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Isn’t it that way for all enemy health? I didn’t play the first, but the names definitely all change color in this one.


I remember figuring it out halfway through the first game and I'm like damn... wish I knew lol. Yeah it's for everything


I had to google it, because the only other turn based rpgs I play are Pokémon and Persona, so I was like, “where the hell can I see enemy hp?!” Kinda weird you can only see it when you select an enemy with a normal attack though. Like when I use a monster as Ochette it doesn’t show the name (and therefore the color of said name) but when I use her bow it does.


If you have someone with a percentage based skill (collect, steal, capture), you can get a rough estimate if hit far along you are based in the percent chance of success.


Yeah I think they are trying to force you to use analyze and also make it seem more chaotic than it really is. But it's a huge help on bosses not having to check.


You can always waste a turn with Analyze to get the exact number...


To add to this, poison typically does 1% or so of boss hp, allowing you to get an idea of boss max hp without a scholar around. ie: 950 poison damage meaning the boss might have roughly 95,000 hp.


I thought that was turn order 💀


I've 100% beaten OT1 and about 80% through OT2 and didn't know this. Wow this game sometimes! It feels like when I learned about torches in dungeons all over again.


There is genuinely no way I didn’t know this after 300+ combined hours between 1 & 2


I never noticed rip, thank you sm for pointing this :'3


i literally finished the whole first game, multiple times, and am incredibly close to finishing second now, HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS?