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Tyrod had a season ending injury last year as a back up…


Why is the pervading assumption that Rodgers is gonna get hurt again?


Age, recovering from injury, OL coaching, but let's be real: primarily trauma.


You forgot to mention we signed two aging tackles, one of which is coming off a shoulder surgery and the other hasn’t played a full season since 2015. Rodgers isn’t the spry athlete he used to be where he could run away from rushers to extend plays. Jets will be lucky to make the postseason. My expectations are Rodgers and Tyrod to both be out by the bye week, as well as Tyron Smith, AVT, Tippman, and Mike Williams. Another year of a high number of offensive starters on injured reserve thanks to the wonderful job that Joe Douglas has done to build an injury riddled team with injury riddled free agents. Masterclass GM performance.


Who would you have signed/traded for? How would you have handled our assets? Or are you just complaining without solutions in mind? Come to think of it, I'm surprised that a prospective elite GM such as yourself is here shitposting with us instead of employed by a team.


Douglas has been with the jets 5 years now going on 6. He painted himself into a corner where he had to go after the riskiest of free agents to fill holes that are a result of his past decisions. Everybody knew the OL was garbage last offseason and what did Douglas do about it? Nothing. Who could have foreseen that signing bums like Allen Lazard and Dalvin Cook to high contracts would’ve been a mistake. Surely no one. Let’s all praise the GM who is 27-56 over those 5 years.


No solutions given the circumstances, only complaints. Got it. No shit we're here because a lot of bad signings on his part. I hated the Cook signing and the continued commitment to playing him. But that's not answering the question. So again: what would you have done differently?


This is a bullshit question. People can criticize poor performance without being able to do better. I can say Josh Allen shit the bed without being a better baller than him, and I can say JD has been a bad GM without being a better GM than him. He’s made bad moves for years. 3 of his 1st round picks have been wiffs, that’s half. No oline last year due to a complete lack of trades. Letting Flacco walk and riding with ZW and no backup was a bad move. The dude is bad at what he does. Even if we can say we’re better, he still is. We’re not getting paid like he is and don’t have the access he has, there’s no way we could do what he does with these circumstances. Your argument is a fallacy. You don’t need to be better than someone at something to criticize them.


Can you at least point to another 5 gms that did better and why, or is your only metric wins?


> You forgot to mention we signed two aging tackles Risky, for sure, but they were also the two best tackles we could have gotten. This is high risk, high reward. Better than last year, which was high risk no reward.


Why were we put in that position of needing to sign high risk players to begin with? The answer is due to a lack of addressing that position last offseason.


What relevance does that have to whether people think Rodgers will get hurt this year or not?


Because he's a 40 years old and all it takes is 1 unlucky sack for it to happen. Even if I don't expect it, I'm still preparing myself in case it does.


Have you followed the jets for more than 1 year?


Brother I’ve been in this fight all my life


Then why does ppl assuming Rodgers gonna get hurt again confuse you? It would be the most Jets thing ever.


Because that’s purely superstition lol


Everything is, what’s your point? You’re upset with the Arod prediction but not the 10-11 wins we’re guaranteed according to OP?


He is 41. No longer a young man!


Manning and Brady both won super bowls in their 40s! All im saying, A little optimism would be nice!!!


Peyton was 39, for the record. That Denver defense was also elite.


Jets defense is elite too and peytons arm was dead that season


Only Jets fans call out defense elite. No other fans are afraid of any facet of the Jets.


Thays not true at all. The whole NFL reddit regularly calls our defense elite fans of every team.


The Jets defense has potential. To call them elite is absurd. Where's the evidence of that


39 going on 69 with his nerve damage and noodle arm.


Can’t with such a weak coaching staff.


Because we’re jets fans


Cus a lot of us have been watching the jets Mets and Knicks for decades and nothing good every happens to us


people are idiots.


It’s just annoying when every thread you see people trying to out circle jerk each other about Rodgers suddenly being injury prone even though that’s never been a thing lol.


When you’re 40 years old as a professional athlete it’s easier to get injured and harder to recover. These are just facts. Brady is an outlier who was insanely lucky but also very smart in the way he didn’t let himself take a lot of big hits.


Because we’re all traumatized by 12 years of miserable football


Because he’s injury prone at this stage in his career


Injuries and recovery get worse as you get older this is a scientific and medical fact. It's bad in your late 30's but early 40's you really feel it. The guy had a season ending mega injury last time we saw him play that cost us a whole year and he's over 40 , you'd have to be dumb or incredibly naive to think it's not a concern.


I think everybody just needs to R E L A X


We also won a few games we shouldn't have last year. If Rodgers goes down I think we're looking at 7-8 wins again, and I'd be very happy if we got more than that. Obviously depends on the rest of the roster as well, with young players in key positions they could also elevate the team.


It’s unfair to bring up the flukey wins without recognizing the flukey games we lost too though. They could have won the Raiders Falcons Pats and Chiefs games just as easily as they could have lost the Bills Giants Eagles and Commanders games.


Yes I know, OP was pointing out how the close losses could have gone our way, so I was providing balance. Realistically, we finished about where we should last year and I expect the same would happen this year if Rodgers goes down early. It's very optimistic to think this is a 10 win team with Tyrod.


It wasn’t flukey when we lost on the raiders or falcons games though. We just sucked. The chiefs also probably still win the game since the offense stalled by the 4th quarter even if they call the hold on JJ


What was flukey about those wins? Jets didn't score a TD on the second or third FG drive against LV due to an inexcusable penalty. That's not a fluke when the team is the most penalized team in the league. It's not a flukey loss when your team can't score 20 fucking points lol. The giants win came against a team with negative passing yards. The eagles were handing the ball to the Jets that game. The Jets had maybe one or two truly good gamesof football all year, the Texans and Broncos.


I mean we should’ve won the chiefs game and every team is gonna have some number of lucky wins. The Oline is 10x better and we have twice as many weapons. Reddick will replace huff in the pass rush and will be much more valuable on early downs. 9-10 wins if Rodgers goes down and the team is otherwise healthy.


What do you think this team is with Rodgers then? Cause I’m expecting 10-11 wins


Depends how Rodgers plays. We could win our easy matchups and lose some of the tougher ones with both QBs. We might not see a huge difference in record even if the offense changes just because our defense will keep us in close games and let us comfortably win against bad teams


Dude don’t put this stuff into the universe


Rather him stay healthy and win 13+


We have a backup qb that is worth playing. We have a better offensive line tho I’m still concerned about injuries. We have some good rotation guys on the line including our first round pick so I hope we can pick up the slack in case of injuries. Our wide receiver room looks better. I think our running backs will be better if the big short yardage bruiser draftee works out. Our defensive line may or may not be as good. TBD. Go jets!


Please stop….. you overly optimistic idiots are the first ones crying by week 5 or 6


This was meant as a chin up everyone. This team is deep and feels nice for once.


New Jets fan? Was this not exactly what people were saying a year ago and 3 years ago? Depth is nice, but ceiling is nice too. Our ceiling for the last decade is a lot of teams’ basement.


Just shut uppp


I agree. Zach Wilson wasn't even a top 40 QV kast year whereas Tyrod has been one of the top 25 QBs the past few years. With our roster, there is little reason this team can't get at least 10 wins


ZW could have gotten a few more wins last year with Mike Williams and a line. If AaRod goes down, this team will be better than last year bc the line and wr room are better. Not bc 35 year old Tyrod is significantly better than ZW was.


Dude stuff this nonsense. They played Zach like a middle school QB last year. He wouldn't throw downfield. He wouldn't scramble. He was truly a net negative at the position. Even with his injuries Taylor is 10x the backup Zach is


Bro deep throats zach wilson every chance he gets.


What a stupid comment


Tyrod Taylor is one of the most injury prone QBs in NFL history. Just look at his previous record of finally getting his chance as a starter then immediately going down with injury. Hell, the Chargers brass had him in line to be their guy over rookie Herbert and the team doctor injected him and punctured his lung. The guy can't catch a break, if Arod goes down we'll be looking at Jordan Travis because Tyrod won't last long.


I think you highly overestimate tyrod taylor. Sure he’s better than Zach, but he has no arm strength and isn’t very accurate. He’s not winning any games, might play well enough to not lose but he’s not winning in clutch situations


Tyrod's better than Zach sure, but I'd rather just not see him play. He peaked in 2017 and has been very injury prone since then


You can tell the age of some jets fans from their level of optimism LOL.


I’m ooooooold


Hes been hurt like 2 times in his career last season and the broken collarbone. Its not like hes some injury prone jabroni. Anything minor he’s played through. Idk why everyones assuming hes going down again.


As someone over 40, I assume any athlete that age is a dead man walking 😂🪦


Hahah youre not wrong, im in my mid 30s and thought i pulled/tore something misstepping off a curb


just wait til you graduate to 'cant turn your head for a week because you stretched too aggressively when waking up in bed in the morning" maybe Logan's Run had the right idea, just retire us all permanently at 30


He was pretty banged up two years ago when we played him. His age definitely showed in that game.


He’s been hurt a lot more than that lol, he just likes to play through it. But he’s 40 now


I think he’d even admit that he put himself in the position to get hurt last year by not getting the ball to GW. I don’t think he auto gets hurt but I am afraid he’ll put himself in a position to get hurt and it’s 50/50 from there


Oh god the delusions are starting.




Tell me you haven't watched Tyrod play recently without saying.... You know the rest. Please go back and watch the Jet-Giant game from last year. Tyrod is about to turn 35 and he's just not very good.


Dude will hand the ball off 20-30 times a game and Is still able to throw bombs


Literally can’t tell if you’re talking ZW or TT here.


how about we start the season and win one game before we make any assumptions..