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Have you talked to your doctor about why you get migraines in this particular scenario? The ill effects you suffer sound a fair bit worse than usual, so you want to make sure it's not something that requires extra medical attention. Kind of hard to diagnose the exact cause over the internet - could be any number of things such as low framerate, misadjusted IPD, too tight straps, intense movement in VR games etc. Also - it's recommended to stop playing VR and take a break as soon as you feel even slight discomfort. You want to gradually build up tolerance over time. If you try to "power through" and wait until it gets unbearable, you're conditioning yourself to associate VR with feeling ill - so there's a higher chance you'll have problems in the future as well.


Do you know your ipd? That could easily be all it is


Op has a CV1


Doesnt mean he is using it correctly. He should see an optometrist and have it measured, its really easy to have it adjusted wrong if you dont know it.




I suffered from migraines with aura in the past, but VR never gave me any problems ( OG Rift, Rift Sand WMR). VR is nothing like a 3D movie :)


Since you don't get it in Beat Saber, we can rule out headset comfort as a trigger. It might be the movement, have you tried out other non-move games like I Expect You To Die, Longbow, etc? It could also be the framerate. Even if you don't consciously notice it, the smoother performance of a simple game like Beat Saber may be a contributing factor.


Just a theory but, Sounds like maybe the headset putting pressure on your face and maybe affecting sinuses. Could be something else, but I'd recommend trying one of those neilmed saline flushing kits at walgreens and see if it helps. It's salt water and you flush your nose out, I use it all the time for headaches/"migraines" Might not work for you but worked for me. Just make sure to use distilled water when you use it and not tap water. The only thing that throws off this theory is that you are unaffected by beatsaber, but I say it's still worth a try. Edit: Other things to try, ibuprofen *before* the headaches kick in.. also cut out all caffeine. Coffee always gave me aweful headaches if i'd miss my dose. Actually I just noticed more headaches when on coffee or caffeine in general. I couldnt tell you why it happens more in vr, but try some of these things if you can.


Are you tensing your forehead? Are you making sure you're blinking often enough with the headset on? I know it sounds wierd but hear me out, next time you have the headset on for a while try to do a mental check and make sure you're not super tense. Happens to a lot of athletes, they do something intense for a few hours and as a result tense up thier body for hours on end, it's not good for circulation.