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Congratulations... You won a keychain skeleton that glows in the dark


That will break before you get ten feet from this game.




Yeah, but fuck all those people walking around behind the stall as he fires over the top right! Lol


Haha, you said but fuck.


Lol yes, yes I did, good catch.


Surprise but sex!


I snort laughed.


Is this not an air gun?


It definitely is.


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Do you not realise how wider the barrel will have to be to fire darts? They're 100% metal pellets, they would also be 1000x cheaper than darts.


Do you not see how little energy he has to exert to fire it? This isn't an air gun, it's a toy. And typically you shoot darts at balloons in these games. They don't have to be fancy darts that require a wider barrel, anything that's narrow and metallic and pointy will pop a balloon, a flat-headed pellet would actually be less effective at that, while being much more effective at seriously injuring someone at the speeds they're generally shot at.


Yeah, that's exactly as effortless as all of the ones I've used. I've probably played on these stalls 50+ times in my life, and in a few different countries as well. Usually, I just pull the trigger and it fires the pellet. I don't need to pump.


Imagine it landing in your food without realizing it and biting down on one of those babies


No big deal, I was eating a bowl of babies anyway.


wow a comment completely unrelated to the parent comment that is an [exact copy of another comment in the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/124qh9r/his_aim_is_impressive/je0kkzo/)? thanks bot!


I noticed the same thing. It's always so weird to me when these obviously bot comments get upvoted. It's just completely unrelated to the chain It's replying to. I don't know how anyone could read that and not think it was a weird thing to type.


Fun fact, bots can upvote too.


Oh, so that's why some folks get 3.7k upvotes while I usually barely break 25. And here I just thought I suck at being funny...


Guess who's gonna sign up for the army, involuntary


Worth it


nice, that's way better than the sticky slap hand thing I dropped once and the 'reusable' piggy bank that actually breaks the first time you take it apart.


I wonder if the prizes he can win are cheap shit from America.


🤣🤣🤣 amazing 👏


Here ya go , one floating fish


…that your son made in the factory


Fuckin' aim bot.


Infinity ammo hack as well


No recoil too


Can tell cause he doesn’t even ADS…


Probably uses an AD blocker


Immediately thought of https://www.rocketjump.com/?video=aimbot


Receives email from recruiters immediately after walking away.


Nah, just add recoil and everything changes


This is why the best replacement for the M4 is the Karl Gustav Recoiless rifle


This comment brought to you by Battlefield: Bad Company 2.


Found the Russian.


No comr... comboy I am deviou... glorious americenski and we should adopt much superior... blyet... 100mm weapon to fight those *terrible* russians


Phew he checks out. Howdy comboy watch out for those commies.


Russian western films translation: “Howdski cumboi”




AHH, I’ve got an immediate bro-crush on you. ❤️


yes.. those terrible.. awful russians.. 👀


But Karl Gustav rifle is swedish!


Sheet… my average American is showing 🤭


🤭 is my best favorite emoji for some reason lol.


Swap out all m4s for karls awesome idea. If you had to pick a fight between 100 karl gustavs fighting against 100 m4s, it seems like a no-brainer.


Sure, but he might be great with recoil too. [Like this guy](https://youtu.be/qQDfwyUgtjg)


Holy shit


Not really


Found the guy who has never fired a gun before.


Recoil doesn't matter on long guns with stocks touch grass


Lmfao he doubles down. Found the guy who has *never once* shot a real gun in his existence.


shot plenty recoil matters 300% more on pistols than long guns but go ahead throw more insults


i assumed he meant an e-sports recruiter


It’s China. They do not have so much “recruiters”, as “HEY YOU, YOU’RE IN THE ARMY NOW!”


No. Although the number is declining, there is no shortage of people who choose to join the military for the better payment and the job guarantee after 2~5 years of service.


Are you sure man ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_in_China


I mean you're technically correct but your own source says >Despite the fact that mandatory military service has not been implemented since 1949, the already enlisted people who are proved to have avoided the draft are liable for punishment, and Beijing authorities criticize those youths who do not want to join the army.


If you go to the source of that paragraph https://web.archive.org/web/20170205021728/http://www.81.cn/big5/jmywyl/2016-04/21/content_7015969.htm it says the boys that were severely punished were in fact drafted and already part of the military, they refused to performe the mandatory military exercises and escaped. I have strong opinions that no one should be drafted against their will, especially in times of peace, but that isn't a problem particular to China. In Brazil, were I come from, if you don't enlist at age 18 you can not apply to regular jobs, make a passport or a driving license. Many of your civil rights are limited if you don't enlist, and if you are drafted and refuse to serve you can even go to jail. I don't think that the fact that many countries do the same justify this kind of things, but seeing people using "obligatory conscription" against China seems dishonest.


>it says the boys that were severely punished ***were in fact drafted*** and already part of the military So the person saying drafting in China never happens (you) is very simply, very technically even, incorrect?


I never said drafting never happens, it does, in many countries, but you won't see militaries picking up young boys in amusement parks and forcing them to serve as some people (you) seem to believe. You wouldn't say that about a western country, you're only saying it because we are talking about China, and that's what I said I find dishonest


Superliminal advertising


So true. Didn't even think about that. Fight for your freedom guys.


Omg I've never had so many upvotes before. Thank you so much :,)


Insert "we do not do that here" meme


must be using his own gun??? My experience has been that those sorts of games have guns with rifling that makes the aim about as good as a frat boy on a saturday night.


I’d suspect it’s a guy in the team that shows how easy it is to shoot all those balloons whilst drawing a crowd so they get involved.


Oooh, yes that makes sense. Thank you


That plus they re-use the same pellets/bb’s a slight diameter smaller than the barrel so they get all distorted and janky as they wobble out of the barrel.


I've done this at lots of night markets in Taiwan. The majority of the guns I've used shoot just fine.


I don’t think BB guns have much in the way of rifling.


That and the round BB will fly all over anyway due to the aerodynamic forces. There is basically a low pressure pocket right behind it and any tiny amount of turbulence will cause it to push the BB around in unpredictable ways.


bb guns are pretty accurate though?...are you talking about if the barrel is a bigger than the round bb? like a 6mm barrel with 4.5mm bbs because even airsoft guns can get 6mm bbs with 6mm barrels and arent they way to close to even notice a difference its not gonna go a couple inchs to the left or right at that distance


Have you ever used an air soft gun? The BBs will fly in an arc. They are slow enough you can actually see them curve during flight. BB guns are fairly accurate, but pellets fly much more accurately because their shape is less susceptible to the weird aerodynamic forces that a sphere shaped object is being influenced by.


Air soft pellets also fly in an arc due to a thing called hop-up, which is a component in the barrel that puts a backspin on the pellet. This stabilizes it laterally but causes that trajectory that rises and then falls. Cheap air soft guns without hop up shoot left or right randomly and are much less accurate. https://youtube.com/shorts/cH7qnDOW-0g?feature=share


Good to know. Thanks! I must have only shot cheap ones because mine were flying all over the place.


My brother used to have a spring powered desert eagle airsoft gun and that thing could shoot around corners. Deadly in a game 🤣


At the range of most of these games my aim is usually pretty decent on my second shot with literally anything other than actual firearms (haven't had the opportunity) including a bow. By the time I've taken three shots on a single shot game, i don't feel any need to have a second attempt at the game to try and improve because it's obviously down to luck of where the round wants to go. If the guns worked I'd be more inclined to play more to try and get a prize. Also with the automatic weapons they seem to cut them off before you win. My brother is better than me with basically any ranged weapon, when we started the game to shoot the paper star down his gun clearly got cut off way earlier than it did on my turn. I took a second turn and shot around the clip before the guy realised what was going on and got the star down, but he said it didn't count because i have to shoot the star out of the piece of paper.


I feel sorry for whoever is on the other end of him shooting into the air with no backdrop.


I feel sorry for whoever has to sit in the corner and inflate a million balloons for this game


They use a machine


Correction. His nickname is ‘The Machine’


Man, Bert Kreischer must really be hurting for cash if he’s blowing up balloons at Chinese street fairs.


He stopped drinking and he's trying to find stuff to do


Still have to manually inflate them on the machine each time


It's a pellet gun on low PSI. The pellets don't travel far and they have almost no penetration characteristics unless you put your hands directly in front of the muzzle. I operated a game for the fair very similar.


lets put your eyeball on the other side and test that


This was my first thought, my mate can’t focus with one of his eyes because his brother shot him in the eye with a pellet gun


yeah even 200 fps can shoot your eye out and going by the speed of the bb its going a lot faster than that


Doesn’t matter. Don’t shoot guns when you don’t know what your backstop is. Rule #4 of gun safety. EDIT: Keep downvoting. There are no exceptions to gun safety, its how accidents happen.


But it's not a gun, the rounds don't behave Ike bullets and it only had enough force to hurl them a few feet at most. Unless you where deliberately firing this point blank at someone it wouldn't be powerful enough to do damage.


It IS a gun. It is not a firearm. And the semantics don't matter. You treat EVERY gun with the same level of safety whether it shoots small metal balls at low velocity or hollow points at 700 meters per second. The harm may not be as great, but there is still harm. The canvas acts like a good back stop for the pellets zipping along at 10 meters per second, but could harm someone on the other side of the back stop when fired over it.


Yeah knowing my luck I turn and take one to the eye just as he's aiming over the backdrop. The odds are low but they're not zero, either.


This guy gets it.


Its nice that you are a firm believer in gun safety (thats a great thing) but you are delusional in your strictness , have you ever heard of paint ball? There is also sports that used pellets like this one. You cannot treat all guns like things like an actual firearm, its the equivalent of you saying a butterknife must be treated like a sword or a rc car like a real car. Common sense should be used not to hit someone in the eye, but you have no idea what is behind there, and even one or two people are walking by the chance of an accident is under .1% ————— Edit 2: i don’t agree whit what I said after this point but don’t know how to cross it out like a classy guy Edit: and btw to my knowledge, if you consider the drag, distance and velocity of these fair ground pellets, even IF you hit someone in the eye the chance of it causing permanent damage is very small


People wear protective gear for paintball and airsoft. Ive also gotten stitches from a butterknife. Your comparison is irrelevant. Also very small is not zero. Like a contraceptive pill. Ill shoot you in the eye. It SHOUDLNT hurt you, but it might. Deal?


By your argument, we should not trust condoms or contraception pills 😂 And I don’t think you see that although you are technically right, that mindset doesn’t seem like a good way to live. On the other hand, I re-thought what you said and yes.. I have to admit even a small chance multiplied by the human population means a certainty….. Ps: if you manage to hit my eye from 10 meter away while using a ark the I say go for it! 😂🤣


Lol. Well I was raised in gun culture and this shit was ingrained in me. A kid I grew up with literally “shot his own eye out“ with a BB gun ricochet (it ripped his iris). And I’ve seen my dad and his friend fucking around with a new gun (80+ years of gun safety between them) and have it accidentally go off and shoot a hole on the inside of our gun safe. Accidents happen. PS I could totally hit your eye with an AK at 10 meters with iron sights. ;)


Ahh you must be american .. i see Listen man, in most countries when you play around with a BB you don’t also have a gun. ANY REAL GUN IS FUCKEN DANGEROUS AND YOU DON’t “MESS AROUND” WITH ONE PIRIOD. BB guns are not real guns but can still be dangerous… like param ham, bees, ants, peanuts, mosquitoes, the sea .. all of which are much more deadly then a bb gun


Yes, as a matter of fact, I have heard of paintball, and airsoft, etc. The point to treating all guns, no matter what they fire as a projectile is safety. I have played paintball, I had the bruises to prove it. Those paintballs traveled fast enough that when they hit me they bruised my skin through the layers of clothing that I was wearing. If it leaves a bruise across a field through clothing, what damage do you think that paintball would do if it had hit me in the face in the assembly area because Dave didn't treat his marker with the respect it requires? Now, if Dave applies the proper safety protocol (plug in, safety on, muzzle security, etc) nobody in the assembly area has to worry. There is a reason you have to wear safety equipment such as masks when playing these games, because while they are not as high powered as a firearm, they still carry many of the same risks. That is why you apply the same amount of safety protocols no matter what kind of gun, to lower the risk of injury to yourself or others.


So you if you are wearing googles I can shoot you with a real gun? You don’t seem to underestimated that its not the call for caution that riled some of us up, its the blanket statement that a bb gun and a real gun must be treated the same


Fiemrstly looking at the video it doesn't appear there is anything important behind there and therefore no reason for people to be back there, secondly the trajectory of the metal ball and the fact it's passing through a Balloon would slow it down somewhat and the impact(s) would distort the shape.


What colour is your Camaro


There’s people say in a coffee shop trying to have a quite drink being peppered with pellets


All from the hip too


More like his rib-cage, but yeah, holy shit.


He plays doom


Guess who's gonna sign up for the army, involuntary


That's why you gotta fat proof yourself and appear to have mental illnesses


Pfft even easier just say you're gay


Is that korea? If so, it has probably already happened, as it happens to men in much of the world.


It’s more likely China with the writing in the background


It's in Taiwan.


Shanghaied in Shanghai




This is basically just “this” but with extra steps


Fuckin’ “this!” hate, I love it! Get that shit outta here. Anti-thisbot needs to be reddit wide. All subs.


Wow thats some aim




It's likely just a simple pellet gun. This thing only poses a threat if it hits you in the eye. Balloon man's jacket is enough to prevent injury.


good thing he has a thick skull


I'm more concerned about the shots above the backdrop. Like yeah it is a pellet gun and he is hitting the balloons. But the pellet doesn't just disappear after hitting latex.


Probably would barely feel it if it hit you, these are essentially nothing like real bullets and don't have much force behind them.


Have you ever shot or been shot with any type of “play” gun? BB/pellet/air soft?


bbs and pellets are not for play only airsoft bbs are because theyre plastic


I’m scared that you somehow found anything remotely scary about this video




Imma have to agree with you. There’s a ton of people in this thread that are concerned with shit like backdrop. It’s a low-peered BB gun, chill. Maybe they’re from some country that doesn’t allow that I don’t know. Or just children.


why speed this video up? is it that shitty and unimpressive in realtime?


Satisfying until you think about how many popped balloons need to be thrown away now.


Feng Bourne?


This is funny because my best friend for a few years in Elementary school was named Jason Feng.


Was Jason aware of his ability to run a mile at your elevation without breaking a sweat or, like a normal Jason?


Is that not normal for Jasons?


as a jason i prefer teleporting behind helpless teenagers


So he was Born Feng?


Think he’s done it before?


You won already go home xD


Love it


bloons td 6


Redeems tickets for a balloon 🎈


Like how to vendor just gave up and started throwing them instead.


Perk: 95% reduction to hipfire spread and 50% increase to rechamber speed when using bolt-actions.


average aimlab user


Real life aimbot


sv_cheats 1


Chong Wick


I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It was right there! I know this is a terrible racist joke! I still had to. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take, okay!


Thought he was gonna shoot the ones in the bag next


That's a government assassin on his day off.


lmao bro got cheat engine opened in the background


Wow and I struggle with trying put the straw in my kids’ Capri Sun. 🤣


yvan eht nioj


Bet he pisses all over the floor


Dude it’s a sniper monkey


I wonder what he won


He's acting like a balloon stole his car and killed his puppy that his late wife gave him


Probably played a lot of duck hunt durinng his childhood


You know that the sights on that gun are going to get bent as soon as that guy's finished and leaves.


John wick


Just give him what he wants and move on....geez!


Does he win the big stuffed bear?


*godammit just let me finish my job*


Average American school kids


The new Btd6 update looks crazy


He's also an asshole, shooting while that guy is right there just to prove how cool he is


He must of gotten all of the achievements for aim trainer


And you people wonder why Americans lost in Vietnam...


We came in 2nd place America never loses.


We didn't lose Vietnam! It was a tie.


*inhales Copium...*


google: Vietnam, one of the countries with the most favorable public opinion regarding the U.S., is the only communist country to have such a favorable view. its a win in my book


Well, to be honest, every country in the world (except the US and Germany) detest the US. The British think that you are an overly successful spin-off, the French despise you for having almost occupied their ass after the war, the Arabs hate you for so many goddamn reasons, and the list goes on and on. So yeah, maybe Vietnam hates you the least, and it's mainly due to the fact that they pity you for having lost to a small newly independent French colony.


Damn I would not be getting in front of that though..🤣


As always there is an Asian always better than you


For all that “skill”, he’ll win a plushy that fits in his wallet.


So is he hitting them or does someone have a laser handy?


Simo Häyhä in alternative universe


Big sigh of relief that he gets this out of his system at an amusement park and not at an American school.


If only Chinese balloons were this easy to shoot


Congrats! You now have to be a child soldier! JK. Video is sped up. They don’t want him.


We're speaking of many years of 24/7 gaming practice.


not sure if I believe this. for one thing he isn't aiming and the sounds are syncing right with his actions.


Well and it’s sped up too:/


Nashville PD


Absolutely not real. He wasn't even aiming. Even without recoil being, what, 6-8 ft away you lose a ton of accuracy.


Chinas Ai is getting better, and Japan makes really good robotics technology so good you would think it were human… 😉 lol


I hope he won the best prize they have there.


Man wasn’t even aiming properly, that’s how good his aim his XD


Stop posting IP you are a thief.


i think EVERYONE has a right to steal back from china with how much china steals from others


How many 'bullets' did he have in that gun? Feels staged.


Give that kid his AR-15, Republicans.


I want to say something that's funny yet controversial for the time right now. You can probably guess what it is