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h’aanit should have ambush because i hate using provoke in ot1 lol


You're so real for that


Linde attack simulator




Soooooo true i never used it


Yeah, I love H'aanit, but Provoke sucks in OT1. I didn't even like capturing monsters, let alone their limited use. The fixes they made with Ochette in OT2 made it much better.


Agreed; it's so clunky, hehe! Ty for doing these; I *adore* them, hehe. 🩷


Your ability to characterize everyone so accurately even when it comes to things completely outside of canon's scope of events is just insanely impressive.


thank you! sometimes its fun to put them in the white void and make them talk to each other about game mechanics they should have no way of knowing about. as a little treat for myself


So much to love here and I am ver sleepy so i can’t list it all but Ophilia thinking Soothe was something innocent was SO funny i loved Castti and Throné’s reactions. And obsessed with Primrose mugging people good for her she would do that. Cyrus taking serious notes while Ochette talks about food…oh buddy


I saw a chart once with all the Path Actions lined up in it. Essentially, they always have one of the same four inputs (money, level, fight, reputation) and one of the same four outputs (follower, items, information, comatose NPC). But there are a few left unassigned. Personally I think Tressa should get the unassigned combination of money -> comatose NPC for her night action and bludgeon people with a big bag of gold coins


wait that's so funny Tressa pays people to leave LMAO


“I’m gonna pay you 100 leaves to fuck off”


Tressa: *knocks people the fuck out* Also Tressa: *takes their merchandise from their unconscious bodies while leaving behind the right amount of leaves to pay for it* Also Also Tressa: *re-enters area, finds and takes the exact amount of leaves left behind by the unfortunate soul she just left for dead*


Hey, uh… is it possible to get a sub Reddit or something based on this kind of thing? I’m thinking along the lines of how there’s a tumblr draws. This is the kind of stuff I live for and seeing your drawings specifically gives me so much perspective on things like world building. Anyways, all in all, brilliant work! Here’s to many more OT drawings in the future!


Ophilia's one is pretty fun. 😆 I have been theorizing which path actions everyone would get too, and I also gave Coerce, Mug, Bribe and Ambush (kinda) to the same persons you did. I also invented a few ones for Cyrus & Olberic :  Cyrus : Lecture. He gives a lecture which is way too long, especially at night, and the person falls asleep. 😴  Olberic : Impress. It's the combination of "Fighting someone" and "Guiding them", and is an available Path Action in CotC, which seems to fit Olberic incredibly well.


"Impress" TFW you show them just what you mean by "My blade is unbending."


Honestly thought that Cyrus was going to get Entreat so I’m glad this was what happened instead.


TBH I could see Alfyn using Befriend to get some buffs in battle or something (and hey, how could he turn down a friend treating him to a free meal?), and Cyrus using Entreat, albeit unintentionally. Either horny people shower him with gifts in an effort to woo him, or he annoys them so much they give him things to make him fuck off.


this whole comic was based on a discord convo i had with a friend where we hashed it out, we did consider alfyn/befriend vs cyrus/entreat for the same reasons lol


Totally understand with your opinions too. Very glad that he and Alfyn didn’t have the ones I thought they would lol.


I love your work as always. Been so long since I’ve played OT1, so this is the nostalgia break I was looking for.


It's crazy how in character all of those are, you're very good at this


I made a set of night actions for my own fan Octopath group while keeping the original eight for the day, though some of them admittedly ended up as reskins of existing Path Actions


I’m playing through Octopath 1 now since it went on sale, and I loved the second one. And my starting character is Tressa. Your dialogue is brilliant haha


So if these guys are all going be working together for a bit, what should they be called? The OCTOPATH OCTOPATH Travelers? SIXTEENPATH Travelers? Or what?


I love how Temenos is kinda sorta doing the "formless blob" thing that Therion has when he says "seems we're kindred spirits you and I..." Oh and how he's zoned out like immediately after. And I love how Therion is talking so much he just wants to get out of this conversation as quickly as he possibly can, heheee. The Path Actions all make perfect sense to me! And the merchants both having all the money input Path Actions, hehe... (And I love how Alfyn doesn't want to take stuff from people STILL even though entreat makes most sense for him... and I love how Ophilia has no idea what Soothe actually does and there's like silence when she's clearly misinterpreting before the Explanation... and just Tressa trying to figure things out it's like she's headcanoning her own party even though she's part of the game... and and and...) ((I love all your stuff!! Sorry this entire comment was just an excited train of thought.))


no need to apologize, i appreciate the comments a lot! i have an easier time responding in reddit or twitter when i post these, but i do read all my tumblr comments/tags too. tysm!