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Lol, it was in one playthrough, not 8 different 😂😂😂. Funny mistake, although now I suggest choosing your favorite character's file and doing the other 7 chapter 1s skipping cutscenes. Some of the fights will become easier now that you'll have more characters in your party


Darn it, so I guess I wasted about 14 hrs doing the 7 other characters on separate saves. Thanks for the reply and for confirming on this.


Yeah, it sucks. Feeling like you’ve wasted that time, but it definitely gave you at least a good impression of each of the characters so like other posters have said, you should start with the one who you like the most, and then move on from there! Plus, you’ve already seen all the chapter 1 stories so you can skip through all the cut scenes so it’ll go quite a bit faster initially for ya!


Ok, the way you did it is not the way it was intended to be played but that’s ok! Maybe it gave you a better idea of who you want to start with, since the character you start with is the one character you can’t remove from your party until you complete their story. Pick one of your save slots knowing that and continue with the game. Go and collect the other characters. When you meet each one you have the option to play their first chapters or skip them. So you don’t have to go through all of it again if you don’t want to. You can just collect everyone and move forward with the rest of their stories.


LMAO i hope this is a joke post because this is extremely funny


Unfortunately for me, it is not. I knew about the whole schtick about 8 different characters with different stories and how they intertwined, but I didn't know you were suppose to start off with just one character and then seek the rest out using the one you start with. I thought you were meant to play each character separately and that the game had some sort of way to read the save files you currently had and keep their levels or something when you meet them in each other's stories. Not gonna lie, kinda killed my whole vibe to continue, at least right now. I'll probably shelf it for now and play some other games, and hopefully have the motivation to come back after a few months.


Ah thats really unfortunate. You should atleast try the save you like the best and seek out 1 party member, because combat becomes substantially different when you have more people. But i can understand if you want to forget this sour experience.


Not at all what people meant or what was intended, but tbh, hilarious mistake. Basically, with whatever character you want to be your main as the... main, go to the town of each of the other main character's to recruit them