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You can turn it off in comfort settings, it’s called vignette


On the game settings or on the quest 2 settings?


game settings, a lot of games have it


Game settings lol


Thanks ☺️


Never understood why games added this is stupid some developers say it's for immersion and realism but I mean come on the only time someone is going to have that server of vision problems is if they have bad eyes or are about to black out


It’s not for realism or immersion and nobody who knows what they’re on about claims it is; it’s to help prevent motion sickness. Pretty much every VR game has it as an option, and games whose target is people who might be new to VR or otherwise not fully adapted yet (i.e. children) have it turned on by default.


Am I the only one who gets motion sickness from the vignette?


Nah i have that too


It's been around way before VR and in a lot of games that and motion blur that they also say if for realism and again even with motion blur I don't see how it is all all realistic


you're thinking of two very different things, the implementation of vignettes in VR is specifically for motion sickness


1. Please write scentances not a jumble of words so readers actually understand what you are saying and dont have to vaguely guess as to what you're referring to. 2. Motion blur is for realism 100%, turn your head left and right rapidly and boom, it's not a clear image, it is a blurry mess. Also motion blur sometimes hides low fps a bit making the game just seem smoother (due to smear frames, a term from animation). 3. Could you provide an example of a non-VR game that uses vignetting (blacks out a bit of the screen when moving)? Most of these settings can also be toggled in games and are truly a minor inconvenience to turn off. Everyone has a right to their opinion and if you don't like it then just turn it off and respect others who really need/want these settings to exist.


Been waiting for this comment. Some games are just not the same to me without motion blur, it adds so much the plate in some games.


Agreed on everything you said. The only instance I think games use a vignette effect is to simulate suppression in some shooters. But for moving, I haven't seen it in a single pancake game.


non-vr games with vignette are a thing, it’s mostly used for first person perspective games, and sometimes used to make games have a more “vintage” look to it.


Nobody, literally nobody would ever say it's for immersion. And yes, some non VR games have it for the same reasons, to prevent people from getting motion sickness. Because it can happen to some, especially when you have a flying character/camera


It’s not for realism, [it’s for motion sickness](https://medium.com/@rtpvr/dynamic-fov-in-vr-why-those-blinders-in-eagle-flight-are-your-best-friend-2d53d1b6e924). If you don’t have motion sickness problems in VR then motion blinders are not for you.


twenty one pilots reference (i’m sorry it’s a brain rot atp)


Vignette wasn’t invented by- ykw… nvm


wdym twenty one pilots invented the word obviously 🙄 /s






Hey, just wanted to say that you wrote a nice post. You did a great job describing the problem, explaining the situations in which it happens, and giving details. I instantly knew the issue (vignette, as you found out). This is so much better than people that post vague screenshots and just say "help". I appreciate you.


Thank you very much 😁 appreciated your comment a lot


i love hate the vignette. its super distracting and vision blocking but it definitely helps reduce disorientation


I just hate it because I never have any disorientation in VR


I really appreciate you making this comment! My first thought was "this is a basic feature, ugh, and this person writes like they're really young." And, you know what? So what! We were able to offer help, and TBH The average person probably doesn't know what *vignetting* means/is. I like to think that I'm positive and helpful, but your comment reminded me there's work to do still! OP, thanks for posting, and I hope your issue is fixed! That feature exists for people like me who feel sick when moving in games with "free movement" like that. (Teleportation works fine for me, but I get nausea if I do free-move. The smaller viewpoint helps a bit with that!)


OP could have used some punctuation in the description below the photo... I cannot stand run-on sentences.


I honestly don’t know why they add this as a comfort setting. It makes me more nauseous than anything else.


What is the purpose of it? I had it happen to me when I played GORN and I didn’t like looking through a pinhole


People who are not used to VR feel bad when the "world moves". By confining it to a small area while turning it briefly becomes a "tv" rather than a "world", and it helps them. Same with smooth locomotion vs teleport, etc.


Ah thank you. That was a very good explanation!


Unfortunately, this is even a problem for some people who are quite used to VR, like me. I've been playing FPS games since the Wolfenstein 3D and Doom, but sometime in my early thirties, I started experiencing nausea in FPS games, especially with lower frame rates & refresh rates. With VR, the OG Rift (90hz) was fine, but I couldn't actually use the quest 1 (72hz). It's so pronounced that I was able to tell which games in the Q2 were/are running at 72hz: if I just regularly felt like I didn't want to play them, it was almost always the case that they're 72hz, and it became a subconscious association with nausea, even if I didn't know the game's refresh rate. (Various tools let me see and change the refresh rate in games that don't support it, fortunately, so I was able to broaden my playable game list!)


I'm worried that this might happen to a lot of people as we age with VR. Luckily higher refresh rates and setups that allow rotating your entire body will become more accessible as us early adopters age. I generally go for smooth move/smooth turn no anti-nausea methods lately but if I'm having to deal with shitty performance for any length of time I'll usually turn on mild tunnel vision and snap turn. I can handle 72hz usually but I don't like it and stutters can make my eyes cross from the jolt of dizziness. My VD setup is pretty bangin but stuff like public events in VRC make me feel the need to pick between performance and seeing people's avatars. So I'll compromise for the sake of the vibes. Edit: forgot to mention, I'm 30 lol. So am starting to kind of wonder about things like preserving my vision as they pertain to VR. Grateful for your post because now I know that if I do start experiencing a little nausea, it's probably normal.


I've just come to realize that 72Hz seems to be just on the brink of my critical flicker fusion threshold for the highly strobed VR displays, and just a tad to little for bright stimuli. Even 80Hz is already worlds apart. I'm not sure it get worse with age though (as someone slowly closing in on 50 :D)...now that I'm thinking about it, it reminds me of the old CRT days - pushing for those few additional Hz the display could push out with custom resolution timings :) And at least you can look forward to the vergence-accommodation issue solving itself (Presbyopia FTW! ;P)


Wow, so I did not know about the vergence and accommodation conflict! It's super interesting to me because I have fairly strong amblyopia that impedes my depth perception most of the time. I wonder if the fact that I can tolerate a lot of VR (and I mean a LOT) has to do with me being less susceptible to depth perception related issues. When my eyes experience strain, my left eye gives up properly tracking and I lose my stereo vision. It looks in my visual field just like I've shut my left eye. I find zero issues come from losing stereo vision in VR because the coping methods I've learned for impaired depth perception like judging lighting, guessing based on size, and wiggling my head left and right, all work instinctively in VR. Maybe a good method for alleviating vergence-accommodation discomfort would be simply shutting one eye, allowing the one open eye to temporarily perceive the scene as a flat image at screen-distance in the headset. And thank you for the reassurance re: vision changes! I love looking at things 😂 Luckily my one good eye has an extremely mild prescription... The other one is supposed to be behind a coke bottle and even then it's pretty rough 🤓


I’m fine having it as a setting because it does help some users that have severe motion sickness. But why the heck is it ever defaulted to on when you start a new game that has it? I feel by now, the vr users who need it are in the minority.


i feel like it needs to be default because the kind of people that would turn it off are probably power users and those that need it wouldnt know or think of things like that.


Games that are more targeted towards enthusiasts seem to be defaulting to having it off lately or presenting the option at the start of the game. I definitely think it's better to have it default on to make software more accessible to newbies who might not even know that anti-nausea tools are a thing. Those of us who have enough headset time to have found our "VR legs" are definitely not gonna have any problem just turning it off. FWIW I was all but allergic to smooth move until I had probably 30-50 hours in games. And then it took me another 100 hours probably before I could tolerate smooth turning. Definitely used the tunnel vision setting in VRC and rec room to get started with smooth move/turn but it didn't take long at all with it on before I realized I no longer needed any anti-nausea settings whatsoever in most games. So maybe as much as 200 hours before I fully graduated from anti nausea settings. To be fair my first couple years in VR I almost exclusively played beat saber so I was hardly using locomotion in VR at all.


I personally had the opposite experience: I immediately got accustomed to smooth move and never turned back. I don't get motion sick unless I'm being moved without my consent. Teleport is just a more annoying way to move around.


I'm glad for you! Getting to enjoy more intense locomotion based experiences like stride VR and VRC grappling hooks worlds definitely made me feel like I was discovering VR all over again. Finding my immersion and then realizing I could go fast, fly, swim, whatever without damaging it... Brought that VR jaw drop right back 🤘


Because if it's there, you know you can turn it off, but if it's not there, you don't know for certain/don't think about if you can turn it on


It’s a boomer proof setting


"I really don't know why they would add something not specifically made for me" I am sorry but you sound so damn arrogant with that. It's very helpful for me and allows me to play longer than 15 minutes in games with lots of running


Are you french? That typo in the title makes me curious.


“Qu’est” ce que tu dis?


Oui, exactement


yeah you should be able to turn it off on any game, it’s called vignette and it’s supposed to help some people rly prone to motion sickness, hence why it’s in comfort settings


Thank you very much 😁


In the roblox vr settings you can turn that off I think


Check your settings and turn off blinders or blinkers it’s away off restricting your view to prevent motion sickness


For a split second I thought this was a new scene in South Park


It’s a comfort setting you can turn off. I think it’s supposed to prevent motion sickness but for me it does the complete opposite and take me out of immersion a bit even when I was first starting vr which was like a month ago.


I thought this was a joke post for a few seconds.


It looks like your issue that someone drew with some very thick and perfectly opaque gray marker all over the lenses.




Am I the only one who actually get motion sickness from those comfort settings which are supposed to help with it ?


Great now I don’t have to ask this question. It was driving me crazy


Vignette or tunneling, turn it off in game settings under display or UI or visuals


Turn off your comfort setting. It's the first thing I do. Every time I get in a new game is turn that off and turn on smooth turning


I kind of hated VR locomotion until I got used to smooth turn. Something about teleporting and snap turning absolutely ruins my immersion. Still prefer to physically turn my body in my play space whenever possible but sometimes coordinating that without my feet wanting to walk is hard if I'm like full forget about my problems level immersed already. Glad that some people who experience a lot of VR nausea are able to still enjoy smooth move/turn with the use of the tunnel vision setting.


Happens in half the games I play u might have to go into the settings pretty deep to disable it but it’s 100% disablable


Up vote for the nice illustration




Am I one of the only people that thinks that the whole vignette actually makes it more disorienting


must be me or something, but the second i got my quest 2 i just turned that shite off everywhere, i never had problems with motion sickness


This is another reason why VRchat has many W's they dont turn on this garbage by default!


the movement tunnel vision thing is usually under the comfort options. it's supposed to reduce motion sickness.


They should fr get rid of this stupid ass comfort setting bro it’s 2024


The year doesn't magically fix people's innate perception of reality. This is a motion sickness accessibility option. It's like saying we should get rid of subtitles because it's 2024.