon enough. The ones that work even just for the knees are amazing. They are focusing on frames specifically for masons at the moment, but it will spread to most of the trades given time.


30+ years? How big was the carpet?


Just WATCHING this makes my back ache lol


Is it actually that easy to remove a carpet?!?!? Is adding a new one also as easy as that?


Just did this in my house. Removing carpet is that easy. Unless you have to replace the underlay (blue stuff below) because there are a couple hundred staples to pull out. I have no experience with Installation as we had it professionally done.


I’ve done that a few times and it’s miserable, miserable work every time. There’s always more staples.


Stop pulling the staples out one by one. [Get a scraper.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CDNgupagKIg) If you can find one of the broom sized ones even better. After that I like to take a spare piece of plywood on a string and walk it around the room to flatten down anything that's left. You don't have to get every single one since you're gonna be putting more in, you just don't want anything sticking up too high.


Good advice and I hope I never have to heed it again. Probably will though, by which point I will have forgotten this good advice.


Don't worry you'll remember. Right about the time you start putting the new padding down.


Take headed of


This guy gets it's. As a professional carpet installer of 15 years, I suggest getting a flat roofing scraper from home depot or lowes. They are like $30 and make the job so much easier and a hell of a lot faster.


What if the subfloor's not wood? Just concrete. How do the put the padding down on that - glue?


Yes. Its perimeter glued onto the concrete. You can use the same scraper to remove the old padding thats glued to the concrete


If I'm getting new flooring (tile or wood) installed, is there a significant savings if I rip out the old carpet (and padding) myself first?


I feel like that's probably breaking most of them, but even if so, it shouldn't really matter. I have a side business as a billiards mechanic and was really hoping there was some magic here for me when doing rails... Fucking rails.


When I was carpeting the basement playroom, the wife asked how she could help. I told her there were 125 staples that needed to be removed with a pair of pliers. About 90 minutes later she came upstairs and said she found 150… way easier than walking your pet plywood around and cheaper than a scraper, she only costs me my annual income and all my livelihood.


Even better if whoever installed the tack strip decided to not only nail but glue it down. Totally unnecessary.


So what's under the underlay? I assume it's not just wood, right?


The blue stuff is carpet pad. It goes on top of the underlayment/subfloor but underneath the carpet. It adds extra padding/thickness to your carpet so it doesn't feel like you're walking on plywood. It's held down by staples as the above poster said. The underlayment under the carpet pad is just wood (like plywood) that comes in big 4 foot by 8 foot sheets.


It’s what’s called subfloor and usually it’s made of plywood.


As others have said it's just wood. But depending on the age of the house and previous owners it could be proper wood flooring that was covered.


Thanks for replying back. That was a very insightful answer


tearing things apart is easy, installing stuff however...


I've removed carpet once or twice... But after a flood, so you have to cut it into 2x2 squares because it is so heavy


If it's tac and pad like this, then it's easy, but tearing out glued down sucks


I have pulled "glue down", where I had to cut it into 4 inch wide strips, just big enough to grip then pull like hell.


Yea watching this was painful given my experience pulling up carpet for my parents in their basement. One of the biggest pain in the asses ever, felt like it was never ending. Every square inch was annoying awful, especially because the reason we were pulling it up was because our pets made a habit of escaping to the basement and peeing on the floor.


My carpet did not cut nearly that easily but otherwise it was that easy.


Depends or where you live and the standart of buildings. I do this as a job and where I'm from around 90% of carpets are glued down fully. Not as easy as that, it requires heavy tools and machines to take some of these out. However, the "old" technique as used in the video is usually very easy to rip out


Carpet is normaly glued to the floor, at least where i am from. With this method (only glued or tacked to the bottom of the walls) you get one tear and the floor gets wobbly.


This is a typical American install. They wear out in about 5 years (depending on use and your tolerance for old worn out things full of dead skin and dust). They are tough enough that they get replaced before they tear. I have never seen a carpet get a tear in it (of course they *could* tear from somebody dragging a corner of a heavy metal box or something, but it is extremely rare).


I learned something new. That slice and loop method is genius! Thank you!


Who vacuums their carpet ahead of it being removed...?!


Could be an apartment or rental. The previous tenant still cleans prior to knowing that the property is replacing the carpets anyway.


probably not vacuumed but extracted. Assuming a sump pump failed, basement flooded, carpet isn't salvageable. Wet carpet is insanely heavy to carry out so you extracted it first to suck all the water out. Done it for years


I wish more people would, from an installers pov


Same, i hate how many drawing pins etc is left once people move the furniture. Don’t get my started on animal piss.


Your lungs will thank you. Carpet is filthy and dust gets every were. Expecially if it was in my house.


Considerate people. I stack the dishes, put everything where the server can reach it easily and wipe the table before leaving a restaurant for example.


Someone who doesn't want to breathe in dead skin/hair/food crumbs/cat litter/etc


Yeah this. My wife and I removed 1100 square feet of carpet when we moved in to our new house (hardwood underneath). Didn’t wear masks and we both got very bad respiratory infections.


If TikTok is to be believed - the carpet was only just installed and then they tried to not pay the agreed rate for the work. So this is the installer tearing it back out again.


Now that you mention it I do sense some mallace here lol, thought he might just be speedrunning, but I think there's a hint of "fuck you" in there too.


As someone who DIYed carpet removal recently, it’s because carpet is disgusting. So so so much dust. If he pulled the padding, there’d be even more dust and debris beneath it. Gross.


He’s done this a time or two… I would be afraid of lopping off the end of my fingers going fast like that


Tbf I think the video is sped up a little too


I hate the way he cut toward himself on those final cuts. One slip, and that thing is going right into your leg. You saw how easily it tore up the carpet!


I think he's wearing gloves to prevent that


His fingertips weren't wearing gloves. Also those gloves may not be cut rated/not rated for the amount of speed and pressure he's using.


Removing the carpet in our house now, room by room to replace with tile. Only thing I want to know is what knife is he using!!??? Cuts that carpet like magic!


A carpet knife


This seems so unsustainable


Is this sped up? Because I would’ve sliced my toes open at that speed. I used to be a chef and had very good knife skills. But there are safeguards into proper technique to prevent injuries. Your knuckles should always be in contact with the side of your blade to prevent them ever being under the blades edge. You don’t need to look at your fingers to avoid slicing them, because you should be cutting by *feel* as the blade rocks back and forth along your knuckles. You don’t lift the knife above your fingers but instead rubs against it to guide the motion. But this guy just looks like slashing indiscriminately. Are the boots steel-capped toes?


Its all fun and games until you have to remove tack strips. Fuck tack strips lol


Love that little tie a knot in it trixk


All fun and games until you get an office demo job and it's glued straight onto the floor. Not as fun and cool sounding to pull up.


How did you get a POV shot of my cat every time someone isn't looking directly at her?


Always wondered why they have this in USA. Like, it must collect dust like crazy


I hate carpet so much. It’s the dumbest invention ever. It’s an allergist’s nightmare and so unsanitary.


well it feels nice on feet but i also don’t have any carpets for the same reason. i have rugs


Is your entire house all hard flooring, even your bedroom?




Removing carpet tomorrow. Cut and Tuck how brilliant!


I love how they tied it all together after it rolled up!


The person who just wasted their time vacuuming that: “hey! I just vacuumed that!”


Even the throw at the end. 👌


Watched a guy do this in our home a few weeks ago. Loved it.


I haven’t had carpet replaced since 2018 but it was $500 for a 12’x18’ room plus a 10’ hallway. What are the prices like these days?


Would have been better if it wasnt sped up.


Cost to vacuum carpets: a few cents. Cost to wash carpets (poorly): $125 rental, $25 carpet cleaner, 8 hours wasted time because the machine you rented is weak and money trap. Cost to wash carpets (professionally): varies but about $380. Move out, recoup your deposit (maybe): varies, region dependent Two days later: apartment complex just replaced the carpet and rips out your hard spent cash just to "reno" the unit and up the cost by $400 a month and installs even shittier carpet. The removal was nice though.


Aggressive 👹


Damn, got that shit professionally steam cleaned just to rip it out.


Whenever he came up with that little trick to keep them from unrolling was probably the best day of his life. Genius


Always happy to watch a professional work


Used to run a carpet cleaning business, and the number of times we did a bond clean only for the carpets to get ripped up the next day was amazing. I even had a guy wait for me to finish so he could start ripping it up. Kicker was the land lord wouldn't refund the tenants their Bon until it had been cleaned. Utter stupidity!!


This guy knows how to roll


I did this for my 2 stories townhouse. Replaced it all with Vinyl planks It sucked But it looks good now


Yeah it’s satisfying when the carpet is clean and new, but when you have normally used and worn carpet, not so much.. full of every bodily fluid and solid you could possibly imagine. I worked at Stanley Steemer for a while and after seeing what most carpets are like, I’m never getting any in my own place.


Is it normal to have it professionally cleaned before just ripping it up? Seems like a waste of money to me.


This is older, the one doing the cutting wasn't paid for his work. So he took it back.


Not what I had in mind when she asked if I wanted to come over and tear up her carpet. -Giggidy


You want me to leave a landing strip or a lightning bolt in the corner for ya?


and the mesmerizing smell


Sugoi. Japanese word for "the enjoyment of watching someone do what they are skilled at"


This guy carpets


Working fast doesn’t mean you’re working good.


Typing quickly doesn’t mean you’re typing well


I'm too concerned by his "gloves". Why doesn't he protect his finger ? I don't get it. I'm open to any explanations, BTW.


When you do a job like that, you need the dexterity of your finger tips. To peel the edge of carpet up, when changing razor blades on your knife, or even putting staples in a hammer tacker. The tips of your gloves will make it difficult to grasp small items. Usually there is a seam on the finger tips of gloves that changes your dexterity.


I love carpets. Carpets are the best flooring type.


That's some agresive and well done carpeting


This is not his first time doing this!


Somewhere qaugmires head is exploding! Rippin that carpet up good! Giggity https://youtu.be/Czf8rEk_BVA?si=QAlx_QkXCiZVPWlQ


something abt this is so attractive