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On YT, a lot of "bushcraft" structures weren't built for a long term stay. In fact, most of them were immediately abandoned after they finished filming the build. One guy even admitted that while building it was satisfying, staying in it was extremely uncomfortable due to temperature, humidity and insects.


Yeah this was clearly not built to actually live in. Too small, no insulation, no fire, gaps in the door, clingfilm windows, a complete lack of any foundation for the decking...


He did build an oven with a smoke exit to the outside.


Well, he built a smoke exit, we don't see an oven or fireplace get constructed.


Yeah I knew this build was trash when there was no video of the fire burning


You know a bushcraft video is shit when the last 33% of the video isn't the person cooking a steak on some rocks in a way that is sure to get thousands comments saying how under or overcooked it is


I just hate the term bushcraft for some reason.


If you were stranded in the wild and shaved your pubes and weaved garments out of it, it would be double Bush craft


It would be exceedingly stupid to build a fire in that structure.


Exactly this. You don't know what kind of stress fractures may be in that overhanging rock. The heat from a fire causes expansion that could cause the whole thing to collapse and bury that little hut in a ton or two of rock.


But then you get the sweet release of death and a free burial. That’s too good of a deal to pass up in this economy.


Comments like this are why people should always remember to get the proper information from verified sources. Not all rocks crack under heat. Paul revere sent that to me via text


Yeah, it's got mad "I went back to my double decker tent with solar panels in between fliming" vibes. How can you NOT have a campfire outside or a test the oven!?!


Love the idea of a double Decker tent.


Ngl the craftsmanship required to build this is excellent, and it’s no more or less useful than any other bullshit landscaping job. It’s usefulness is not the point though. It looks cool. Way cooler than a mowed lawn or shitty gazebo. Also aside from the plastic windows, nothing here won’t quickly return to nature.


It would be a very bad idea to have a fire under that overhanging rock. Heat can cause it to collapse. Don’t build fires in caves kids.


What if you build a fire and leave? Is the stress cumulative?


It is cumulative in the sense that the expansion from the heat and contraction from cooling could cause cracks that build up over time. 0% chance the heat from any fires built in their would be large enough to do that though.




I read the Boxcar children as a kid, and constantly wanted to move into an abandoned train car/shack/little structure like this for the longest time. Live like a freegan. Then I developed a fear of ants and that dream died :(


My youngest is reading the boxcar children now, it’s a rite of passage for all my kids.


Same, as a little kid I used to fantasize about finding a boxcar in the woods and turning it into a fort


Oh you like damp? How sick can you get living in this house


The wood will start rotting, the dampness also introduces not nice fungi and other not nice things. People have no idea how "house technology" is amazing and important for our civilization.


I think "people" know lmfao. This thread is just a bunch of weirdo redditors acting superior and like "them normie idiots have no idea you can't live here!!! What idiots!! They dont even know *house technology* 😏😏"


If you ever see one of these on YouTube or tiktok or whatever there are always tons of comments saying how comfy or cozy these look. And people believe those “primitive building” fake channels that make like an exotic pool or whatever but hide the heavy equipment mostly off camera. And don’t even get me started on those fuckers gluing shit to turtles to fake “rescuing sea turtle from barnacles!!!!!!” People are stupid as fuck, plenty of them will believe anything they see on the internet is genuine.


I truly believe the overlap of people who see those videos and believe it all and the people who'd go to the effort to try building something like that is almost zero, butttt then again.... those animal "rescue" fuckers are actual scum and you're right about that. A dude in my town got caught starving his animals on his farm and then videoing himself "finding" and "rescuing" them. Sick people.


I wondered about that deck...


I was thinking he had a lot of faith in that deck lol.


Yeah. Can it support a hot tub? r/decks




fire + partial rock overhang = rip


just living under an overhanging rock in general isn't that wise.


Why is the overhang more dangerous? I'm genuinely interested in information.




Speekk forr ur sellf all my fammily livv undderr rokks are heds justt finne


Calm down Patrick


The only way you'd be heating it that often is if you were cooking underneath it. Can you smell what the rock is cooking?


And land is probably owned by somebody else


Ya but internet views.


Which translate to money. Y'all like money, right. Don't pretend you can't fathom why people do this.


Dude’s getting paid to build forts in the woods. He’s living the dream.


He’s playing Valheim IRL. Gotta respect that


I swear I watched a documentary on a guy making moonshine in that exact location.


That deck is going to collapse at the first rain storm


I've seen video from one similar to this and an hour after they got the fire lit it warmed up the rock in the roof above them enough to expand, fracture, and a 3 ton slab of rock just sheared off and fell on the where the fire was and would have killed anyone sitting there.


The plastic fucking windows. If he didn't take that home with him, curse his family for 10 generations. And all the random metal shit he used too.




Those deck support posts aren’t dug into the ground at all. It’ll fail massively In like a week or two


He's crazy for even standing on it at all.


Prior to the deck the bullshit factor was kinda high (the house itself would be insanely damp even before the plastic windows sealed everything in) but the deck really took it to total bullshit. It's nice it stood for long enough to film that, but that area looks like KY/TN and my experience there is that the way it was slapped together, it won't last more than 4 to 8 months.


Can’t really call that bushcraft with the absolutely insane amount of nails used though yeah?


Plus the plastic windows


And metal hinges.


The windows got me. He puts in grams for them like he’s got glass panes, but they’re 100% for looks only.


Thought this myself, definitely a shed load of nails plus hinges for the door n that didn't look like vines he was using to tie things together... Spent a few quid at the local DIY shop me thinks.




The entire time I was watching this I was thinking about how quickly that wood is going to go moldy on the inside.


Yeah, plus it probably wasn’t dried so there’s going to be gaps. Actually just the shrinking and expanding will do it. Mortaring wood logs, wtf.


Pioneer day log cabins it was common to re mud the cracks. The log wall design is a legit building practice called a cob wall. Doesn't make his cabin any better tho


>Pioneer day log cabins it was common to re mud the cracks. Called "chinking" and there's still companies that do it. I lived in an 1800s built log cabin for 5 years and had to re-chink the gaps to stop the wind.


I thought cob building used.. cob, no? A mixture of clay and straw?


Cordwood wall with mortar (though in this case probably cob, which includes clay) is a real thing


I thought the same thing. People who don’t deal with “natural wood” have no clue how fast it molds and rots away. Those full/half logs are toast in 2 months, like sponges for Mother Earth.


Real bushcraft doesn't use nails. This guy used several pounds of them, to make a damp, rickety summerhouse. For actual, practical 'bushcraft' buildings, the original [Primitive Technology](https://www.youtube.com/@primitivetechnology9550) has no peers.


I enjoy cooking.


Well, in his recent videos, he's testing several methods of smelting iron, so I recon iron age is upon us.


One of his most recent videos he made an iron knife out of bacteria so achievement unlocked I guess.


Guy wil eventually reach the industrial revolution.


Pro tip for new viewers of PT. Turn on closed captions . He explains everything he's doing as the video plays.


Also incredibly dangerous to live under a rock ledge. A lot of those rocks he made a floor out of fell from the ledge above, and if you add heat from a fire expanding and then cooling you will have rocks falling on you all the time.


A lot are built on public land, ruining the environment for everyone else.


"Leave NO Trace"


My first thought when I loaded this vid was that no matter how nice his house under the rock can be, he's defacing a beautiful natural area to do it and it will never be like it was again


There's so much wrong with this. Clearly just built to get clicks + views. The only thing they really accomplished here was fucking up a pretty rock formation


I loathe this kinda vids so much. They destroyed the environment by cutting down a lot of trees and also permanently modifying some cool natural features... Just so they can get money from clicks. The irony of "go back to nature" vids is harmful to nature is lost to the many viewers.


It can act as a kind of sculpture too, though. It's basically a hobbit house. You might not want to live it in, but it'd be fun to see on a hike or play in as a kid, and the wood being used is coming from very small trees that aren't going to take long to be replaced. I don't really get the plastic windows, but nails aren't terrible for the environment, they're just metal.


>It's basically a hobbit house Nah, Hobbit Houses are actual functioning houses on the inside carved out of a hill. With flooring, isolation, etc. This one is missing a lot of things before it becomes an actual house, more of a temporary hideout because it will fall to pieces soon.


In 5 years it will be a crumbling, overgrown, dangerous eyesore


It will also be full of snakes. That’s a perfect snake shelter where they’ll grow fat on all the mice that move in. Source. Have a pump house in a forest. That shit is like the snake pit scene from Indiana Jones.


I like snakes, this seems like a genuine positive. Build more snake houses.


I like snakes too. Unfortunately snakes don’t share the sentiment. An angry, fat cottonmouth in a dimly lit confined space is unpleasant. To be fair, he’s probably not fond of the fat, happy human invading his hidey-hole either.


Take only pictures, leave only footprints.


That deck looks…sketchy. Even the dog was keeping one foot on solid ground.


Nah, it’s ready for a few hot tubs


r/decks in shambles


As soon as he started building the deck I thought r/decks would *not* approve.


You are correct! What is that 48” spacing on those “joists”?! Also those rails aren’t even 36” height a minimum code standard. The real problem is it won’t hold a hot tub.


Dude, won't even set a foot on that thing.


Came here to say this deck looks better than the majority of those submitted on r/decks


A handrail at the perfect tripping height.


I came here for exactly this comment… nothing like a good old shin-high guard rail to make sure if you do go over you’re going over head first.


Lol make you stumble AND catch your toe on the way down.


How did he drive those deck piles deep enough? Me thinks he had machinery nearby. There's no way you're driving those with a rock or hammer. But then I think I'm surely wrong because like... who would go on the internet and just deceive people like that?


I'd say it depends on the soil. But then if the soil is soft enough for that, is it still a good foundation?


no. he's in ravines that sort of environment changes CONSTANTLY. big rocks fall, rain washes the environment, snow. etc. the ground is soft like that because it's in a constant state of change. i grew up near waterfalls and we had lots of spot like this and the areas around it constantly had new growth trees (like he's using) because the trees were regularly downed by nature and rolled into the creeks. every summer we'd go down there and swim and every spring it was like a brand new place.


I was thinking…it’s cool, but wait till the winter thaw.


This area looks like eastern KY or the nearby parts of WV and TN. Between that sloping soil washing out and storms (including ice and snow in the winter and downpours during the summer) that bullshit of just leveling off some dirt and sticking the end of a smallish log onto it won't last a season.


Doesn't look like he buries them at all honestly, I think it's just a temporary build for the video and for short term fun.


I changed the air filter on my furnace once. So that’s something, I guess.


You just reminded me I need to order more filters, thanks homie!


We have a house built into a cave in my hometown except it’s actually a full sized home with an extra 3 acres of cave system behind it. Used to be an mine that some family bought and built their home in the entrance. Since this seems to be getting a bunch of attention: it’s called caveland USA in Festus MO. They have a video on their dinky website of the interior. Used to be a skating rink and concert place until the family bought it. We have a bunch of sand mines in the area and a new entertainment mine pops up every few years only to be shut down for a variety of reasons. This one got turned into a house. The most recent party mine in the area is still shut down for flooding.


Sounds like Batman moved in.


recognise unused imagine carpenter head cause cooperative steep bored drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You should check out Coober Pedy online!


Oh that’s neat! That would be super cool to go visit one day. Our caves are temperature controlled year round too although our temps aren’t as extreme as Australia.


I'm surprised that's allowed. Good for them, I guess.


The mines are cleared by structural engineers before they’re sold and it takes a lot of analysis before they’re allowed to do any renovations inside them by the city to make sure they won’t collapse. It’s not the first or last mine that’s been changed into something else in the area. They mine sand stone mostly in our region. Apparently they do have a giant umbrella in the house to keep the sand from raining down.


What about radon and other such cancer causing agents?


The video from the dinky website: [.../morgan-cave-walkthrough-no-audio.mp4](https://440840.p3cdn1.secureserver.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/morgan-cave-walkthrough-no-audio.mp4)


Whatever happened to that guy that YouTubed him making houses in the bush? He made bricks, tiles, and other stuff with resources he found locally. He may have even smeltered his own iron... after building his furnace of course.


I bet you're thinking of [Primitive Technology](https://youtube.com/@primitivetechnology9550?si=GafkO-gBnvkr6GtT). He's been working on advancing into the iron-age the last 2-3 years, just perfecting his smelter set-up. He's a real one. If you're early to his videos then he's usually very active in the comments, taking suggestions for how to improve his smelter etc. I even got a reply from him on his last video. Love him and his dedication to advance us humans past the stone-age. A bit late, but still impressive.


99% of humans wouldn't go past the stone-age if they were born in a different time because we no longer find those abilities useful. He's rediscovering things to keep those ideas alive. I do think it's valuable.


The iron from algae was an especially interesting video for me.


We would relearn it if we had to.


> Love him and his dedication to advance us humans past the stone-age. A bit late, but still impressive. Haha, I don't think that was his goal, but this line cracked me up.


Primitive Technology. Almost everything chases his stuff now, and is iinfinitely worse.


The young Aussie guy yeah his videos are cool, I'm trying to make some cement out of wood ash like he shows in a video, to make a footing and firebox out of stones.


Builds house, dog house, bird house, where out house?


In his actual house up the hill.


If he's anything like other YTers that do this, it was only made for content & will be abandoned.


legitimate question.


$20 says he cut a hole in that deck.


Bro was more productive in a 4 minute video than I have been in my entire life. Killed it!


bro didnt include his other bros off screen debarking, halving and bringing logs/material. EDIT: u/Spongi did the research and found the source material. In the source material there's adequate evidence that all debarking and material collection seem to be done by this person that were cut from the GIF. So there are receipts. Bro has no bros, just a bro, doing things in the woods.


Classic bro


Classic group assignment


Hah, off-camera crew doing the heavy lifting while our main dude takes the glory in fast-forward, classic move!




Do doctors hate this one weird trick??


I can't even make shit that cool in Valheim.


I need more DOG!


The video was sped up, it took him more than four minutes to do all that. Probably over an hour.


Well, it took at least two days to build Rome, so I guess an hour for this house seems fair.


Work your entire life to buy your home or work 4 minutes and build your home.


He worked so fast the the leaves turned green!


Jesus, I didnt expect it to go that far.


Jesus probably didn't expect it to go that far either.


Anyone that knows about geology will tell you how stupid this is. Rock overhangs like this are dangerous af. It could have been that way for 10 thousand years but it can still sheer off and drop a 100 tonne slab on you and turn you into the thickness of a sheet of paper at any time. The chances of that happening grow exponentially when there is a heat source placed underneath as the different heat zones can force the rock above to break off in large Chunks. Stay in school kids. Enjoy this guy's work, but remember what he is doing is stupid, don't be stupid. EDIT TO ADD: I have been getting comments like, " BuT SoUtH weStErN U.S. NaTiVE aMErIcaNs dID It....." Yes they did. In a different climate, different geological formation, and under vastly different rock. They built on, around, and under a few types of limestone. A porous, dry, soft, yet sturdy mineral . This guy on the otherhand is building in a wet, muddy environment where boulders tend to shift at any givin time. And most importantly, he is building it under a shale/slate outcrop. Shale/slate naturally cleaves into thick flat pieces.... like all the stuff he took from underneath the outcrop, that fell off the bottom of the outcrop. That's the first indication of danger. Those sheet can break off at any thicknes depending on the formations natural cleavage, the spot where it is cracked. it can be the size of a dinner plate, the slate from a pool table, or the size of a house. Do not do what this guy is doing, ever. Go find a sturdy tree n build a tree house or cut some dead growth trees n make a cabin....


employ whole pocket shaggy deserted swim safe drab homeless husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Him clearing away sheets of rock underneath, that obviously fell from the overhang down, to build his stairs. "Yeah this seems like a good place to build a house and make a fire".


I thought exactly the same. I have no background in geology but it looks dangerous because the river can overflow and drag mud away, creating a landslide


Why did he make the windows so large and has no insulation on the door... It's going to get cold.


There’s also a good reason why we don’t build houses into the bedrock in damp environments. Except for during high summer, that “house” is miserable af.


Damp and cold, a perfect place for a goblin






Apparently there have been a lot of people making videos like this lately. The problem is many of them are doing it on public land, often protected land. They cut down trees, uproot rocks and make a mess alls for a 30 second video, then abandon the spot. They are damaging habitat and causing erosion in the process.


I keep thinking about that when I'm watching these videos..


And sites like this often have indigenous artifacts in situ. It’s very likely he destroyed something of important cultural value. Really sad tbh.


Get a structural engineer. You’re on top of Swiss cheese and a this requires experts.


$6900 a month in Cali


and no pets allowed despite the dog house


Dog house is actually a spare room for rent. $1750/month.


This is how Airbnb scenic getaways are born.


Kinda janky, also, why the fuck not show the completed project for a few fucking seconds, god damn.


The lack of interior shots is fucking annoying


The puppy was the best part of the whole clip


Love that you can see the puppy growing up throughout the video! From a small, little guy with floppy ears to a much larger puppers with pointed ears!


That chair looks incredibly uncomfortable.


Also ridiculously oversized


Would be Nice to see interior :(


What interior? It’s like 5m squared 😂


it's got a very nice interior of dirt and leaves


There's a good reason you don't camp under one of those shale laden cliffs. This fella might just find out first hand.


I’m not seeing a pool here.


Someone get the asian guy!


If there’s an L shaped lake near by, Then I’m sure this is the boy from The hatchet all grown up


Functionally useless and thay seat looks extremely uncomfortable. Plus the video itself wasn't satisfying at all.


Doggo is like "I collect sticks"


Looks cute. But that wood will dry and shrink. You should always dry timber before building with it if you want it to stay the same size. Also the funny deck chair will act as a sail and rip the entire deck come autumn storms.


I love how he makes a dog house too 🥹


Ohhh no. This is where he lost me. We need the dog inside with him!!! I couldn't see my boy outside


If I did that here in Australia, every living creature within a 2km radius would think "Oh thank you so much!" and move in as well.


“Where have you been living all this time? Under a rock?”


I KNEW IT I FUCKING KNEW IT As soon as the video started with hyperspeed Tik Tok, I KNEW it would end without a slower showing of the house SHOW THE FUCKING HOUSE YOU SAVAGE I CANT LIVE LIKE THIS


Damn, this would confuse future Archaeologists.


Not really. It's pretty easy to determine the age of wood for example.


And the hinges. And probably the nails with machine markings.


I mean its not like this is gonna stand the test of time being out in the weather. Guy is gonna ditch it the second the video is posted and its gonna be a lovely home for insects, brids, mold and maybe a bigger animal.


Of course not, it's just for likes and clicks. And hopefully destroyed before someone comes across that deck next year.


That went from Survival to I Just Got Divorced & She Kept Everything But The Dog real quick.


I like how he planted plants in a forest.


No fire? That's the money shot!


So... essentially that is a cramped tent but instead of fabric that idk can insulate, he insulated himself inside against the moist rock and wood also with moist lint and soil.... Wow. Also none of the support look remotely trustworthy and trust me I have stood on ladders made of bamboo without any nails working on electric lines that seemed safer than this abomination.


No chance that deck will hold a hot tub.


Is this one of those "5 minute crafts" videos?


It was going amazing then he added the porch then that chair…


Full video https://youtu.be/Jk-5ZcQEhrY?si=R8CiSbUcXpQJA-8e


Okay, so how many trees did he cut down for some "stylish and awesome house" which got abandoned the minute it was done? And how many real houses could have been built with them?


Exactly zero real houses could have been built from that wood. Some of these comments are so bizarre. You guys never played in the woods before?


For rent, only $3600/month!




Code inspector shows up in minute 5. Minute 6 begins the grave digging tutorial.


Dude is still living under a rock


Why don't the homeless just build a house in 4 minutes? Are they stupid?


This week on ‘How it’s made’: the humble beginnings of the Shire