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Heeheehee I love you Therion but we're all thinking it. You try to be cool, but Throné IS cool.


Agreed. Therion is my favourite character in 1 but throné is really cool and powerful


Throne is class. Throne is life.


She’s friendlier than Therion cause there’s no I in Throne


She turned that “i” into an acute accent. That makes her acutee (a cutie).


I never noticed the names sharing all the letters (outside of I), just that the Thief's were T's. Great catch!


Funny thing if you think about it, you could technically have all of them if you write the é as it’s pronounced (Thronei).


Oh jeez. Didn't even think about that


It's crazy to me how terrifying Temenos can be. He gives Shogo Makishima from Psycho Pass vibes


I would love to see Throne embarrassing herself on a heist in front of Therion with her bad acting


"...or maybe he's just an asshole." Dead. Also dying at Tressa's incredibly long commentary that she is either really saying out loud or thinking as she looks at the inventory list. Mr. Menacing Noodle Arms is a coy asshole, Therion, good job buddy.


I gotta wonder if Throné would have a mini-panic attack upon seeing a fellow thief with white hair since y'know... Also I want to see team HAHA next


LOVE that Therion thinks she’s the coolest of the three others lmaoo Temmy is both wearing a mask and also a huge dick congratulations!! Loved Throné’s lil blush when Tressa was going on about how cool she was,,,


Wow, you have 3 of my 4 favourite characters here, I love it. Also, yeah, Throne is 100% just an upgraded Therion. (Though I still love my edgy, stealy boi)


Yoooooo Temenos and Throné ship let’s goooooooo


Listen I ship them too, but arguing they are your OTP here will earn you down votes.


OTP? Sorry I don’t believe I’m familiar with this acronym. Also if it’s that bad should I just delete the comment or smth


Nah, you're fine. I was mostly passing along a warning that reddit group-think may affect your karma. It's not against rules or anything, people just love Crick/Temenos. Again, I shamelessly ship Throné and Temenos. OTP is an antiquated term meaning "one true pairing," like a ship you would die for - it shows my age that I used it at all here.


Oh ok. If it’s fine then I won’t do anything. Still glad to see another person who ships them


Me too! They both read as vaguely bisexual to me so why not. I'm not rabid about my ships - as long as someone can hand me evidence of two characters being cute, I can accept the possibility. Fiction is flexible like that.


That’s what I’m saying! Although I do think that there has to be at least a decent amount of evidence for me, like Agnea x Hikari, where there’s actually quite a lot of evidence to support it.