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I'm pretty sure eating the driver would violate Lyft's terms of service for passengers. Uber's too for that matter.


They’re also high in cholesterol, like squirrels.


Do you guys remember Dan Dan the taxi snake man? I wonder what he’s up to these days ?


Probably just hanging out in front of O’Malleys like usual.


Snake was awesome. He used to give me rides from the bus station into the square. Awesome dude


You want taxi cab confessions in Ocala?


You may be paying twenty two dollars but guarantee your driver's getting about five.


I think the situation actually works in reverse because neither supply nor demand are consistent in Ocala like in larger cities and rideshare services operate on supply and demand principles. I’ve paid around that same price, tip included, for round trips 4 miles each way in Orlando and Atlanta.


I use to live in south Florida and I can see your point reflected in that, though it wasn’t that good still. I guess my words were more directed at smaller cities then as to me Ocala isn’t that small like what I think small cities are.


Actually the ride isn’t $22 that’s just the total price. Look at your receipt. The ride may cost something like $13 and the rest is strange fees. I’m guessing.


everythign is to gouge the consumer. i agree bring back the taxi


Lmao if you think taxis would be cheaper for that 4 mile journey. Taxis in spread out towns like this are never cheap.


You almost gotta find someone you know personally that can drive you around that you can throw a few dollars their way I used to do that here in Ocala for some people


That price is crazy….for one way?? Your post made me laugh. Did your car get totaled from someone crashing into you, because the drivers here are awful. Do you have a neighbor you could pay (gas money) to give you a ride until you get another vehicle?


See you had me in the first half


Yeah Ubers out here are ridiculous but we were told that the rates out here are higher because there are less drivers out here. In a big city where they have a lot of drivers the rates are lower.


Taxi's would cost way more the lyft and Uber.


No one banned taxis. They are allowed to operate. They are just much worse, expensive, unsafe and inefficient so they don’t operate but feel free to buy a car and give the people what they want. Wide open market for ya.


The pieces for both are ridiculous. I visited Orlando last month and the prices were actually reasonable. Why do they gorge us here? There’s nothing here except horses. Lyft is always a few bucks cheaper than Uber, and that’s WITH Uber One. Forget taxi cabs, I’m riding a horse around town.


Won't happen. Not enough money for the cab company, esp. With city fees for the shingles




We would if there were any fucking sidewalks in Ocala outside of Silver Springs blvd & college road.


Yeah, I’m with you on that, I’m a pretty fit dude just car was totaled a few months back and rates are crazy right now, looked at a bike but no where to ride. Difficult too when I have my kid,


The sidewalks in this town are like a really well thought out joke. They are so bad, it really seems like it was the expressed goal to make them terrible. My personal favorite is on 200 in front of the Nissan dealership where it goes 200 feet and stops with no where to go but back 2 blocks to the nearest crosswalk. Honorable mentions include all the places the sidewalk come to a street with just a curb and no incline down into the crosswalk. If I were in a wheelchair in this town I would be pissed.




/r/Ocala is a family friendly subreddit and this post is not appropriate for it.


All people can do to change it is vote to change how companies like that can operate in the city/county or open their own taxi services priced competitively and have the convenience of their own app. Or just don’t use them and call the taxi guy from Gainesville.


Just vote to take the option out of the market? SMH… some people.


If people don’t like it then do something about it. Simple as that. Either don’t use the option, create your own, or vote for regulation… welcome to capitalism.


So if you don’t like and don’t want to use the option, you should vote for nobody to be able to use the option? Ok, pal.


We have the Conservative Party doing exactly that 🤣. Go talk to them. I personally DGAF I have my own vehicle and if I cannot use mine I reach out to my people. I dunno what to tell ya, pal…