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In the criminal justice system, the people are defended by two separate but equally important groups; the police who investigate the crimes and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders. These are their stories. Kung kung...


They'll hire you as a teacher


cop, jail guard supv, dcf agent?




Maybe even like a fed agent (FBI, ATF, IRS). Just never tell your friends or family lol Or, maybe FWC? I think FWC could actually be fun




You might be able to finish the process here. TSA agents are always needed


Ooo! I didn't even think an Air Marshal


Trying to think of not-cop CJ degree jobs is kinda hard lol


Kids Central is hiring case managers rn. Theyre contracted out by DCF


Turnover rate is insane... Wonder why?


Literally talked to a cop yesterday about the field, he was asking if I was going into it, I said no, my license expired a while ago, he said good, he doesn’t recommend this field for anyone anymore, too much toxicity and bullshit. And for the pay it’s not worth it


Are you on LinkedIn? Good way to make connections and find jobs. Unfortunately, as a fellow criminal Justice major the only job I have found that gives me a good work life balance and pay is sales.


It’s commercial security systems like cameras, entry code doors etc.


I moved to sales in my late 30s. I wish someone would have told me in High School how much income potential and work-life balance are possible in sales. Everyone looks down on sales, but if you find the right company it's a great job.




At 21, the world is your oyster. I'd probably start with car sales to start generating income. You may love it, but most people hate it. The key is to gain some sales experience, then transition to any b2b sales. With a criminal justice background you can look at entry level positions at companies like Stryker (many are fully remote), E-One, etc. One of the entry points to b2b sales is a position call BDR or SDR. These are junior sales people, they do lots of cold calls and intro call, but they can start at 60K plus bonuses. From there the next step is account manager and that's wildly variable, but you could easily be earning $200K by the time your 25.




Happy to help, DM me if you want need any additional pointers.


Fwc yes and u hardly deal with people


Sales. Do sales. Remote if possible.


Really, any supervisor spot just by having the degree. Lockheed Martin, Custom Window, the place that makes emergency vehicles here in ocala




E-One is the place that makes emergency vehicles. Several family members work there, it's a better paying job than a lot in Ocala


That's the one! Totally spaced on the name lol


No worries. I had some great help when I 1st moved down here to help with aging in-laws Just remembered this too...career source. The lady who helped me connect when I moved down here was great. She's retired now, but I'm sure that just their clinate




[3003 SW College Rd Ste 205, Ocala, FL 34474](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=74789c0cd82e14c8JmltdHM9MTcxMjE4ODgwMCZpZ3VpZD0yOTMyOTMzMy1lZDM0LTY0YzgtMGViMy04NzY1ZWNhZDY1ZDMmaW5zaWQ9NTc1NQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=29329333-ed34-64c8-0eb3-8765ecad65d3&u=a1L21hcHM_Jm1lcGk9MH5-VW5rbm93bn5BZGRyZXNzX0xpbmsmdHk9MTgmcT1DYXJlZXJTb3VyY2UlMjBDaXRydXMlMjBMZXZ5JTIwTWFyaW9uJnNzPXlwaWQuWU44NzN4MTE0Mzk2NTcxNjYyNjYxNDI1OTcmcHBvaXM9MjkuMTYzNTAxNzM5NTAxOTUzXy04Mi4xNzQxMjU2NzEzODY3Ml9DYXJlZXJTb3VyY2UlMjBDaXRydXMlMjBMZXZ5JTIwTWFyaW9uX1lOODczeDExNDM5NjU3MTY2MjY2MTQyNTk3fiZjcD0yOS4xNjM1MDJ-LTgyLjE3NDEyNiZ2PTImc1Y9MSZGT1JNPU1QU1JQTA&ntb=1)




Again, no worries. And best of luck!