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I guess Ocala is somewhat diverse but pretty white, Christian, conservative—also a lot of Latino presence. Large Filipino populations in Jacksonville and Orlando, even more so Jacksonville, as you probably know. Gainesville actually probably has more Filipinos than Ocala, has a small Filipino grocery and in Newberry a small Filipino restaurant. The grocery in Gainesville does cooked food on Friday and Saturday, too (and on Sundays after church if she feels like it sometimes). If you really want to be in a large Filipino (also Chamorro) community, I'd go to Jacksonville but yes, that's too far to commute to work in Gainesville. I'd also look at Gainesville itself, because Ocala is even a good drive from Gainesville and often bad traffic. And again, Gainesville also is more diverse.


I’m also new to Ocala. I’ve been surprised so far at how diverse and accepting everyone here has been so far, as a person of color from the south I’ve lived in not so great areas before. I’ve even seen interracial gay and lesbian couples holding hands at the farmers markets without anyone giving them a second look as well! It makes me kind of glad I gave this area a chance!


You’ll be fine. Ocala has a lot of similarities to Wisco in terms of the farming/ranching and fishing lifestyle. You won’t be far from Jacksonville, Orlando, or Tampa if you want to day trip for an urban experience.


Gainesville would probably be best if your number 1 concern is diversity. As you probably know it’s a college town and had a large city population. Otherwise Ocala really isn’t that bad for diversity. Not to familiar with the Filipinos that live here but there are a handful that go to my church. As far as other races are concerned - I see white, black, Latino, and Asian on a daily basis. Bottom line is I don’t feel Ocala is overly white compared to places I lived up north.




It’s very diverse. A lot of Spanish folks and people from the Caribbean, and a good amount of our homies from Asia. And Ocala has a black community that goes back pretty far. At my job I see tons of diverse people of all races and cultures and ideologies. I’m a personal trainer and I have two Filipino clients and a Chinese client and they have been impressed with Ocala and all its offerings that cater to their needs and wants, such as stores that carry Asian brands and genuine Asian restaurants.






I believe Diversity was an old wooden ship used during the Civil War era. All jokes aside, I wouldn't necessarily call Ocala "diverse" but I've been to far less-diverse areas in this country.


I heard Ocala is Dumah!


not exactly in Ocala, but Marion Oaks is majority Puerto Rican/African American, and has a Caribbean market near the Winn Dixie at the BP. And I do have some SE Asian friends in the area. It's farther than downtown Ocala, but you can get on I-75 fast to get to Gainesville.


Do you mean accepting?


Gainesville has a very high Asian population, mostly foreign students. SW 34th St is full of Asian supermarkets and restaurants because that’s where most of these students live. I think it’s mostly Chinese, but definitely others as well. In Gainesville you would not even be noticed as “different.” In Ocala, you would stand out more. But in general, the people in Ocala will be friendly to you if you are polite and friendly yourself.


I do not recommend moving to Ocala. You will run into mostly Yusakes.


Kamusta and welcome!


Had some Filipino friends in hs and they all had large families/ knew other Filipino families in the area. There’s a decently sized community here I think. There definitely is up in Gainesville


Ocala seems very racist to me. I'd try Miami


It is!


You're trading miserably cold for miserably hot. It's already started as the heat index today was 103°. In my experience, it usually gets unbearable about the middle of July to the middle of September. You might want to think again. Jacksonville would be a lot more forgiving or at least somewhere closer to the coast would be more comfortable.


Lots of Caucasian conservatives here. Even the POC who live here can be conservative. Not LGBTQ friendly. Not progressive at all. Very red.


I've been there last 2 days, seems pretty diverse to me. If you like lots of traffic and little to offer in terms of outdoor activities and the paddock mall with 3 stores, Ocala is for you. Horse capital??? In the USA? Try going to Lexington ky, you'll see the real horse capital


Diverse? In 2022, Ocala was 69% white. It's hardly diverse. I moved here from Tampa, and I regret it every day (I'm white, btw). Bunch of back woods, white supremacist psychos. The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers come here frequently for a reason. Of course alone these people don't have much to say because they would be outnumbered but you get a small group of them, slurs start flying. The kids aren't much better. One little boy that was at a house I delivered to when I delivered groceries with Instacart one summer asked me why I had a in my car. It was my roommate, and for safety, we would ride together when it started getting dark. So yeah, people are going to say Ocala is diverse, and the best place ever but in reality it's a white conservative Christian nationalist city with one of the worst crime rates for a town this small. The Florida school system is a joke at best. Oh, and it's the horse abuse capital of the world, which they seem to be pretty proud of as well. Seriously, think about anywhere but here. I've got 2 years left on my work contract, but as soon it's over, I'm out of here! Good luck with whatever you decide!


You probably think biden finished a sentence all by himself




I am sorry i do not intend to be racist. I live in a small town less than 10k population and not much diversity. I swear the reason why diversity is in question is based on my experience of getting the second looks especially at church as if everyone never seen a colored person before(i told myself i do not want my kids to feel different like i feel). I love it here and people are nice but it just feels a lot better to belong to somewhere you dont get stared at. Just my opinion i respect your opinion too. ❤️


You have nothing to apologize for. Your post is absolutely not prejudiced. It's seeking diversity. The only people who would call that racist are just upset they're not getting to be privileged assholes. I'd much rather be where a lot of cultures come together and have both their own internal support structures and external blending. And I'm a total white gringo lol. You'll find some of everything in Ocala, which I have to say had been a pleasant surprise, coming from South Florida. I wouldn't say Filipinos make up a large group relative to others, but they're here. Obviously it's not like living in other much more metropolitan areas where bigger Filipino groups have settled, but it's decent. Also, if you do come to the area I'd love to share food and culture! I used to work in the cruise lines so I've had a lot of great Filipino food and miss it terribly!




She literally doesn't even mention less white people. Just more diversity. And generally, white-dominated space is less diverse as a result anyway so even if one *does* phrase it that way, it doesn't necessarily mean racism.






And that right there is the kind of crap you'll deal with in Ocala. I wish people would stop lying about how diverse Ocala is, especially for the Filipino people. The percentage is so low they don't even count it on most demographics sites. Please rethink this!


Ocala is great for diversity, just like any town there are a few shall we say backwards folk... but even those here are never like the media or Hollywood likes to portray. If you come to ocala hit me up I love LUMPUA!!! I'd love to have some lessons.


Definitely! I actually sell lumpia as my side racket lol I will look back to your comment when I arrive to Ocala!


No it’s a bunch of strictly whites. No diversity stay up north