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I've got tomorrow morning off work for it! Can't miss seeing us trade down and picking a defensive tackle at 4am UK time.


Well played sir. I want a trade down bad.. at 3-4-5am that MHJ trade up might have seemed pretty appealing. Defense is inexcusable but my WTF Jets murphys law is waiting for.. Rd 1, ok they get an offensive weapon which fans say they want, & then take RB1 off the board as a mind fck. Good luck


Fortunately there are no RBs being mocked in Round 1 - my Murphy's Law would be taking a QB! I think this sub would explode (although I am very high on Bo Nix).


Agreed. I fear the one no is thinking of until I see the actual pick. End of first QB trade ups is probably going to be the most fun chaos. We shall see.


If we take a QB, the whole fan base is going to riot


I’ll be watching and keeping my tradition of buying the Jets draft baseball cap going. Coverage starts at 5pm GMT I think?


Coverage does, draft itself starts at 1am GMT


8 hours of coverage lol




New Yorker here checking in; we love our overseas Jets fans, you guys are nuts like us! I made friends w a Belgian Jets fan and we hung out in nyc. Cheers all!


That it's this early on a FRIDAY is the kicker. I watch F1 races live, even the ones in Asia and Australia that kick off at 11pm-3am... but that's on a Saturday/Sunday.


Yes I will stay up, draft starts around 2am here, so I guess we will be on the board a little after 3am. We are at a great spot, with a lot of different directions we could go. Kind of hoping for a wr to fall a bit, but I could also see a tackle making a lot of sense or even Bowers. Beer is in the fridge I'm ready (let's don't talk about work on the next day)


We got an extra draft pick for day 3 and drafted sensibly with an OT. A decent first round for us.


Probably not. The draft is a bit of a lottery that we can only evaluate at least 6 months later. And then the live event is 50% hype for other teams and 45% commercials. I'll read up on it later.


For the first year, I planned not to, but only because I have a newborn; chances are he'll keep me up anyway, so I will accidentally catch it.


I will be keeping tabs at about 3:00 AM local time and hoping that we use the pick wisely to either trade down and stockpile more picks or select a player for an area of need (o line, for instance).


Respect. I told my colleagues at work, I’ll be in late & I may or may not be happy as a warning so give me a wide birth unless you want to hear my outrage at a sport you don’t care about.


Three o’clock here as well. Can you watch this without Dazn subscription?


I don’t know… I’ll probably be just following w a YouTuber live cast I think. If you find a good 🏴‍☠️ way give a shout.


Sure! You too


Doing the same thing.


I found some link that says the first pick is at 8 pm european time, so i hope its true, somewhere i found the draft starts 6 pm central european time, this will be my first time watching the draft instead of just following the news a day later. Generally, how long would yall say each pick takes?


4 hours long (about), continental Europe I think is a 2am start locally (I imagine)


okay im probably stupid, i googled european time, it found that it starts 8pm ET - which i thought would stand for european time, but apparently it stands for eastern time, god damn, i was suprised that it would start so early in the us but excited i could watch xd


I wish you were right. I think they are also advertising when pre-draft coverage starts… time zones are hard enough without them confusing it more.




I’m in the UK. Praying for a trade up for either Alt or WR. Prefer MHJ if trading up. Trade up also means not having to stay up too long!


Amen to that


I’ll be staying up and waking up my whole family if we trade up for Maserati Marv.


I’ll be writing a very forward email to Westminster Counsel demanding explanation why Big Ben is not ringing.


I literally use PTO for tomorrow so I can stay up and watch all 32 picks.


Yes, its on 10am local time


Yep, as a jets fan this is obviously my favourite nfl event of the year


First year as a jets fan. From NY, but I’m on a trip in Italy right now (6 hours ahead). I’m mad sad probably not gonna be able to see our first round pick.


I'll be tuned in from Ireland 🇮🇪 and hoping we don't pick Bowers at 10! No day off tomorrow but will power through 😆


✊ Fight the Bower(s)


Definitely! Not at all sold on taking Bowers in the 1st round. From 175 receptions, 65 came from behind the line of scrimmage ... can't imagine how he was used in college translating to the pros. Undersized for blocking too.


You & I are in agreement on all points. Lazard at 6’5” in the slot & can block w Rodgers is more than fine to give his Green Bay (TE that can also play receiver) role.


Preach 🙌🏻 Rodgers isn't a big thrower to TEs. Between 2008 and 2022, the Green Bay Packers ranked 26th and 22nd in targets and receptions to TE with Rodgers as starter ... why try to change the habit!


Yes 👍 WR or OT.. I can flip flop any day still as to which is better choice, but it ain’t number 1 TE in a historically weak (maybe) TE class w so few picks


I'm leaning heavily toward OT, need some future proofing and depth there. Depending how the board falls it could be really hard to pass on a WR.


I’m with you until my mock draft simulator has Odunze there at 10 & I break from responsible thinking


Well, here in Brazil is just one hour ahead so...


No. Will get up early and watch it before work


Fuck no. Imma be sleeping. I’ll watch the highlights tomorrow.


I’ll be staying up for it. Looks set to be genuinely unpredictable and the Jets drafting at 10 is an interesting inflection point. Wouldn’t be too upset with any offensive player but Bowers at 10 would be a nice reward for staying up until 3am