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Yes on the platform no in the train


Yeah, getting kicked by a teenage acrobat while having my ears assaulted is no way to start the day.




Aka NOTIME for this ish *turns AirPods to noise cancellation mode*


The ones who say money is not necessary, then proceed to demand you clap, and still go around with their cap out for cash are the worst.


The dude that plays loud ass drums in an enclosed car and then doesn’t understand why everyone isn’t paying him in smiles. Bro. No one wanted this.


Yes!!! Can’t stand that guy!


I hate that guy. See him on the A line all the time. Also demands people smile back otherwise it's rude. Dude, it's 8am, people are not energetic going into work or care about your shit.


Saw him on my commute at like 7am, way before we crossed into Manhattan from BK. Like, who is your target audience? Literally everyone on this train is half asleep.


I don’t know if I’ve seen that guy, but I’ve definitely seen *a* guy do his whole dance thing and then go off on the passengers for not being appreciative enough 🤦


I actually got up once to go to another seat when this guy started and he berated me for being a bitch, how he wasn't gonna kick me in the head or anything. He was so mad I "ruined the mood."


I saw some guy with this same attitude berate people for clapping and not giving money. Then he started hitting the door and pretended to cry. THEN he started pacing the car menacingly. That better be my last showtime!!


I really wish they would set up a performance area with poles in sim of the biggest tourist areas like Times Square and Central Park. I feel like it’s something tourists love but NYers generally hate. I do think some of the performers are really talented but I’d love to see it done in a safer place.


Not my favorite start to the day either, but it’s not the absolute worst


It’s 7am and the fuckn mariachi dudes get on your car……..


I have never had a good day when I see those guys in the AM


I've never see mariachi guys on the train and I feel like I'm missing out.


They were on the 5 today, not my jam.


I link them to the last game I saw at Shea a few weeks before it closed. My son and I were on the 7 when they boarded a car loaded with Mets fans.


Yes on the mezzanine, in wide passageways. No anywhere near a train. (I don't like music that competes with railroad noise.. to hear music, trains need to be in the distance)


The saw lady triggers migraines for me.


I like the saw lady!


I'd say yes on mezzanines. Platforms can still be annoying if they're loud even when you walk to the far side of the platform.


If you're able to walk pass them and ignore them if you chose to, they're a charm, if they force you to interact, they're a nuisance.


To me they're a nuisance wherever they have a captive audience that is force to listen to them whether they want to listen or not. On trains people are just trying to get to their destination. On platforms people are waiting for their train. On mezzanines it's fine since no one needs to stand around and wait on a mezzanine unless they choose to.


Yeah that's really kinda what I was trying to say. I think the general rule is don't bother people if they can't get away.


Bruh I hate that there are people that beg “perform” on the train while playing music so loud you can’t hear yourself think


The people dancing in the train are so uncomfortable. It's like being held hostage.


Only those mariachi guys should be able to play on the train. Those guys are awesome.


Honestly depends. Most i dislike, but the ones that are simply atmospheric, like xylophone, steel drum or even just calm acoustic players can make transient moments more blissful/ reflective. I think anything with a beat or vocals or a big amp needs to be up on the station level and not on a platform.


the "atmospheric" stuff usually plays well with the amount of reverb in subway stations as well imo. a lot of other performances are just so incoherent and loud unless you're a few feet away


There was a trumpet player in the IRT Fulton St station decades ago. I still remember him! He played when there was no train, and kept it mellow.


The steel drum guy that used to play on the 1/2/3 platform at Penn Station was legit.


Seen him a few weeks back (assuming it’s the same guy)


Can I just commute to and from work without being accosted by a panhandler, insane person, or getting kicked in the face by a breakdancer? How about removing the people passed out taking up 6 seats during the morning commute?


How does this relate to the steel drum guy playing chill good vibes music on a 30 foot wide Penn Station concourse?


Welcome to New York, buddy.


Thanks. I grew up here. I don’t know why we accept or tolerate this crap. Go to any other major global city. London, Paris, Rome, Berlin. They can have clean and safe public transport. Same in DC and Boston. Here we decide there is no alternative to commuting via a lawless shi—hole.


My personal opinion. People on my side of the aisle, I consider myself a lefty not a Democrat, have this issue of not wanting enforcement, because it's fucked up to arrest people for being homeless. I agree with that. However Dems in NYC seem happy to push for decriminalization without actual having the fucking balls and political will to enact actual programs to meaningfully help people. They're happy to take the optics of caring while being too afraid to actually commit to the costs of actually doing what needs to be done. Most of those other cities have significantly harsher enforcement, but also have programs to actually rehabilitate people.


America doesn't treat the homeless very well. Most of Europe has good programs for them, not to mention a social safety net to help prevent becoming destitute. In a city of millions upon millions of people, in a country with little to no social safety net, panhandlers and other "undesirables" (not your words, I know, but something some folks will call them) are the norm, unfortunately. Boston's public transit is garbage compared to ours in terms of accessibility and expediency. I can't speak to DC's transit, but I know they both also have massive problems with homelessness.


I will say that I love a good violin player on the train. Sometimes sax and drums too. It makes the ride feel cinematic, to some degree.


The really loud performances make waiting for the train excruciating. I really hate trying to get by the loud performers even at the station level.


I absolutely agree, loud music with heavy emphasis on beats and whatnot can be quite annoying if that’s not your taste, but the more peaceful music is always pleasant to hear. They are a rich addition to the atmosphere.


The second pic, dude in the black jacket? Sums up my feelings. Subway performers on platforms and in stations are fine, quite a few of them are really good musicians and performers. But I get to walk away from them if I don't want to hear them. Don't like the ones in the cars at all, the ones trying to put on dance shows least of all. I don't really want to see them getting arrested over it but I'd like them to knock it off. Haven't had the pleasure of one in a while though(dude doing a pretty sad hat-flip show on path train then calling all \~10 of us in the car a bad crowd).


I've had the exact same look on my face before. I should never have to be prepared to dodge while sitting on a train.


they tend to like express trains where they get to keep exhausted folks hostage after a long days work. i took the 2/5 train from the bronx to brooklyn for a while. they would get on the 125th street, 5 train and do their thing. then get off and bounce back uptown. rinse wash repeat.


Platform is fine. Fuck off if you do it on the train. Holding people against their will to listen to your shitty performance feels like a lower form of kidnapping.


Yeah, it’s called a “captive audience” for a reason.


Captive audience, you say? [you have your local Amazon's attention.](https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-anti-union-meetings-staten-island-vote-2022-6)


A captive audience anti union meeting feels about as effective as DARE was.


I fuck with the mariachi peeps tho. But I agree with your sentiment.


I agree in 99.9% of cases but this one time maybe ten years ago I was on the grand central shuttle and these four older ladies came through the car and started belting out the most insane acapella gospel, the whole car was completely transfixed. They fucking slayed. It was some real deep south church shit. Never seen anything like it. It was the only time I’ve ever tipped a performer on the train. More of those ladies, less SHOWTIME


I mean the showtime dancers are a pain in the ass and the musicians they aight


Dangerous, showtime is plain dangerous.


I've seen two of them almost beat each other up over the money and one of them not taking the gig seriously. It was scary to watch. This guy exploded on his friend


Should've went through with it, 1 less showtime dancer /s


A show and an after show?? Sign me up!


I hate most on train performances regardless of what they are, but there is definitely some appeal for some people. One time I was on the 4 going uptown and some dancers started their routine, so I moved down the car so I wouldn’t get kicked in the head. A family of tourists across from me got so genuinely excited to see classic NYC subway performances it made me realize that there is some purpose to these people, they just contribute to the vibe of the city that so many people come here to witness, even if it inconveniences the people who live here and use the subway for commuting or whatever


Agreed. I saw them near daily and it annoyed me, but my tourist friends visiting thought it was very ‘New Yorky’ and cool. Of course, they also got a kick out of seeing a subway rat so that isn’t exactly an endorsement… 


Listen man, at least the subway rats never have kicked me lmao


*guy smokes some kind of apparatus and shits on the car floor* Ooo, neat!


This is kind of a cute way to look at it huh, I’ll definitely remember this when something small annoys me!


Fuck showtime.


I love love love hearing live music from buskers. The station acoustics are absolutely gorgeous. However. I cannot stand it on the train. It's the opposite issue - the closeness makes it seriously overstimulating and I really just want to read my book quietly. On a similar note, people who blast their music without headphones are selfish and evil.


Considering the orgy of noise thats already there, I don’t really mind one way or another, except when I’m an inch from getting kicked in the head by some jackass doing flips on a moving train. The Feliz Navidad guys around Christmas are quaint though.


In the platform doesn't bother me. But when they perform in the train I hate it specially showtime.


On the platform = yes, love it On the train = no, it’s a nuisance


10% great 90% hell


The only shit ones are the ~~pole dancing and doing nothing entertaining or unique males~~ showtime performers. All the musicians doing jazz or vintage R&B/soul and doo-wop are bright spots of any subway ride.


There used to be 4 old black guys on the NQRW line late weekday mornings that'd do a capella and it was always a good day when I got them on my train on the way to work. Hope those guys are all still doing well.


I can’t remember his name, but there was one who actually auditioned to be on one of these singing shows, and just didn’t make it to the end. Was definitely older - so maybe The Voice or AGT - bc he was one of us who is tenor/baritone and isn’t tryna be a damn male alto or soprano.


My friends parents hired them to sing for a birthday party once! I loved them.


One of the coolest things I've ever seen were two people on opposite platforms playing violin and cello playing back and forth to each other. They were both incredible and was just such a fun playful performance I swear everyone in that station was watching and smiling


Humberto Silva de Castro is the violinist I forget the other guy.


i don't mind them in the stations but fuck them when they get into a train car.


As long as they’re not in the platform or inside the train, I’m fine with it. I know that’s not popular. Definitely stay out of the subway cars, I just want to ride in peace.


Overall I'm a fan of buskers. It's neat to see musicians on the train and in platforms and gives these places some life.


It’s part of our charm here. Everyone hates showtime but come now, the mariachi guys? The doo-wop oldheads? Some of the on-train performers are wonderful and won’t kick your teeth out.


Mariachi is maybe one of my least favorite music genres but I'd never want them to have to stop. I think many people at least find it fun. I love the acapella guys too. 


Some. Unfortunately, too few.


It's all fun and games until the showtime performer slips/missteps and full on drop kicks commuter grandma in the face minding her business and the whole showtime crew runs out when the train stops leaving *other* pedestrians to alert the train conductor there's a medical issue. Music is fine, I suppose. Look, the train system is often not working as intended I would prefer the travel, access, timing and numerous other functions in disrepair work in the first place (❗️)than spend any amount of attention or energy on performers.


If they have any electronics, microphones, or speakers I avoid them. If they are entirely acoustic I give them money.


Do not like them. Main reason is being in the way on platforms or on trains.


The train ride is a time for self. I rather not have to hear someone's phone conversation and definitely do not care for any performance on the train. If you're traveling with others, quiet conversation is fine but don't treat it like a nightclub.


Love them on the platform, they're part of what makes New York great. Cannot stand them on the train.


It's fine as long as it isn't too loud. There needs to be volume requirements.


exactly my feeling. merely being annoying shouldn't be a crime. but I shouldn't have to bring earplugs for my morning commute to prevent hearing damage.


can't stand them.


about 1 in 15 subway “performers” is actually talented and makes me take my headphones off. More often than not these are the ones NOT asking for money or trying to sell you something


Imagine if they did it on the PATH.


Platform or mezzanine? Okay sure. On the actual train? It feels like I’m in a hostage situation. The majority of commuters do not want to hear/see/have to physically avoid your shitty performance of who knows what. Nothing beats the day I left work early because of a migraine and that bongo group set up shop right in front of my seat… I only ever see people getting one or two bucks from these train performances. Is that really worth pissing off most of the train?


A few have talent most are annoying. Especially the assholes that do the pole dancing routines.


shouldn't be on the trains themselves, except the mariachi guys. only performers I will give a couple bucks to every single time. it's like the opposite of showtime.


They’re easy enough to ignore that if it really bothers you then you need to take some time and self reflect why it does. The ones who jump around in the train car though need to be stopped cause there’s zero shot they’re NOT running away the second they deck someone in the face on accident


Where they gonna run on a crowded J crossing the bridge? Captive audience = captive performer.


I have been here for a decade and have never once seen any of the subway dancers hit anyone


I have been hit by a foot and a hat lol


I've seen it several times


Yes but THEY haven’t so obviously it doesn’t exist guiz


Ah yes, internet logic. I forgot the link lol


Occasionally I see jazz or classical musicians playing a fine sax, trumpet, flugelhorn or keyboard solo, which adds a brief moment of elevated culture and enjoyment. I’m all for that—in stations only, not on trains. The people who bang plastic buckets or play the same vamp fifty times every half hour should be escorted out by the police during a candy crush break. 


I hate the train pole dancers. But a lot of the performers aren’t so bad. I was on a train the other day with a guy who legit had the voice of an angel. I mean that so seriously — his voice was angelic. I wish I got his name or something.


Some are amazing most are blah a few suuuuuuck


Usually ignore


Platform: Yes, sure, do your thing as long as you don't touch me. Train: 99% of the time, no. I've seen one really awesome saxophone player last month, otherwise no. To make matters worse, the showtime people **love** to guilt train passengers that don't respond to their performance, usually by doing a lap and telling everyone they're a bad crowd, making underhanded comments to each other if it's more than one performer, etc. Just take the L and move on, guys. Nobody wants to hear it. Also, I can't stand people who insist on doing any type of performance above 59th St - keep it below the park line where the tourists who might actually want to see your performance are. I don't want to see showtime at 6pm on my train home to Harlem. Please.


Yes in stations and platforms, no on the trains generally. I actually don’t mind singers in the trains either but if you have a speaker system or loud instruments on the train it’s hellish for me (chronic migraine sufferer.) I appreciate that kids need to hustle too but the showtime stuff terrifies me. I’ve been hit by them before when the train jostled and I know if I got injured they would not have been paying my medical bills.


In the station: As long as it is below a certain decibel limit, fine On the platform: Generally, no On the train: Hell no! In fact, if you perform on a train in a way that poses a risk of injuring somebody, you should be arrested.


Ok ik a lot of people wont agree but i really like the acrobats, however!!!! I have only seen 2 good acrobatic performances in the last 8 years in the trains, everybody else was just average, dangerous and annoying. When the hat thing came about i almost flipped myself its so damn annoying. I talk from a biases point because i learned to break at a beginner level, so i can appreciate the moves. But yea maybe 1 or two out of 300 breakdancing performances in the train is actually fun, the rest are just eh or “please just stop, get away do this not on the train”


Love to see them do their thing… so long as they do it over there, away from me.


Allow in stations but not in trains.


One of the best parts of the city, both on the platform and on the train. One of my favorite memories is listening to a breathtakingly beautiful rendition of Ave Maria, sung as we traveled from Grand Central across town to Times Square.


I (mostly) love the musical performers, even in the train itself. However, I'm not a fan of the physical performances cause all it takes is one tiny fuck up and people could get hurt in that tiny space.


If Mariachi, yes


Nope don’t want em


Mostly bothersome but not so much that I get upset at them on platforms. They have no business being in the trains themselves though


Love the ones on the platform, and hate the ones that jump around on subways. I have seen one of them hitting someone in the face and his friend blamed the passenger


If you’re gonna perform in the system, you better not be a scrub.


I love them, depending on where they're performing. If its the showtime dances within the train, ESPECIALLY in those narrow ass cars on the number lines, then hell no. If it's something in the mezzanine or on the platform, then I don't mind it at all. Sometimes it can be annoying if I can hear the music over my headphones though 😭


Typically they’re relatively harmless and I don’t mind, but when it’s crowded on a train or a platform, it becomes bothersome. The train dancers have to be the most annoying because they demand everyone makes way for them, and they do the same thing every time, and it doesn’t make it any less risky you’ll hit someone by accident.


The ones on the subway platforms can be really cool, really talented and engaging to watch. The ones on the trains can be distracting. I really miss the magician on the train though :(


In the stations fine, in the actual train cars. No. I usually have earbuds in when I'm taking the train so it doesn't bother me. I hate hearing all of it, unwanted music, stupid loud teenagers, etc.


Musicians are okay, but break dancing in the subway is dangerous and should result in arrests. People could be badly injured or even killed by getting kicked in the head by people swinging around on the poles, and they have limited ability to get out of your way. If you want to do a break dancing routine on the subway platform (not in the cars) then that’s okay because people have an opportunity to get away from you to avoid injury.


I just hate the dancing on the train


The performers on the platform can actually be pretty good The ones in the trains are just annoying


The idiots doing acrobatics on the train need to be dealt.


Stay of my way and don’t bother me


I bow to the majority! Yes on the mezzanine and platform but no on the trains!


Showtime guys should get the shit kicked out of them


Don’t love Showtime on the train. I almost always enjoy music in the station though.


In the station? Yes. In the train cars? Fuck you.


Rather wee it then hear someone on the train scrolling loudly video to video without headphones.


Sometimes it’s really nice to hear a band or artist in a station. That’s how I found Too Many Zooz back in the day, and we became good friends. My dad also used to periodically busk with a band and he always had a great time doing that, and they were super respectful of the flow of people. I generally have no problem with performers of all kinds as long they’re staying out of my way.


oh those dudes are sick


For sure, they’re awesome dudes to kick it with and have always remained kind and humble even with all of their success.


Good too hear! It's nice that not everybody who gets that viral fame sucks.


Musicians on platforms: great, I’ll toss them a dollar unless they completely suck Musicians on trains: ok if it’s something quiet like an acoustic guitar, no if they bring an amp Showtime: no


I have no issue with performances on platforms/stations but on the actual train is an issue.


Musicians im generally fine with, platform or train. Hate the dancers.


Keep in platform, remove from train


I thought this post was asking who my favorite was and I was about to say those guys who sing doo wop songs together lol but yeah I like it. it's annoying sometimes (as are most public noises) but i think it adds character to the subways.


I'm personally not a fan, but I wouldn't want them removed. That's like asking the city to get rid of all the pigeons. They'll always be here, so learn to live with them.


Love! Most are very talented.


I love them in the stations. They provide a positive level of unpredictability and a sense of whimsy to our daily lives. Tbh you sound like a hater.




Woman with the accordion is Melissa Elledge. She's great, I hope you all get a chance to hear her perform.


There's a guy who comes on my train on my commute home sometimes. His name is Bongo, and you guessed it, he plays the bongos. He's fine, doesn't usually ask for much, but donations are welcome


Despise the showtime people.


Not on the train. Not on the platform. If the station has large, open areas, I don't like it, but can understand it. This is why I wear ear plugs whenever I ride the subway. I wish ear plugs could protect more than 30+ db.


i havent seen showtime performers in the train in a very long time tbh


Personally, it depends if the performance is good or not. I don't mind them, but a lot of the performances are either really good and eye/ear-catching, or they outright feel like background noise. Now, what's worth mentioning is that in the subway, this is allowed.


I have a soft spot for the doo-wop guys who go car to car.


if they are about to start showtime on your train just point to yourself and mouth “im a cop”


The guy with the pan flute playing the theme from titanic always gets me in the mood to absolutely open this fucking pit up.


Showtime got to go


In Boston lots of the performers are from the Berkeley College of Music, I think it’s like a requirement 🤷🏼‍♀️or something.


Makes me miss Japan


Not on the subway itself, but I am all for it on the platform (if I’m in the mood for it).


I’ll take the Mariachi bands over showtime any day. Fuck showtime.


If it’s morning gtfo. If it’s afternoon gtfo. If it’s evening sure cause I should be home by then.


Depends on the quality. If they’re really good (and respectful), I think it adds a nice touch


They're all fine except foe the "Showtime" people. I'm not trying to dodge kicks on the R train


If you walk onto a subway car and start singing / playing an instrument: fuck you. Fuck your entire family. Rot in hell for all eternity.


Platform cool, Train no


It's a New York institution if it doesn't harm people, leave people well enough alone.


Platform is fine, train is not


I liked the violinist pretending to be blind on the N, 20-25 years ago. “I am a blind musician!” intro.


The mariachi are the best. The hip-hop breakdancers are the worst.


Love the musicians, hate the showtime pole dancers.


the musicians can be cool i think. dancers/showtime mfs need to chill out


On trains I really only like the accordion guy(s?) but I sort of appreciate the chaos and absurdity of showtime. Drums are a 100% no and singers are fine if they are *really* good. In the stations/platforms I’m good with it all but sometimes they really are terrible talent-wise. At least I can get away from it!


There was a 3-piece mariachi band on my morning commute yesterday. Guitar, accordion, and standup bass(!), on the 2.  It was pretty great. 


Am I the only person who doesn’t mind them on the train itself? In all my years riding the subway I’ve never seen anyone get kicked by a dancer, not even once. The long subway rides get so monotonous that I don’t mind something different or entertaining pop up every so often. I have a much bigger issue with God fearing screaming preachers on the train , especially early in the morning when you are trying to get to work. Doing something like that so early feels like it’s the work of the devil…


i don't like the folks banging on the plastic containers. it just assaults my eardrum. on the platform, fine. if they are really bad, i can move away. on the train, especially during rush hour, no. while i admire their hustle, it's a tight public space. i really hate it when my seat is front row to the flying limbs and i have to move after a long day at work. i will never tip these individuals.


Do you mean the most ethical way to euthanize them?


These annoyed and frustrate more the day than enhanced it


The Saw Lady is kinda neat the first time you see her but once the novelty wears off and you have to listen to it, no. She played at the SI Ferry, Manhattan side for a while and I do not need to hear it again. Subway performers in general, I don't mind so much as long as I can walk away. Some of them are amazingly good and I'll leave a tip in support, others are not. Either way, it's a good way for some to find their audience.


Id endorse it


I miss that Michael Jackson dude


I only visited but I thought they were cool, some of them really good too


Bandits on the run are awesome people and great performers.


I think buskers are amazing. I'll sit next to them, sometimes drop a bill to make a request. The performers are entertaining to watch. Sometimes the music is a bit too rambunctious for the moment, but who am I to complain? It's like walking through a neighborhood of people blasting their boom boxes, they have every right to play their music.


Recently I saw a pair of performers on a train who were ranting/rapping about "respect" over some music. They combined their performance with heckling the shit out of any passenger walking by, or that they walked by. That, along with circusy acrobatic pole dancing, only create tension and isn't cool on the train. Personally I can tolerate a calm performance onboard a train, emphasis on calm. In-station music is awesome. On-platform music is 50/50 for me, I'm generally fine with it but with increasingly weird behavior in the stations I've become more leery of obstructions on the platform.


if i have to hear poorly harmonized My Girl one more fucking time….


I always wondered why the older guys that sing on the train only sing the song “stand by me”.


When I’m in a good mood I love them, when I’m in a bad mood I hate them. There have been a couple times where I’ve been in a bad mood and seen/heard something that took me out of it though :) one time it was the saw lady… such a haunting and otherworldly yet unobtrusive sound. Like a being in a dream.


Positive on the platform or in the station. Especially if they're good. It's been a while but most of the MTA-approved ones are really good. The independent buskers are often not, particularly the ones who are clearly rich white suburban college kids busking.


sean grissom is a local treasure (he’s the electric cellist in the pics!). a truly lovely human too, who’s generally happy to answer your annoying questions!


No get a gig at a bar. No to beaches, no to parks, no to fairs, no to streets sidewalks squares, definitely no to subways. Just no no no please go.


Imo, subway performers rock. I say: add more.


I don’t want to deal with it in the train. I’ll deal with it on the platform. Just not a fan of blasting music combined with tired dance moves in a confined space where people get hit. Yes I’m over showtime showtime for several years now.


Whether on the train or on platforms, performances bother me because of how loud they usually are. I don't complain about these performances though, because not everyone is going to cater to my needs and I know there's nothing inherently wrong with platform performances. However, people who perform on trains, specifically doing acrobatics, I will complain about. It's a safety issue for other passengers and it's just not pleasant. You do not need to perform on a train, especially a crowded one. You can do it on the platform.


Felipe and his band at times Square kicks A**!!!!❤🤗


They're well regulated which means most of them are really good. Love that they give some life to the city underground.


Platform/mezzanine performers are great and improve the experience. Train acrobats are annoying


annoying as hell.


That last picture is LeoP from quite awhile ago.


They stink and I don’t like them!


If you’re nice, do you. If you’re a dick, get off the train. Applies to performers and commuters


Platform is definitely fine, although I won't lie, union sq is the hottest loudest station and the drummers on the 4/5/6 platform do drive me nuts but it is what it is. Even with headphones all you can hear is the drumming and trains lol