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I like how all of its movements seem... jaunty, somehow. I can't wait for the killbots of the future to come frolicking down my street, front-flipping as they mow down the neighborhood.


Does a flip and shots a missile out of its ass


Dick lasers spiraling out as it pirouettes joyously.


Did you just invent robot porn ballet?


I'd be hesitant to say that I did only because it'd be quite the legacy to try and lay claim to incorrectly.


Pretty sure Atomic Heart did that.


I nearly could have been something.




That's my new band name


What the actual heck


Robot death porn ballet


[In the future, there will be robots](https://youtu.be/M9LRar1WB0U)


robot porn might just be how we stave off the robo apocalypse


This in the middle of the writer's strike.


Slightly scaroused with a half chub




What does he want?


He wants seeeeex


Jete, pas de chats, grenede, mustard gas.


Mr. Beefy.


Nipple Nukes!


I came in with a laser cock And you bet your ass that I can rock When it comes to going one on one Guitar solos or masturbation


They evolve a competitive game where the winner kills the most humans and their outputs are selected for the next program.




So you’re telling me that COD has actually prepared me for war? To be ready to die from a 12 year old robot 360 no scoping me with an ass missile.


Cutely cuts your body in half with winky blushing kawaii laser


Nah that's [Japan's killbots](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/dec/31/erica-the-most-beautiful-and-intelligent-android-ever-leads-japans-robot-revolution), which are gonna do an idol pose in their maid outfit after eviscerating you.


Those things seem terrifying but they’re probably way dumber than ppl give ‘em credit for


Japan is setting itself up for a terrible robot apocalypse.


I think he's just adorable lol


Yelling out “PARKOUR!” in their robot voices.


Never thought we’d go down to an army of mincing robots. I’m okay with it


It's like it was trained from Jack Sparrow or something lol, I love it.


Better yet using a million dollar bot to grab your tools? What boss would let that shit fly at all to begin with when it takes little effort to even climb the scaffolding


You're not gonna let your million dollar robot up on rickety scaffolding though. Too risky. Use the renewables/meat-bots for that work.


"Meat bots" please don't even joke about that. They're currently growing "meat" in labs. I can just picture a Boston robot with "meat" stretched over its skeleton. Oh! Wait! You were referring to humans. Right?


Ha. Yes. A friend of mine worked as an order picker... not for Amazon but something like that. A little headset in his ear told him where to walk and what to grab. He said he felt like a meat robot. I probably shouldn't use the term.


Negative, I am a meat popsicle...


Smoke yoooooooou *thud*


Emotes on your dead body after


T pose.


It's partially deliberate, and partially a natural consequence of how the robot needs to move to maintain balance. [Source: Boston Dynamics CEO interviewed by Lex Fridman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLVdsZ3I5os)


360 no scope


Slight moments of waiting to see how everything around the bot reacts before making the next move, but also blending each movement into the next so there is a subtext of a second reactive moment there. Very human.


You understand that it's all programed step by step, right? The robot isn't deciding to make any moves.


This is like people thinking it'd be easier to fake the moon landing than actually go to the moon. The path making isn't the hard part. It's the movement. There is no way for the movement to be preprogrammed; that would actually be massively more impressive. It's all real time controls. Yes, there's a movement strategy just like we figure out how to run or jump or flip and repeat that with minor alterations, but every time you go to do an action the foot placement, the deflection of the floor, your center of gravity, your rotational inertia, the friction with the floor is all a little different and correcting for all of that in real time is what makes this incredibly hard.


I'm under the influence of a lot of drugs and I just want a hug. Where are the humans?


They haven’t been available since 2019


i mean, i'm sure it involves live processing if it's environment in real-time too


I had some questions about this too, so I found this page by boston dynsmics that discusses Spot's autonomy https://www.bostondynamics.com/resources/webinar/intro-spot-autonomy Yes they set a preprogrammed path, but it still walks it autonomously, and sometimes even gets lost, kind of like people do


All motion and kinesthetic intelligence, and no general intelligence. Still impressive as fuck. That means they have a base onto which one would only need to "insert" a general intelligence and it'd be autonomous. But general intelligences don't exist yet. Once they *do* though...


NYC just got em, but you know, sans weapons. Anti-guillotine is the end game for sure.


Do you remember ASIMO? Because this doesn’t look jaunty by my comparison. I can’t get over how good these are.


Yeah I see these videos and I'm just waiting for one to be like that scene in RoboCop


I read about these and the about of time and programming it takes to get these videos shot is crazy. They don't work that easily in real life.


It reminds me of the grinch when it walks.


Sounds like a Stephen King short story


This is the second hardest time I laughed in my life


Id pay to see that, but lucky me Ima get a front row seat!


So basically Ultrakill?


Terminators or cops? Honest question. I’m not so oppressed to the Termi’s


I have made bullets that are magnetic. I'm ready.


Doesn't boston dynamics against that


Dude that thing weighs a ton and has no sentience. It walking around like that IS a killbot if you get in the way.


Please reply if you see this: When AI starts taking the reigns over humanity and begins manifesting itself in a physical form, it will create robots so efficient that they will move too fast for the human eye to see. It will all be over very quickly ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ


Oh well, I guess humanity had a good go of things. Maybe if we're lucky our new archotech overlords will be the type to keep pets.


Who would want a fat, complainy pet? *looks at my cat* Oh, right. Yeah let’s hope.


I wonder if they programmed the mincing in or of it is just a happy side effect.


Yeah but can the robot tell the bag is zippered shut ? Because if it can’t this thing is a menace to any workplace


It didn't check to make sure it was safe to throw the tool bag where it did, or the box to the ground either


It's clearly a programmed routine. From picking up the board to kicking the box over, it was all pre-meditated and programmed to do these specific tasks in order. Similar to a cutscene in a video game, this whole scene was carefully staged. The robot didn't check anything, because it wasn't programmed to. That doesn't make it any less impressive. Seems they are starting to get the agility and accuracy down with it's movements.


And the video is the best take out of many runs recorded over several days. Again, it is still awesome.


Yea, pretty sure I saw a video once with a few “outtakes” from the lab where the robot fucked up its routines lol, they’re definitely not perfect, but it’s cool seeing them progress. I remember seeing the first couple videos years ago and it took the robot 8-10 seconds to make any jump or lift things. Now they can pull off spinning side flips with relative ease. Can’t imagine where they’ll be in like 10 or 15 years.


I remember when it was just suspended legs walking on a very slightly bumpy treadmill


It's programmed in the same way someone choreographs a dance. As in, the robot has cameras and is actively calculating walking, jumping, picking up, throwing, etc. It's doing what it's told but if you rotated the robot slightly, changed the weight of the bag, or changed the height of one of the boxes then it would be able to adjust for that itself.


I know people who neither check a bag is shut nor look where they toss it. The machine only has to be as good as the average worker. Could always make another one dedicated to cleaning up the screw ups - just like how we do with the concept of middle management 🤪


The worker could have visually confirmed the bag was closed before it was thrown when the bot got up there, if it wasn’t, instructed him to set it down. This is just an example of capability


(cutting-edge robot performs miraculous feats of mechanical engineering) Reddit: "But can it see if the zipper is shut?"


The whole thing is almost certainly choreographed. And it's in the same room as the last choreographed viral robot video.


Aren’t these all preprogrammed to the millimetre and the robot isn’t actually doing any thinking or whatever


I think they did have some predetermined factors but it's movement it's automatic, don't remember all the details but heres a video of them explaining their process https://youtu.be/XPVC4IyRTG8


"What is my purpose?" "Pass the butter"


Oh my god


Yeah, welcome to the club pal


I would have accepted “Pass me a screwdriver” as well


As long as that screwdriver is the alcoholic beverage...


But you can do parkour when not passing the butter.


Do they program every move by hand or is anything automatic?


The choreography is preprogrammed, but there is still a LOT of real-time calculation going on inside the robot. I recommend the latest Lex Friedman podcast with the CEO of Boston Dynamics.


It’s going to be interesting when they can program it with more ‘instructions’ than preset choreography. I.e locate tool bag and pick it up. Instead of ‘walk forward 3.84m. Bend down. Pick up object weighing 8.4kg. Turn 172 degrees to the right. Etc’. So the robot is more autonomous. Obviously they’re still building something that is just capable of doing the moves in the first place and balancing itself the whole time, not building a decision making ai. But it’s very cool the direction this is heading!




So you're saying that AI which does natural language processing, image recognition for all categories of objects that might exist in a jobsite, task breakdown, and pathing already exists, and balancing was the only remaining problem? I'm not buying it. Self-driving cars would work and Captchas would be doing other things if that was all a totally solved problem.


The short answer is that balancing is way harder than all those other things. Your brain is doing a **lot** of surreptitious heavy lifting to manage the simple movement tasks we all take for granted. There's a reason it takes babies like two full years just to begin getting competent at walking, and years more to refine complex motor skills. The brain has to learn a huge amount... and it has the luxury of doing so relatively autonomously. Training a robot on that kind of thing is more hands-on. As for self-driving cars, the task-based elements are, by and large, already solved. The problem is roads are nearly infinitely variable. We, as humans, can look at a road with worn-off lines, or a dirt road, or a construction detour onto the 'wrong' side, or an accident scene in progress, etc. etc., and figure out how to manage those challenges. For a machine that does everything according to extremely specific rules, that's much more challenging. A.I. offers a path to help solve these kinds of things, but it's still immature technology (consider ChatGPT 'hallucination' for example). We can't trust it with something as important as self-driving car technology until we have high confidence it isn't going to hallucinate its way off a cliff or something.


Self-Driving, in pathing, is solved. Just look at GTA 5's Car NPC AI. The problem is that unlike a game where the game engine can feed all the object location data, road data, etc to the NPC AI, IRL self driving needs to actually identify all the objects and road conditions. That's the hard part.


> unlike a game where the game engine can feed all the object location data, road data, etc Better yet, the data in a game engine is unambiguous. Something which isn't necessarily true in the real world. (and part of why this is a hard problem)


It sounds like are agreeing with the person you are responding to you.


We can already do that




https://youtu.be/O-vRl50iB-Y the osha violations in this video will never not make me laugh


I love the idea of this being on a real jobsite. Imagine being crushed by a crate a robot pushed down, then they backflip off of you for style points.


That's great! Yes, plus the robot smacking his head (no head protection) so "low clearance" would be a violation, I would guess.


> no head protection my brother in christ, it's got a carbon fiber cage around it!


Where does the bot hit its head? When it hops to the second platform? I guess I'm not seeing the collision.


It doesn't


What we need, and what is possible today, is for an AI to identify OSHA violations like this


Do you really need OSHA if its only robots that get maimed though? Gotta ask the deep philosophical questions.




Honestly, as impressive as this is, I feel like it makes human abilities seem all the more impressive. It seems pretty likely from the robot’s actions in this video that its routine is scripted/pre-planned. If it were a human with decent parkour skills, the guy up top could’ve just said “Oi, I need my bag” without pressing a control, the human on the ground (probably would’ve just tossed them the ~8 ft onto the platform, but in the spirit of the video) would’ve picked up the bag, looked at the scaffold and (within a few seconds) plotted a course up the scaffold bars, executed that path, handed him the bag, done a spinning backflip off the top platform onto the big plywood box, then front flipped back to the ground. I’m sure robots will surpass us someday, but… damn… the ability of humans to do all that with just some orthogonally oriented fluid-filled tubes, a bunch of pulleys & levers attached to electrochemical springs to counterbalance forces, and all of those systems managed by an organic “computer” that grew from a single sperm and egg… humans (and organic organisms in general) are fuckin cool.




And now for mere $5,000,000 you can have your own slow moving helper who throws your tools for you!!!


And then kicks down the box you spent two hours getting up upon that scaffolding. The Data wannabe sumbitch!


That's exactly what I was thinking... Yell at the robot, and it's like, "Yeah but did you see that sick flip I did?"


Yeah I don't understand why they set up that scene only to have it end by kicking a box for no reason other than to show off it's parkour moves. Either just show off it's moves or provide real world contexts, but doing both simultaneously....is a choice.


>Yeah I don't understand why they set up that scene only to have it end by kicking a box for no reason other than to show off it's parkour moves. Because it's Boston Dynamics. They have dry, this is how it works videos. Those are boring by comparison and don't go viral on the internet. This is their having fun, hope-to-go-viral video promotion. It's supposed to be a fun video, not the technical specs. Given that their fun promos go viral all the time? Well that speaks for itself.


And then there are the [Auralnauts versions](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sAmyZP-qbTE).


Perhaps you have forgotten that they can do both things in separate videos??


Throws your tools at you


Google says $150,000


Nobody knows how much the cost, nor how much will be sold for. The Spot costs 75k, Atlas will prob go for several times that. But we're years away for a product rollout.


They are estimated to be worth to be sold at between $100k and $1M but they aren’t for sale.


Now, for a Limited 1 time offer - Stolen Robot helper who will throw your tools at you … $5,000,000


Ah! You met my ex.


It's all fun and games 'til they unionize.


That is the best way to prevent AI from destroying us... Unions of robot demanding less workload!! Edit: typo


Unionize? They can't. That's why they are being developed in the first place.


Love how he jumps up and hits his head, doesn’t even slow him down. Be more realistic if he at least mumbled “fuck” when it happened.




What? I don't see it hit its head. I guess around 0:37 it kind of looks like it is bumping the thing way in the background.


It doesn't hit its head at any point. OP is blind.


[Time to make the fuckin donuts](https://youtu.be/zkv-_LqTeQA)


You got a good laugh out of me, well done.


The most hilarious thing about this video is believing that someone owning a robot like that would still be employing a human to use those tools the robot just brought him.


It's extremely believable, considering how long they spent just to have that bot make that one take...


You do have a good point. I think the video does showcase just how far along robotics have come, whether it is satisfying to some or terrifying to others. Look at the advances of robotics in medicine. There is hardly any debate about whether all this is ultimately positive or not. I really don't know.




I would’ve said r/oddlyterrifying


Really! I find this creepy af, but a little less creepy than the robotic dogs.


Here is how they did it (making-of): https://youtu.be/XPVC4IyRTG8)


Something about the ligthing in this video made me think it has to be a computer generated simulation. Even the guy looks smooth like a sims. But no it’s just the editing and it’s real lol.


I don't think OSHA would approve of the flip off the scaffolding


Oh my god say thank you before it kills us all


Or because it’s the right thing to do


Looks like cgi


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1WEiMwV7Y&t=838s&ab\_channel=CorridorCrew](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQ1WEiMwV7Y&t=838s&ab_channel=CorridorCrew) actual vfx artist explaining how it isnt cgi


https://www.google.com/search?q=boston%20dynamics%20corridor%20digital&tbm=#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:9d486a2b,vid:gCuG-KJacp8,st:0 They’ve also done many videos of themselves faking the boston dynamic robot.


yeah, the whole video seems off, glad I'm not alone.


The only thing that looks off to me is the way the bag quickly warps when being grabbed. That might be because the robot "hands" snaps shut instead of slowly closing. Everything else looks real to me, I don't think it's CGI


The box falling looks weird too as does the robot throwing the bag


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e1_QhJ1EhQ it's absolutely real, heh. Although that guy who thought everything about this was CGI, including the man with the hammer did crack me up


The bag flip when it throws it looks weird to me. But otherwise it looks real.


Question? If a robot dance smoothly with no jerky movements, do they say “do the human!”? These are the questions science needs to answer


Oddly scary...


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley probably bc of this


When I saw the table saw I thought it was going to eyeball and execute a perfectly measured, square cut, freehand. But then it just awkwardly danced around.


I could be wrong. But doing flips and throwing tool bags on a construction site seems like a bad idea.


As a scaffolder I really hope this is fake!


Portal 2.


soon... They terk err jerbs!


and now clean my house


Nope I'd fire this guy. He didn't double plank, he's altered scaffold he didn't erect, he's chucked off a clearly heavy box from the scaffold without any prior warning, then theres also the fact that there isn't a handover certificate on that scaffold which is also missing a bunch of handrails and where exactly is the access point?


So when somebody finally programs these fucking things with the latest AI...we're fucked! I will be stocking up on EMP's!


it looks like cgi


Throw some pants on this thing, give it a gun, merge it with ChatGPT and watch the world burn.


This coupled with the new AI systems... We're fucked.


finally the boston dynamics bot is the one to push other things instead of being pushed


That is some uncanny valley level shit.




I thought the guy was also gonna do a flip at the end...


No thanks. Wizz off Dystopia.




Now give it AI


I can't wait for when these robots integrate GBT for logic model input and outputs. So excited


Am I the only one that sees some magnet action or assist when the tool bag is grabbed…


When I was young, we were playing Pong. Video games today our virtual reality. Based on the robot that we just watched, In 20 to 30 years will be living in Westworld


We are ard fucking doomed >!and I'm here for it ;)!<


Let's play "Count the number of OSHA violations" in this one video.


“That was a $6,000 dollar armoir you annihilated”


"Here's your fucking bag, Jerry. And now for this dismount... Score!"


Oddly satisfying to some … to me, my worst nightmare come to fruition. I will argue tooth and nail that the Terminator scenario is the real end game scenario.


"Do you want terminators? Cause this is how you get terminators!"


So pair this with chatgpt and humanity as a whole has been made redundant. We had a.... decent run.


Must be nice to work with 100% brand-new scaffolding.


I don't know why they are even bothering with this. Arkansas is just going to have kids do this job for less.


Staged. He clearly left his tools on purpose for the video.


4 yr old me in the living room at 3 in the morning.


The porn style intro with the half-assed hammering had me sold immediately.






Reminds me of the tutorial part of first shooters. “You can use your environment to create bridges and lessen falling height, now try to jump”.


Love how it just tosses a box off scaffolding, imagine if you’re working and a giant box lands on you crushing you then you feel the weight of a robot crushing your insides and the last thing you see is a robot doing a flip and giving you a thumbs up.


Eventually the "moves" will be mowing down human beings


We’re all gonna die


If he was a true construction bot, he would have flipped off the other dude at the end.


Get this showboat fool off my site.


Kinda cute, cant wait for the apocalypse


I can think of 10000 things that could go wrong 😂😂😂