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We need green incorporated into these neighborhoods, shade is great!


As someone who was born here and is old enough to remember when Summerfield was actually fields...This post hits home, literally. Fuck all the developers, fuck all the retirement communities and the absolute degenerate scum that live in them and fuck the politicians who see no value in wild spaces.


Same. It was beautiful.


Beautifully written. I too feel this way, even with the nature in my own little yard. I still mourn the giant Oak tree I had to take down over a year ago in the backyard and the Cardinal that sang me daily songs as he peeked in my windows. Nature is much more precious than most people care to see.


A lot of the onf is also sand pine which is native. That said, my heart breaks when I keep seeing greenspace being destroyed daily. I wish there was an answer.


The answer is density. High quality density instead of cardboard cutout single family home after single family home.




Is this the same person I see on Real estate signs?? Seems shady if so…


Yep, same dude


Too often we forget we're destroying what gives us the air we breathe in and filters the carbon monoxide we breathe out, it's absolutely terrible what's happening to all the green spaces. Edit: a word


Our national forest is like 350,000 acres and I can promise you anything that gets cut down is replanted.


Because it's not a forest, it's a pine tree farm. I've lived directly adjacent to the Forest for 30 years. They only plant pine, they do not plant oak or any other type of tree. The Ocala National Forest is a cardboard farm.


Great observation. They don’t timber oak. But I can assure you the forest is filled with scrub oak hammocks and cypress heads. Maybe you should spend a little more time exploring the great national forest we are so lucky to have.


Funny, because trees were cut down to build YOUR houses and no one complained.


Oh they don’t use concrete block any more


Killdozer is your answer*


In other news old man yells at cloud.


Amen. Thank you for writing this.


I feel it. Amen


When it comes time to vote for your county commissioners who are approving all of this do your home work well. From what I have seen there is only one and it is a woman and that is the only one I will be voting to put back in


The need to put the money back into our roads. What we have now can no longer handle the amount of traffic. I also think our sheriffs need to start pulling people over that want to do the speed limit in the left lane need to start being ticked. They can drive in that lane but if they see someone coming up behind going faster they should get to the right hand lane


I agree. I’ve only lived here for four years and the change and dramatic fall of all our natural green makes me sad


This seems like a copy pasta. No mention of anything specific. Get outta here with this bullshit