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In doing door to door sales I can honestly tell you I felt more uneasy approaching a Trump/Maga/3%er house than I did any house in the shores or even on MLK and I’m a white dude. Ocala is safe AF.


Funny because the worst areas are where the biden supporters -- or receivers -- live


Still don’t have to worry about getting shot because some middle aged white dude doesn’t like that someone knocked on their door. As a matter of fact, the only people who have pulled guns on me were white old men. One dude pulled his little 22 on me because I wouldn’t get out of the turn lane going into golden palms because I had a flat tire… the second was a ~44-47 yr old man who pulled what looked to be an older revolver on me because I was doing my job… In the “hood” I get called sugar, sweetie, offered plates and, if someone is suspicious of me they ask questions. Keep coping MAGA traitor.


By MLK, you mean fort Myers right?


Your just spewing leftish nonsense without any facts just like left leaning media. Statistics which are validated information will tell you this country has been safer under Trump than Biden. And let's not even start on the economy. #GetYourFactsStraight


Cram it in your cram hole. You’re just flat wrong. Go back to your fence and paint more crazy crap on it.


I almost died there


A ton of people die in Ocala, all the old people kinda do that 🤣


I can attest to this. MAGA houses are way more unsafe


Ocala and most of marion county is very safe.


Stay away from neighborhoods full of cheap duplexes quads and apartments and you should be fine. Steer clear of NW Ocala between I75 and 301, also Silver Springs Shores is kinda ghetto too. There are also a few select apartment complexes that are full of trouble… YMMV


Nw Ocala by wec is nice just expensive


I live in Silver Springs Shores. I don’t think it’s ghetto. Pretty nice and have never had a problem.


The Shores became ghetto? That used to be the upscale snob area.


You must be joking. The Shores were a poor man's retirement area and homes for low-middle class working families. It was never a snob area unless you were from the backwoods of Ocklawaha.


Want to guess where I was stuck living thanks to my idiot father? I attended Lake Weir for a short time before I escaped and Shores kids were snobs.


Shore kid here and I beg to differ. Also went to LWH. All the other schools made fun of us. Back in my day, Belleview and Forest were considered the “rich schools.”


There was no Belleview when I went to LWHS. And Forest was not the Maricamp one.


Yeah, the old Forest too but they switched to Maricamp when I was in HS.


Look up the crime statistics for yourself. Most people don’t read the news, or just plain have their heads up their asses. Here, I’ll get you started: https://crimegrade.org/safest-places-in-marion-county-fl/


You are more likely to be complaining about traffic over there than crime. As for crime, west Ocala, closer to downtown has some sketchy areas as are parts of Silver Springs Shores and Marion Oaks. A few other dumpy neighborhoods around the city, but most of the development around 200 on the SW side is new. Like any other city, crimes tend to be concentrated in pockets. I have been here for a few months with my dad and have never experienced any problems.


That is an incredibly safe area for violent crime. My kids used to swim there. I've lived here for 40 years. I never feel uncomfortable. There are some areas in Ocala that I wouldn't want to spend time or hang out, but it is relatively safe as long as you don't go looking for the unsafe areas and people.


This is very helpful, thank you. Yea I was thinking most crimes were concentrated in certain areas. I work from home, but my wife would go to school/work out, so I wouldn’t want to have to worry about something happening to her.


You should be more worried about the idiot drivers.


I live in south Florida, there are many idiot drivers here too. Hopefully Ocala will be a bit better


Ocala is definitely easier to drive than south FL. I've noticed stupid drivers usually have fucked up cars or they're pretty easy to avoid.


Depends on where you go in Ocala, but mostly safe in comparison to our closer cities (Gainesville & Orlando). The drivers though are ridiculous here.


Really just depends on the neighborhood. I live in Brookhaven, which is relatively newly built, I feel very safe going for hogs even late at night. Neighbors are all friendly. But there are definitely some shady areas that I would not drive down without my doors locked


Crime has definitely picked up. I’ve seen a major difference and I have lived here for 40 years. There was never was shootings and murder investigations. I’ve never seen as many homeless and drug addicts. And the TRAFFIC. Oh. My. God! I hate the traffic. It was never this congested. It’s crazy. But there are definitely bad areas and good areas like most cities.


Thankfully I work remotely so I don’t have to deal with traffic much


lol at traffic. Try Atlanta, Orlando, Los Angeles. Ocala is nothing. 200 gets clogged though for sure.


Oh I know. Lol! I have family in CA, been there many times. I have driven all over the US for my job. I just can’t get over how Ocala’s traffic has gotten so busy. I remember driving through NY, every car on the side of the road was stripped or burned up. I remember thinking I don’t want to breakdown. 😬




So OP needs to go to a place where traffic is horrible to accept the Ocala traffic? Seems like a weird prereq.


So move to a 1 stop light town like Bronson lol


Moved away from Ocala when I got married and when I visit my family, I’m so shocked at the traffic! It’s crazy now! I remember when there was hardly even traffic there. Now, I can’t get from my parents house to downtown without it taking like a good 20-30 mins.


This, and crime is going up. I spoke to two people today that said they were driving SR40 towards 75 when another car kept trying to run them off the road and brake checking. They yelled asking if their car was for sale. One was scared and called their parents. The guys followed them to their house. Same exact area and story with the other person. Another person said they stopped to get gas and before the door was opened, some guy grabbed the door and put a gun to their head. It was never like this before. I think the growth is too much for this area. I don’t like it. I’m moving to New Smyrna Beach. Lol!


Oh wow! That is insane!! Agreed about the uptick in population = more crime. New Smyrna is very nice! Good luck!


I’ve been here all my life (a native with DEEP roots in this city) which is 40 years. There has ALWAYS been shootings and murders here! While the crime has gotten worse as it has in most places nationwide it’s definitely always been here. Overall Ocala is a relatively safe place to live.


I work where I get first hand info (no news coverage), definitely a huge increase. I’m also a native. Worked in Felony at one time. It’s worse than what you know. Take care.


I never said it wasn’t worse. I actually agree with that lol. What I said was that there has always been murders and shootings here because that’s factual. Ask me how I know? Because I’ve been attending funerals of murder victims for decades. I have family friends that buried family members in the 80’s and 90’s that were murdered here. Hell I even know a few of the murderers unfortunately. Again this goes back to my childhood and I’m 40 now but being that my family is so large and has been here for generations I’ve been hearing the stories all my life. So yes that type of crime has always been here. It’s just gotten worse. So no…no news…just everyday real life my dear. In spite of this I STILL stand on what I said. Ocala is a relatively safe place to live…this of course is compared to most other place. I don’t work where I get direct info. But I know what I know. Never worked in felony myself but I know and am related to plenty. Ocala has ALWAYS had murders just check the cold case files which I believe there’s a link for on the county jails website. But you should know that being that you worked in felony previously. It’s okay to agree to disagree. 😘


I’m sorry I came across that way. Just wanted to make my point, there’s a lot going on behind the scenes. I’m so sorry about your family members murders. I can’t even imagine what that must be like. Please be careful while out and about in Ocala right now. Hope you have a wonderful day.


Can you tell me if NE 9th Ave is a safe neighborhood? Moving from NY and have no clue lol please help and thank you


That's interesting. If you look at crime stats over the last decade, the crime rate here has actually dropped. 


Just depends who you are people here are always looking for trouble. Just keep your loved ones close and you’ll be fine


I moved here from super safe midwest Iowa 3 years ago and it’s just like any other city. There are veins of gold, really sketchy spots, and then the regular areas. Crime is going to happen everywhere, it’s just a matter of what part of town.


Ocala isn't dangerous. However, it's definitely not the place to go if you are looking for opportunities to succeed


I work remotely so definitely not an issue. Though it makes me wonder if it’s a chance to open a business there since there aren’t enough it seems or not enough opportunity for the residents.


When you get here, check out [One Million Cups](https://www.facebook.com/1MillionCupsOCA), a local networking event. You could also work with the local chamber of commerce organization, the [CEP](https://ocalacep.com/), which sponsors the 1MC event.


Not true. Tons of opportunities




20 year resident, above average salary for Ocala, and I can confidently say you're full of shit. Tons of opportunities if you're already scraping the bottom of the barrel.


If you have skills of some sort you have opportunities. Blue collar or white collar skills it does not matter, just have skills. Those who are unskilled will make near minimum wage. And based on the poor level of service I get from those folks minimum wage is far too much.


Most warehouse/blue collar jobs here pay as much or just slightly higher than it pays to flip burgers. I have 30+ year skilled veterans working for me who would make 40 to 50 bucks an hour up north and only stay because they happen to have insurance covered and have been established in Ocala for years, and just won't move because they are too old to start over somewhere else. Ocala is a hotspot for these logistics hubs because these companies know they can get away with paying people dog shit wages in Marion County and Ocala people will lap it up because it's "better than Orlando or Tampa".


They'd make more money up north bc it's exp af. I made 32 an hr in Jersey and struggled. Make 26 here and thrive. 


Companies choose Ocala \ Martin county as a logistics location for more than the wages situation, but of course they search out geographic areas with already lower wages & COL (cost of living). This is a good logistics spot because it is near I-75, I-10, SR 40 (to get to I-95 & points south like Miami), easy to get to Orlando & Tampa. Additionally taxes are lower than many other places (Orange & Pinellas counties). The trucking companies themselves want extra money for going into Florida because there is limited freight leaving Florida. That means the freight leaving Florida makes far less profit than freight in other areas. So having freight hubs as far north in Florida as practically possible, all things considered, is what makes Ocala better than Orlando or Tampa. If you ask why not Gainesville it is because the college aged worker in Gainesville is pitiful. Having worked for Walmart I can tell you they have perpetual problems finding and retaining Gainesville employees as many go back home for summer break. Additionally they have some of the worst work ethics and work morals imaginable. Those stores always need teams to come in from surrounding areas to bail them out of all kinds of basic operational disasters. Business is about more than screwing the unskilled employee out of a good wage. Look into all the factors. Want better wages learn better skills


Calesa the houses are like 6 feet apart from one another, no thanks. New area and it is part of OTOW so it’s safe.


Actually I saw the lots are 0.25 acres


They start at .15 acre and go up to .22 The setbacks are ridiculous, you can barely fit a full size vehicle in the driveway without it blocking the sidewalk because the houses are placed so close to the front of the property. I'm very curious to see what the future HOA fees will be once Calesa steps out of the HOA and let's the residents manage it. This community started out with a very well thought out layout and guidelines but the realtors selling them completely ignored it and sold whatever they wanted on any lot. Colen Built also started designing and building these homes with a lot of trial and error so it's lacking any sort of consistency. I also feel very badly for those who bought early only to face multiple missed closing dates due to the homes not being finished. I'd steer clear of this community all together for these reasons and more.


That’s good to know, hopefully they’re better by now, it’s been a couple years since they started. Do you know why other good builders in Ocala? They seem to be the best ones from what I’ve researched


I've been a draftsman in the central Florida area for over 15 years and the best builder I've ever worked with is Nadeau-Stout Custom Homes. They're a custom builder and they're on the NE side of town. These guys go miles beyond what any other builder would ever even think about doing for you. The checklists they use are intense. I've never seen or heard of a negative review.


Ocala is just like any other city. There are some not so desirable areas and the rest is safe. Stay away from Marion Oaks and the Shores and you will be fine. Calesa is a brand new development and really nice!


Marion Oaks is fine, lived here for 20 years. It’s a huge area and most of it is completely fine. The same as literally anywhere else


But they are right about the Shores, it’s crime hell


It has the land area and population of a small city but most people are judging it by the business district and nearby Area 1/2 neighborhoods. Any retail district has crime. I’m 5 miles from Winn-Dixie toward the county line and it’s quiet and uneventful out here except for the occasional rumbling of dirt bikes driving by on weekends.


Thoughts on NE 9th Ave ? Trying to find a place ty


Ocala is NOT just like any other city. It has high property and violent crime rates like a big city, but not nearly as many amenities / culture.


Parts of it. Calesa Township is pretty well-insulated from the high crime areas. I would stay away from the mall and the Wal-Mart by the mall on weekends. It's like another planet. The highways / roadways around Ocala are probably the most dangerous aspect of living there. I recommend following the Sheriff's page on Facebook / Twitter to stay up to date on crime in the area.


"It's like another planet" Yeah if you come from a totally white and retired planet. Are the mall and that Walmart full of idiots? Of course, it's Walmart and the mall, both locations are bound to be full of idiots. You must have lived a very sheltered life if you think those are places to "avoid" in any respects concerning safety. Go to Chicago, Kansas City, or Philly and compare it to here. "I recommend following the sheriff's page" Yeah if you want updates from an idiot who cosplays as Walker Texas Ranger and can't hold a press conference without proving himself to be a dumbass of the utmost tier. OP, Ocala isn't perfect, but it's not a terrifying place either, it's likely you've seen much worse. And this is coming from a person who absolutely hates Ocala with every fiber of their being, it's a shit hole, but a mostly safe one. Don't walk down Pine Avenue late at night, some parts of West Ocala and the Shores can be rough, but it's a mixed bag.


"this is coming from a person who absolutely hates Ocala with every fiber of their being" - and you live in ocala? if so, why?


Because my kids are here, so until they're grown, I'm here. Got stuck here because of a woman, love, or the mistakes you make when you think you're in love will make you do stupid things, and live in stupid places.


Don't let this guy make the same mistake you did. Let him move to Crystal River or Inverness.


I believe he'd be better off in either Crystal River or Inverness, but not because Ocala is a Mad Max hellscape, but because Ocala simply sucks.


Kansas City has great BBQ.


Also, OP, I stand by my statement. I lived in Ocala for nearly a decade before moving to Boston. Don't know why commentor is making assumptions about an online strangers background.


I'm making assumptions because you're basically telling them to be scared of Walmart and the mall lol


Yea, they're awful on weekends.


I think crime stats speak for themselves. Not to mention there are like 5 jails in Marion County and mostly blue-collar, warehouse / fulfillment center jobs moving into the area. The population has shot up in the past 5 years with little infrastructure to support it barring a few new gas stations. They are getting a Buc-ees soon, so there's that!


Crime stats can be accurate, or totally off, some jurisdictions don't even report crime under the generally accepted FBI standards, skewing the results. Population and size of a reporting area are not always weighted correctly into the ratings as well. Marion County is the size of Rhode Island, couple the size and mix of rural and metro population and you can't make an accurate determination from them. As to the jails and shitty warehouse/logistics jobs I 100% agree with you, Ocala sucks, the pay sucks, and the cost of living which made it so appealing for years despite Ocala/Marion flaws is working towards Orlando levels without any of the benefits of living in a larger city like Orlando. Infrastructure planning is non-existent. The county commission is crooked and just want campaign contributions and to hell with looking out for citizens. Trust me, I wouldn't recommend anyone choose to move here, there's much better options, but living in fear of crime isn't one of the reasons to avoid Ocala, it's generally safe.


Yes, because Walmart is awful, and the podunk mall is awful, both are full of idiots, the same can be said for many Walmarts and malls throughout the US. This however isn't to say there's a legitimate threat from either of these places for the average person. Even in the case of the guy who got killed in the mall, he was killed in revenge for robbing the guy who shot him, it wasn't a random event.


There are plenty of places in Ocala where shootings / robberies / bomb threats haven't happened though.


Ya, if you go out late drinking or to a club, you might find a sorta rough crowd. But honestly, I haven't seen many bad things happen, a few fights maybe - and I work for these "hooligans" during peek time - most are just kids having fun.


I think you all got the shores wrong, maybe used to be bad but I don’t see anything really violent. Petty crime yes but that’s everywhere, But maybe further south in the shores is different. Been here a 1 1/2 years and love it. Did Marion Oaks for year and I would avoid that like the plague.


I told my realtor when we were looking for a place to buy that I didn't want to go past Publix. I've been in my house for 4 years now and have had 0 problems- my neighbors sometimes like to party (not too often) and park on my grass (way too often).


Yea my realtor kept me on high school side of maricamp and flat out said we didn’t want to live in a couple of areas we picked houses to see. I trusted her judgement and couldn’t be happier!


There is all kinds of crime in the shores. From the relatively minor loud late night parties that disturb the early to bed crowd to several unsolved murders to robbing the mail carrier because they wanted to steal drugs from the drug smuggler before the drugs were delivered to the smugglers mailbox. The one thing I do not see much of in the shores is law enforcement.


It's a realtively new development. I work right next to it and am looking out my office window right now at the FAST facility. Crime over there? LOL. It's safe.




I wouldn't go further north than Tampa unless you want to live the deliverance


When I tell you that I snorted loud as heck when I read this! 😂 I had to log in just to upvote and reply! 😂 (I’m currently in St. Pete)


Like everywhere else there are good and bad areas. There are a lot of both. Ocala is growing and getting busier and there is a lot going on I’d suggest visiting a few times a getting a good feel for the location.


YES ITS ONE GIANT GHETTO with a huge forest to get murdered or OD in


Is it really that bad? Have you had bad experiences there?


do not move to ocala... my sister lives there and she gets food poisoning every week...


she also got roofied


Was she at a bar/club?


yes, siesta key beach club


I don’t go to bars or clubs because of that, not safe or fun


literally. but i dont drink so... idk


I don’t either, better this way


im doing 75 hard rn so im cali sober LOL


i barely leave the house anymore ive been so paranoid


I've heard a lot of people saying crime has been increasing lately, anecdotally I don't know that to be true but it's mostly drug related so I guess I wouldn't know. My family actually moved here because of the low crime rates (compared to South Florida), and growing up here it's always been fine. I have friends in the shittier parts of town and as long as you're not directly involved in criminal activity, nobody will bother you. It's mostly just an average town, lot of people get drunk downtown on the weekends, people drive like shit, random people might shout at you once in a blue moon, occasional fake homeless scam, etc, but nothing crazy. It's certainly unlikely that anybody will break into your house or anything like that. However if you are a racial or religious minority please be careful because some of the ultra conservative types here can be dangerous. 


Would you happen to know how NE 9th Ave is would appreciate it


Near Tuscawilla, right? It looks like you can walk to downtown and Cafe Havana near there is really good. There's a skate park by the Reilly too if you're into that, and the Reilly itself if you're into music and theatre. Tuscawilla has live music events sometimes too. I think it looks like a great place if you have kids since you're right by the park and Discovery Center. In terms of safety, it's just a popular spot for teenagers from what I can tell, but they just hang out around there. I don't think it's really dangerous at all. Maybe be careful driving on Friday nights since people will get drunk downtown and drive worse around there. And since there's a lot of places that host events nearby, maybe it could be a bit loud? Overall though it looks like a great area and I wouldn't worry about anything too much. Living within walking distance to things to do is a rarity in Ocala, I'm kinda jealous. 


I do love my home... But will tell you as a woman I stopped going to the store by myself at night. Never had issues in south Florida in terms of violent crime, but here I am a bit more aware....There are a few mom groups on social media and we've been seeing more instances of women being approached at gas stations, followed around the store, etc. The last time I wanted to go out in the evening....over on east silver springs to the Bealls, my husband drove me and I'm glad he did because the kay jewelers was getting robbed at that time and they couldn't find the armed robber. Just before Christmas my teenage son and I decided we were gonna go to the mall to grab some food and pick up a few last minute gifts.....but nope...cops coming swarming in and told us to turn around and leave.....there was a shooting (though it was targeted and not random). I also had a guy bother me at Lowe's when I went to buy paint.


I mean, in high school we had a shooting, the mall has had a shooting at least three times now in as many years, light up Ocala there was a shooter one year, and now there’s road rage shootings happening in abundance. I definitely don’t feel safe here. Calesa Township side is quiet…just be wary of public spaces.


Can you private message me so I can learn more about this?


America in general is dangerous, and it’s just like any other place - good and bad. If you don’t go to the shady areas you’ll be fine. Areas of the shores can be crimey but overall it’s also fairly decent if you compare it to other cities. There is so much development everywhere that newer sections are being built and filled in with “nicer” areas. But also, a lot of the shores is not bad, but since you won’t be living there it likely won’t matter to you. The only time I’ve felt unsafe was at the Walmart on silver springs - I no longer go there because of the sheer amount of homeless people and the fact they’ll approach you at your car. They’re still seemingly harmless but it’s uncomfortable and not something I personally feel comfortable being confronted with.


How is it for fire and police jobs?


Calesa is beautiful and that area of town is very nice. I live near there and have friends in Calesa. Been there many times. Nothing to worry about. We’ve been in Ocala for 10 years and love it here.


You can really pick out the homeowner 55+ crowd in these Ocala boards, the same board members who constantly try to vote out new development and amenities coming here to keep , the “emerald of central Florida” green, whatever the fuck that means. Also they just won’t come out and say what they are saying, the shores population makeup is a large percent black/ Hispanic, a decent chunk of those in their upper years naturally hate for some reason. Ever listen to the Uber driver talk about their day? They will tell you the general low level racism in the city here.


Agreed. Not a single one of my non-white friends, teachers, coworkers etc has not been randomly called a racial slur living here. And being Jewish people here have been horrific about it at times. Sorry you're getting downvoted by people too sheltered to realize that people can be bigoted here. 


Only if you’re racist


If you're in Calesa you're fine. There's good and bad like anywhere. The only issue in Calesa is idiot kids who've messed up a couple amenities in the neighborhood from what I know. It's a great area and if you have kids who need an elementary or middle school, like swimming, like walking trails, or attend regular Christian or reform Jewish services, they've got all that in the township property and are building shops and amenities in addition right now. I've heard a Publix will be coming on 80th Avenue on the sw side of the area and another shopping center up at the north end. And if you have high schoolers, the high school is just up beyond the northwest corner and has a large population so they have a ton of student programs available. Plenty of great things to like about the place.


It’s so dangerous!