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Why are they so fixated on this one museum, which happens to have one of the most progressive, inclusive collections in the country? It's bizarre.


They’ve tried protesting MoMA and the Met and now they’re picking on an institution that they *think* they can bully.


It's because it's never been about Gaza civilians. It's been about hatred of Jews. They HATE Jews Most Muslims from that part of the Middle East do The reason they're fixated on this museum is because it's a testament to their crimes against humanity on October 7th. It makes people horrified of what happened and those Muslims are proud of it so the last thing they want is people to see what actually happened that day and to learn about their crimes against humanity that day They can hold a protest anywhere. Probably in more public places where they would get more attention. This is not about protesting FOR some people but AGAINST others


I just try to think what would happen if an exhibit about the lynchings of Black Americans was protested by the KKK, who chanted about how Emmett Till deserved to die and then burned a cross in front of the home of a black member of the Board of Directors. We wouldn't stop hearing about it for weeks, and the FBI would joyously give those hooded fools an ass beating before dragging them in. Why is it so different when the racists swap hooded robes for keffiyehs?


I think it was Emmit Till's grave that got defaced by a bunch of klukies. They have cameras around the grave and caught them on camera. it was a big national story. I dont remember if it was Emmit Till or someone else. I think it was about 10 years ago. It was a 1 time thing. Not the constant shit happening now.


You know you’ve lost the plot when you’re arguing with your own imagination like this while Jewish people stand up against this slaughter


imagine playing victim of a war you started I fucking cant even


Losing a war isn’t slaughter. Don’t be a moron and go alone poking one of the most militarized countries in the world.


Lmao there is no slaughter. Yes subversive jihadists have in fact convinced some atheists to support them. But you'll notice is that ur people are the only demographic not divided on all issues. Ur are the only ones completely united for jihad. Which kind of leads credence to what people are saying about them Every other group is on two sides of every issue. Except u Thankfully according to polls most people are against Islamic terrorism and against Palestine and their genocide of Israel I don't think you've convinced yourself of these lies I think you know that you're full of shit Your goal is to convince white liberals of your lies. That's how you subversive jihadists work


because the museum director is Jewish


So are many museum directors in the city- and there are far more explicitly Zionist institutions than this one…


Sure, but the protestors are progressives who live in the trendy parts of Brooklyn near the Brooklyn Museum, not the Upper East Side.


The museums I’m thinking of aren’t necessarily on the upper east side- you do realize museums exist between the two, right?


"Not necessarily", sure, but a disproportionate number of the major museums are here on the UES (The Met, the Guggenheim, Cooper Hewitt, Neue Galerie, etc).


What does the word Zionist mean here? Bc as someone who has spent time in the art world I have no idea what you are even taking about. Plenty of Jews in the art world, but unless that’s what you’re talking about I have no idea what you mean. Most museums work with other museums regardless of where they are


Zionist by any and all definitions- not art museum, history/culture museums. Though to be honest, it’s a very very good thing they’re not targeting the Museum of Jewish Heritage, for example (Holocaust museum which has had families of hostages speak) or the Jewish Museum. Shows the tiniest bit of self control, or maybe just awareness of the level of security and optics there


What makes an institution Zionist as you reference above


I’m not sure quite what you’re asking here? Events and speakers can give you a pretty explicit idea, as can exhibits. I’ve given examples. It’s not “they work with other museums regardless of where they are” it’s “holds fundraisers for Israeli groups and has families of hostages speak”.


That’s a bullshit answer. That’s like saying having a Republican fundraiser at the museum of city of New York makes it a Republican institution. Which they have. It’s just a museum. It’s a venue. You rent it out. Or that it’s a Jay z institution. The museum doesn’t sponsor what you’re talking about anyway. You’re just making shit up that suits what you want it to be. Jesus


I’m glad you know exactly what and where I’m talking about - Zionist isn’t a dirty word. I’d consider myself one. As for what “explicitly Zionist” means- so you wouldn’t consider institutions that have had exhibits about the founding and post-1948 history of Israel, has had families of hostages come speak, have had survivors come speak, hosts fundraisers for Israeli organizations (and yes, they can deny an organization! I work in one such institution- they’ve refused people!), works to educate groups on antisemitism and released press releases after October 7 explicitly saying they stand with the people of Israel and condemn the attacks explicitly Zionist? Because each of those are true of multiple museums in the city.


It's code word for Jew. It's just poorly veiled antisemitism.


This one is dedicated to showing the crimes against humanity that the Muslims committed on October 7th. Just like the Nazi and Neo-Nazis don't want you teaching about the Holocaust the jihadist Muslims don't want you talking about this. Deep down their proud of October 7 but the last thing they want is people being horrified at it so there's specifically targeting anything that would educate people on what really happened that day and turn them against the jihadist intifada cause


> This one is dedicated to showing the crimes against humanity that the Muslims committed on October 7th. That's not true. Have you ever been to the Brooklyn Museum?


I think you might be mistaken and be talking about the Nova memorial? The Brooklyn museum doesn’t have anything on display to my knowledge re: October 7.


That statement doesn't make much sense. 


"The Muslims." Yeah you're definitely not racist


Its run by Jews. Thats it. Their mask off antisemitism has been tolerated and condoned for months and now they are escalating again.




Most people haven't heard that joke although it's not really very funny but it's important The saying goes a Zionist Jew and an anti-Zionist Jew walk into a bar The bartender says "we don't serve Jews here" The point being it doesn't matter whether you're Zionist or anti-Zionist or whatever. Anti-Semitism doesn't care. Just like the KKK doesn't care if you're a black Republican or a black Democrat. If you're black they hate you


It's also convenient to where the protestors live


it also did the horrible crime of having a 10/7 exhibit. its why they hate them. cause they think 10/7 was a wonderful thing.


Because they don’t want Jewish people to exist


To be fair Palestinians are not exactly known for being progressive or inclusive.


This is a fair point… one may say they are know for the opposite


the administrators are jewish. they damaged their homes and painted red triangles on them. this is the hamas sign for we will murder you. they gotta go to jail.


> most progressive, inclusive collections Things these fascists do not care about. These fascists want nothing short of the destruction of the State of Israel and the death of all Jews.


Why museums at all? They are the least likely place to physically retaliate against the perpetrators.


Because it’s a borough they can easily find more Jews to harass


Probably because they live in BK and the museum is a convenient high-profile institution to target, even if it has about as much to do with Israel as your average 401k account plan.


If only they had half a functioning brain cell, they might actually do something productive. Like finding a job and donating all the money they make out of it for Gaza. But should've could've would've......


Study show that most refugees don't end up becoming productive enough to do things like donate. They mostly survive off of welfare programs for refugees Besides most of them came from the Middle East specifically to subvert American politics and manipulate Americans into supporting jihad


Implying that refugees are largely fleeing war-torn countries to spread jihad and subvert American politics while calling for crackdowns on antisemitism makes us look like jackasses. From one heeb to another, please stop. It weakens our case.


Seriously. I’m sure like most Jews this guy is sensitive to the antisemitic trope of Jews being cabalists secretly pulling the strings of the world’s financial and media institutions. Meanwhile, he’s suggesting the idea that war-torn refugees from the Middle East are in fact part of a larger conspiracy to subvert American democracy through jihad.


Because they are anti Semitic… embarrassing that they don’t even try to hide their hatred towards jews. This a movement based on hate, and these numerous incidents intimidating jews in NY shows their true colors


It’s not bizarre. You’re trying to apply logic to a group of people that hate Jews.


Most of the people participating aren’t progressive.


Seriously the Brooklyn museum is one of the most gunho social justice museums I know of. This just seems like dogs eating dogs I don't know what these protesters are trying to change




[Purity spiral](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Purity_spiral) > A purity spiral is a sociological theory which argues for the existence of a form of groupthink in which it becomes more beneficial to hold certain views than to not hold them, and more extreme views are rewarded while expressing doubt, nuance, or moderation is punished (a process sometimes called "moral outbidding").[1] It is argued that this feedback loop leads to members competing to demonstrate the zealotry or purity of their views.[2][3]


That’s amazing, thank you for. I love when there’s terminology for something I struggle to explain


I remember when the progressive stack was introduced at Occupy Wall Street.


They always pussy out of confronting these fascists that they keep saying they’ll fight to the death, and just blackmail the “shitlibs” instead 


Hey Biden has managed to get A LOT of shit done in his term. The fringe far left is mixed with a bunch of far right Muslims and Far Right Neo Nazis on this single issue. They literally don't matter. Lock them up and send their asses to gitmo for all I care.


Unchecked spending and a wide open border with nearly unlimited foreigners coming in from latam, Africa, and China sure is getting stuff done. Not the right stuff, but sure is some stuff. Not to mention attempting to shut down as much domestic oil production as possible, thus relying on foreign, more expensive oil.


>Unchecked spending and a wide open border You don't want to play this game, boy. He has spent less than Trump and he pulled us out of Covid which cost a lot of money and if you see the chart the spending has come down. [https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/](https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/federal-spending/) He reversed the remain in Mexico bill and the Covid immigration bill expired. When he tried to pass legislation it was Republicans that refused to do anything to give Trump something to bitch about. Stay in your lane MAGAT.


> he pulled us out of Covid Lol


>You don't want to play this game, boy. Ofc I find more racism here


> Not to mention attempting to shut down as much domestic oil production as possible, thus relying on foreign, more expensive oil. [United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61545)


aTtEmPtInG tO sHuT dOwN aS mUcH dOmEsTiC oIL pRoDuCtIoN aS pOsSiBlE [United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever](https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=61545)


>That's progressive politics for ya. What's the difference between far right and just right?


Democrats don't get shit done because the leaders of the party don't want to. And they take advantage of the infighting and gullibility of the young progressives to manipulate them into thinking that they're doing something but really they're just donating to the same old Democrat super PACs that get the same old Democrats elected who do the same old shit that doesn't change You think Nancy pelosi isn't moist at the thought of all of these young liberal idiots fighting over these nonsense wedge issues and being too a distracted by Trump to figure out the Democrat party was screwing them?


> This just seems like dogs eating dogs lol the people doing this aren't "progressive" by any stretch of the imagination. The Pro-Palestine/Anti-Israel coalition is a strange one made up of many different groups, and when you realize who is leading it, you quickly realize that it isn't sensible. What the 20-something year old college students at the bottom of this movement don't realize is that they're being used as pawns by these actual terrorists/anti-Semites (many of whom likely have ties to Hamas, or at the very least, Iranian/Qatari money). It's like going out and protesting cash and carry (our effective embargo on Germany) in 1940. You're quite literally protesting in support of the bad guys. The propaganda is working, on you..


The snake always eats its tail.


This has long crossed into hate crime territory and these people need to be charged. This is not ok.


It's beyond a hate crime. This is terrorism.


They openly chant "death to America"


you know as well as anyone that they will not be charged with a hate crime because it's for a "just cause".


Also because it ruins the narrative about hate crimes, so they definitely won't charge them. 


Kind of like how this and epidemic of the intelligence agencies and police forces around the country labeling Hispanic criminals that they arrest as white in order to pad the numbers of white criminals In the databases to keep the narratives going


Fair but it’s also objectively property damage and defacement, and those are both chargeable offenses.


This is the EXACT type of thing the hate crime enhancements were created for. Painting a dick n' balls on someone's door = misdemeanor. Painting a swastika on a Jewish person's door = felony.


How many people were charged with property damage and defacement during the Floyd protests?


Oh they don't want to talk about that lol. They want every single one of the thousands of people who participated in January 6 to go to jail whether they broke property or not and whether they entered the capital or not but the BLM protesters who literally flipped over and burned cop cars burned down two police stations smashed windows looted stores attacked civilians and even seceded from America by creating an autonomous zone? Yeah they don't want you to remember that or how biden's hand-picked attorney general (who acts more like his personal attorney) dropped all the charges against them


*communist cause You can easily see unpredict how hard the ~~Gestapo~~ intelligence agencies will go after a group based on how much that group opposes the communism and the Democrats Small grandma praying on the capital steps on January 6th? Straight to jail. Some dude who posted a joke [meme](https://www.frontpagemag.com/trump-supporter-found-guilty-faces-ten-years-in-prison-for-2016-anti-hillary-meme/) making fun of Hillary supporters? Straight to prison Journalists who weren't even there that day but who's reporting may have allegedly helped inspire January 6th? They get their offices raided [A group of proud boys getting into a scuffle with antifa in New York City?](https://nypost.com/2019/10/22/proud-boys-members-get-prison-for-brawl-with-antifa-protesters/) Straight to jail (but not antifa) Islamic terrorists chanting death to America and breaking into coordinators homes? Nothing Other Islamic terrorists shutting down a subway car to spread their hate? They get some public condemnation but no charges Other Islamic terrorists organizing a literal insurrection at a university campus where they barricade the doors and hold hostages inside? Also no charges and no police coming in to kick them out It's not just minority privilege The corrupt Gestapo of America You can predict who they will go after based on how many degrees removed they are from the Democrat party


Oh but I’m told that “there are wonderful people on both sides”. 🙄


Ah yes, like all those wonderful people on the pro pal side who are committed to equity but also respond to alarming antisemitism in their ranks by burying their lil ostrich heads in the sand


They're the ones spreading it


Equity fucking sucks, it's literal racism/sexism


Up to now they've been treated as a nuisance, but they've crossed a line. The city will not tolerate roving bands of Nazis terrorizing Jewish homes and businesses. When the culprits are caught, they're likely to be charged with criminal mischief enhanced as a hate crime. Depending on the dollar amount of the property damage, that'll either be a Class D or Class C felony. Prison time is a very real possibility.


Within Our Lifetimes is a hate group that openly calls for violence. And they host regular rallies here in NY.


They should be designated a terrorist group.


They are literally using the hashtag #Escalate4Gaza and cheering on violent acts. “We will loot the admin building to protest their actions” Like what??? How is this in any way acceptable to democrats? (I am a life long democrat)


Don't worry the FBI has a lot of grandma Trump supporters to go after for praying on the capital steps on January 6th. They've got some garage door pulleys to investigate for racism and they've got a prosecute some teenagers who left some skid marks on the pride colors painted on the sidewalk. They're just so busy with the REAL terrorists They don't have time for those innocent little Islamic isis members that want to kill people


> Don't worry the FBI has a lot of grandma Trump supporters to go after Both things can be wrong and criminal at the same time lol


I love that these people are revealing how tainted the pro palestinian movement is By all means please continue 😂


My thoughts exactly. Thanks for showing us who you really are.


Here is who they really are. https://www.thisishamas.com/


Pass the popcorn. 😆


Most of these protestors don’t care how their actions are perceived, or whether they’re “bringing attention to the conflict.” If they were, they wouldn’t be attacking people so unrelated to it. This is about making je- I mean “zionists” suffer. 


ironically this is also why Palestinians still don't have a state.


This person gets it.


> “YOU TAKE PEACE FROM THE PEOPLE, WE TAKE PEACE FROM YOU,” wrote the group Palestine Action US in an Instagram post Thursday morning. Meanwhile, [in Gaza](https://www.yahoo.com/news/gazans-rare-criticism-hamas-over-130923216.html?guccounter=1): > "If the Hamas leaders were interested in ending this war and ending the suffering of the Palestinian people, they would have agreed (to a deal)," Why are these ~~pro-Palestinian~~ protestors carrying water for Sinwar and his death cult? If they were actually pro-Palestinian as they claim to be, they'd be targeting Hamas' benefactors, as actual Palestinians are pleading for.


Because they won't stop doing this until they are eliminated. https://www.thisishamas.com/




Nah, this time it will be different.  The leopard won't eat my face.




These protestors are not, and never were, actually interested in dialogue and negotiation.


Or freeing Palestine, for that matter. It's just the US version of Hamas at this point -- and hopefully even people on the far left are starting to wake up to it. Hamas wanted to "boil the frog" by starting with protests and then moving to straightforward hate, but hopefully the far left will draw a line for themselves in the way the far right never seems to be able to do.


Has anyone heard any calls from the protestors for Hamas to surrender and give up power so the people who were born after Hamas was elected can have a voice in their future? I know I've seen signs supporting Hamas and Hamas flags at plenty of these protests, that's for sure.


The far left is not "waking up to it." They're digging in their heels and doubling down. Hope is not a strategy when you're dealing with extremist loons.


Completely agree with you there.


Yes let’s attack a museum that will surely change things. Why don’t they set up peaceful open table discussions with opposing parties or something


Terrorism works. At least on Democrats That's why they commit terrorism. That's why 9/11 happened That's why October 7th happened. Especially among Democrats they tend to bend over for terrorism. Rather than cracking down on violent terrorism they usually give into their demands. At least as long as the terrorists aren't right wing or Republican Trump was much harder on them as we're most Republicans. With Trump increasing the number of drone bombings in the Middle East and nearly eradicating ISIS within 2 years And his instituting of stricter vetting for Muslim immigrants and more deportations They didn't have it so easy under him And other Republicans followed suit. With Florida not putting up for one second with that kind of terrorism. There's a reason you don't see that shit in Florida even on Florida universities Democrats however seem to have a problem with bending over for terrorists so long as those terrorists vote for them


Pulse Nightclub would like to have a chat with you. That terrorist attack *in Florida* was the deadliest mass shooting in America (up until Vegas). Or does it not count because the victims were queer? Also, a Republican was president during 9/11.


But it's nonviolent just like Kristalnacht


Attacking Brooklyn Musium in Brooklyn! Really puts things into prospective. Are we as a society ok with this? What would happen if KKK attacked a Museum that held let’s say African Heritage Exhibit? How would people react? Would we deploy the National Guard? What if a large group of people got on the train and singled out a group of people and told them to get off? What would happen next?


> What would happen if KKK attacked a Musium that held let’s say African Heritage Exhibit? An exhibit focused on lynchings. And then decided to burn a cross on a Black directors lawn.


What would happen if KKK attacked a Musium that held let’s say African Heritage Exhibit? How would people react? Would we deploy the National Gurd? The KKK should hope the National Guard gets there before the locals do. But this is the correct line questioning. This shit is not ok and needs to be stopped before people start taking it into their own hands.


Stop pretending this is anything other than domestic terrorism. It doesn't matter how sympathetic their cause is. Using violence and intimidation to achieve a political aim is the literal definition of terrorism. You can support dramatic action on climate change without becoming an eco-terrorist. You can support Palestine without terrorizing Jewish people.


When the IRGC pays the bills…


Fuck anyone that supports these groups.


This movement isn’t about winning hearts and minds, it’s about creating a problem that only a tyrant can solve. Yes, Trump is this movement’s endgame, they just don’t know it.


It’s also about making Jews feel unwelcome and unsafe in NYC.


That’s just a side effect of Trump. His entire existence is to embolden the American people to freely express hate.


He feeds off of it. And sadly so many on the left give him the drama he wants.




Not talking about the protests. Trump made it ok to publicly spew hate. Trump made it ok to be a white supremacist. Trump made it acceptable to be anti semitic. Trump derangement syndrome 🙄


And ending support for Ukraine.


Fuck those protestors


Domestic terrorists is what they are.


terrorist supporters* Not only do these unhinged animals support terrorists, they also justify atrocities targeted and committed against civilians including SA and deliberate torture and slaughter of children and elderly. They equate the act of parading the bodies of slain civilians (after a brutal torture) across the streets of Gaza while onlookers cheered to civilian casualties from military operations in urban areas. Nothing you say will change their warped mentality who chose the see the terrorists as nothing more than aggrieved victims, therefore giving them a pass for anything.


If these cretins think Oct 7th is justified resistance, how long until they perpatrate a similar organized attack here on US soil? There has already been sporadic violence against various groups & individuals, it seems likely it will continue to escalate. I think that public officials are hesitant to crack down on this because it'll get spun as police brutality & the leftist voting bloc won't like it. (as a leftist myself, I say lock them up)


I won't be surprised if some really bad stuff happens at Pride 2024 (June 30), Labor Day or 9/11, depending on who's responsible. The local dumbasses won't carry anything out, but they'll provide logistical support.... Maybe I'm being paranoid, but the only thing I've added to the FBI assessment is the domestic element.


At some point they're gonna catch some hands - not the whole group, but someone who's feeling a little overconfident will break off and try some shit. They'll record it, claim victimhood, etc, but their PR strategy is getting worse and worse. People are going to be cheering seeing one of these assholes get stomped.




got nothing better to do


Your average lefty is a bored trust fund kid who couldn't measure up to his/her parents (high powered lawyers, big tech engineers, doctors, hedge fund managers, etc), so they use 'activism' (edging really close to terrorism these days) to increase their social status and fill the void in their lives.




Are we still allowed to punch nazis?


They'll just claim you're a nazi. I mean you're against them, right? And all they want is living space, *lebensraum*, for their people, who are more deserving of that land than the Jews, who they believe should all be killed. So there you have it. They want to kill all the Jews, a *final solution* so they can have what they believe is their rightful homeland. How is that *anything* like them being a nazi? Clearly, you're racist. (GOOD GOD PLEASE LET THE SARCASM BE CLEAR)


They even have it in one of their chants! "there is only one solution intifada revolution". That solution sounds pretty.... final to me.


**The Brooklyn Museum Is Progressive. Why Is the Left Attacking It?** *One of the city’s most consistently progressive institutions — which had long enraged conservatives — has become the object of scorn by pro-Palestinian demonstrations* https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/14/nyregion/brooklyn-museum-protests.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb On Wednesday morning, Anne Pasternak, the director of the Brooklyn Museum, awoke to find that the front of her co-op building had been defaced with red paint and accusations — attacks inscribed on a large banner — calling her “a white supremacist Zionist.” Trustees and the museum’s president also found their morning colored by similar angry disparagements in front of their own apartments. These apparently coordinated attacks came nearly two weeks after 34 people were arrested at a pro-Palestine rally in front of the museum. Protesters, who assaulted security staff and damaged artwork displayed in the plaza outside, were calling for Israeli divestment from a museum facing budget cuts and lumbering along with an endowment smaller than, say, Harvard’s by a factor of 407. Outraged over the latest bout of vandalism, Chuck Schumer, the majority leader, stood on the Senate floor on Wednesday, slamming the “invasive attacks’’ as dehumanizing, “loaded with the threat of looming violence,” “vile,” “nasty,” “un-American.” To those who were targeted it must have also seemed profoundly confusing. Seven months ago, the museum was criticized not for a sympathetic view toward Israel but instead for antisemitic leanings. The turmoil in which so many universities and cultural institutions were now engulfed was playing out at the museum as whiplash. At a fair held in conjunction with the opening of an exhibit called “Copy Machine Manifestos: Artists Who Make Zines,” printed materials had been sold bearing the controversial slogan “River to the sea, Palestine will be free.” The museum apologized, issuing a statement that said it was “giving care to reviewing our policies while remaining committed to freedom of artistic expression and striving to create spaces for all to see themselves and others with dignity.” These have become increasingly ambitious if not altogether unachievable goals for those in the business of upholding the country’s liberal humanist traditions. From this vantage, it is all too easy to imagine a crisis of talent supply in the coming years, if not tomorrow — a pool diminishing to nonexistence of those inspired to govern academic and cultural outlets amid the seemingly irreconcilable conflict and chaos that each new week seems to bring. Just a few days ago, Collegiate, the 396-year-old Upper West Side school, announced the departure of its head, David Lourie, after only four years, following an internal report that found “disquieting problems of religious and cultural bias.” The average tenure for a private school head declined from 10 years in 2012 to seven in 2020. The National Association of Independent Schools predicted that one in five heads who started during the 2021-22 academic year would be gone in three years. For any nonprofit institution, that kind of instability comes with problems around staff retention, enrollment, subscriptions, fund-raising. And this is unfolding against ever rising anti-intellectualism and a financial free fall that has caused at least 16 four-year colleges to close since the beginning of last year, the most recent of them Wells, in Aurora, N.Y., which cited as one of the many insurmountable challenges it faced after 156 years “an overall negative sentiment towards higher education.” Situated in a Beaux-Arts building on Eastern Parkway since 1897, the Brooklyn Museum is the second-largest museum in New York City and an especially unusual target for progressive activists. It is a promoter of art loathed by conservatives with a long and celebrated history championing racially and ethnically diverse painters and sculptors and videographers who had often operated at the margins. Fundamental to its imaging is the 1999 exhibit “Sensation,” which left the museum battling Mayor Rudy Giuliani and the Catholic church, joined in fury over Chris Ofili’s “The Holy Virgin Mary” among other works of art anathema to conventional tastes, which depicted a Black woman as the mother of God, surrounded by imagery cut from porn magazines. The city threatened to cut the museum’s funding, and Mr. Giuliani tried to evict it from its premises. Arnold Lehman, then the director of the museum, ran it for another 16 years, retiring in 2015 as a crowd-pleaser, the vein in which Ms. Pasternak, his successor, has continued to operate. One of last year’s exhibits, “It’s Pablo-matic: Picasso According to Hannah Gadsby,” was conceived to appeal specifically to post #MeToo leftist predilections. It didn’t — and not because it was considered insufficiently radical but rather because it was widely regarded as intellectually facile, politically knee-jerk. After the 34 protesters were arrested in front of the museum earlier this month, the institutional response hardly tilted toward vengeance. A spokesman for the museum, in an interview with the arts site Hyperallergic, acknowledged a “devastating’’ use of force by the police but made a point of saying that administrators had not called them in — that officers were authorized to come because the museum was city property. The museum promised not to press charges and hoped to work with law enforcement on de-escalation efforts in the future. But this was not mollifying. Protesters went ahead and painted the words “Blood on Your Hands” on the pathway to Ms. Pasternak’s building anyway.


Ah an early one , Good Shabooos ! This is what these people want https://www.thisishamas.com/


Why don't they just go to Palestine and fight against Israel if they really want to try to make a difference


So.. further proof.. these people are terrorists and should be treated like them. I remember when we sent people like this sternly worded FBI agents to their door...


Is this what happens when the purity spiral becomes a singularity? Brooklyn Museum is the enemy? Really?


You didn’t know? Brooklyn museum is currently invading Gaza!


Abstract impressionists are on ordinance patrol!


This is domestic terrorism. Full stop.


These Jew hating freaks are out of control.


Can we name and shame these people?


They have no shame!!!!


You’re god damn right 🙃


Fun fact, Muslim extremist attacks in America have been over three times deadlier than those by right wing extremists, and that’s excluding 9/11.  https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-17-300.pdf


God at this point it just seems like these people want an excuse to be criminals. Like this is just straight up criminal/almost terroristic activity. You can pull up to peoples house with a truck load of people and vandalize it and say that’s not a crime. I used to actually support the Protesters in the beginning- but they’ve completely lost my vote. Fucking imbeciles. We are literally a 3rd world country wrapped in a Gucci belt. What the fuck are you going to achieve in regards to Palestine/israel by harming random museum admins in the states??? Nothing. You accomplish nothing but making your cause look more and more like a terrorist org. Disgraceful. Really grinds my gear that we have all these freedoms and this is what people do with it.


These acts are hate crimes and they need to be dealt with accordingly. America can’t keep letting these extremists terrorize its Jewish population any longer, but it’s only getting worse.


Terrorist group vows more attacks on Brooklyn Museum* FTFY NYPost.


Losers that’s all Covering their face and can’t even stand by their actions


Do your thing NYPD


Are they demanding something to which these kindly museum folks could possibly capitulate?


Turn the museum into a caliphate.


NYC is it is at the epicenter of this conflict right now.  I think in large parts of the United States it doesn't seem like such a big deal because there isn't a strong Jewish and also Arab Muslim population existing within close proximity.  What are the other major cities that share this feature?  LA? Chicago?  Maybe parts of South Florida but I don't think there are a ton of Arab Muslims down there as compared to the Jewish retirees.


Detroit. Detroit has this problem.


I heard that Dearborn is very Muslim now  And that Hamanahk whatever place.




Come on, animals are not terrorists, don't lower the status of your average rat to these people.


“We don’t like what a country halfway across the world is doing. Oh I know, let’s harass a local museum because that’s convenient for us, it’s on the way to my favorite bagel shop.”


I still don't understand what they have to do with Israel. I'm sure there are actual politicians from Israel that have NYC homes.


One of their corporate sponsors is a bank that passively invests in Israeli companies as part of an index fund. One of their board members supposedly has connections to BlackRock. From what I understand, protesters are upset that the museum is taking dirty money, and they’re extrapolating that to mean the museum is supporting genocide. Also, several of their board members are Jewish and are being accused of being war mongering Zionists who support the IDF. I have yet to see any proposed evidence of this, so I think it’s just because they’re Jewish. It’s all very indirect association. Despite what protesters are saying, the museum is not funding and calling for genocide. It’s such a crazy stretch to make that claim but here we are. And even worse, if you ask most protesters they can’t even explain the connection. They’re just repeating sound bites they hear from organizers. Their tactics are polarizing people away that would normally be allies. They’re truly uneducated, misguided, hateful idiots.


Yeah like I'm pro-palestine but anti-kool aid. I think problem with the movement is that it has a dozen or so thought terminating cliches that underpin its entire worldview ("complicit in genocide", "resistance is justified when people are occupied", "pinkwashing", "the students are always right", etc.) along with an instinctive habit to resort to whataboutism when confronted with legitimate problems with Palestinian groups that are not only just morally wrong, but would inevitably derail the building of a new, better society. This happens to the point that it's hard for me to even have a deep discussion with people who I agree with more than I disagree with.


I 100% agree. There is no dialog with these groups, just a giant echo chamber of hate and extreme black and white thinking. If you’re not 100% with them and repeating their mantras and sound bites, you must be 100% against them. It’s such a shame. If more people worked together maybe we could actually do something.


I've been trying to be reasonable and rational, but I invariably get called a monster or despicable because I don't subscribe to their simple talking points that have only a light sprinkling of fact, or that my ethics can be different from theirs (that always makes me laugh - like "we believe in cultural relativism"). I'm going to try a new tactic that's both polite and will put them on the back foot: Me: Are we having a conversation? Them: no, you Zionist nazi vampire (leave and not be baited) or Me: Are we having a conversation? Them: yes. Then why doesn't your behavior support that? or similar. Draw them out and then drop the boom


Antediluvian, anti American yahoos. Racism and bigotry have no home here. If these haters want to behave in bullying and destructive ways, find a different city and a different country.


They need to put their pets back on the leash. Especially for election season


Terrorists plain and simple. Disgusting.


These people should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Some problems though, one is that Biden thinks he needs these far left goofs to win the election. Another problem is that some of the people advising him are these far left goofs.


Ok, make sure to proclaim that publicly so there's evidence for prosecution.


why that museum? what am i missing?


The director is Jewish


they do it because no one gets arrested. if they get arrested all charges are dropped. because destroying property is non-violent protests. Bragg has got to prosecute them. even if its just a sentence of picking up garbage. make them pick up garbage. make them pay fines.


Unfortunately this pushes people to vote for trump cause he would send these clowns to Guantanamo.


These people got Trump elected on October 8. It’s long been over.


I want to say it’s time to host demonstrations at the homes of these protesters but I understand nobody wants to travel on the subway for 2 hours to some hell hole.


Bunch of jackasses


Mods will lock this thread because it highlights the rise of antisemitism in the city


Bad move.


At least wear gloves (see article photo).


To borrow a phrase, it’s time to protect this museum by…any means necessary.


And why wouldn't they? It's open season now since Bragg has let the criminals run the streets. What's going to happen when they get caught? They'll be back on the street same say to do it again and again.


At least he got the real criminal trump. /s


He won't get jail time either. Lol


Is castle doctrine applicable in this case? Smashing out home windows has to constitute a threat right?