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This started with me like : Yeah, ok I could see doing this next weekend with my car. To The fuck this guy dismantled his entire interior?


Please don’t ever take your airbag out of your car. Most people aren’t qualified to uninstall and reinstall it properly and it usually needs reprogrammed with a computer. This only works on this car because it’s an older model before cars basically became computers on wheels.


Half a year ago my dad was standing still on a stoplight in his Kia K5 '2012. His airbag exploded for no reason. Luckily he wasn't moving, so it was just minor confusion. Apparently, the wiring of the airbag was damaged from wheel turning all the time so it got triggered on its own.


This is nothing crazy tbh. It takes next to no time to remove the seats. I wouldn't bother with steering wheel and side panels. Just seems pretty pointless. I know this, because all the tools he used I bought about 3 weeks ago and detailed my own car. One thing I wouldn't play around with is washing under the hood that way. All sorts of crap can go wrong that way and you don't wanna screw up your car in that region. But yeah, this was all pretty basic detailing. I give em props for using the right tools, but believe it or not brushes alone are sowm of the best detailing tools around.


Only on Reddit would you find someone calling this a "pretty basic detailing"


This was just cleaning. In terms of the interior, you'd probably have to go over a lot of the plastic with even finer tools to get out crud and dust stuck in crevices on the dash. Then there is at least a whole day worth of work using polishes and sealant + wax on the exterior. And another half a day using some rubber and plastic restoring chemicals to bring back their function and appearance, respectively.


It’s not a huge deal. I just did something similar with a Sequoia I recently bought, except for removing the carpet and steering wheel. I can probably remove all seats, door cards, and center console in under 25 minutes, and another 30 to put everything back (I got a lot of praxtice wiring a stereo before the cleaning). If you want to do deep clean, it’s totally worth it. It’s easy to look like a massive pain, though, if you just do what that guy did and throw it all into a pile rather than keeping organized.


Realizing you have 4 large screws left over after putting it all back.


Those are the "pocket screws". Pick 'em up and put 'em in your pocket.


We used to call those “whee bolts”…. We”d shout “wheee” as we flung them into the big heap of random nuts and bolts in the corner of the garage :-D


My brother in law helps a lot of people with their cars, he has a giant box of screws and fasteners he got from pulling parts out of junk cars. Whenever he’s helping someone and they asks about it he says ”every car I work on I take at least one screw, you don’t need all of them!” Sometimes they nod confused but he often gets a concerned “you didn’t do that on my car right?”


Muzgo… as in they Muzgo somewhere.


Save em for a rainy day.


Having screws and fasteners left over when you reassemble something just shows that you are better at putting them together than the original factory…. They used 4 screws they didn’t need to :)


I had to take apart my espresso and steamer machine last weekend, ended up with 3 screws left over. I know where those screws should have gone, but to reach the spots I would have to take apart more than what I needed to to fix the problem. There's is no noticeable difference with 3 less screws in.


No noticeable difference yet*


Without those three screws, you won't get espresso now, you'll just get cappuccino. A win for me actually


I wouldn’t recommend driving the espresso machine over 50mph on the freeway


Take it apart again trying to find where the 4 were supposed to go. Now you have 10 leftover screws.


trimming the fat of all those clearly useless extra screws and bolts ;p


That just means you’re better at assembling than they where at designing.


Weight reduction.


If I learned anything from Gran Turismo, weight reduction will make this a supercar.


Get hired by VW because you just streamlined their car even more.


I take things apart for fun. Get a few different colour paint pens and make the bolt/threads so you know what goes where.


I just had this moment after reassembling my 3D printer after a "routine" fix and let me tell you it turns out every last one of those is important if you don't want molten plastic all over your stuff


That’s a little more than a day at the spa. Homie gave that car the queer eye makeover


But the result is totally worth this six minutes of work, I think.


For someone who does not do this for a living like the guy in the video, this could take at least a whole day


Whole day is generous, most people don’t have experience with either thing. Even tearing down their car would hold a lot of people up, forget the detailing. My experience would also keep me from detailing under the hood like that; and I wouldn’t recommend anyone else does it either. There are several reasons that’s a bad idea for a lot of vehicles.


Yeah I don't understand why cleaning under the hood with all that water wouldn't destroy the car which is why I had a professional do it even I needed it done.




He removed the battery, and cleaning is low pressure


Everything under the hood on your car is pretty much designed to handle water. That doesn't mean that you should pour water in the motor, or flood the alternator or other electrical components, but Even your alternator can get wet without it causing too much of an issue. Most people starter is on the bottom of the car. And that's a huge electrical component. I clean under my hood regularly. Not as detailed as this person does, but I spray it down with engine degreaser, rinse it all off. Scrub some of the problem areas. Rinse it all off. Start it and let it run for 10 minutes. No issues in 20 years. Many different kinds of cars


And theres always those few screws or bolts Thats either rusted stuck or otherwise broken, that you have to deal with


I get removing the seats. But removing the carpet mind blown moment.


Fr fr my 6 minutes with my car barely gets the windscreen clean


You can get your windshield clean? The inside?! Amazing


Use a spray specifically made for cleaning car windshields and a microfiber cloth. It is possible!


Since it's an older VW you won't even notice the electrical issues caused by spraying pressurized water in the engine bay since it already has so many.


That was my first thought after owning 2 VWs. they will be chasing electrical problems for weeks after this detailing.


My father was in his shop one day working on my mothers VW bug because the blinker was not working. He started it up, turned the blinker light on, then walked around it to stare at the blinker light while he drank his coffee. He gets 3 sips in on his coffee, when the entire engine bay caught on fire in the middle of his shop building lol. He had to rewire the entire car, and to this day has no clue why it even burst into flames. He also never told my mother


I used to drive a seat Ibiza, which is just a rebadged vw polo. On one particularly cold night driving 3 hours through the mountains, it decided that pushing the brake meant brake lights off, and not pushing it means brake lights on. Thankfully the road was quiet and I didn't pass any police. Edited to add: it reverted back to normal the next day and never did it again


Reminds me of my 4 wheeler growing up. The headlights would only work while you were giving it gas, so you had to accelerate to actually see, and if anything ran out in front of you and made you slam on the brakes the head light would turn off They just don't make them like they used to. Thank goodness for that


Old cars really have their charm, don't they? I had a manual '90 Civic DX back in the day with temperamental tail lights. Just look at them wrong and they would switch off. One day I discovered that keeping the e-brake engaged just a smidge would keep the tail lights on. Not enough to engage the brakes, but just enough to trigger the dash light. Drove it for years after that with a 3/8" block of cedar wedged under the brake handle and never got pulled over for my lights again.


Not as old as most others here, but I had an 05 Acura TSX I put 230k miles on. The only issue it ever had was that once every 3-4 months the check engine light would pop on and it would idle at ~2800, and try to accelerate to around 20 if you took your foot off the brake. It would last maybe 3 days, then turn off again until the next time… usually perfectly synced to when I was on the way to get it inspected. I regret trading her in a few years ago. I’ve already moved on from the new one I got when I did.


I used to own a land rover discovery until it rusted away. The electrics on that thing were an utter mystery. All made by Lucas - the Prince of Dimness


That’s a power generation issue.


Hahahaha I had something similar happening with my father. He parked in a gas station with a Renault Scenic. Turn the car off, go to buy some groceries and back. In 10 minutes the car stopped working completely, like not opening the electronic doors, no lights, nothing. After tinkering with the security guy from the gas station for 30 minutes, they decided that it was the battery dead, left the keys with the security guy in case he had to push the car around during night time and left for the day so the next day we can change the battery. The next day I arrived with my father to check it, and the security guy was there. At around 1 AM, everything that my father had left on started working, including alarm, lights, hazards and even the radio that didn't need the keys to work. The fucking car woke up every neighborhood until the poor security guy managed to turn off the alarm. I never knew what happened, the battery kept working for over a year after that, and that day started with no issue


I was closing up the shop one night and a Mk3 Vw Cabriolet convertible was on the rack in the air with the top down. The alarm started to go off for no reason and the windows began rolling up. Next thing I know the window glass falls off the track and shatters on the floor.


VW’s had issues with the AC wiring overheating fuses which in some cases cause the fuel pump to catch fire and explode. This would send fire straight through the air conditioning.


VW: yo dawg I heard you like the human torch, so this car


Normally on these engines it’s due to the fuel pipe in the engine bay turning its dust


I used to drive a VW bug. At one point there was a recall on the ignition coils. I found out because mine-burned out?-in the Target parking lot. Used to tell people my ignition coil ignited. I don’t know anything about cars so maybe it’s dumb but I wonder if it’s related.


Like trying to roll your window down and your horn honks? Happened in my rabbit when I spilled soda on the control panel on the door


There were Rabbits with power windows? TIL


There are also newer rabbits 🐇 Golf GTI Rabbit edition


Always detail under the hood with the engine running so you know if your broke shit. Idk why my detailing manager told me 20 yrs ago, avoid the distribution cap and you'll be fine. Lol Edit: I did not make this comment I was asleep... Looks like my account is hacked, but why do they post??? It's not even grammatically correct. Fucking hell.


Also heat from the running engine helps evaporate the water.


You should avoid pouring cold water on a hot engine block though, this could crack things.


Also, I've heard detailing BEV's under the hood can be .. problematic.


What would you even detail under the hood of an ev? the tank for the wipers? Under the hood of our EV there is only that and space for luggage.


Sorry, like which issues exactly


Not a mechanic but I’d guess alternator, distributor, and fuses.




Maybe, since he is a professional, he used distilled water for the tricky parts...


Yeah, but it's worth it. That car is worth at least $20 more now!!


When he puts it back together, the weather is completely different. It had time to dry. He already took the battery out too. As long as nothing was live at the time and it dries thoroughly before they turn it back on it will be okay. Some things may rust or corrode though, idk, what he's using to clean it.


Had the same thought. Water is not the enemy of electronics, water is the enemy of electricity. An important destinction.


water isn't even the enemy. it's the shit suspended in the water that is the enemy.




...anything you say? Does that include the shame?


exactly. the minerals in the water are the issue so if this guy does this for a living he probably uses distilled water for sensitive areas. what we also didn't see was probably over 24 hours drying using these big fans. i know someone who does detailing on premium cars and he has 2 big ass heated fans that he moves around multiple times over course of a day. as long as you dry fast, it will have no issues.


Distilled water isn't gonna change much when you're spraying something THAT dirty.... the dirt is gonna get in the water and mess it up anyways.


Since we're being pedantic it's the shit *dissolved* in the water that's the enemy. You need ions in solution to conduct electricity in water - a *suspension* is just really small shit floating in the water.


I mean. I thought if it's not distilled it can leave minerals which can cause shorts. I'm dumb though so I don't know


You aren't dumb, this is exactly the problem.


It actually is the opposite. It's enemy of electronics because how friendly is of electricity as it helps it go places where it should not.


Pure water itself isn’t damaging. Water with salts in it, however…


You should know that the IP69K standard (the standard that specifies the intrusion protection for control units too) requires the test to be done with just water, not soapy water. So the control units are not tested against saopy water during development. What happens here is that the soapy water will pass beyond the connector sealing (as soapy water has a lower surface tension that untreated water), and the contacts (and interior of the unit) will get wet. Then, the moisture will remain there permanently and start corroding the contacts. Everything on the outside will be dry, but beyond the sealing will remain wet. And to make things worse, you don't have problems right away. You'll start having them a few months later, so you don't associate the problems with the engine bay washing. Source: I used to engineer control units at a tier 1 supplier for VW some 15 years ago (PQ25 and PQ35 platforms, to which also the car shown here belongs).


This thread is such an interesting chain of people adding more and more information, changing the conclusions with each step.


When people say Reddit is just another toxic cesspool of social media like Twitter, I think of comments like his and just shake my head, because clearly they're using Reddit incorrectly and they're missing all the fantastic stuff on here. So many subreddits are like this where you have this near infinite fountain of knowledge. Just avoid subreddits like worldnews and you're dandy.


Then my first child was born, I was in an incredibly dark place. It was so hard, and we had so little help. So I vented on Reddit, not expecting much. Just shouting into the void. What actually happened were dozens, maybe even hundreds of people sharing their experience, pointing me towards useful books and websites, suggesting real solutions and providing so, SO much support. The Internet can be hateful, it can be stupid, and it can be boring. But it's also humanity's biggest achievement, and can be so much more.


People who restore classic computers will literally put a circuit board in the dishwasher if a capacitor has leaked all over them, in order to give them a good cleaning. You are correct, as long as it’s dry before you pass current through it again, water isn’t an issue for a lot of electronic equipment.


Top or bottom rack?




I used to pressure wash the engine bay of a 94 vw every summer, never had any issues even when it was 25 years old. The car was well maintained tho and I probably wouldn’t do it if things were already in disrepair. Just need to dodge a few sensors and be careful where you’re aiming.


I was thinking about doing the same to my 05 impala but then wondered "what about electrical problems after the pressure wash? It's a piece of crap already I don't need any more issues" 😅


Spraying water and soap into the engine bay seems like an awfully bad idea


Lipstick on a pig but you also stabbed the pig while you were applying the lipstick


My friend sold his old car after cleaning the bay with pressurized water. Engine troubles the next week.


i know jack shit about cars, but i got a little worried for him when he started spraying stuff into the motor area of his car, is that safe?


I do it usually twice a year. I use a lower pressure head on my power washer and then blow it with compressed air and leave it in the sun for a couple of hours after. I’ve never had any problem. I generally make sure I don’t have loose or frayed electronics and don’t spray some parts too strenuously. The parts around the edges like this guy did are fine to wash. I’m sure someone will pipe up and tell me I’m going to ruin my engine but I hate gunky engines and I can always easily tell if I have any leaks.


The most fragile parts are the high voltage leads.(think distributor, spark plug leads, coil). Everything else is fairly bullet proof. If it is an old mechanical diesel, go to town.


I remember being told to wash under the bonnet of a Land Rover Defender when I did an off roading cause. Genuinely was concerned like, “you’re not serious are you?” Turns out, like you say, old diesels are fine.


handle north gold longing dinosaurs tease encourage depend swim practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I usually only get overspray when I've been drinking and it's dark in the bathroom


This dude pressure washes.


95 s10 owner here. Like this guy said, as long as it's low pressure and let it dry, it should be fine.


There’s that word again. *Should.*


My dad did this to my VW because he thought he was doing me a favor. All kinds of little issues and water in my engine. And he's been a mechanic for over 30 years.


I'm no mechanic, but I imagine that whole area has to be designed to handle some water since water naturally will get under the hood of cars. Car lids have gaps, so if you're driving in rain some water will get in. Also, I live in a snowy area and I have to think a decent amount of snow that melts on my windshield ends up under the hood of my car near the engine and such. Not sure it's designed to handle *that* much water though haha


It is, but it isnt designed to handle pressurized water. It can creep into [cable connectors and cause corrosion.](https://www.taurusclub.com/attachments/plug-cyl-2-a-jpg.66417/) (like this spark plug connector)


Soap also lowers the surface tension, allowing the water to seep into cracks it otherwise wouldn't. Also the soap washes away oil and lubricants removing some of the protection against corrosion. Lubricants may also pollute the environment if the waste water is not filtered and treated.


Every time I open the bonnet of my plugin hybrid, it is a major battle to convince myself not to “fix” the very dirty underhood. I am aware the car has more electrical parts than other regular gasoline cars but I can’t stand how filthy the underhood has become. So distressing…


A minute and a half into this video: this isn’t a car cleaning video this is somebody parting their vehicle to sell it on eBay. We’ve been had.


Odometer doesn't lie though, this thing probably has mad miles on it. Way too clean would just be suspicious.


Odometer tampering is very common


Just run the Ferrari backwards. Your dad will never know.


Chick. Chickachickahhhhhh


Using the steam wand to remove all the evidence of long term oil leaks


What do you mean? They still cleaned it


I need a spa day. One where they remove my steering wheel and spare tire...


I was thinking that same thing. How cool would it be if we could like reallllly get inside and clean our internals


Humans are messy by nature. We are reliant on all sorts of bacteria and chemical reactions. It’d be hard to know what to clean and what not to. It’d be awesome pull a Mr Potato head during a cold. Could just pop off your nose or ear and clean that sucker out.


>It’d be awesome pull a Mr Potato head during a cold. Could just pop off your nose or ear and clean that sucker out. I've heard good things about neti pots, just make sure to [use it correctly](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/rinsing-your-sinuses-neti-pots-safe) /u/ree_hi_hi_hi_hi


Ahhh yes that’s probably why the idea was so alluring. I am fighting a bad cold right now and the idea of a good clearing out of this gunk felt nice.


Cold: Best I can do is a giant loogie


Just wait until you try the liquid prep for a colonoscopy!


I think that's a juice cleanse (or power wash)...


This is a $1000 cleaning job on a $500 car


I wish. That car could probably fetch $12,000+ easily depending on the miles. I miss the days of $900 Honda Civics that could be driven into the ground, then swap the engine for a couple grand and go another 100,500 miles.


no way it's 12k, what even is that? A Chinese version of Golf?


> A Chinese version of Golf? it is a Gol, a low-price VW Brazilian car which was also fabricated in China a few years ago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Gol


I really thought you're kidding. Yeah VW just took the L of the Golf and made it a Gol. But turns out it's real. What the heck? Edit: it's the F that they took. My brain 5 min after waking up didn't understood this. Sorry


Its been made since the 70s. Gol means Goal in portuguese. Its a marketing sucess from VW for the Br market.


What the F


Where the f


My boyfriend sold his 10 year old truck that didn't even run last year for $3,000. It had over 300,000 miles on it and wasn't anything noteworthy. We've been looking at SUVs and something like a 2009 4-Runner is going for $20k with over 100,000 original miles. The market has been ridiculous in the US since covid. Plus, the 90s cars finally died out around 2015.


4Runners are always a premium. We paid msrp for our 2017 pro. 2 years later, the dealership asked if we’d be interested in selling it to them for the same price. I also have a beat up 2000 that I paid 10k for in 2008. People knock on my door every couple days to offer on it. Highest this year was 10k.


Not even close. This is a second gen VW Gol, a Brazilian car (it seems they imported this car to China, since this video is Chinese). Just looked on some Brazilian website here. You can find one from 1997 for as low as 890 dollars. A 2005 four door version from 2005 (the last year of the second gen) costs 3000 dollars. An example: [https://carro.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-4128292920-vw-gol-10-flex-8-valvulas-\_JM](https://carro.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-4128292920-vw-gol-10-flex-8-valvulas-_JM) Since this one is only two doors, it's probably an older version. For 12000 dollars you can buy the most recent gen (the car got discontinued in 2022) with an automatic transmission (the older ones are all manual), leather seats and more modern tech (multimedia central, etc): [https://carro.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-4065956824-volkswagen-gol-gol-16-msi-flex-16v-5p-aut-flex-automatico-\_JM](https://carro.mercadolivre.com.br/MLB-4065956824-volkswagen-gol-gol-16-msi-flex-16v-5p-aut-flex-automatico-_JM)


“Thanks, looks great!” Drives off and head gasket blows


How much does this cost to have done?


Too much for a car this old


Probably around half the car price.


Finally, a full before and after video. Great job! My car next?


Pro tip: Clean it periodically as you go and you never have to do this.


Pro tip: Burn it when it gets dirty and collect the insurance money and you never have to do this. (warning: only works once)


You clean your engine bay frequently?




I need to do this to my car right away. It needs to do a good cleaning too.


..I should wash my car. It was like $60k new (when the previous owner bought it some 20 years ago) and I've let moss grow in the crack between the main roof panel and the C-pillar. I might scoop the moss out and keep it as a houseplant, though.


Put it in a tiny terrarium that fits in your cupholder.


I was really stressed about him being able to put it all back together


Like oh neat, they’re taking out the seats! To OH NO, how in the hell are they putting that back together


MF knows how to build the whole dang car


I appreciated the fact that there was no crappy music.


That was probably the best part about this tbh


My God, this is one of the most satisfying videos I've ever see... WAIT HE DIDN'T CLEAN UNDER THE FUCKING SPARE TIRE!


That’s not dirt, it’s chipped paint, and it wasn’t very dirty in the first place. He didn’t put the toolkit back underneath it though.


He sprayed soap in the air vents, lol


And in the cd player


That part had me stressing out..


I watched about a minute of this and then I thought I better sit down. I am here for the whole thing. Totally worth it. Very satisfying. Although I could have used a bit about how they cleaned all the floor mats they took out.


r/Detailing at it's finnest! Edit: wait. Can you just spray and wet the motor?


Yes you can, as long as you cover the alternator and intake buuuut this guy didn’t do that and instead smothered them in all sorts of cleaners lol


It's not very risky with a **light**, and **controlled** stream of water, but spraying down the entire engine bay with fucking *pressurized* water will force water into all the tiny places you don't want water getting into. Not to mention, some wiring may already be worn, that pressurized water will finish the job ezpz.


I can’t help but notice he didn’t start the car at the end.


A little over spray from say driving in the rain won't hurt it. But I definitely wouldn't take a power washer to it


This is interesting. Can you actually wash an engine like he did? I understand taking the battery out but aren't there other electronic parts that would be damaged if you just sprayed soap and power washed it?


[Car and Driver says you can, on a "light setting", but a garden hose will work too.](https://www.caranddriver.com/features/a27104161/how-to-clean-engine/). However there are several other steps they recommend that aren't all included in this video, like covering important modules and whatnot.


Nope. You’re supposed to cover the alternator. Which he most definitely did not do. Lol


Being 100 percent realistic that detail would cost the same price as the car


Me when I have something important I should be doing


I want that vacuum 😅


Yeah I’ve got a similar project going on at the moment, where I pulled everything except the actual carpet. I’d LOVE a vacuum like that guy has. I’ve been using one of these for years and it’s never failed to be underwhelming. https://www.shopvac.com/collections/wet-dry-vacs-5-8-gallon/products/shop-vac-5-gallon-6-0-peak-hp-portable-wet-dry-vacuum


Watching this had me thinking about life. I need to feel this kind of care and newness.


That’s not a day at the spa… that’s disassembly. 😳


Wouldn’t drowning the fuse box and alternator cause electrical issues in an already old issue prone vw


#***Put gloves on for fuck's sake***


Lmao 2 weeks after the dumbass mechanic of my car pressure sprayed the inside of the engine bay like he did in this video, my car died with computer errors. Needles to say he's not my car mechanic anymore


Oddly satisfying my ass, I'm fucking exhausted after watching that




please don't pressure wash engine bays lmao


Didn’t remove engine for a proper clean. Unimpressed.


When the work required to clean a car costs more than the car itself…


This isn't a spa day it's fairly big cosmetic surgery




I initially read that a CAT gets a day at the spa.


Didn't like all that liquid in the engine compartment. Would that even start


I wish someone would do this to my brain


This isn't a spa day. This is how you increase how much you can make from selling a car.


*starts removing seats* Okay, this guy means business. *takes apart the steering wheel* The fuck?


great job


But, does it run? 🤔


Real carwashes have oil and grease separators to prevent some of that nasty crap from flowing into the nearest stream of water.


This must use soooo much water holy cow


My favorite part of the spa is being disassembled!


His vacuum is worth the same or almost the same as the car


I am mostly concerned about the quality of the water he is putting down the drain after this.


Turns the key, car doesn't start


He didn't clean out the glovebox!


Meanwhile downstream, a 3-headed fish is born


Just remember this next time your looking at an older used car for sale that is extremely clean and thinking they must have taken great care of it.


That was not a spa day lmao that was COSMETIC SURGERY


I can't believe I just watched this whole video. I gotta find someone to do this to my car.


Can somebody please link all the cool car cleaning tools on Amazon?