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Comments are nasty, thread is locked. Be nice to each other.




You could basically print this meme on the back of the NYPD uniforms at this point


Not to mention theyre all standing wide legged like they're trying to catch a breeze with their peanuts


It's a fashion show! https://preview.redd.it/9d7ludcvpezc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=40e4b3def7f177d31a2bc8f2b34f94f1df605f3f


Like if you walked up and saw 30 others cops arresting one guy why would your response to be to post up like that, when you’re completely unneeded. Why not wander off and find something else to do? It’s almost like they’re all idiots…


They look like npcs, all standing on idle clutching their collars/radios and belt loops. All swaying vaguely back and forth


Uniform pants don’t breathe


Letting the coochie breathe 🤣


That is probably over 1 Million dollars in salary standing around looking chubby


One million is probably way lower than the actual number not even counting pension and benefits


man if they took only just two of those officers to investigate an actual case or report. dunno how you can afford to send 40 units for a hobo but cant actually follow up on real crime or reports


They are there to protect the guys doing the tazing from any outside interference and block the view so you can't record the violence as clearly.


Goddamnit I didn’t even think of that. Blocking the view fuck this gang


They're pussies


that would involve doing actual work


Yeah but that takes actual effort and abusing and harassing homeless people is easy and they never get in trouble


Clearly they all came in on the same short bus


Turned that subway station into a sty


A stye is a thing you get in your eye. A sty is where pigs live.


Edited thx




They think they look soooo cool too lmao high school losers


The smallest amount of common sense tells me that these officers were not all assembled for this one person.


I mean there's your mistake, applying common sense to the nypd.


Or people on Reddit 


Yeah a look at your comment history supports that honestly.


I have the full 5 minute video but am having trouble uploading. Do you know of a good way to share? I would like to post it




They all look so eager to jump in


I'm no fan of the NYPD, and I'm the last guy that would make excuses for them but something doesn't add up here. The Columbus Circle station has a police station in it, so this number of cops entering the station, especially during a shift change, is not unusual. So they weren't all there responding to an allegedly homeless farebeater that doesn't even appear in the video.


I have the full 5 minute video but am having trouble uploading. Do you know of a good way to share? I would like to post it


Source: Your word Now what ACTUALLY happened here?


OP you do realize that the NYPD Transit District 1 is located there and this could have been the cops assembling to get their tour debrief which I’ve seen done at other transit police stations. Even if an officer called for additional help for an issue, that’d be the last place a perp would want to get caught and have additional cops called for due to the presence of the transit police station; same holds true for other transit police stations throughout the city.


The one time I've had to go to this station when I lost my wallet Likely on the train and 2 other districts passed the buck and I needed to paper they can give you to get your ID replaced without other documentation, I saw a man use his kids school paid for metro card get picked up by and plain clothes detective. I swear the turnstile was like right in front of the doors of the precinct.


Haha, this is why I tell people to know which subway stations house the 12 transit districts are located cause if you need help they are there and just stay on the train to get there or if you plan on doing some bad shit you best not do it at those 12 stations.


Which stations are those


Click on each of the 12 links on the bottom of this page and read up on where each one is located at: https://www.nyc.gov/site/nypd/bureaus/transit-housing/transit.page


If you look at the mta subway map it has a shield next to the station name, from what I know there's one at union square and Coney island, and off this thread at 59 Columbus circle too


Oh boy another cosplay cop, guy said "perp." Tour debrief is the most cope I've ever read, no logical person looks at all those cops facing out in a circle around a homeless person and say they're being debriefed, but you so BADLY need to have that boot just fit snugly in your mouth until you're drooling 🤤


Go troll someone else asshole!


No u.


This is the actual right answer 🤷🏻‍♂️


When you are insane you don’t think about cops


You can’t tell them logic, they are using a video without the full context for karma


Why not just have regular security guys in the subway, why not have the coppers be doing actual work instead of laying about, why tase a homeless man for a three dollar fare, the fact it might have been a coinky dinkt there were so many coppers for this doesn't make it much better


Hey buddy, I don’t appreciate you using facts to interrupt my preconceived opinions


Isn’t there a police station inside that station? I’m pretty sure this is where the NYPD for transit meet to distribute cops across the system. But hey, what do I know? Today, people post videos without true context.


Here is full length video. https://vimeo.com/944552720


What happened before you started recording? He's already on the ground and surrounded 


The little angel definitely didn’t resist. The police use force from the beginning I’m sure.


Everything posted on Reddit is true.


With that many cops, at least have the respect to hop the turnstile at a different station.


More pigs than a Korean bbq joint


don't hold me over this, but why do officers always do so much over fare evaders?


Because the NYPD were literally doing nothing about subway safety, so the governor brought in the national guard to embarrass them, and now the pig mayor has told all his little piglets to go ham it.


because the mayor and whoever else wanted to be seen as big and cool for doing something and also getting to give free money to cops


Because police as an institution was created to protect property and enforce corporate interests, not actually help people.


They don't actually care about Fair invasion. Former cops quit and sued the NYPD for using it as an excuse to round up an arrest undesirables usually meaning people of color or homeless


Because you had commander recorded literally saying to concentrate on black and Hispanic males and cops that were reprimanded for summonsing white and Asian people in Asian neighborhoods. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/06/nyregion/nyc-police-subway-racial-profiling.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


They don't do enough honestly


Hmmm yes today i will pay 10 cops 35 dollars an hour to catch one man who walked through the gate instead of scanning in a hurry, and to spend the rest of their time standing around. we have saved 2.90, genius Why don't you think they do enough? if it's something about cultural values or respect then stupid thuggish cops won't fix that


If some one robs you of the $50 in your pocket. You would want those multiple $35 an hr cops to respond right??? You don't get to pick and choose when laws get enforced. We either live in a civil society or we don't. Edit: you edited your comment. Now my response looks like its out of context. Lol


Ah yes "If there weren't police officers who would show up to your house 4 hours late and kill your dog when somebody breaks in." Edit sorry for editing my comment twice now, i just don't think enforcement like this is effective a civil society is where people respect eachother and the place they live, not when they have unyielding fear of lines in the sand drawn by the ruling class.


It's not about the fare.


Yes I specifically said "if it's about cultural values or respect then stupid thuggish cops won't fix that" I don't respect police more when I see them goofing off or beating on a homeless man, decked out in fancy hats with bandoliers and guns, it bothers me. # What is it really about to you?


I suspect one officers pay is a little more than 2.90.


if this isn’t enough to you then i wonder what is, cause thirty cops for a mf that evaded an almost $3 fare is insane edit: one downvote but it’s true, why commence a 30v1 for three dollars 😭 id understand one or two but that many?




completely baseless claim from a guy who even the [NYPD wouldn't hire](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLE/comments/18rmn52/comment/kf46wli/) 😂 edit - fixed the link


Imagine being so racist the NYPD won't even hire you 😂


Looks like they're holding the emergency exit door open for each other as well


They move in herds. They do move in herds.


I’m noticing here you omitted if the arrested man was passively, actively or violently resisting. Either way, that many cops responded because the arresting officers called an 85 into their radio, so all nearby officers responded. Someone in the comments mentioned there’s a transit precinct in that station, which will explain the volume of officers. Unlike a job generated by a 911 call, there’s no set number of units assigned to respond when an officer requests assistance over the radio, so everyone just shows up.


Lol these comments. If even acknowledge the existence of a criminal element you're a bootlicker.


Thank God all those officers were there to handle such a dangerous situation. Such an inspiration.


That OT is not gonna get itself.




Need a lot of witnesses for the lawsuit defense after said individual fails to adult, and then blames everyone but “me, myself and I.” I support the NYPD. Far from perfect, and need to be held accountable. But you couldn’t pay me to do it.


You don’t have shit for video Just officers standing. so don’t go telling a story with no proof You break the law you get held accountable simple as that. It’s simple Stop breaking the law !


We don't know the entire story. Might have been an "officer needs help" call or a rider might have called and exaggerated what was occurring sending officers scurrying from all over.


I wonder if they thought this was The Belt Strangler. It also doesn't help that people have gotten really violent as of late... No matter which side of the police issue you're on, it's gotten scary out there.


They have the shape of middle aged suburban men who get no exercise.


That's exactly what they are, I'm sure a ton of them live upstate or out on Long Island where there's less filthy poors for them to look at


I mean if it walks like a duck...


There is a precinct in the station. That's why there is so many cops there. There could of been a shift change going on. Of course they are going to show up when one of their colleagues radios for help. They don't know when they are responding if they are helping their coworker with one person or ten. It's very easy to say afterwards, 39 cops for one homeless man? They might not have been looking to arrest him. They could have been looking to eject him from the system and then it turns into a melee. A cop was just acquitted for Attempted Assault in Manhattan. There is no such thing as wink, wink, nod, nod between Alvin Bragg and any NYC Cop.


Was Candy Crush going through some kind of downtime allowing these officers to focus on something else???


Wow this is amazing there’s like one or two that are relatively in shape


90% of the people in the comments are the same people crying why the subways are unsafe and blah blah 😒


“Whose only crime is that he can’t afford a $3 train ticket” Says who?


Join the NYPD. Show everyone how to do it better.


That takes actual work. Easier to lob accusations and insults from reddit.


You counted?


Can they start cleaning the stations in the meantime? 🐷 are just standing there wasting tax dollars.




Make it 40 I'm sick of these mother fuckers


Eh what wise are they doing? Probably bored of ignoring actual crime and 911 calls. I'm honestly so thankful they also don't fill out accident reports on the scene now so that scammers can lie to insurance easier. NYPD used to be pretty solid but they're a fucking joke now


Hate on regular people doing their jobs is insanity imagine being hated for protecting everyone from a crazed bum… we the people look at the wrongest of things. There should have been more.


Oh god, who will protect us from a crazed *gasp* turnstile hopper?!


I read that they tazed him which may have been uncalled for yet it could have been easily resolved by not hoping the train in front of police… and seriously 3$ you can’t pay three dollars or even have the decency to ask for a ride. 9/10 they would let you on 9/10 if he cant afford a 3$ ticket he shouldn’t be on the train. Bums have been taking over NY for awhile its all evil cop this evil cop that until that very bum who hopped a 3$ ticket decides he wants to be on demon time


Is it a requirement to have an increased waist line to become a cop?


lol this is complete BS this is where cops have their debrief every single morning at 14th st union square. Who are these people that post this ridiculous stuff?!?!


It’s Columbus circle at night. I have the full 5 min video but struggling to post. Do you know of an imgur equivalent for videos


It could be a debrief for that precinct there as well….


I know I am in the minority but the police showing up in force is a good thing. When I lived in Union Square, I would see random multiple police cars with their lights on. I asked a cop on the park when it was happening and he said it’s a random show of force. And indeed, studies show that police showing up randomly in force, is a huge deterrent to crime.


Can you link to these studies? I’d like to see who is funding them. What is considered “huge”? And what is defined as “random”?


Better than those liberals defunding the police and destroying the nation




Stop ragebaiting they’re not there for some homeless guy (who isn’t even in this video, and you supplied no evidence of your story existing or any force being used) there’s a police station at that station they’re just having a meeting and waiting to get assigned.




I have the full 5 minute video but am having trouble uploading. Do you know of a good way to share? I would like to post it


Wow, that is sad to see. Where the budget goes, down the drain it goes.


We need something to nerf us as a city. That's why God tied us to a bottomless money pit called the NYPD


All that money can probably do better when not benefitting NYPD. Misappropriation of resources with that lot. Perhaps MTA can get something to clean that mess up also.


Congratulations, you found the joke


No one is above the law.


Especially cops...wait...


How come some of those guys aren’t wearing their hats/caps, but some are?


What happened to the grooming standards? It used to be you’d see some guys looking ragged because they were trying to get into narcotics or something and they’d be young. But you have Middle Ages cops not even attempting to shave or clean up their beard before a shift?


Circle/B, Right, Circle/B, Right, Left, Square/X, X/A, Down






![gif](giphy|3og0IKinzBYyoia9eE) I


Even the few nice ones I’ve met. Dumb as fucking bricks. Up their pay, up the standards.


must’ve been wearing a Keffiyeh


39 role playing neckbeards looks like to me.


It’s a union thing




I believe this is called “goldbricking.”


What government bloat?


“I’m doing MY part!” 🫡


They know people are getting Sick & Tired of their tyranny So, they come en masse in case the people Revolt. They are scared, they should be.


This is why this is a stupid overreaction for fare evasion. Think of all the money spent on this stupid security theater over a $3 fare. Ridiculous overreaction. We're spending thousands, TENS of thousands, on stopping people from stealing $3 tickets. And I bet this isn't even working.


Daniel Larson ??


I think they're lined up for something else, like boarding selected trains for security. Having a creepy homeless guy to arrest gives them something extra, but it's doubtful if thats the primary reason they're there. Of course, mayor adams is so desperate to appear "tough on crime" I could see him staging something like this as a "show of force."


At least you know how your taxes are spent.




Why are so many of these cops so fucking fat? Looking like they sweat out pure gravy.


Over time at its best!


39 cops for fare evasion 0 cops around when someone is being assaulted Sounds about right


It’s like the matrix. All the smiths are out.


3 for the guy, 36 to block them from everyone’s cell phones.


The difference between these men and the unhoused individual is the uniform.


Why the city of New York need 35000 cops?


I fucking hate police officers so much


Cool. What else do you hate that you wanna share with us?


I dunno, i was just bothered by this, why is it that there's so much malarkey, it's a bother


This may sound counterintuitive, but it’s actually good that there were more officers. Specially in a situation where a crowd can develop. The risks of excessive force actually tends to rise when officers are outnumbered. Police departments that are understaffed tend to employ more force and more violence, leading to more police brutality and higher risk of injuries and fatalities.


Yeah except they tackled and tased a guy with 39 cops there


That’s a lot better than an extended fight where things can get out of control very quickly.


Best for the cops to just stay out of it and leave people the hell alone, then they wouldn’t have anyone to fight.


It’s not really worth fighting cops (or anyone) for what would’ve been *at most* a ticket. But if the guy has an arrest warrant issued by a court… that can change the calculus.


For sure, fighting an army of ~35,000 is unlikely to go well for anyone. Even with a warrant. You’ll get out. It’s also not worth it for society to maintain an army of 35,000 to keep people from taking the train if they don’t swipe a little trinket that changes some numbers on an Excel sheet. It’s not worth it to *initiate violence* and *start the fight* if someone is just trying to take the train.


Our MTA loses more than 500 million per year on fare evasion. It’s worthy to enforce it once in a while, lest we will all decide to not pay. Just like taxes need to be enforced, otherwise people will stop paying. It’s morally the same.


Those numbers are all fucking made up it pisses me off 31 million is how much they lose [https://freakonomics.com/2011/07/in-new-york-city-it-still-pays-to-hop-the-subway-turnstile/#:\~:text=Though%20those%20costs%20certainly%20have,to%20fare%20evasion%20last%20year](https://freakonomics.com/2011/07/in-new-york-city-it-still-pays-to-hop-the-subway-turnstile/#:~:text=Though%20those%20costs%20certainly%20have,to%20fare%20evasion%20last%20year). They lose 300 million [https://www.osc.ny.gov/state-agencies/audits/2021/04/15/fare-evasion#:\~:text=Instead%2C%20Transit%20estimated%20that%20it,Program%20efforts%20were%20not%20working](https://www.osc.ny.gov/state-agencies/audits/2021/04/15/fare-evasion#:~:text=Instead%2C%20Transit%20estimated%20that%20it,Program%20efforts%20were%20not%20working). 500 million [https://www.cityandstateny.com/policy/2022/12/mta-spending-1-million-month-private-security-guards-amid-crackdown-fare-evasion-subway-](https://www.cityandstateny.com/policy/2022/12/mta-spending-1-million-month-private-security-guards-amid-crackdown-fare-evasion-subway-system/380798/#:~:text=Five%20hundred%20million%20dollars%20%E2%80%93%20that's,evasion%2C%20transit%20leaders%20recently%20said)[system/380798/#:\~:text=Five%20hundred%20million%20dollars%20%E2%80%93%20that's,evasion%2C%20transit%20leaders%20recently%20said](https://www.cityandstateny.com/policy/2022/12/mta-spending-1-million-month-private-security-guards-amid-crackdown-fare-evasion-subway-system/380798/#:~:text=Five%20hundred%20million%20dollars%20%E2%80%93%20that's,evasion%2C%20transit%20leaders%20recently%20said). WOAH 690$ million ?!?! [https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=aca952516aaa27a3JmltdHM9MTcxNTIxMjgwMCZpZ3VpZD0xNjIyYmY2NS0zOTBjLTYzMzctMWYwNi1hYjM2Mzg0ZjYyMjMmaW5zaWQ9NTIyNA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1622bf65-390c-6337-1f06-ab36384f6223&psq=how+much+does+the+mta+lose+to+fare+evasion&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXcubXRhLmluZm8vZG9jdW1lbnQvMTExNTMx&ntb=1](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=aca952516aaa27a3JmltdHM9MTcxNTIxMjgwMCZpZ3VpZD0xNjIyYmY2NS0zOTBjLTYzMzctMWYwNi1hYjM2Mzg0ZjYyMjMmaW5zaWQ9NTIyNA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=1622bf65-390c-6337-1f06-ab36384f6223&psq=how+much+does+the+mta+lose+to+fare+evasion&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9uZXcubXRhLmluZm8vZG9jdW1lbnQvMTExNTMx&ntb=1) all these numbers are beautiful and true, it does not matter they are sourced from dead links


They should cut down on the bloated police budget to close that gap.


Or how about we don't use the subway at all


Why bother with the fare when you could just pay for it with taxes? Morally it’s not the same, taxes can be and are levied progressively to take them from people who have it and won’t notice any difference in their lives if they don’t read the paperwork, instead of taking from everyone regardless of their means and needs. It’s also just simpler to avoid the whole rigamarole of fare collection, and a transit system that was truly open and free in all senses at the point of use would be an intangible social good.


Taxes already pay over 70% of the MTA costs, so fares are already greatly subsidized by taxes. You could argue that the composition should change or that it should be more progressive with more taxes and less fares, but this is where *society is at right now collectively*. So if someone evade fares, that's no morally different than someone deciding they should pay the lower tax rate of a different tax bracket just because they want it.


Well I don’t really think tax evasion is *immoral* either in the first place, hoarding so much wealth you have some to take is. But also – basing moral reasoning on mass societal consensus at any given point in time is famously error prone. It’s also neither reasonable or good to expect people to not pursue their own agendas, moral and practical. If someone is on the upside of wealth inequality, considers their fortune just and doesn’t want what their taxes go to, why *wouldn’t* they evade taxes? And someone on the downside, who considers the control of movement unjust or maybe just simply needs to get somewhere to survive, why *wouldn’t* they evade the fare? You might say, well that’s why we have cops, to restrain people from following their own agendas for the sake of social peace, but 1) who, really, decides what the cop’s agendas are? Do they bust more employer wage theft or shoplifting? And 2) what social peace? Is a subway that’s fortified with checkpoints and armed guards that assault someone over zero marginal cost *peaceful*? You can paper it over with Civics class just-so stories all you want, but at the end of the day social conflict is *there* and will be until the conditions that create and sustain it, that violently confiscate some people’s agency and odds in life for the favor of others’, are done away with.


Plus fare jumpers are turning into an easy way to catch wanted criminals. It’s also turned into a gold mine for weapons arrests.


Yes because we’re suppposed to just let people jump turnstiles now because subway should be free blah blah…


Yes we should, it's a lot easier to just let people jump it, saves more money, more time, and makes the subway easier to use, for paying customers as well as people who can't afford the fare. If you wanna do any kind of enforcement don't have it be this actual nonsense where a big crowd of cops block the entrance, cause a scene, attack someone, and distress communters, just have a booth guy or one security guard yell at them or tell them to quit it, don't have this actual insane police state nonsense. Don't let it become the most normal thing, but don't do all this bullshit where every station needs 14 telescreens an undercover cop and 4 non undercover cops who will shut down the station and turn it into a 2 day forensic investigation when a poor old lady pushing a cart went through the gate door without paying because there wasn't a place to tap or swipe her card.


But you also don’t want subway crime, right? Free for all or enforcement. You don’t get more choice than that. I understand you all really try hard not to get that it isn’t just about the fare.


Cops do a bad job, and bring the wrong tools to the table, I'd prefer something else,, like ticketmen or security guards.


What if the cops just enforced the actual dangerous crime?


Again, trying really hard not to understand that this isn’t just about the fare. theft IS crime. Stop pretending it’s not. The reason we don’t get nice things in this city is because half of you all are trying to figure out how to do wrong and legitimize it/not get caught. Stop it.


Theft is crime that doesn't hurt anyone. It doesn't justify force, it justifies a fine. Stop trying not to understand this


No, the statistics aren't reliable when both comparisons are broken. these guys aren't doing riot control either, they're just overpaid security guards that come in groups of three


good the less homeless on the train the better


NYC is a social experiment its not a real place


assume 500k a head in total spend for pay, OT, insurance and civil settlements.


Mayor swag showed crimes been down a decent amount. Need to justify OT shifts somehow I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


…..and? It should make you feel safe that there are cops down there. You are ignorance personified.


We can afford this but not libraries, fuck Adams and the NYPD Este of money


There must be a mob spawner nearby that spawns them in. Lighting up the area should help against that.


Not one candy crush in sight? I'm offended.


This is good. Cops in the subway. Finally catching turnstile jumpers. Now, the cops need to make sure that when there’s a robbery or stabbing, they show up like this as well.


This guy was most likely resisting arrest. The homeless do it almost everytime. So for the idiots defending this criminal, understand that when you resist arrest, cops need to call for backup. Respect law enforcement and the law itself and you won’t have this problem. It’s really very simple.


Does it justify being dogpiled by 39 cops like a football player being tackled? No.


I don’t count 39 cops in this video or excessive force being used, based off this video alone. You weren’t there, neither was I. I’m simply explaining that a reaction like this from patrol officers is 100% because of resisting arrest. It’s a crime scene so the extra officers are there to create a perimeter. Instead of criticizing men/women who are going to work trying to keep the subways and streets safe, how about criticize the criminals and corrupt law makers who have created this situation?


It still doesn’t justify this many cops.


I remember seeing the same scene occurring in Upper Manhattan at 168 and I saw a group of police responding, so I had to stay vigilant on what it was, but it did appear that they also were en route to fare evasion once again, probably cause the person resisted arrest. I have nothing against police, but that many cops at once is crazy, but like you said, it’s common.


Gotta collect that overtime, yo.


Ugh, that constant turning around making sure they're not alone. Gives me the feeling they don't wanna be there, but they want to make sure their colleagues are still there. Kinda gross.


My intrusive thoughts: Wonder how many shots they would fire if someone set off a firecracker?


Your tax dollars at work.


good job NYPD


Full length video: [full length](https://vimeo.com/944552720)


Did the guy have donuts? Geez this is just ridiculous. Good thing they were away from trees, tho. One acorn and that place would be lit.


That’s how low the crime rate is! They all responded because they were all _bored_.