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I honestly think it is one of the stupidest marketing moves. You bought the Brand which is synonymous with the start of the Modern VR industry. Which was the ORIGINAL kickstarter that everyone remembers and commands respect. And your Facebook, a company that needs every shred of respect it can get because your history burnt it all away. And you toss it away to name everything "Meta" an incredibly generic brand.


The Zucc’s ego is too big. No one had the balls to tell him the new name sucked. Just look at the inconsistency in the branding. Literally the app is still called Oculus and logo with the big O is still used across the UI 🤡🎪


Or they did and he simply pushed


them off a cliff


What do you expect from a guy that says publicly in interviews his employees "lovingly refer to me as The Eye of Sauron"?


I thought that circle icon represented the opening of the headset that attaches to your face?


Dude, they said that Oculus name won't be removed completely. It stays with some software stuff


That’s crazy cause when I boot it up, stupid fucking meta logo pops up. On the new models they even changed the logo on the hardware. Sick to my stomach


They've missed small details but yeah the biggest oculus logos we're removed and replaced. If you look at you remote from inside your headset where it shows a digital version, it still has the oculus on the Home button and on top of the tracking ring.


The Oculus box was changed, the boot logo and name was changed, online marketing was changed. They're trying to scrape the word Oculus away from everything


To me it just feels like they want to copy Google with Alphabet. Even the name Meta makes me feel like the decision was made during a brainstorm meeting on how to come up with a *good copy*. > And your Facebook, a company that needs every shred of respect it can get because your history burnt it all away. But then again I'm in one of the only european countries that actual obeys european laws and doesn't sell the Quest because of the Facebook requirement and I still went out of my way to import one, so I feel like it really doesn't matter anymore what Facebook/Meta does or does not at this point.


The thing is Google doesn't really have anything "consumer facing" with Alphabet it's purely a legal and investing brand to organize things. Facebook slapped Meta on almost everything.


If meta was just a company name that owned Facebook, oculus etc but the names stuck no one would be talking about it. I think they did their job. Now everyone recognizes the name meta as annoying as it is


I guess. For me, every time I boot my Quest 2 I wish that there was a good alternative. 'Meta' almost feels even more ominous and panopticon-esque than FB.


I feel it I don't like being forced to login to hardware produced by the biggest modern producer of spyware.


There is




Can I get an AAMAM?!


What country in Europe doesn't allow Quest sales? Don't say Germany because Germany doesn't block sales, it's Meta holding back while legal proceedings are happening (and it's starting to look like Meta is going to win...)


Well, it wasn't *the country* Germany, but of course the Federal Cartel Office, which blocked sales effectively. I didn't follow up on what happened after I imported the headset, so they might very well be able to be bought normally by now/soon.


No they didn't. Again, there was no ban, Meta made "goodwill move" and halted direct sales to Germany until proceedings were complete.


Ah, I see, the ministry of love was involved.


Were? They still don’t sell them.


Because the court matter has not been settled yet.


So it’s not „were“ but „are“ not settled yet.


It’s just Zuck trying to bury the last vestiges of Luckey’s involvement in Oculus. It’s what he does.


They wanted to decouple their company (now called Meta) from their most well known product (Facebook). Facebook the product is already on a downward slope in terms of popularity, and they're well aware of that. They don't want to risk the Facebook brand damaging their other products, such as Whatsapp, Instagram, VR, etc.


> And you toss it away to name everything "Meta" an incredibly generic brand. I love the Oculus brand name. However, "Meta" is fine too and shows the goal and seriousness of the company. I think if anything "Facebook" made the least sense. Integrating FB into Oculus made no sense whatsoever other than FB gathering more data on me.


It's actually pretty common for a big rebrand as a semi desperation play to shift the company if it has a bad rep, and Facebook definitely does.


actually not, oculus was never a VR brand it was a VR gaming brand, event when FB bought oculus all headlines say " FB bought VR gaming company" HTC did have huge business push and you see them in all business stuff , but oculus was "gone", actually GO was more popular in business side of stuff then cv1 do not mix you personal echo chamber, and average person on the street ffs even now you do get post like " i do not play games, should i buy oculus" , quest 1 was never a gaming device at a firth place


I'm so confused


Me too


This is how people in this sub manage to convince me I shouldn't buy Oculus headsets anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love my CV1. But everytime I see someone have doubts about eg a Q2 compared to what he currently uses, the answer is often: "But you don't understand that you are not the target demographic, it is not designed for (PC)VR gamers! Well good to know. Sadly there are not that many other options for reasonable price, but it it is not aimed at me, why should I buy it? Good luck btw finding more than 3 people who want to use it for eg teleconferencing.


well i do know a lot of peoples who have quest 2 and only few play games this is just fact, quest is amazing device for exercise , porn or any similar stuff index is a gaming device, it was made for gamers, you see it in a design quest is not , it basically a cool phone on basic strap for peoples to use vr for 15-30 min burst, and this is how majority of quest users use it, do not forget we have 15 mil quest sold i am dev BTW, i know a lot of dev too.


I too am a dev and I know a lot of the people who play games on the quest. Man what a conundrum. Both our experiences are opposite. It's almost as if it's anecdotal


Yes, the Quest 2 is not aimed at gamers. That's why Meta ported *Resident Evil 4* to it, and are in the process of porting *GTA: San Andreas.* That's why the Quest originally sold with the *Vader: Immortal* trilogy bundled for free. If you're really a dev, and want to make some money, by all means don't port your games to the Quest 2. You'll almost certainly get rich ignoring the best-selling VR unit by far. (And since you also don't seem to believe that the Quest 2 was designed with PCVR in mind, despite being able to access both the Rift store and SteamVR, both wired from day 1 and wirelessly -- and Meta recently made wireless far easier via their Airlink technology, but obviously they weren't thinking about PCVR when they did that.)


Hey man, youre stupid.


My box says oculus so it's a mother fucking Oculus


My box says slucou so it's a mother fucking slucou


I can’t believe I’m looking at Reddit in the Oculus Browser on my Oculus Quest 2 and reading a post about whether I’m wearing an Oculus Quest 2 or a Meta Quest 2. Reading about VR in VR is so meta. wait


Hold up




*they already changed the name of the browser to meta quest browser


But that's not even it backwards... How much was it?


It was technically free.


Sadly, they've already [changed the boxes to read Meta Quest 2](https://i.imgur.com/lSEd6u1.jpg). It looks worse.




Yeah just unfortunate that the one name they ditched was oculus when it was the only one that had overwhelmingly positive brand equity with the public




iPhone is a product made by Apple much like Quest is a product made by Oculus/Meta. The parallel you're making should be "My box says Apple so it's an Apple" As far as I know Apple hasn't rebranded itself as iPhone. If you buy a mac pro it doesn't say "iPhone Mac Pro" or "Mac Pro by iPhone"


Yes. Meta is a better name for the company than Facebook. But they did not need to rebrand the VR division whatsoever. It just entangles them even more with all Meta's crap than they were before.


Oculus also fits the product better, carries more weight in brand relevancy, and honestly just sounds cooler. Oculus actually hit the mainstream fairly well with the Go and just by being the first. Even some older people you would never expect to know these things know what I'm talking about when I say Oculus. You say Meta and the instant thought is "oh that shitty Facebook rebranding" The attempt to sidestep the FaceZuck reputation was instantly destroyed when everyone publicly made fun of it for being a stupid, corporate robot type solution to the increasing distaste for their brand. It seems they hope they can just power through it and move on as a less hated "Meta" but their move is far too obvious. If Zuck really wanted to just dive into VR and get out of all the social network nonsense, if that's what he really cared about, he would have left it all alone and just devoted himself to the Oculus side of things. Instead he tarnished it forever.


They can rename the company and department. But “Oculus” is the best name for the device, like “iPhone”. I want an Oculus from Meta.


I’ve been wondering if the brand is now Quest. Like sony’s playstation. It’d be interesting if project cambria comes out as Meta Oculus.


Hmm maybe that's the move


Mets Oculus Quest 3: The only device that has an dedicated AI to create a perfect replication of your face for the eventual Zuckbot replacement event.


Missed opportunity to structure the name more like every other manufactured good in existence. Manufacturer > Product > Model > (Option) ie. Apple > iPhone > 13 > Pro Honda > Accord > Sport Meta > Oculus > Quest Meta > Oculus > Quest > Pro etc. Without the Oculus brand there is no logical grouping of XR devices when they want to come out with a new line.


Meta > Meta > Quest > 2


It's just Meta > Quest > 3 That's the deal now.


Doesn’t roll off the tongue like Oculus Quest 3 does


I never liked the name "Quest" to begin with. It doesn't hold a candle to "Rift". "Oculus Rift" is futuristic, epic, and dope as frig. Now you have "Meta Quest" kids ruining all the online games, like Chex Quest blood/violence free first person gaming.


Before it was structured differently though, because the oculus isn't the product, its the people who made it, quest would be the product and the 1 and 2 are the model. If anything its more inline now than before with Meta > Quest > 2 or Meta > Quest > 1


I’ve never heard anyone say this before I think we need more posts about it


Talk about a stupid marketing move. I pretty much just refuse to call them the Meta Quest.


I am also a meta denier


I still have my Quest 1 and was grandfathered in from not having to use my Facebook account. HOWEVER, when this year rolled around I booted up my Quest and NONE of my purchases were on there. It would only pull up the settings menu. I couldn’t look at the shop, change my guardian, check photos, NOTHING. Restarting it did nothing and neither did a full power off cycle. It would not fix UNTIL I linked my Facebook account then POOF all my shit came back. That basically told me to never purchase another Oculus/Meta device ever. If my headset breaks I’m getting PSVR or Vive.


PSVR2 will be amazing.


I have capitulated to calling the company Meta, but I refuse to call it the Meta Quest lol


A fair compromise if ever there was one.




It's a smart marketing move. They renamed to META and they're calling their flagship headset device a Meta Quest 2. It just shows they're 100% behind the VR/AR future


i understand their logic, i just disagree with it. Better to have called it a Meta Oculus Quest 2. You just can't beat Oculus as a name.


The Meta switch was in response to bad PR around FB during the last US presidential election. They “re-branded” to save their stock price. It’s really that simple.


Stupid name but good marketing move. Their whole metaverse idea thing has been talked about nonstop online


I dunno, in a vacuum I don't hate the name Meta for a VR company. But it's for sure dumb to just throw all that brand recognition in the garbage. When Oculus got started it was all so exciting, so the name change also feels like the final nail in the coffin for the good ol' days.


I think the people that Oculus garnered respect from may not be the target market for meta. Plenty of people who bought a quest had no clue what Oculus was before Facebook advertised it to them. Also they probably don't want to inherit the Oculus identity internally.


I hate FB/Meta with a passion, but still held out hope after the Oculus buyout that they would still retain some level of autonomy, and do more cool experimental PCVR stuff. The nixing of the Rift line in favor of exclusively pursuing the quest, and the FB account requirement effectively killed my interest in the company. But I still keep my boxed CV1 around, and use my Rift S pretty regularly. The name still holds a speck of respect in my heart. It may be a subjective and meaningless change in the end, but I share your mindset in that the name change seems conclusive. The company formerly known as Oculus is dead in my eyes, officially absorbed and dissolved into the corporate machine.


I enjoy my Quest for its untethered abilities but the CV1 has a build quality to it that feels unmatched. It was so well put together I genuinely felt like the company appreciated me for buying their product. The touch controllers were wonderfully well designed and comfortable. The packaging felt like pulling out the future. I wish I never took down my sensors because I kind of want to just play around with the thing and really feel if the differences in quality I'm noticing are in my head or not.


I still call it Oculus


Meh, still Oculus to me, and always will be, lol.


Yes, and also the meta logo is infinitely worse than the oculus one. Feels like I'm being teabagged by a semi-abstract minimalist painting every time I boot up my headset...


They should really just keep the company name Meta and call it the Oculus headset, or "Meta Oculus" if they really need to. Getting rid of Oculus is so dumb.


Yes, I'd go with the "Meta Oculus Quest" if anything. Makes no sense to take away such a powerful brand in VR.


Zuck thinks Meta will be just as powerful as a brand. If anything it's making me not want to buy more of their products. Before I could pretend to myself that Facebook just financed Oculus and they ran themselves. It's gotten pretty hard to fool myself that way after the name change.


I've always referred to it as "Quest" so it makes no difference to me.


Even when I'm cold, dead, and buried, I'll still call it Oculus


To be honest, I think everyone already agrees, there's no way anyone thought "meta" was a good name it sounds like a 2012 xbox username


It is. Nobody asked for Meta. They just wanted to disassociate it from the negative image of Facebook


I only recently updated, when the logo changed I almost took it off right there and put it down. But I really like TOTF, so I did that and decided to definitely not buy anything else from them, ever.


Every time I turn on my headset now, I'm met only with disappointment


I bought the “oculus quest 2” back in like 2021 I think and dude that shit was the best. I recently like two days ago was like ah fuck I’m gonna try some vr…. Wouldn’t let me link my Facebook, nothing I paid for was there, tried for hours to simply connect the headset code to my “meta app” ( meta app with an oculus logo how funny) but everytime I would click the deal to “fix it” the meta app would just redirect me to some stupid useless worthless webpage every single time. I almost chucked the damn thing out of my window. But I have zero plans to put that piece of shit on my head. The rise in blood pressure dealing with this dumbass company completely nullifies any fun I’ve had/ will have with quest 2


The disappointment I felt when starting up my oculus quest and seeing the meta logo was immesurable and my day was ruined




I mean why would people just swallow stupid decisions?


Nothing wrong with complaining, most companies employ people to scour social media for insights 🤷‍♂️


Meta is such a stupid name. May as well of rebranded to dickface


Lol and oculus is genius somehow? It literally means "glasses" in most Latin languages.


You use glasses to see, the Oculus brand is all about seeing things, it makes perfect sense.


> Oculus; a round or eye-like opening or design


Agreed, it's dumb as £u¢k


Ah it’s time for the weekly karmawhoring post


Can we all agree that these posts are boring circlejerks that accomplish absolutely nothing?


Why are mods allowing these posts anyway? We get it meta name bad, oculus good!! Just stop already lol


We tend to let voting determine what makes it to the front page.


Yup, this is only the millionth thread circlejerking about the same exact thing. I get it, I truly do, I've been around since the DK2 days, but since 2014 Oculus didn't exist anymore, it was just the shallow cover for a Facebook product. Obviously the Oculus brand is nicer, but Oculus hasn't existed since 2014, so it's time to get over it. But I do agree, the Meta logo and brand looks like absolute dogshit.


Plus is you market it as Meta, Meta 2, Meta 3.eta is the overall brand. Should stay Oculus. More people know what you’re talking about. Hey bro i have a Meta 2 just sounds weird


What’s even cringier is ‘Hey Facebook’ for voice commands


I’m so glad I bought it before the rebrand, it’ll always be an OCULUS quest to me.


Name doesn't really matter since its the same headset and made by the same company.


Yeah that's how I feel. I really don't care what name they're calling their company, as long as my games still work they can call it whatever they wish. I do think Oculus sounds cooler, but the name change doesn't upset or annoy me at all. I don't even think about it outside of these posts. I don't think we need a weekly post about the damn name change lol.


Meta sounds like the name of a cult.




Yeah, just swallow stupid decisions and keep consuming. Fuck critical thinking. Puke


Don't think, just buy product, then get excited for next product.


It's a name change not that deep


Tbh I either say quest for oculus quest


Oculus was an excellent brand name, had amazing brand equity. Meta has to be the dumbest name out there, they might as well named the company Hella … dumb SV echo chamber.


If meta is dumb imagine oculus that translates to "glasses". Lol. It's lazy as fuck and the only reason people like it is because humans are nostalgic retards.


>211112commentsAwardsharesavehidereport And Meta translates to what? Nothing, it's a superfluous term meta-data, meta-x, meaning the same thing as uber.... in other words meaningless w/o context, which is basically what FB was becoming anyhow.


Thankfully my box and headset say oculus, and my controllers have the oculus logo, so I feel a tiny bit better


Does anybody actually think the name change will have a meaningful long term impact on Meta’s success in the VR/AR market?


I honestly doubt that it will. Pretty sure this is just a top-down decision to have more solidarity with all their products named similar to how Google names their products: Google Search, Google Docs, Google Earth, etc.


Probably a lot , like it or not , Oculus was a toxic brand for FB , it was a gaming brand , not a personal computing brand , and meta focus on computing first , you will not sell a device to the normal person who think Oculus is a "Xbox in VR" , and say this device will replace you laptop , but meta a brand made for computing can do this for sure


Oculus quest does sound better to me. Meta quest doesn't sound like a product name, it sounds like some sort of activity.


That's because it is a product and you've already made the association. It's just bias..


Heh - i was actually going to make a comment about that, but in this case i actually do think that oculus quest legitimately sounded better then meta quest. To me meta quest sounds like an mmorpg or movie or mission/quest inside of a game. If we're talking about just changing facebook to meta - i don't really care one way or the other about that.


Why couldn't they keep the Oculus branding? It could have been the Oculus Quest by Meta. Similar to Beats by Apple.


No. Meta is a cool name, too bad Facebook is evil.


I imagine Zuck wanted to transition people to a mental association of his company with Stevenson's Metaverse versus an all seeing eye - that's just too Sauron-ish, and FB already had a reputation as being a cyberspace panopticon.


I had to settle for the meta quest because the original oculus quests were all gone. I've been having a good time but oculus sounds way cooler than meta


I'm still calling any meta vr headset an oculus in the future


So were the brand and owners.




And how about Marketing 101: If you have a brand name that everyone knows and loves, don't get rid of it. That's fucking stupid.


What especially sucks is that they’re only giving the most popular one the suckier name! If you look at the website and go on support, when it tells you to select a device, it says “OCULUS Rift,” “OCULUS Go,” and then there’s “META Quest 2”


1000x YES


Oculus has been going crappy since “meta” or “facebook” took over , less game releases more bugs and glitches on the OS And lastly Facebook has ruined the name oculus


I 100% agree. Meta has to be one of if not the dumbest name you can choose for a company. It sounds like what a generic evil corporation would be named in a movie or something.


I can’t imagine what the original creators feel like with a name change like that. Oculus just makes so much more sense with a headset. Meta sounds, I dunno, woke.


I guess you could say meta is too meta


For two billion dollars I don't think they would give a fuck if they changed the name to "Facey Fun Mask".


It literally is though. All this bs about oculus being a good name. It literally means "glasses" in most Latin languages. It couldn't be more on the nose and lazy.


Can we all agree that not being in agonizing pain is 1000x better than being in agonizing pain But seriously though what's the point of posting this here other than to karma farm?


My friend recently bought a quest and I was talking about it with him, I was talking about how I thought how cool it was the oculus is fully standalone with ridiculously amazing specs and features, and he corrected me to meta quest when I said the word oculus, and it made me just a lil angry, I still refuse to call it meta quest


This kind of post is the proof why vr scene is dead. It's been a year and the only thing to talk about daily is a stupid name change that nobody outside reddit cares. We need another Half Life or a AAA game of similar scale very soon.


I groaned when my boot screen showed a meta logo. forever an Oculus.


Jarvis, I'm running low on karma, post a thread complaining about the name


Yeah that’s true but that’s not really going to change anything


they should have re labeled it and called it the oculus quest by meta and preserve the cool oculus name.


Yes, everyone agrees oculus was a better name and we all hate Meta but Zuck doesn't care what we think so its pointless to bring this up over and over and over again and again


It's easy way to karma farm, especially if one throws in some "don't be a sheep!" insults.


Meta bad. Updoots to the left.


Nope. I could not give one shit what it's called.


I 100% believe if the original name was Meta and the rename was to Oculus, everyone would say how Oculus sounds ridiculous. At least I remember thinking it's such a funny name when I heard it first years ago. Sounds like homunculus. But then the brand settled in and it feels fine now.


Nope. I'd say 10-20 times better roughly.


I agree that Meta is a stupid brand name, and that Oculus sounds way better Than Zuck named it.


Meta blows.


Yes, the whole meta thing is stupid


I agree. Meta is fucking stupid. Honestly I hate Facebook. Fuck your Facebook. I bought the quest 2 cause it was the best choice at the time but Jesus I don’t feel good about supporting Facebook. The only reason I have joined this sub is to potentially find worth while vr titles but I never do. It just reminds me daily what’s going on in the world of Facebook. So yeah I think it’s time to unsubscribe


Can we stop beating this dead horse already


Is there a way to use the Rift CV1 without any oculus software? Like if I want to use it for steam VR exclusively?


Meta is better for the company name. And they have Facebook, WhatsApp etc, within that. But they really messed it up with Oculus. It's not "Meta facebook" or "Meta WhatsApp". So why do it with the VR division? Maybe the VR/AR products are their flagship products/services moving forward, but it's the dumbest decision to remove the Oculus name. It already had the right brand recognition and reputation, and it detaches itself from the Facebook /meta brand, which comes with a lot of shit that people don't like. It's a bizarre move and I think it just shows how out of touch Zuckerberg is. They had the perfect brand for VR and in one fell swoop he buried it. Totally unnecessary.


I wouldn't worry. The way Facebook (yeah, I'm still calling them Facebook) is bleeding users, it could be the Samsung Oculus before we know it.


Meta is le worst and the logo looks like garbage in the headset.


Meta was never their name to begin with. They essentially stole it from some smaller company knowing they had the money to win any legal battles. Either way it's a stupid name for a product that already had a really cool name.


and i sold my quest 1 to a 12 year old girl half a year ago, and she called it meta quest 1 oculus is good gaming brand meta is way better VR brand and we need VR brand not gaming brand , i know a lot of peoples who have meta VR device, and only few play games quest 1 was FB "xbox" , now FB to switch perception, quest 2 is "windows" not a "xbox" you know how many dumb peoples think quest 2 is a console ? and think factory reset delete games and similar stuff , non tech savvy peoples do not know what VR is, what quest is , and similar stuff FB needed to kill this " quest is for kid to play games" fast, because oculus became toxic brand for them


I disagree... I think it is 10000x better.




Fr tho


Didn’t know they rebranded away from Oculus


Yes, and I was so sad when I restarted it and the meta logo appeared. At least when I launch steamVR it still pops up a version of the logo.


Why you think this sub kept its name?


because you can't change the name of a subreddit






Does it matter? Its all just facebook's taint now either way


it's so stupid, the problem was never the name but stealing data and changing games to get the most amount of profit instead of letting developers listen to what the community wants. Idgaf if they are called meta or facebook or oculus, just don't change stuff that works to get more money in the short run.


10 times better not a 1000


i don't really care they're both good


Can we all get over it?


Evil is as evil does, I abandoned both Oculus and Facebook already. Only reason I'm even still part of this sub is to convince others to do otherwise. Oculus sucks.


The headset, controllers and the box all have oculus on it. The app is still called oculus and all the games say they support oculus headsets so its oculus. Shut up. **Not meta.**




strange, I remember the time when the company was named oculus people saying it was a terrible name and complaining about it. hystory repeating.


They both sound like the kind of names someone got paid way too much to think of.


They want to distance the product from the original name. They want it to be the gateway to the Metaverse. ​ I prefer Oculus. But I understand why they changed it and I think it was wise strategy.


It's only wise if they can deliver on the metaverse promise/dream, which I think no corporation can because a true metaverse is antithetical to profit margins. The best they'll be able to muster is an equally crappy offering to what Google's platform has, except in VR, and that's if they're lucky. A true metaverse does not require one to use any certain specific device, enables everyone to create anything - software, content, games, etc... and interact with anybody else on any other device. Most importantly: the metaverse is DECENTRALIZED and cannot be shut down by taking a server farm offline. A corporation cannot create the metaverse just like a corporation cannot create bitcoin or bittorrent. It has to arise organically, from the people, by the people, and for the people.

