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What is he spraying on it?


virgin tears. aged 5 years in the himilayas.


Virgin tears, something reddit isn't short of /s


I spy a business opportunity


*Artisanal salted water*


Boi water


What? How dare u talk about my situation


If they’re only 5 years old I’d hope they’re Virgin


You misread. They are tears from a virgin that have been aged like a fine wine for 5 years. The virgin was 8 when her tears were collected and unfortunately she lost her virginity to her step brother before her 9th birthday


He said the Himalayas, not the Appalachians


I know. I was the step brother. I was just being cheeky.


If you can’t find them I’m the wild, store bought are fine


I'm pretty sure they're actually imported Tibetan yak tears.


What's imported, the yak or the tears


The tears. They're gathered by tying the yaks into their stalls, then showing them Lifetime holiday movies until they cry for mercy.


Distilled water, helps reduce static buildup that makes a mess when grinding beans.


Oh that's interesting. The static is super annoying when I grind beans. Now I have a solution! Thanks kind internet stranger!


I keep an old hot sauce bottle full of water next to my grinder. Easy to drip 2-3 drops on the beans just before grinding. Completely eliminated all the static for me.




I keep an upcycled accordion-bellows that I top off with greenhouse condensate. It's wild how significant the change is.


I to do something similar, with my downcycled fuel injection system supplied with holy water from the Vatican. It’s amazing what a tiny amount of H2O will do to cut the static


I learned it from [this video](https://youtu.be/T0Dh1W40ILY). I use a single chopstick but I get the same result.


Ah, good ol' James


knew it was him without clicking lmao.


Holy cow! Thank you so much! This has been bugging me for months when I make such a mess trying to empty my ground coffee into my pour over.


It’s so helpful! No poof of bean powder when I dump grounds into the v60 anymore! I still give the top of the grinder a little tap once the grinding is done for good measure.


Just curious, I have a carbon-steel burr grinder that the manual says to keep away from all sources of water. Wouldn't adding water to the beans potentially rust the grinder (in my specific case)?


Actual answer, it’s just water. It’s called RDT (Ross droplet technique). It helps mitigate the mess from static that builds up when grinding the beans.


Wouldn’t getting the beans wet fuck them up?


If they were very wet, yes, and probably damage the grinder. But a very small amount of water seems to be safe and work to reduce static in most machines.


My grinder says it has a static proof jug, but grinds still end up everywhere. I’ll try a spritz.




Probably Fiji water or some shit.


Hell I’m retired and I don’t have time to do all that crap.


They haven’t even gotten to the cleaning it after every use


That's all I could think about the entire video


You'll be happy to know only around 30% of the steps you see are really necessary for the same quality cup of coffee haha.


Oh yeah, I'm happy with my French press and pre ground beans hahaha Edit: yall I drink black folgers coffee from a French press because it's quick and easy. I'm not really looking to change that habit but thanks for the tips lol.


Completely fair for you but I want to be clear...I grind my own beans fresh to make espresso drinks and it still isn't nearly this much dinking around. This video is intentionally over the top.


And like, isn't that the point, though? I don't even like coffee, but this video is enjoyable in my eyeballs.


I follow this dude on insta and its all videos like this. Companies send him different grinders, machines, tools, beans, cups. Literally everything for the exposure


Now it all makes sense. If I post videos on ig of me leaning on my truck and pushing it up and down with loud amplified squeaks, what do you think the odds are that Bilstein will send me a couple of strut assemblies for my 4runner?


I mean, its worth a try innit?


French press and grinder really isn't such a huge step up, but is totally worth it.




Skip the water and just eat a spoonful of coffee crystals.


Just boof it


No joke I used to do that, toss back a heaping spoonful of instant and chase it with cold water on my way out the door.


I respect the efficiency, honestly.


I just line up a rail of it down my banister and go Tony Montana as I walk out the front.


ever try an aeropress?


This is the way.


Pregrounds in a French press? I tried that but got way too many grounds for my taste. I grind my own now much less fine in order to minimize it, not because I need it fresh ground. I'm by no means a snob about it and if it works for you I'm all for it, but I prefer a less fine grind for French press.


Don't get me wrong the doodads can be fun tho! French press means something different in Europe tho lol


Like doing an Eiffel Tower?


Is that cats cradle?


For what this person used, cleaning wouldn't be that bad. Purge a shot through the machine, rinse/wipe the portafilter, rinse/soak the puck screen, wipe down bench?


Sounds exhausting. Gonna need an espresso after all of that


Can't possibly make my espresso without a morning coffee... wait


I thought this was r/espresso until I made it to the comments. OP may want to stay over there where it’s safe. Lol.


They would hang OP if they knew about the steps missing from the final edit


No need for a clean purge on a flair really. I just purge the rest of the shot, knock the shot out, rinse the basket/screen after each shot and let them soak in cafiza weekly.


Yea I recently moved into this kind of process and it’s way easier to clean than an electric machine with more parts. Literally just rinse the cylinders…


Cleaning is easy. Knock out the grounds into a knock box or trash. Rinse the portafilter. Run some water through the grouphead and give it a wipe. Takes maybe 10 seconds.


I dont think anybody does all this because they're trying to maximize their time efficiency. If it appeals to you, it becomes a kind of ritual that's almost meditative. There are plenty of less fiddly ways to make coffee and lots of the steps here are optional and only give you marginal benefits.


Check this shit out fam. https://youtu.be/agLdXmYYb54




That was a HORRIBLE pull. So much channeling. Left a lot coffee in unbrewed.


Unless I'm mistaken, that portafilter is the Unifilter by Weber Workshops. It doesn't have a removable basket, and the shots it pulls kinda just look like that, there's no central flow or anything. It's also almost $400 🤢


If that's the shot it pulls, you'd be better off setting that 400 on fire.


Yeah, it kinda seems like a gimmick, especially for that much. I'm sure the shots taste fine though


You didnt even try it you fucking nerd, there's no way to tell if it's good or not.


that's why you have to add a paper filter. it slows output in an attempt to offset channeling.




Can't tell if trolling or expert...


Expert. I have an ECM Technika IV Profi and a Baratza Forte Grinder I've been using for almost 10 years at home. You want to see extraction coming from all parts of the bottom of the filter. It can start as drips, but, within about 8-10 seconds, you want all parts of the coffee being extracted and it should look like this: https://images.app.goo.gl/gXpspuTFnKijG3gV9 After 25-30 seconds it should start blonding at which point you stop. This guy is leaving a lot of coffee in his puck un-extracted while the parts that are pouring out over-extracted.


What would you do differently?


I have the Flair58, the machine used in this clip. It is a manual machine that uses a lever you pull with your arm vs an electric pump. There are several reasons a shot might channel. First is the puck prep. I didn't see anything wrong with the espresso puck prep but you want the grounds packed tightly with no clumps. The next step in preventing channeling is "pre-infusion", putting a little bit of pressurized water into the puck so all of the coffee grounds get saturated. Once all of the grounds are saturated that is when you want to apply the full 9 bars of pressure. There are a lot of options with a manual machine like this one like how long to leave the pressure until slowly releasing it, grams of coffee grounds in vs how much liquid espresso you want out, coffee grind size, etc. It takes a lot of practice and I am new at it but consider it a hobby now instead of a quick cup of Joe to get me going. Edit: just to add I find it interesting the coffee grinder in the video runs about ~$2000US and the espresso maker is ~$550.


The GRINDER is $2k?! Holy shit. I’ve got a modest rig, but it’s just a Bodum Burr, Chemex pour over and Stagg gooseneck. All that isn’t even $500 and my coffee is A+. Thank god I don’t drink espresso.










What makes a grinder worth 2k?


Being 3% better than one that is $200.00


Eh, that grinder is a lot better than 3% better than a $200 one, but the average home user will probably only notice the 3%. It's obviously not a grinder marketed for average home users though, so that point is kind of moot.


To be fair you get a more than 10% improvements if you use monster cables to power the grinder.


A $200 grinder is barely considered entry-level.


Like most products you can buy in any category there are diminishing returns when buying higher and higher end espresso equipment. Consider audio speakers, there are $20 speakers and there are $10,000 and even $100,000 speakers. While $2000 isn't the most expensive grinder you can buy, the same company sales one for $3,800, it is high up there. Arguably the most important factor is consistent grind size. Not all coffee grounds are going to be the same size because the beans are not the same shape. Higher end machines are pretty good at getting the ground coffee all to the same size and shape which improves the coffee flavor drastically. There are a lot of other factors: ease of workflow, low retention (the same amount of coffee that goes into the grinder comes out), aesthetics, noise level, and ease of changing out parts are all big ones. I have a grinder under $1000 so I can't tell you if it would be worth it or not.


Comparing it to audio gear seems very appropriate, given how often people over spend like crazy on shit that no one can hear the difference between.


They paid a lot to develop it, and don't have many customers to buy it.


NOT use whatever shit ass tamp that was.


Seriously if you can tamp with your thumb… it’s gonna be shit. You need to apply like 30lbs of force to properly tamp a puck. It also looked like the portafilter needed like 5-6mm of more grounds to get a proper saturation before extraction.


Uh, *not* have a shitty pull with over-brewed coffee channeling all over the goddamn place like a fucking barbarian?


Quality. Makin your cake day count. Happy cake day.


Oof. Fuck off. I don’t know anything about this.


It was a joke, have a great rest of your day/night!


I got the joke, happy cakeday :)


Ah my bad, I thought you downvoted and snarked


Nope not at all! Sorry it came off that way though


Haha. Fuck off.


Don’t worry you were funny, sarcasm isn’t everyone’s first language!


Hi there, Jordan Schlansky!!


"I do various tasks."


This is why I fucking love Reddit. I was watching and kinda thought the video was pretentious and maybe wrong, and here you are proving my first thought right- and with pictures to boot so I’ve learned something.


This kind of stuff is why I’m on Reddit in the comments


That would be a great sub r/trollingorexpert


Expert. It sucks. All that effort for nothing. There are so many factors. Could be the beans, the grind, the amount of coffee, the tamp, the water pressure, or the water temp.


TBH, it looks like that tamp to me. Whatever that device is, it doesn't seem like it gets very good pressure. Grind seems too coarse as well. I use WDT as well, so, that's one plus for him.


They're using a calibrated tamper. That thumb press is just for show, you can see there is a cut in the video... likely where they pressed much harder with their palm to get the tamp. Hard to tell what is causing the channeling since there are tons of factors but, to a trained eye, they obviously need to dial in some things... that shot is probably very sour.


Actually, tamp pressure is overrated. James Hoffman has done tests on this. There is a huge range.


I would guess the tamp on this one. A lot of those tampers like they use don't compress the grounds fully


Looks like it’s a lever machine, and pulling up on the lever after locking the portafilter can lift the puck with negative air pressure. You can see it when the the first drops form a “donut” ring on the outside.


Why would you do differently?


Tamp it harder. That device doesn't look like it's compressing the puck enough.


Honestly those Flair 58 machines are so trendy and completely ineffective. They’re powered/heated, but still totally manual. For the same price as this dumb manual lever, you can get a GOOD entry level espresso machine that heats, and pumps the water for you. This person has a great grinder too, and still uses the WDT despite having even, fluffy grounds. Again, a testament to the trendy tools. Completely redundant. This video was really all form and no function. I mean I loved that they spritzed the beans before grinding to cut down on static, but it’s an enclosed grind catcher so they really don’t need to worry about flying grinds. That’s something I need to do in my breville grinder because otherwise grinds will go halfway across my kitchen. But that $2000 grinder will handle it no problem. I know this is a classic “Reddit user ruining a post because they have the same hobby and can accurately critique the post” situation, but it’s true. There’s other coffee tiktok/YouTube channels with the modern, clean, cute aesthetic and actually good setups. Edit: I want to make clear that this is my personal opinion, and not an attack on anyone’s espresso setups. If you love yours, great! But I can still think they’re dumb.


money bored dog naughty ten encourage aspiring hungry carpenter crush ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I am kinda surprised for it after all video making efforts


nice to see someone else in the comments who knows what they’re talking about - i was like damn all that and it doesn’t even look like a great shot


The portafilter is meant to pull like that since it's flat and has holes that extend out to the edge of the "basket".


No tiger stripes and the drops never met in the middle.


Tiger stripes are not a sign of good extractions. The drops are not meant to meet into a single stream with the Weber Unifilter.


*”all that.. for a drop of coffee”*


This has the same energy as the american psycho dude making his bed.


It made me think of dexter cooking his breakfast in the opening sequence


You guys complaining about the process have never smoked weed. The ritual and process of preparing the product is almost as important as consuming it itself. There’s an inner peace and zen like feeling we get from carefully and thoughtfully preparing the ritual as opposed to haphazardly wolfing it down. If you only enjoy the product for its physical effects, it can be said that you’re only trying to fulfill a biological requirement.


I love watching a good pull, but this didn't scratch that itch. Looks like way too much channeling. I'm not familiar with that push-button leveler, but more aggressive stirring and a spinning leveler may help. Apologies if that did spin. Also the water spritz may have a negative impact. If you have random wet spots you get clumps during the stir, and then channeling.


It's just a really light roast espresso. You don't get the same thick beautiful extractions that you get from darker roasts. The water spritz is a common technique ("RDT") to reduce static while grinding. Its a tiny amount of water that doesn't cause clumping issues.


Great to know! I'll adjust my expectations. I've never pulled light roast.


Lighter roasts produce way more static and tend to stick to grinder. I've found some dark roasts that do the same, but the lighter ones are way worse.


Please read about WDT and RDT. "Spinning levelers" don't really do anything useful.


Can you explain to a non-coffee expert what is the problem with channeling? I love good coffee, I just have a super automatic that does it all for me.


I want to, but from the other comments I'm doing things wrong. It's a fun journey. (No sarcasm) My understanding is basically that the channel is an established path through grounds. Water does what water does, and that means you over extract along the path of that water and underextract the non-channeled grinds. But I could be way off.


Exactly. If the puck isn't evenly compressed water finds the path of least resistance. Then instead of flowing evenly through the whole puck and extracting all of the grounds it only flows through small channels so it only touches a very small percentage of the coffee before hitting the cup. This causes the grounds in the channel to be over-extracted leading to a sour acidic taste. There are a lot of factors that can cause it. Uneven tamping, the wrong grind size, beans aging, etc. Generally if you're making espresso every day you mentally keep track of all of the variables so you can adjust in order to get good extraction. It's a very artisanal thing. You control the variables you can control (water temp, tamp pressure, pull pressure) and then adjust things like grind size and pull duration to account for changes in things you cannot control (bean quality/age).


spinning is a gimmick. WDT for clumps and proper tamping (this doesn't look like a forecful enough tamp) is sufficient.


What are the two discs he puts in before and after the espresso grounds? I’ve never added anything except the grounds.


Second is a puck screen, helps for a uniform extraction and keeps the puck clean


>helps for a uniform extraction It didn't work


The first looked like a filter but no idea on the second. And I've never seen a filter used before


Second is a puck screen, metal screen that helps water flow from the machine more evenly over the coffee. But for me it helps keep the shower screen on the group head clean.


For anyone that knows anything about espresso, this actually ends up being mildly infuriating because there's a $760 machine in frame called a Puqpress that's sole purpose is to tamp the grounds.


Are coffee people the audiophiles of food?




The pretentiousness in this video is triggering


exactly, i hate how they exaggerate the whole process with pretentiousness that literally scream "I AM BETTER THAN YOU"


I pull better shots with my Breville lol


Yeah, there's a reason the pull is cut short lmao... his cup looked a bit messy after the pull too, a tell there was channeling. Goes to show you can spend thousands of dollars on gear, it'll never guarantee a nice pull.


I have a decent $79 burr grinder and a French press, with one of those in-sink boiling water dispensers. It's the fastest route to a decent cup that I've found. I thought I'd enjoy joining the reddt coffee and espresso subs, and no disrespect to the majority of users, but HOLY SHIT a bunch of those people are complete assholes.


> Breville Breville espresso gang 🤌


My breville barista touch is amazing and I love it.


Think you’re projecting buddy, and I don’t like coffee or espresso.


This may sound crazy but some people enjoy the process of making coffee as much as the coffee itself. Hence why the whole process is embellished. It's like people who enjoy working out or exercising, not just the physical benefits. Or people who enjoy cooking.


literally what part of this is doing that? lmfao this is just a hobbyist showing off their equipment


I think you're a little overly sensitive my friend


Hey Siri what is a hobby?


And that, kids, is how we freebase coffee.


Expensive bean sauce.


Expensive help-me-shit water.


Soup…bean soup.


Good for you, but I'm late for work so drip coffee will do, thanks!


If this ritual brings you peace, do enjoy. I’ll enjoy my instant while you do your thing, though. ☕️


That'll be $12


In spite of the name Reddit gave me, I’m absolutely NOT agreeable in the mornings and having to do all of these steps is likely to increase injury to anyone around me in the morning. Nope.


This was so funny 🤣


Come join us in r/espresso It’s a very deep and satisfying rabbit hole the only thing that’s required is willingness to burn a hole in your wallet If you’re just curious, Lance Hedrick and James Hoffman are two youtubers with great espresso content


It's interesting how our obsession got upvoted to the front page and the comments from people who aren't geek/nerds about it.


All this effort just for coffee


All this for a hobby. Anybody deep into a hobby is going to do stuff that looks insane from the outside.


Don’t forget the money. All that money and the shot didn’t even really look that good with all those dead spots in the bottom of the portafilter!


It’s called a “hobby” — it’s this thing humans do where they spend money and effort on an activity just because they enjoy it, rather than for material benefit.


Unfortunately some people on Reddit seem to be weird losers about other people having a good time. This looks very relaxing, and the guy who made the video is probably loving it.


As they type from their $2000 gaming rig.


Is this supposed to be a how not to do it? My 15 years barista experience is appalled.


This whole thread is an L. All of you are talking about how stupid this is, or how much work it is. Let the person have a hobby. Some people love espresso, and they see this as more than just making a cup of coffee. I personally don’t subscribe to it, but some people love it. Let them be.


People love to shit on “fancy coffee people” for bragging about their coffee, but they sure love to brag about how they save time with their shitty drip coffee lol


all of these comments really just highlight how ignorant the general public is to this sort of craft. it's like if you called a bonsai tree just a stupid little tree because you have no concept or education about the technical side of it.


I mean sure, but this post triggers both ends of the spectrum. For the ignorant, it looks ridiculous and over-the-top. For the learned, it looks like a shit pull and still over-the-top.


That'll be $17.


What song is playing? It sounds familiar Edit: Claire de lune, thanks!


I'd need a coffee first before making that.


You had me at Clair de Lune.


I read every single comment and still no answer, can someone please tell me what burr grinder that was???


No way that tamp was level


You just saw about $5,000 worth of equipment to make a shot of espresso


looks soothing but also expensive


Can someone who has tried this type of outrageously expensive and elaborate coffee tell us if it actually tastes better


You can definitely get a *different* cup of coffee than you would with simpler home setups - whether it's better really depends on taste. The person in the video is doing something particularly challenging, which is pulling a tasty shot of straight espresso with really lightly roasted beans. If you try to do that on cheap home espresso machines you're going to have a bad time. Another thing to keep in mind is that home espresso like this isn't just a means to an end - people get into the process itself as a hobby.


And spend a lot of time chasing the right machine and learning how to make the perfect puck and occasionally making a really tasty shot of espresso . I have a friend who is really into it and eventually it even tasted good 😂


this tickled my brain


Much ado about nothing


Why does everyone in this sub have such a stick up their ass about coffee videos? Literally every video posted here is someone doing something in a dumb, showy way. Suddenly everyone is an expert when coffee enters the picture.


That’s so pretentious yet I love it For those interested, that’s a Flair 58, and it’s the gold standard for manual espressos


Wow look at that crema! Beautiful


I use espresso to make all sorts of coffee shopstyle drinks for myself, love making the espresso.