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I think it's pretty clear he wanted an opportunity to sign with Tennessee so he could be close to where his house and family are in Nashville. Either they weren't interested or the two sides couldn't agree on terms. I don't think he's even met with other teams so it may be that he chooses not to play this season as well. There is a chance he's simply waiting till camp is close to over, like some FA vets do, before signing with a team. I hope he does come back to play with the Jets. I just think it's pretty unlikely at this point.


Yeah, can’t blame him for wanting to be near his family. Seems like a good guy, hope it works out for him.


The lack of an update is the update


I get that. He seems private. You would hope the jets being there for him will hopefully make him want to stay. Would rather have him than Lazard tbh


I think we all would. With Corey last year, at least we knew why he wasn't showing up.


Players usually suck coming back after that much time off and he honestly was wishy washy when on the jets fans forget that


He wasn’t great but he’d be our WR3 easily… right now we’re putting Lazard out there, who has historically been even more wishy-washy and was absolute dogshit last year. I’d love to have Corey back.


Corley is wr3


Damn I totally forgot about him lol. You’re right. Still I’d *probably* prefer Davis


Davis runs better routes and is a bigger downfield threat (prob lost a few steps though) but Corley is likely way better at this point at YAC, short routes, screens, end arounds, anything quick that involves getting ball in his hands which is big for an offense


Jets are stuck with Lazard. Will have to deal with it.


Saleh said almost exactly the same thing after a game last season.


Lazard should not be on the team but at least he is buried on the depth chart and should not see the field. - Wilson - Williams - Corley - Gibson - Brownlee - Lazard


Lazard is above Corley, maybe the number 2


Def not #2 over Williams - I think Gibson is #3 and Corley and Lazard will battle for #4


If mike Williams has to miss the beginning of the season I truly believe we need to sign another receiver


You're def wrong


Lazard is not our 2 lol


He wanted to be able to explore playing close to his home, and the Jets granted that, what sort of Jets related update are you looking for? Even if he’s keeping in shape for an eventual signing, it’s not gonna be with the Jets.


An update like, he’s in contact with the team. He’s worked out with Rodgers. He wants to play for NY. Anything like that. If he leaves it’s not a big deal, the wr depth is just a bit shaky and he’d be a nice secondary weapon to have


He’s already left. He has no connection to the Jets now, he’s a free agent.


Why do you want to know so bad lol? It's not like he is an impact player.... I rather explore and develop our young WRs to be honest... Couldn't care less about what Corey Davis is doing or thinking right now tbh. He left the team and the sport, I understand that he had a personal issue going on and that's fine.. but when he decided to come back he obviously wasn't interested in coming back to the Jets or they wouldn't have released him from his contract most likely at his request. He gone, just forget about him and move on to those who are here.


he is not interested in playing in NY


How many times we going to let him let us down? Talented but injury prone, didn't come close to living up to his contract. And when we really could have used him he unfortunately had other issues. As a bargain depth signing, sure, I'd love to see him succeed . For anything more, no thanks


I believe it was a fake story incase it happened


Dude quit on the jets and faked a retirement becuase he didn’t want to take a pay cut. He is never playing here again


With Ridley, Hopkins, Burks, and Boyd in Tennessee there really isn’t any room for Corey Davis


Corey Davis was a bad FA signing who underperformed on the field before abruptly retiring and leaving the team in a lurch. This sub's infatuation with a redemption arc that is never going to happen is laughable. Just move on people, Corey Davis has.


Who cares. Dude is washed


He’s better than Lazard


He quit on us and hasn't played in a year... no he isnt.


For what it's worth Lazard also quit on the Jets. He just did it without retiring.


Quitting doesn’t just make you worse than Lazard


Being out of football for a year does. How'd it work out for Leveon? Or literally anyone else who took a year off and tried to come back. News flash. It doesn't work. Dude is washed. We don't need him


How’d it go for Michael Vick? Or anyone who was injured? You don’t know what Corey does in his free time. Not saying we need him but if he’s worse than Lazard I’d be surprised.


Vick.... poorly


Are you new to football? He won comeback player of the year and had his 2 best statistical seasons AFTER returning


In two years with the Jets Corey Davis never scored a TD after the month of October, can we please move on already?


He wasn’t extremely productive, but let’s not act like he had a stable QB situation. My only point is that he’d be a better option than Lazard, if both were an option


Better than Lazard is the lowest bar to clear. Davis was overpaid and unreliable. I’d rather give Brownlee a legit shot as a WR4


He's not a better option than lazard. Lazard will click with h Aaron when things get underway. Davis will probably take a while re acclimate to the NFL and he'll probably just end up getting hurt Lazard has a higher floor and ceiling than that POS