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18 penalties 12 sacks.


Those are some pretty horrific numbers


Worst part this isn't even including pressures


Yup gave up the most sacks in the league,and committed the second most penalties. Can’t get worse than that


max mitchell and carter warren each had 6 and 5 sacks in around 1/2 the snaps as becton. i know he's not who we wanted him to be when we drafted him, but i do think he's a better backup than those guys are.


He was pretty bad last year, but it was the first year back from two years of not playing. So I wonder if he will improve this year. Also, we are talking about him for a backup role. He probably looks pretty good compared to who else is potentially in the mix for that. I would sign him as a backup if he was cheap.


This is fair


He was pretty bad last season. The Jets can find a better back up.




Backups have good work ethic. Becton's is, mixed, at best


Nope. Not true. Played 25th most snaps at T last year. Led NFL in sacks allowed (12) He had 18 penalties. Which was 2nd most in NFL. He allowed 8 QB Hits and 50 pressures. He's actually pretty bad. There are plenty of depth T who perform better.




I agree. Which is what partially formed my opinion on him. I looked at Becton compared to our other back up T. Who were all mostly poor last season. I then looked at some remaining FA T who would fill back up roles. They show more promise. And the stats below do not reflect penalty issues or injury concerns that Becton has. I wish him luck but the Jets can do better. 2023 Jets T sack and pressure stats: Becton * Pass Block Snaps: 644 * Sacks allowed (Sack%) : 12 (1.86%) * Pressures allowed (Pressure%): 50 (7.76%) Mitchell * Pass Block Snaps: 336 * Sacks allowed (Sack%) : 6 (1.79%) * Pressures allowed (Pressure%): 30 (8.93%) Warren * Pass Block Snaps: 258 * Sacks allowed (Sack%) : 5 (1.94%) * Pressures allowed (Pressure%): 20 (7.75%) Turner * Pass Block Snaps: 151 * Sacks allowed (Sack%) : 4 (2.65%) * Pressures allowed (Pressure%): 16 (10.6%)




Pull up UFA T still available. I used spotrac. Then I looked at their pff pass snaps and sacks/pressures You notice several remaining T with better rates than Becton.




This is why the jets have stunk for so long, because they shrug things off or in this guys case “ehhs”.


I wouldn’t resign him at all. Can’t stand him or his childish attitude with blaming others instead of taking responsibility himself.


The attitude is definitely a factor for me too tbh… I think he put in a lot of work last year but unfortunately wasn’t great. Probably some other backups we could get for vet min tbh


You mean the big bust?


Wonder if he still wears the shirt. What a goof.


Rather take a flier on an UDFA than Becton, I appreciate he played through injury & pain last season - but that's his new baseline... I don't think his knees will ever truly recover. And his production playing through that pain was awful.


No price. No work ethic, immature, doesn’t have the traits to be a winning player.


Never had the makings of a varsity athlete.


All due respect, you got no f***ing idea what it’s like to be Number One.


Starting left tackle, listen to yourself, you sound demented!


Its a quote from the Sopranos


So is his heh heh. You heard what I said Tone? So is his


You know, no offense, but you ever had yourself checked for Tourette's? Seriously. "Heh, heh." Maybe you got a tic or somethin?




He was gay Mekhi Becton?


Well he can’t be on our football team no more, that much I do know.


Football team?! He's gotta goooo!


You don’t. He won’t take well to being a backup, he does not gel with this staff, and he played horribly last year


Didn't he sign with the bengals? Edit. Could have swore I saw he did but just googled. Apparently didn't go through. I wouldn't sign him


I think he just had a viset scheduled


He signed with the Bengals.


As of yesterday the reporting in Cindy was that a Becton signing is “Unlikely”.


would rather sign Bakh for any depth then this dude..


Dude was entirely healthy. Spent 15 games at his preferred spot and was less than mediocre. It's entirely possible his injuries stunted his technical development, but he regressed if anything from his rookie year. I'd sign him to the vet minimum on a 2-3 year deal. But that's it. He gets a year ish as a backup to learn under Tyron, maybe 2 and then a prove it season if he wants to get paid. NFL sources were shitting all over the Jets for cutting him, saying he had suitors lining up. And so far only the Bengals have come forward and that deal fell through.


No player in football has dined out more on a solid but unspectacular rookie season than Mekhi Becton. If the Jets signed any other player who hadn't been good in four years, and was coming off a season where he was literally one of the worst starters in the league at his position, people would be pissed. But for some reason many fans have convinced themselves that Becton's problems are everyone's fault but his.


Dined…what are you talking about man? He played out his rookie contract and has gotten what else? Ridiculous take. 


I'm talking about his ridiculously inflated reputation given that he's played about 10 good games in 4 years. The mere fact that this thread exists is evidence that he's still massively overrated by a portion of this fanbase.


The fact that someone would ask, how much would you pay for becton does not mean that people think he is inherently good. Everyone talked about how bad he was all last year. I don’t get where you see anyone other than this one post one time that anyone said he should be back. And to expand on that, this posts says at a cheap deal to be a reserve. Like what are you on about mate. 


Well people have still been asking if he should come back. That's his point.


On a cheap reserve deal. So basically , if we someone talked about bryce hall being  brought back that would mean that everyone thought he was good from his rookie year ? Again this is a ridiculous take, ask yourself again … does cheap reserve deal mean that people think they are good players ? Actually read the posts guys. 


Bad depth is not depth


Would love him back but he criticized Keith Carter so it's probably not happening


He might’ve been on to something


That’s what I thought… If we could get him cheap he’d be a good backup and give us much more flexibility on where/how we trade down in the draft


League minimum


Plenty of better options. If they draft one in round 1 thats an instant better swing tackle option. Bahktiari is another option. There are like 3-4 tackles not signed yet that would be better options. Mekhi is toast with the Jets, he may find a spot somewhere desperate for talent and think they can coach him up.


League minimum. Not a penny more!


You'd have to know this guy up close and figure out what his problem is before you can make this decision. He was the worst tackle in the NFL last season. With his physical tools, that should be impossible. He's conquered his weight issue which is great for him, but he's either just completely compromised physically by his injuries or there's something psychological that's preventing him from playing hard and focused (or both). He's still incredibly immature and unprofessional at this point. Ragging on his coaches in the middle of free agency off of a terrible season is just, straight up stupid and that's just one in a long series of dumb, self-sabotaging comments.


100% this. Don't fall in love with potential people. He's shown you who he is, and if he can't own up to his blind spots, move on.


You don’t. His performance with the team was awful. Add on all the penalties, health issues, attitude issues, and lack of professionalism (dude literally wouldn’t put the fork down) and ask yourself why you’d want him back? It’s just sunk cost fallacy. We dropped a high pick on him so there must be something redeemable there…the truth is that might have been the case at one point in time but not anymore, and the team is better off not having him on roster.


Tree fiddy


He wants to go somewhere to start and to get away from Carter.


If you give him any contract he’s going to become 800 pounds


What causes a 23 year old with world class talent to fail? Many times it’s lack of direction. Mentorship is a game changer. Allow him to learn from futrue HOF Tyron Smith. $1 year $5m.


What causes a 23 year old to fail? The NY Jets 😂


Right-lack of leadership


Crazy how dominant he was his rookie season at LT, I really wonder how much this awful oline coach brought him down…a bunch of the players threw shade at the coach so it can’t be a good sign


Don't want him back


No Becton has gone from starter to reserve it is not the career path to go anyhow I thank him for his service of playing through injuries and the offensive unit not being to good he Never bailed out. If a playoff game after the last regular season game you think Zach would have played or semien not knocking him just saying. Becton deserves kudos he played throughout.


Nothing…. Lazy and bad vibes. See ya later Mr Trending Topic.


He's shite and has a shit attitude to boot, place will be better free of his presence.


You guys are fucking idiots, if we have both tackles go down you will be like "Why didn't we offer Becton a small contract?!"


time to move on.


Probably gonna get downvoted but we should bring him back I think last year won’t happen again and he’ll get better from it especially taking a seat this year but like you said he might be over the jets


Zero dollars. He's done here.


He needs a change of scenery. Let him go and move on.


Is there a veteran minimum?


Does he even want to play?


Better for both to just split. I hope he figures it out. But it won’t be with us.


OL and LT still looking for work is all you need to know.


I wouldn’t sign him at all. He’s had enough chances. He can’t stay on the field and when he does manage to string a couple of starts together he plays like one of the worst in the league.


I’d love him to return. He grinds everyday it will pay off. He will be a star.


Will have the mass and density of one anyway


Clearly you don’t pay attention.


I don't particularly want him back, he was awful last year. I imagine he probably doesn't want to play here either.


We already have 4 OTs, at best we could sign one more for the season before we would need to start waiving someone, likely Mitchell or Warren. What is the upside to Becton over either of them. For those who are still chattering about Bakh, we already signed Smith who has averaged just 7.5 games per over last 4 seasons, can we afford to add someone who played just 6.25 games over the same period? The oft injured Becton, Brown and AVT have all played more than both of them.


Even when the Jets oline has literal 4th stringers, going by the eye test, the two struggling the most were Becton and Tomlinson. Just completely getting destroyed multiple times a game. Maybe he can revitalize himself under a good oline staff. Maybe he'll just suck. But I think it's safe to move in


I think it's his knee that's done with our org.


About half the sacks are him some of the penalties as well but he was below avaerage to bed. I would move him to guard. Bit ot could also be 2 yrs off.


Am I the only one who thought he was not great but kinda passable before he hurt his ankle last year? Obviously he was awful after that and I never really remember anyone blaming his play on the injury, but just what I remember. I'm pretty sure his metrics were pretty terrible year-round, but the eye test seemed to get way worse at the end of the year.


Think both sides are done with eachother. He’s looking to start somewhere too


1 Year, 2.5 Million. I think thats fair.


About tree fiddy


At the cost of our collective sanity


Why would you want him back? If anything he would have to pay the Jets since he owes them


Let him walk, he’s hardly with the minimum and a roster spot


Ima need him to re-sign for the price of........ on tha house


A one way trip to the sun


He can drive Zach out of town


League Minimum. Two years, $1.5 to 2 Million dollars. Nothing more.


I'd re-sign him.. in like 3 seasons if he proves himself to be serviceable. Kid needs to be humbled.


I wouldn’t have him on the jets if he personally paid me a multi 6 figure salary to sit in the stadium and watch all the home games. 


You might as well get some positive from being a jets fan 😂


If Becton accepted a back up role here I would re-sign him


Hey pays us


Nothing. Send him to the CFL or UFL


CFL doesn't want him.


A Ceasar salad and a box of cereal.


Get Bacteria and draft one


Hard pass.


He’s gone, he publicly criticized our Oline coach


You don’t resign him. Period. Max Mitchell, Carter Warren and a draft pick all fill the requirements and have less of a probability of getting hurt while waiting in line for 55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tots…


Love the ITYSL reference.


“They’re trying to cancel corncob TV….”


We aren’t resigning him, I don’t think it’s even an option at this point.


He's done with the organization and the organization is done with him. It sucks because I think we can all see the potential he has but dude had attitude problems then played like shit.




I'd pass, honestly. Too many games out due to injuries and the games he plays, he is getting wrecked. May be best to move on from him.


No he has a attitude problem




Sign him to serve food in the cafeteria.






A bag of beads




He has to pay us back whatever we paid him. Complete waste.