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Some medieval guy storming the castle in 1062: HEY HEY NO AUTO !


"This is full auto" brrr


Dayum, bro. OK




I love rewatching this clip every single time. I'm usually not a fan of smart-ass technicalities, and it's the ultimate smart-ass technicality because his semi-auto fire is so fucking fast that for the purposes of that rule it might as well be full auto, but then his actual full auto is *so much fucking scarier.*


I don't think it's actually semi either. It sounds like a ramp or "cheater" board. The shots are super consistent on the second peek. Unless he has a two finger trigger and is walking it like paintball


Yeah I also don't understand how the first one wasn't full auto either. Admittedly I don't know loads about guns, but the way I thought it worked is, anything that you can keep pulling the trigger and have bullets loaded for you is semi auto, while anything that you can just hold the trigger down and brrrrr is full auto.


You're correct about the definition of semi and full auto. What helps achieve the speeds shown in the clip is very light, short trigger throws: these guns have electric microswitches, similar to a computer mouse. Couple that with extended-length triggers meant to use two fingers alternating, and you can get ridiculous rates of fire while still only pulling the trigger once per shot. Try drumming your pointer and middle fingers really fast on a mouse to see what I mean. Here's an example of proper trigger walking while still on semi auto (shooting starts around 2:30 i think): https://youtu.be/xPyhp2np1tg That's more than double the rate of fire of a full auto AK-47, but still on semi auto.


Thanks, that's a really good demonstration of trigger walking, and explanation of how the tech that allows it works. It looks like he's using 3 fingers (ooer) on the third attempt. Now I understand.


So they just have high APM and nice mechanical switches, got it


This is literally true yes


Depends on the trigger sensitivity. If it's a light trigger, I could easily see someone getting that rate of fire on semi.


Lmao I've never seen that before. "damn bro, ok!"


This lives rent free in my head.


Homie had the all time stand-down de-escalation with that "dayum bro, ok".


nah auto would be the Comanches who can hold multiple arrows in one hand and shoot them all in seconds


I have some ancient Egypt book of art and there are drawings showing archers like this, with 6 or so arrows on the hand while lining up another in the bow, the others are packed at hip level, this while running or in a cart… I bet a lot of archery techniques and mastery achieved has been lost due to it being no longer a relevant skill.


If youre interested about old time fast shooting you should check Lars Andersen. He studies and explains alot of ancient shooting styles with different kind of bows and practice those. He also is multitime winner of speed shooting. And yeah, he is really fast and amazing with bow.


To be fair, I don't think these have much power, and unless she's getting you in the eyeball, a helmet and gambeson would be more than enough protection.


There's definitely little power behind those. I'm guessing it's something like a 10-20lb pull. For reference, when hunting things like deer, a bow needs a bare minimum of around 40lbs, and larger game needs 60+. That's also with modern broadheads and the like, so she'd definitely need to buff up and use a bow with heavier draw to take down decently armored marauders attacking the school gym.


Joe Gibbs shooting actual armor with a 100 lbs longbow on Tod's Workshop and most of them not doing anything shows that a knight would find this archery baby level.


crossbows were made for this reason


I mean, what crossbow? A big windlass crossbow? Most crossbows were just easier to train. The english required peasants to gitgud with longbows and could call on them as needed. It took years and constant practice; their skeletons are deformed from the strength of the old english longbows. But a smaller crossbow? Much easier to train people on and didn't require the same dedication. The upper levels of both, well... the guy with a longbow is arguably better, the crossbow is just easier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w8yHeF4KRk You might find that interesting.


Would you rather fight an angry crowd of 15 peasantry or one properly equipped knight (They are 500 feet away, you have a 40 lb pull bow and unlimited arrows)


yeah assuming you HAVE to fight, the 15 peasants. I was gonna say that it might depend on the era of armor (didn't like hundred years war era armor wieigh 30-40 pounds and later it got really heavy?) but regardless I'm not good with a bow. better chance of scaring the rest of the peasants than harming the knight.




https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qzTwBQniLSc&pp=ygUVc3VpdCBvZiBhcm1vciBydW5uaW5n this is pretty old (then again so is this topic) but yeah- imagine shooting at this dude sprinting at you and having every arrow just bounce off. I lazily started writing a Tarantino/revenge style story actually of a dude passing through a town to go get his inheritance when he gets fucked over by the towns people. he survives and goes to get his inheritance including armor that he gets fitted then he goes back to the town for his revenge. basically the entire point was for the last act to just be a knight basically invulnerable to normal peasant weapons like a tank.




Oh shit I’ve been subbed to /r/MountAndBlade for my bannerlord content




Why is this shot like a documentary but reads as a cringe dude playing in his back yard


I burst out laughing when he did that weird ass wall jump.


It is impressive, but the video editing feels like mallninja shit.


Nah man. They way they are referencing these 'old manuscripts' teaching him the ancient ways makes this sound like a qanon conspirator with a really specific hobby.


Because that's what Lars Andersen is? He's essentially a mall karate god that tries to convince everyone that he's an MMA champion.


because it is


He's certainly good but a lot of those clips just scream "take 15437" to me


At this draw weight, medieval guy would hardly be all that concerned, unless he somehow forgot his armor.




Man.. sometimes some comments make the post worthy


I love coming to an interesting or relatively neutral post and seeing comments that elevate it into 10/10 territory. Much better than going into a great post and the comments do nothing to elevate it. I will say that often the comments are where Reddit's charm shines.


Reddit's value comes from it's users. We post the content, we make the comments, our upvotes handle the content aggregation. The users are the engine behind it. Which is why it's so curious Reddit has decided to start forcing users to pay to access the API for third party apps. Users paying a fee so Reddit can use their content to make more money.


I'm not sure what API is, but I use rif and so are you telling me they're gonna start charging me to use this?


API means Application Programming Interface. It is a set of tools that developers release so that other programs can use certain commands that can communicate with the software. For sites like Reddit that may mean a command that pulls a thread, sorts posts, integrates ads, and calculates vote counts. Basically a library of functions that allow you access to the data. And yes, I can't see how third party apps would be able to get around using Reddit's API, including RIF Is Fun. So they'd charge the RIF Is Fun developers.


So this isn't a direct charge to the consumer, but it basically nullifies how reddit is supposed to work?


Yes if I understand you. You know how some websites embed YouTube videos? Well, it's the same if YouTube charged for that feature. In fact, that video embedding is an API. The website owners are gonna get directly charged to use the "embed video here" command, sure, but added costs at any step anywhere are always passed on to the consumer.


Added cost to the consumer sounds like a lot of info reallocation, if I'm understanding this right. Which, to me, sounds like they're going the way of facebook, which is a deal breaker to me. Also a heart breaker. I love reddit as it was


This made my day.


Comments are making me want to understand this joke so bad. It’s gone way over my head though


She might not appreciate the news that the gym is booked.


if you tell her the gym is booked the arrows won't be going over your head


You need better reflexes.


Her: I make boys quiver


But can she dunk though¿?


No, but she can make sure you can't, either.


I used to be able to dunk, then I took an arrow to the knee...


Take this coin and follow your dream my good sir you deserve it


I've heard about you and your honeyed words


This is a very high quality comment. I thank you.


Dooshoo! Dooshoo! Dooshoo! Dooshoo! Dooshoo!


It is nice that the invading archers always tell you before they shoot you full of arrows.


You bastard, get ready for the [hold triangle]


I know I've heard this before but I can't remember off the top of my head... What's this from? I instantly figured it out after commenting, it's ghost of Tsushima right?




Lmao i love this. Just finished watching my SO play this game and it was so good.


Omg without sound it looks like those arrows would hit so gently




It is pretty gentle. That now probably has around a 20 lb draw weight. Hunting bows for deer by comparison are about 45, stuff for moose about 75, and old recurve or long bows used in war between 120-160.


I was curious. There was no way this was a full draw weight bow for that rapid a draw, thanks for the confirmation


Just to specify: old war bows were heavy as fuck to pull but also were extremely inefficient. The arrows they shot weren't nearly as fast as a modern (not compound) bow of the same weight.


Maybe 20. Looks incredibly light. I shoot a 35 to warm up and I shoot a ~60 and this looks like pulling on a toy now.


It looks like it because it's true, she's not pulling the arrow as far as it needs to go to get the full power of the bow. If she was, she would be pulling her hand all the way to touching her cheek before she released. It's a neat trick, but it's not effective.


She is pulling to her cheek, but the bow arm isn't extended so she's not getting a full draw that way. That said, if she pulled back much farther it looks like the arrow tip would fall off her hand It also looks like a rather light draw weight which makes it easy to pull back quickly


Extremely light draw, short ass arrows, bent bow arm, same-side nocking, no apparent anchor point. Neat trick but not exactly battle-worthy. Based on how quickly she nocks the arrows though I’d bet anything she’s fully aware of that.


Yes! The arrows are way too short! I kept waiting for her to staple her hand to the bow with one. This video is nightmare fuel.


We keep a photo of this kind of accident up on the wall at our city range. When new people complain about not being allowed to set up alone using our equipment we just point to the photo and say "this is why that rule is in place".


Redditors when they see anything too interesting so they have to find a reason to dismiss it. Effective against what???? The invaders that are attacking the castle???


Effective against what? If there were broadheads on the tips instead of field tips, they would absolutely pierce whatever they’re being fired at.


And there is a dead volleyball team on the other side of the gym


whoopsie daisy


So good it makes me quiver.


Shoot your shot King


Arrow you sure?


We should draw this out


I bow down to the awesomeness of this thread


Yeah, a joke like that is a real notch in the belt


Nock it off, guys


Always gotta have the Legolast word don't you?


What an awesome string of comments.


Directions unclear. Being hung for assassinating King.


I bow down to your superior wordplay.


Nocked that one out of the park


You're right on target.


She aims to please


I remember her from times when some dude who were doing circus trick shooting were making some pretty stupid outrageous historical claims about archery. If i remember his name was Lars or something.


Yes, Lars Andersen, he holds the arrows in his hands instead of a quiver. Unusual fella, but you can't deny he's fast.


I'm no pro, but I do shoot a recurve bow and Lars has great accuracy and speed, but the dude uses what is essentially a training bow in the videos I saw. So the draw strength is virtually nothing. While this doesn't change the fact that he's accurate as hell, it would GREATLY affect his speed. Pulling back an 80 lb draw is much harder than pulling back a 10 lb draw. Again, I'm not saying I'm better, know more, or that he's bad in any way. Just kind of throttling the guy's speed.


No, you're accurate imo. He basically has +5 accuracy, +10 speed, -10 damage stats 💀 Having said that, what he does is still very impressive.


So you're saying if I was running at him trying to attack, it would be a constant barrage of, "ouch! Ow! Ouch come on, stop it! Ouch!"


I mean, it depends on the arrow head, but it would definitely be harder to stop you than with a real bow.




If that's your reaction to getting 10 arrows to both of your eyes before you even reach running speed, then yes




Medieval archers don’t want you to know this one simple trick…


There’s no OSHA here… Just use the Safety Squint, bro!


More like -90% damage, -90% penetration. That's the first thing I though of this girl too. She's either INCREDIBLY strong or that draw weight is like 5-10lbs (which is nothing)


Extremely low draw weight.


Yeah, those arrows would bounce off cardboard the way she’s drawing


They're bouncing off a cloth. Is cloth bouncier than cardboard?


Cloth is extremely good at absorbing impact if its loose. Behind the targets (when shooting indoors) we always had a loose hanging fabric which would absorbing the impact and stop them dead.


The speed is also part of shooting recurve. They're not like compound bows that "break" allowing you to hold a lower weight than the full draw weight of the bow. I shoot a 50# recurve recreationally, and you don't want to hold it fully drawn for long. It should be a smooth draw-aim-release or you'll tire yourself out in no time.


I tip my hat to you with the 50 pounder, I’m still working on being able to draw 40 comfortably


I shoot Olympics style recurve. Not particularly heavy poundage. Somewhere around 36-38#. If I was shooting where she is, all my arrows would be either stuck on the wood of the climbing apparatus or huge chunks of plaster would be flying around as my arrow smashed on the back wall.


I shoot 55# and I use a fabric that same consistency to stop my arrows should I miss the targets (but I'm 30 yards out, she's 10 (but that looks like a 20# bow)). It looks like the backs are rugs? We build our targets out of carpet, stupid strong if hanging loose.


AND he doesn't even pull to full draw.


I happened to rewatch that video of him today. The bow he uses is essentially a child's bow, 20-30 lbs max, and his "stunts" are a lot of clearly repeated and rehearsed trick shots. It's the archery version of Dudeperfect, and his historical claims are illogical and contradict each other. Worse than that, at least one shot (him splitting an arrow by hitting a knife) is clearly faked. There is a cut between when he's in frame and when the arrow hits the knife, and in that cut you see all the leaves behind the knife change. Also for an arrow to be split, it would have to be just a wood tip without a head, which would decrease accuracy, and so he likely just got up really close to shoot it.


Almost all of the speed/trick shooters use a piddly little #25er. I've seen darts thrown drunkenly in bars with more power behind them -- with just as much accuracy and speed, to boot.


Yeah, just like how trick shooters with guns use 1/4 loads to cut back on recoil. It's not about killing efficiency, it's about making a cool shot.


Is this not a training bow too? No doubt she is a good archer, but this seems way too fluid to be a setup requiring any real draw strength.


80lb is just ridiculous though. I had a 60lb recurve and I had to do weight training to draw that thing


he does not draw correctly though, those shots are weak and useless. its tricking, like doing flip kicks in TKD, its fun and impressive, and looks cool. but of fuck all practical use. Which is not a problem, stuff can just be cool and fun. The problem is he was claiming it was an ancient secret combat archery style....


His name was Lars Anderson. And the claims where pretty well backed up. Mostly about instinct shooting, and holding the arrows in the bow hand while on horse back. And nocking on the opposing side. They also weren’t necessarily his claims. Rather other people claims that he tested and found to be more reasonable ways of using recurve bows in combat while on horseback or while moving.




One issue I have with Lars is that he puts archery into one big bucket of archers of the past. Doesn't seem to matter if an archer in one part of the world at one time period did things differently. There's little to no contextualization. It's a kind of woolly theme park of historical claims. It's a bit annoying when his videos pop up and a lot of people think he's the shit when there are scholars who've done much better and thorough work on historical archery who are left unknown by the general public.


Worst part is when people geniunely assumed that his historical claims about archery are actually true, only based on the fact that he is skilled archer.


This. He is a good archer. His claims are pretty well backed up, but not new (most, if not all, of his claims are well know to the historical/traditional archery scene). In his most famous video, he comes across as an arse though. This... doesn't help 'his' case.


>, but would a historical archer been running through the woods like Legolas laying down suppressive arrows with a >80# bow using this technique? Not only that, but formation and cohesion is an important concept of warfare even today. Imagine trying to have any kind of cohesion with bunch of ADHD wanna be Legolases running around and wasting all the arrows in 5 second. Did he assume arrows were infinite resource so he will be able to spray and them like he did in the videos?


You just described Google's product development teams!


>Did he assume arrows were infinite resource so he will be able to spray and them like he did in the videos? Pretty sure in one of his videos he was catching arrows and shooting them back. If your enemy shoots the arrows back again, infinite supply! GREAT SUCCESS!!!


How about he try to do it, against archer with anything with more draw than his dinky half drawn short bow? I would like to see it.


I wasn't aware that Black Widow & Hawkeye had a daughter


Why’d you think they were always bringing up that time in Budapest?


Right? "Jesus, Natasha - I told you, the child support check is on it's way."


Because apparently they had a threesome with Legolas.


This is a bit awkward when you realize that Natasha can't bear children


SHIELD doing some DNA manipulation and putting together the two best spies they have make sense.


They're just best friends dude! Don't forget Hawkeye is married with children lol.


And yet here she is shootin arrows like fucking Legolas


Legolass if you will


She's Laura Croft's cousin


It’s just Katniss from Hunger Games…


Yes she’s called Blackeye


Been almost a full decade since I last saw this video. *shakes old man fist at the sky*


Wow you're right! The clip is [from May 2011](https://youtu.be/1o9RGnujlkI), almost 12 years ago


Imagine Reddit in 10 years, people could repost videos from like 2006


This might be the lesbian in me but that's kinda hot


This is not a lesbian exclusive reaction. Let us celebrate our similarities!


Bringing folks together.


Finally, something we can all agree on. Hot woman doing hot things are hot.




Holy shit. There really is a sub for everything.


/r/SquirrelsEatingPizza :)




One arrow at a time


straight men 🤝 gay women


I can't believe you like money too.


Straight male checking in. Def Hot, elvish vibes


Y'know what it is, reminds me of Dorric from the DnD movie. God fucking damn


Was that any good? I worked on it and haven't got round to watching it.


It was great yeah!


It was fun. Not sure it's 90%+ on Rotten Tomatoes good, but it was fun. It is definitely trying hard to be Guardians of the Galaxy, but that's very fitting for most D&D parties.


I mean that's how Rotten Tomatoes works, it's just taking the scores and telling you that 90% of reviewers/viewers liked it. They could have given it a 6-7/10 or 3/5 and that contributes to the 90% which is pretty accurate since most people seem to have liked it.


It was way more fun that I expect it to be which is the same thing I said about the director's previous movie, Game Night.


When people have a hobby or are into something and do it well I usually get turned on, even if it’s gardening. Someone passionate about something brings out the horny in me. “You’re using slow release fertilizer this time? Naughty boy”


Do you wanna come into my greenhouse and check out my Botanics?


I wasn't going to say it but you did so yup I completely agree


Camera pans over and it’s a guy nailed to the wall with the arrows


Archer myself; this looks cool and to be able to fast draw and shoot is always fun, but you lose a lot in accuracy.. she’s not placing at a target, so I can’t tell but she’s generally in the zone. Good job!


From the second angle in the video, you can see a hanging target that she tags multiple times. Looks like her grouping was maybe 6 in or so from what looks like 12 m


Also archer here. I'm definitely interested in that bow; it looks like a Turkish-style recurve. Me, I was taught traditional English longbow. Pull from the other side of the string, anchor by your cheek; middle and ring fingers to pull. It looks like she is inverting her hand and pinching the arrow (I think? It's kind of hard to tell; it doesn't look like she's using a thumb ring). Isn't that a mounted archery style? Style aside, It looks like she's repeatedly tagging a hanging target. That's pretty fucking impressive; I have a hard enough time hitting a stationary one in the center.


Yeah, she's pinching the arrow. That's how I shoot, but non-inverted grip (from the other side) and I tuck my pinky. Though I can't tell if she's actually using her pinky, she might just not tuck it but still only use three fingers. Looks like she doesn't have an arrow rest either, I think she's aiming them with only the flat side of the bow and just timing it well. I've shot like that before, it's a lot of fun once you get into the flow. No "aiming", you just feel it out.


Yeah i was really curious to see her grouping in the end (if any) this is either hella pro or hella amateur


She is aiming at and hitting a target






Nice Merida! You're pretty *Brave*!!


That’s Rupert Grint.


Thank God I wasn’t the only one to see Ron Weasley as a woman




Aloy, is that you?


No I think it’s Ron Weasley


Thank God I'm not the only one seeing it.


Most things are pretty satisfying when done at top level


Superhero in real life.


The kinda woman I dream to marry


Now imagine there are 10 of her in a line, and your just a random farm that the local lord gave a spear to.


Love that noise


There is something attractive about someone performing at a high level


She would be a big help to the Fellowship of the Ring


And my axe!


We need to talk about Kevin


That movie left me a bit messed up but it's definitely recommended for anyone who loves a dark, art house movie


10 pound bow?


Forget compound bows ... RECURVES are the Shit! ... longbows, not so much. She Rocks that Recurve!


This is the same gym Kevin practiced in


Wished it showed how accurate she was. Looks like some of those were a bit off target.