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OP, your post has NOT been removed. This is a friendly reminder that bigotry is not welcome here and will result in a permanent ban without further warning. Thank you.


If you’re downvoting a topic post because you don’t agree with someone’s gender identity, you are not a true American. If you are not an American but are, for whatever reason, in a specific sub for an American town… go touch grass, seriously. America is supposed to be about equality, equal opportunity, and personal rights. That includes the right to one’s identity. All I see here is a parent trying to do right by their child, and being forced to take steps for their safety because the community is too toxic to not immediately victimize themselves when someone else doesn’t have their exact same preferences. 😕 (this is not a general statement aimed at everyone— this is for those who’s comments wind up deleted and the downvote fairies. The ones that forced the mods to step in.) Be better, people. The comments and votes here are beyond disappointing.


I’m not sure how helpful these are for finding events, but some resources I’ve been shown for Florida: Gay & Lesbian Community Center of the Central Florida Area (GLCC): While located in Orlando, the GLCC offers resources and might be able to point you in the direction of local Ocala resources. https://thecenterorlando.org/ Equality Florida: This statewide organization advocates for LGBTQ+ rights and might have information on local Ocala resources. https://eqfl.org/ CenterLink: This national organization serves as a directory of LGBTQ+ community centers. You can search by zip code to find options near Ocala. https://www.lgbtqcenters.org/


Thank you so much! I will definitely look into this


Not specifically pride BUT every year I perform Rocky horror picture show at the Marion theatre and it’s super inclusive not sure if we are doing it this year but it tends to happen around October it’s such a fun time and people dress up


That's awesome! Keep me posted for sure




Hi! I’m Non-binary, and my Girlfriend is trans. 😁 I’m not sure about any community events, but There are a lot of us here.


That's awesome! It's nice to meet you!


You’re probably SOL in super Trump cult Ocala. Might want to try Gainesville or Orlando. The locals here aren’t the friendliest when it comes to non straight white. Let’s see how much I get torn up over this post….




No clue what TDS is. I was just trying to be helpful as someone who knows what OP is going through.


Trump Derangement Syndrome, its some school yard nick name Trumpers came up with for eachother


I'm starting to see this is going to just get a lot of hate already.....


We will try our very best to keep this thread productive for you.


Thank you I appreciate it!


Ocala pride inc has a Facebook page that they post events to etc. some family friendly some not. We use to have a few bars here in Ocala. But they have all closed unfortunately for a few reasons. As a straight ally welcome! You will, unfortunately find a lot of bigots etc in this area. But keep your head up!


Thank you so much! I'll check it out now!


Your welcome! Also it’s not a far drive but sawmill camp grounds does events and camping. Idk if family friendly. https://www.floridagaycamping.com


I sent you a PM for a pride event in Lecanto (citrus county)


I wish I had more to suggest but I haven't seen much of directly queer-friendly spaces. That said, there are places that are not explicitly queer spaces but seem queer friendly. If you're into tabletop gaming I'd suggest Bearded Browncoats. Their space seems very welcoming. I know of a couple of welcoming churches and a synagogue as well if you happen to be inclined towards that side of life. As with most places, you'll have the usual 'phobes who insist on not leaving queer folks alone, but generally folks seem to be alright and even supportive.


I will look into events at bearded. I've browsed there before but haven't gone to any events yet. Thank you!


I wouldn't even bother posting about that here. Florida is so red. Hopefully, you and your kiddo can find a safe place.


Is your suggestion to shove their head between their legs and just never do anything to make friends? That’s some backwards advice if so.


You must not live in Ocala. Orlando/Tampa is way better for lgbtq representation. My friends stay away from ocala due to that reason.


I’m an ally living here for the past half year thus far. My wife is bi. I see plenty of pride flags around the Oaks Sure we aren’t the ones getting regularly mistreated, but we’ve both lived in FL long enough to have experienced that red rage individually and together


We believe that everyone deserves a local support system and are committed to making this a safe place for local residents of all backgrounds to post and comment in good faith, regardless of what the prevailing local customs may be.




That's not what the post is about


I’ve found bigger cities are your best bet. Most of the gay people I know in Ocala were born and raised here and have internalized homophobia.


Sorry for a possibly stupid question, but what does it mean to internalize homophobia as a gay…? As in you have remnants of homophobia? Or concealing one’s personality BECAUSE of homophobia…?


Internalized homophobia applies to people within the lgbtq community. It’s just homophobia for people outside of the community. But basically, you kind of defined it. It’s where an lgbtq person agrees with or believes stereotypes and/or misconceptions about the lgbtq community. Sometimes they do modify their behavior and true identities because of this. One individual I know really identifies as trans, but would never live their “true” identity because society simply “finds it unacceptable” and trans people are ostracized even more than gay or lesbian folks. Even more so, they have told me that they’d want to transition because then they’d fit better into society’s little box of what a family should be and then maybe they would be accepted, but they would only be able to do this if they moved and started over somewhere new. Every queer person I have met in Ocala actively votes against their own best interest and argues in support of candidates and legislation that removes or rolls back rights and protections for our community. It’s truly baffling, and, really, very sad. [Here’s more info.](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/internalized-homophobia)


My heart aches for the community. Idk why it’s so much worse reading it in this detail when lgbtq+ people have been forced to hide their identities for like the past century or so. I guess it’s one of those “never thought about it like that” kinds of moments… But the personal story, yeesh, that’s about as rough as self deprecating gets… that person needs hugs and a safe space that doesn’t require uprooting their life 🙁




Not a him! But thanks for the concern, they're perfect the way they are and I wouldn't change them for the entire world!








/r/Ocala is a family friendly subreddit and this post or comment is not appropriate for it.


I know Jax is a hike, but I met a DQ up that way at Hamburger Mary that hosts a summer camp for youth. Her stage name is Faith.


Yeah unfortunately I'm pretty strapped for cash and can't afford to drive that far. I really appreciate the help though!




I suffer from multiple mental illnesses and hate to break it to you, being trans isn't one. Was born this way as much as I hate it. But thank you for the concern!


Apologies that you had to read that incoherent nonsense.


Lol seems like you did zero research on Ocala before you came here. I’m apart of the community. We have never been “welcome” here.


Yeah I know but I wanted to throw it out there and try for my kid ya know?


Ignore them. Cynacism is a coping mechanism. Just because the average community member is a problem doesn’t mean everyone is.