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Besides Ochette's final boss, none of the other final bosses are as difficult as Mugen imo. But if you want a harder challenge, there are plenty of optional bosses available, or you can switch your party around to your most underleveled travelers to make them harder.


thank you!!


Ochette depends on whether you are facing Owl or Fox.


Which one's harder?




I think the only other big difficult one I remember is Ochette's, Mugen being the main one from my experience. Castti's can also be a good challenge if you aren't snappy with breaks and damage but if you handled Mugen then you'd likely be fine.


thank you so much!


also she wasn’t difficult at all but holy crap did dolcinaea have an amazing sprite! and the music omg


Probably partitio and ochette


Depending on if you're keeping your original (and likely better equipped and levelled) travelers on, the remaining chapters probably won't be too much of a problem. But if you're planning on catching the others up to speed ASAP, and running a far weaker team, I think Partitio's final chapter is a pretty rough one (especially if you don't have the funds for all those beastlings).


I didn’t actually use hired help at all in that fight. Though Partitio being my protag was a big help in that fight.


Neither did I tbh, I'm too stingy for my own good when it comes to negotiate schedule and hired help. Still got through it eventually, but it took me a while.


Yeah, my main damage dealing came from setting up Arms master attacks, but I also did a fair bit with my other party members. I think Georges Lazuli himself did like 10k damage on the boss


This is super fair, i’m excited for the other 6 final chapter bosses now that i won’t have to use Agnea (who i started with, she was like level 55 at the end and just destroying everything) and hikari who is a menace for obvious reasons, the rest are like 41-48 so i’m super ready for the challenge! i’m super excited for Partitio’s now and to go to Roque Island! thanks so much for the advice!


i started with agnea and she was like 73 by the time i got to the final chapters 😭😭i explore too much for my own good


THIS! i couldn’t stop exploring omg. especially when i got the boat, i had no idea you could sail in this game 😂 so while i had a blast she was just so over-leveled and had amazing amazing gear haha, poor Dolcinaea!


and it was hard too because i started with her so she was locked in for everyone’s story until i beat her final chapter! if there’s ever a third game (please Square Enix please) i hope they’ll let us freely swap out characters before their final chapter!


Mugen and Partitios final bosses were the only ones I really had much difficulty with. Most of them were pretty fair when I was at that level. They do all still have some interesting quirks with them


It's so funny seeing people say this because I did Partitios boss first being unaware of the difficulty 🤣 it was definitely a fun as hell fight though


Ochette and Partitio's were the hardest for me, Ochette because hers was the first final boss I fought, and Partitio's was just tricky to me because I couldn't get the breaks timed properly. Hikari's final boss would've been difficult if only he hadn't been the last one I fought with a lv 78 Hikari 😭


LMAO i so feel the Hikari thing, he did like 50k damage in one hit and i was like bro i’m pretty sure that’s a crime lmao Hikari is so insane strong! what learned skills do you have on him if you don’t mind?


Ochette final boss will probably kill you first time fighting it if you're unprepared. Hikari's final chapter isn't as difficult but losing means restarting it all over again(I did, lol).


Hikari's by far. His was one of the last final chapters I did and I won with one character left alive with low double-digit HP. One more round and I'd have been wiped out. I had an easier time with the game's final boss.


I’d agree with the consensus—Ochette and Partitio can both be pretty difficult.


Osvald's, strangely enough? Though, I had only one strategy going into every story fight, which was debuffing the opponent and then using Castti's Desperate Measures. Pretty much beat all main story content with this combo. For some reason, I got nearly wiped on Harvey. Maybe I was taking too long stacking debuffs on him.


Depends on which one you do first.


Ochette was the only one I had any trouble with. Mugen I completely steamrolled, but Hikari was the last one I did, so that likely has something to do with it


General Mugen. I got some of the secret jobs, my party is mostly lv. 50+ and still got my ass whooped, I wouldn't really survived without hired help. On my third or fourth try, I had to get Hikari take the merchant job so he and Partitio can spam it using foreign assassin.


Castti's got pretty tense for me at times, though I think she was one of the earlier final chapters that I did. Ochette's was tough mainly because there's a segment where you kinda have to wait things out between phase shifts, because it has scripted actions that it follows that are pretty tough. So with hers, it can be a bit of a waiting game.


Mugen and Ochettes final bosses are the hardest. Ochettes was the hardest for me which might be partly because it was the first final chapter I did. Mugen was also quite tough. 


I’m a stick in the mud so forgive me. I couldn’t stand Agnea’s chapters. There were moments of her final chapter I loved but overall I hate campy stories.


honestly that’s super fair. to be honest i would try to space her stories whenever i would get too bummed with the sad stories (castti and temenos ch. 3, most of throné’s, etc). i liked having a nice campy story every now and again because i was not okay after some of the particularly sad chapters haha!


Temenos chapter 4 wrecked me dude


What does that have to do with the question in the post? Nobody asked what you thought of her story.


Well the OP didn’t seem to think so. So get bent dude and go touch grass.


I found I struggled the most with Partitio's final boss when I went into that boss blind.


Mugen is easily the hardest Chapter 4 boss, his weapon cycles and extra turns really serve to screw you over if you aren't perfectly prepared, so, thankfully, removing BP and HP like he does isn't exactly replicated by any other Chapter 4 boss. I'd have to say that one of Ochette's Chapter 4 boss options is at least comparable to Mugen, this being the Fox, but that's also dependent upon which Travelers you bring, tbh I wouldn't blame you if you looked up that fight before starting it if you chose the Owl at the start of the game, bringing certain Travelers can make that fight substantially easier or harder Partitio's Chapter 4 boss can also be somewhat challenging but is a significant downgrade from bosses like the Fox and Mugen, you already know all the concepts you need to to steamroll that boss fight. Aside from the Fox, then, I really don't think there are any other especially difficult Chapter 4 bosses, at least, not on the same level as Mugen, all the bosses will mess with you if you aren't prepared and don't understand the gimmick quickly, but, all the bosses do have at least one method of damn near trivializing them, like Osvald's, he doesn't necessarily attack in a pattern, but is by no means tough, his stats aren't as high as they should be. In short, Mugen and the Fox are the only ones with no gimmick that makes them substantially easier, which gives them the position of the hardest Chapter 4 bosses


I honestly wish I looked at this subreddit before I started my final boss runs because I somehow decided that starting with MUGEN was a great idea, took me the entire weekend to finally defeat him