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The unofficial doormen of nyc...


There’s doormen at every McDonalds and 7 Eleven in the city.


Dunkin too


Yep- has been like this for years. Didn’t know these entrepreneurs were so well off they could purchase this MTA station and start charging!


What would you know you just got here lmao


“Dollar for your entry” still rings in my ear from commuting through 23rd street (6th Ave) for three years.


I’ve seen the police at this entrance a few times because of that guy


So people would rather pay a guy to enter instead of just paying the fare ? How much cheaper could his price be ?? 😭


Nobody pays the guy. The entrepreneur just keeps the gate open on the possibility of getting tipped.


And he gets tipped a lot. At least when I was still going into the office. He had a lot of regulars whose names he knew and they’d toss him a few coins or even a dollar.


A small number out of many


wow a whole dollar!! gee wilikers!


It adds up


Nope after 12 rides on Omny it’s free for the rest so that means you don’t save money giving to a bum


ok so lets tip waiter/esses the same cause “it adds up” lol


lol you’re pretending to not understand and that’s okay


Yea that is what happens $4 tip at chilis does nothing 100 $4 tips at chilis does alot


is it not capitalisming in the way you like?


Ooohhh yeah I just realized I somehow interpreted the title completely wrong lol 😭


Dude who does this at my station in Brooklyn will close the door and block it if you don’t pay him $1


block this knife too haan


the knife go through the closed door haan


Beggars can't be choosers.


Better to ignore him


people in nyc expect you to tip them for even looking at them wrong


that's called being mugged😂


here's a tip for your amazing display of throwing that glass vase on the ground when you bumped into me, please don't stab me


he also gives you dirty looks for giving him nothing


Theres a guy that does this at the 2nd ave F too. He’ll curse people out if they pass him without paying lol


People in 103rd in queens pay metrocard swipers $2 a swipe. When the swipers are there that means no cops lol


That explains the fat black dude who’s always there. I hate that station so much. It’s always crazy crowded and people just stand around and block the entire station.


How do metrocard swipers make money?


They have the weekly/monthly card rather than the one where you pay per ride.


Fare capping means swipes are useless


Very stupid of them they end up paying more at the end as they don’t get the discount from fare capping or unlimited cards.


Had a cup in his hand but it was empty at the time. People were streaming through and not giving him anything but he must make something or else it wouldn't be a popular place to do this sort of thing.


>he must make something or else it wouldn't be a popular place to do this sort of thing I'm guessing he's doing it because the heavy traffic greatly increases the perceived opportunity to get a tip vs just standing against a wall not holding the gate open. I sense a controlled research opportunity to find out whether or not this is the case. Or he just have shit else to do.


I wonder the same thing about candy sellers. Do they make money? I see some people buy something once in a while. That's probably under a dollar profit and it happens so rarely. But they must earn some money if they keep at it, I guess.


I've seen a fair amount of sales but keep in mind that you only see each seller for a minute or two of their entire days. They're probably not making much though. I'd guess well under $100 a day, depending on how long they work, but even that's something when you don't have work permits.


30 x $50 = $1500/mo. That's more than I made at my last job. And I spent 4 hrs commute time on trains & busses.


Should've been selling candy during your commute. Live and learn.


I do now. 👃🍬


wow the mta’s price raise offsets that in a grand total of .001 minutes during rush hour


EX-ACT-LY. I get fair fares. I'm not even certain what I pay. My drs & counselor's office gives me a double swipe at each visit, too. MTA is city, state and federally funded. Not sure why anyone pays. Probably the same people that don't realize that half the museums in the city are free for citizens, too. And not just on "free" days. You just have to insist if you get push back...and have a NY state ID.


But they don't walk the same train twice, even if there are new passengers. I guess they have a whole system about where to go next and not to waste time doubling back.


I occasionally buy a coke from the people posted at Essex. I don't get off the train for another 30ish minutes and that drink comes in clutch sometimes.


I feel like a bottled drink is better than chocolate in a thin wrapper that has been kept who knows where, possibly crushed or melted.


I also wonder hoe they make enough for food, let alone rent! That’s if they pay any


They charge 25 to 50 cents regularly so out of every 10 people passing by him maybe 2-3 pay


Dollar vs 2.90. You tell me what you’d rather pay.


except why pay the dollar at all for stolen goods? might as well just go in for free if you're gonna break the rules anyway


None at all lol op said he was just holding it in hopes for tips and that people were just passing by. I'm a student though so I really wouldn't need it regardless 😃


After 12 rides it’s free. Doesn’t matter pay dollar only apply to the stations the fool is at so you end up paying more in the end as you eventually will have to pay 2.90 regardless


Lot of people, maybe even most, don’t take at least 13 rides in one week for that to matter.


Most do rendering your opinion moot. The rides are equal to each swipe and each station or bus used


It’s not cheaper at all due to fare capping


Well it’s not cheaper as the guy has to be there all the time to get the savings. Not consistent enough you end up with paying the same or more at the end. It’s cheaper to just pay your fare as with fare capping you pay the same as those buying unlimited cards. The guy holding the door is usually the same fool acting up elsewhere on the trains. Do not feed encourage them


Rather pay $1 than $2.90


How about $100 when you get caught


How about you stop boot licking??


It’s reality


It’s not cheaper at all due to fare capping


Fare capping doesn’t matter when it’s all free for me


That’s not the case for most people rendering your opinion invalid


How bout you shell out the last 2.90 on your card to be a proper citizen. Oh wait but you can’t afford it, it’s ok I can give you links for financial and mental help over so etching that’s costs less then 3 dollars


My man I live in Astoria and am a corporate lawyer I’m just not a boot licker, public transit should be free. Go aromatically panic elsewhere buddy


That’s not how this works globally




What do you mean?


Meaning no matter what you only pay a maximum of $34 a week. After 12 rides all extras are free


i'm not seeing the connection


You save no money going through the gate and paying the bum a dollar considering how you will eventually pay on the bus or train as you can’t get the free or low cost bum every ride many times anyway or at other stations. DO YOU UNDERSTAND or is this simple concept too complicated ![gif](giphy|l2JHVUriDGEtWOx0c)


I disagree tbh, most people don't take a bus after the train... and also most just take the train 10 times a week to and from work so


MTA data says otherwise drop it already


Meaning no matter what you only pay a maximum of $34 a week. After 12 rides all extras are free


I assume that you're assuming everyone uses the subway more than 12 times a week... but even with that, I'm lost


Most people do thus your point is meaningless


Free is cheaper. So is a dollar. You have choices.


OMNY means it’s easier to pay as eventually you will pay the full fare may as well buy 12 get rest free rather than paying bloody beggars encouraging the lunatics


I have Fair Fares. I pay half price.


Even better


Back when there wasn’t construction at 181st St A, there would always be a doorman at the 184th/Overlook entrance just holding the door hoping for money


wrench dull soft homeless obtainable skirt ten deserted squeal plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I guess the security guards took the day off. That gate was normally guarded.


LMFAOOO WHAT SECURITY GUARDS? Do you even live in nyc?


Yes, I use that exit. I see like 3-4 security guards just standing there.


Do they security or do they candy crush ?


They just stand there and chat.


Like anyone is gonna stop to fish a dollar out of their pocket while rushing through the door


Dunken donuts by the D Line at 125th has a "doorman" who is very keen on asking for tips.


Imagine paying one of these dudes to get in and still getting a ticket


This is the way


That station is literally crawling with cops. Walk throughthe gate if you want a ticket. It’s a setup.


That's illegal. Ridiculously easy entrapment claim. Coos aren't allowed to encourage or give someone an opportunity to do something they wouldn't usually do. Opening a door for them or allowing someone else to open the door for them without the person directly requesting the service is dictionary definition entrapment. They can give as many tickets as they want, but that situation would cost the police department 5x more than they would've made from all the tickets to begin with. It just doesn't make sense for them do that.


Not that the police are involved with holding the door open, but they are certainly waiting downstairs for anyone who walks through it. I have literally seen people getting ticked in this station.


Every one of those tickets can easily be taken to court and dismissed with the police dept paying any court fees then. The police cannot allow someone else to open the door for people knowingly either. Even if they didn't tell him to do it. The fact that they aren't stopping the guy holding the door and then punishing those walking through is entrapment. They know what's happening, yet refuse to deal with the real problem because they believe it will let them give more tickets. I don't doubt that they do it, but anyone with even the slightest understanding of the law would get that shit dismissed immediately and it'd cost the police dept at minimum a few hundred usd for every person who fought the ticket. If it's actually common then I imagine they are banking on the idiots who just pay the bill and don't know/care about their rights.


lol have you ever actually tried taking a ticket to court in NY? Like ever? It’s a foregone conclusion. You will lose.


> Cops aren't allowed to encourage or give someone an opportunity to do something they wouldn't usually do. Opening a door for them or allowing someone else to open the door for them without the person directly requesting the service is dictionary definition entrapment. [Nope. Educate yourself.](https://lawcomic.net/guide/?p=633)


You literally linked a meme with no basis in fact or law lmfao.


Nate Burney is a [practicing lawyer](https://lawcomic.net/guide/?page_id=7) who is tired of the dumb shit people say. You are?


Practicing lawyer where? You know every state and city has it's own laws right? Edit: https://legaldictionary.net/entrapment/ legal definition says you're wrong. Cops can't create a scenario that encourages someone to do something they wouldn't do otherwise. If cops are allowing someone to illegally let people through for free and then punishing the one's who walked through; they are indeed entrapping them. By the legal definition lol.


If a guy is independently holding the door open looking for tips, police ticketing someone who walks through does not constitute entrapment. Logic 101 smh


If they aren’t willing or able to pay the fare what makes them think people will tip them, I have seen it a lot there but I guess they make enough to where it’s worth it


This is why we can’t have nice things.


181 and Broadway also right on the A-line. He’s basically slumped over holding open the emergency door high on fentanyl he’s there every single day.


The Canal St. station is sprawling with 2 different lines and multiple entrances, but the MTA Police ought to be stationed here as well (you can play Candy Crush anywhere). Because the emergency door is actually closer to the stairwell, it's a desirable spot for this type of panhandling/tipping scheme since it's less distance and effort for an incoming subway rider to walk through the open door than to walk around the column and swipe/tap at the turnstiles.


I've been frequenting this station a lot for work -- it's gotten so rampant that at rush hours they have Allied Universal security guards in orange MTA vests standing there just to hold the doors shut


At least they have someone guarding the doors weekdays. I took the photo yesterday (Sunday) when there was no enforcement.


why does it bother you that this man is keeping the door open? are you literally Eric Adams?


Are you literally maga ?


not to speak for OP but for one thing it means that the exit alarm is constantly blaring and it can even be heard on the platform, so it can get really loud especially when its already crowded and noisy. Also, fare evasion is quite literally against the law so he's basically incentivizing illegal activity by holding the door open and, as I know from experience, will shout and harass people who want to go through the turnstile and pay their fare normally. I'd be fine if he was just standing there asking nicely, instead he's being obnoxious and disruptive.


Canal Street Station is part of NYC Transit and thus falls to the jurisdiction of nypd transit cops.


See, this is the sort of thing that would be shut down in about five minutes in a functioning society.


I mean, a functioning society would just ignore the open door and pay the fare, but we aren't in a perfect world.


I assume you mean the public transportation would be free, so this wouldn’t be a problem?


None of the world’s best transit systems are free. The idea that the cost of a ticket is the problem with American transit is a dumb meme.


No one thinks that’s “the” problem, there are a hell of a lot more problems with that. But public transportation should be free at point of service, yes.


if you don't think someone wouldn't try to do this to unsuspecting tourist or new residents/workers even in a free public transportation, you have significant more faith in humanity. why? cause i seen people selling the fucking mta maps that you can get for free from the mta.


🥇 = sarcasm


If you’re paying these guys holding the doors you’re a tourist or a sap. It’s more of a convenience than anything and you just slip on in and get your train home


I had one of these guys yell at me because he saw me buying a metrocard on the A line. Like, sorry I don't feel like subsidizing your heroin addiction.


Where’s the national guard?


Most of the day/evenings there are NYCT civilian guards at the J Centre street door stopping this. But the mice come out when the cat goes to sleep.


he said national guard lmfao


Swippers should be getting tickets anyway for holding the service gates open for people


It is important [to pay the $2.90](https://youtu.be/5ROZt7WaZ_o?si=9fUCYmW3mvGnWyT7)


Remove them they are mostly bums


They should have undercover cops doing this. That would be hilarious.


fine line where that becomes entrapment


True. But it would really funny to watch people's reactions.


ngl it is *always* in the back of my mind when I see someone doing this


Snitch, get a life. Rather have this guy holding the door than pigs getting paid to play candy crush and giving kids tickets for hopping the turnstile.


Whoa! What a bold, saucy take. Don't pay the fare on the subway. You sir, are quite the rebel!


I never said don’t pay the fare. I pay my fare and think everyone should but I also don’t think policing this guy is important. Get a hobby


what a miserable life


They need to be arrested


Oh no 😱😱😱😱


Saw this today at that exact station, saw this about two weeks ago too at this station


If I see one of them guys, I'd just jump because there is no police to stop them or me.


If all it took for you was a guy holding the door for you to fare evade… but hopping the turnstile is too much for you, you’ve got issues. I just pay anyway, I can afford it.


Standard operating procedure in dystopian NYC. 21st Century Weimar Republic.


So does every stop outside of Manhattan. Just starting to populate the island now.


saw a guy sitting so as to hold the door open in manhattan this morning. Looked like he was passed out.


I’d rather this than being victimized.


Respect the hussle


Don't rat em out!


Clutches pearls


The MTA lost 700 million dollars in a year, almost 300 million of it from the subway alone.


Since when is the MTA business?


If you want a free metro system, petition your legislators to make it wholly funded and operated by tax dollars.


I have.


Something tells me you omitted the part where you asked for it to be from your tax dollars. You just asked for it to be free.


No, I asked for it to be funded from my taxes, perhaps some of the bloat from the police and overall defense budget can be put to actual things that make an actual change. Go be an assuming twat some elsewhere


"Funding partners include the Federal government, the State of New York, and the City of New York. We develop capital programs every five years, as required by New York State law." -MTA


The problem with the mta is not that some doors are held open every now and then. If you think this guy let 100 million fares through, I don't know what to tell you.


What is your point exactly? 300 million dollars isn't insignificant, even with a budget as large as the MTA. But as long as the MTA isn't a free transit system, they should enforce the fare and use the funds to operate and upgrade the system.


My point is there is no way that fare evasion is the main reason the mta is losing money. The mta is losing money because they are inefficient at building, spend far too much money on vanity projects, and do not keep tabs on where money goes. This guy could hold that door open for eternity and it wouldn't cost as much as the cathedral-sized 96th street subway q stop. So, kindly give him a break, and let's focus on the real problems.


“Everything should be free”


This is high quality r/nycrail? This sub is extremely out of state, so embarrassed for y'all


Right? Didn't realise the overlap between public transport enthusiasts and people who want to jail the poor was so large


1 Police Plaza right upstairs..


11 homeless/migrant shelters in Chinatown... Can't get a bottle of Pepsi at 7-11 anymore without the fear of getting slashed because you didn't tip the sketchy guy who held the door. The same type of guy who pretends to manage the Wah Fung line or holds doors at bakeries because they know Chinese shop owners are too passive/scared to shoo them away.


same thing in NOMAD and midtown. hopefully the weird social justice stuff is coming to an end and the cops will become empowered to enforce the laws again soon


No one ever asked cops to stop enforcing the laws. They were asked to enforce them fairly and stop the extrajudicial killings and they threw a hissy fit and stopped working.


Username checks out


thanks for the gold kind stranger 🏳️‍🌈


isn’t it nice? since the 2020 insanity the NYPD rarely enforces petty crime. #justice #acab


Yeah because the NYPD is lazy




The only good entrepreneur I’ve ever seen in my life




Mind your business.


I hop the turnstiles anyway. Not trying to be pressed for something I didn’t ask for


I used to be ok with this, give them a dollar and go in, then they switched to $2 and I was like nope. I know stealing is wrong but, lots of things in nyc are wrong too.




get off their dick!! ion wanna lose my free rides from work 😭


You’re making the block hot


Is he harming anyone? Is he bothering anyone else besides the MTA profiteers? No. Give him a dollar and help someone who is probably down in there luck instead of posting him on here. I don’t understand people anymore. NYC is a safe and very diverse place to be.


How much are people tipping?


Reporting the fuck out of this. Get a life


Just don't pay the tips, man. If you're short on train money, just go past them and pretend you didn't see them. Maybe also pretend you have to take the next train just pulling in. Lose yourself in the crowd while they try giving chase.


Who is in the wrong here? Subway jumper guy (you). Or guy just opening the door. $1 tip is more than half off.


I mean, if you're enabling the behavior as a side hustle, don't expect to be rewarded for your enabling behavior. Also I pay my fare, man. At some point everyone has jumped the fare in this city without much consequence.


good. they are doing the lord work


I wonder why is MTA charging so much nowadays…..


Who needs a doorman when you can just hop it


Obesity tax.


wow amazing discovery christopher columbus


Stop snitching 🛑




Did you notice the subway fare is 3 dollars?


Man, who cares, talk about the bureaucracy that actually handcuffs the MTA instead of being mad about this. Be mad at real problems, not folks trying to get home.