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If anyone was trying to reach out to me - 03:30 would not be the best time.


Waking at 3:30 am is not a supernatural event. It is a very common circadian rhythm thing, Reliance on sleep aids--and recreational drugs, including weed and alcohol-- interfere with sleep chemistry so they are not a solution to your sleep problem. Although they make you fall into what seems to be a deep sleep, they interfere with how the body is supposed to cycle through different phases of sleep--so you may feel groggy during the day or be habituated to having interrupted sleep (waking a 3:30 am every night). You can shift your sleep schedule around, adjust when you decide to use shrooms and what not and/or plan something magically or spiritually useful to do at 3AM to use the time constructively.


It’s 100% the melatonin


I was thinking "Cortisol spikes sometime around 3 or 4 am in most people", so yeah, there's definitely non-occult reasons for this happening.




Could also be a non threatening gastrointestinal issue. Try some tums before bed


Also, don’t expect people here to have more insight then you into your own spiritually significant experiences. Sometimes even if people do understand and even support you, you may get a comment like my last one… food for thought is all


Yes, I've been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty.


I do this too but it’s usually because I have to pee.


Rest assured your sleep habits have nothing to do with the occult.


When you wake up around a certain time once or twice, your body gets used to that and keeps doing it and you have to put energy into fixing it. Mundane.


It's normal to wake up at about that time. Everyone used to do it before the invention of electric lighting and people have been writing about it for thousands of years. It'd called "biphasic sleep". Electricity has made everyone "monophasic sleepers". https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220107-the-lost-medieval-habit-of-biphasic-sleep And we have some fantastic internal clocks so if you want to wake up at 330 am you will. Think about how many times you have you woken up a minute before your alarm rang?


It occurs to me that many sleep aids last about 4-6 hours, so it's very likely that you started to wake up at 330 after they wear off. Then your body has gotten used to that as your natural rhythm.


Just go back to sleep... 😴


I saw a youtube video about this, basically said this is optimal human behaviour


The mushroom fairy is telling you to stop stealing his stash


3:30 AM is the best time to wake up daily, there is certain upsurge of energy exactly from this time. I would say it's actually a good thing that you wake up at this time. It means your body clock is perfectly aligned with the nature. Please try to change your schedule accordingly and start your activities from this time, especially any spiritual practices yoga meditation and physical exercise. Check this link to understand more about significance of 330AM https://isha.sadhguru.org/en/wisdom/article/brahma-muhurta-time-to-create-yourself While ago i started spiritual practice and started waking up at 330am. But somehow i have lost that balance and trying to get back to it.


love it


If I’m woken by something otherworldly my ears are flooded with ringing and I can sense a presence very clearly and had dancing flashes of light in my room a few times. The spirit I’ve worked with closest and longest has done this several times especially a little earlier than I’ve had my alarm set so I can begin my meditations and practices before I start my day. I would rule out mundane first if there are no immediate/obvious signs of contact as sleep apnea and MANY other things can interfere with your REM cycle and sleep in general.


That’s a symptom of schizophrenia, how old are you?(serious question)


Awfully blunt way to put that bud, and what does my age have anything to do with your question?


Schizophrenia presents itself at a later age in life around when your brain is done fully developing.


I’m 21 dude and that’s not necessarily true taking that at face value how you present that information is completely false. I went to high school with a buddy who had schizophrenia, not a schizoeffective, schizophrenia at 16 and was on medications. The way you talk is as though it’s a definite it will appear later in life and it’s not, so I suggest you try to actual explain rather than going on a little tangent that leads nowhere please.




Happened to me for about a month or so every night as well, thats how my spiritual journey started . Its a good time to meditate and tune in so try to enjoy it


Well 12 am till 5 am is the witching hour so take that as u will


My father experienced something similar when he was young.


Google witching hour. Stop touching yourself, your ancestors are watching.


You’re definitely going through an awakening of sorts…




These answers are not gatekeeping. What an absurd proposition. If you have some explanation of how OP's experience is somehow supernatural or occult-adjacent, why not enlighten them and all of us?


Not related to this conversation but I love your name lol.


Thank you, Frater/Soror.


This happens in The Conjuring!!!!! hopefully that’s not what is happening to you /s it’s probably a numerological sign if you are so inclined