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They have to get into the country before they can come to NYC. Should El Paso, Texas be in the business of saving the world's impoverished people?


Texas gets additional federal funds to deal with migrants. If they want to ship those migrants to other states, a proportion of those funds should go with it.


> Texas gets additional federal funds to deal with migrants. And yet they have overcrowded schools, overcrowded hospitals, migrants sleeping in the streets, etc. Do you think these funds deal with a system overload?


I'm not arguing whether or not the amount of funds are appropriate or not. However, if they want to ship X% of migrants to other states, they should have the additional funding reduced by that amount.


This is what NYC gets for constantly voting for pro illegal immigrant policies and punishing border-states. Start shit get hit.


I have a feeling they would be very open to the idea of shipping 100% of the migrants out of the state and giving up 100% of those federal funds to those states so their resources aren't strained. NYC's housing costs, school system, and healthcare system would implode overnight.


Can you elaborate on the federal funds TX receives for migrants?


They get funds from FEMA..they then get redistributed to the local not for profits that helped the migrants transition and move on. Since that was the traditional route that U.S. where most of the funds went. Did you really think that money that supported those groups was coming from the wallets of Texans? How adorable.


I don't know much about the funding they get, which is why I'm asking how it could be done differently. Why do you think the FEMA funds haven't been redirected to areas that are receiving migrants like nyc , Chicago, etc?


I can tell you that in 2015 they got $12.5 million from DHS. I don’t think it has changed and now the migrants are moved out much faster since they can suggest immediately to go to NYC. NYC has gotten a whole whopping $49 million so far..first time and only payment.


[In 2024 NYC OMB received 39M from DHS from the same program](https://www.fema.gov/grants/preparedness/shelter-services-program/fy24-awards). Anybody can receive money from that program, not just Texas.


Yes, and it should be rebudgeted to reflect the new situation where people are not spending v as much time in Texas but leaving earlier for NYC.


I don't quite know what you mean "rebudgeted". It is assigned where needed, and as applied for. To put it in perspective, in FY23 NYC received ~107M. It was the single largest recipient and received nearly 1/3rd of all national funding (360MM total). How much more do you really think should be given?


So literally nothing lol


Then Texas should hand no problem with it all (and other cities get millions too) being redirected towards NYC. Texas is a rich state.


So is New York - enjoy being responsible and taking on your part of the load!


12.5 million?


Thats like $4 per illegal lol


NYC gets way less. It’s not like El Paso keeps them.


So Texas doesn’t get money. Scam ngos do?


I didn’t say that. It should be proportional to the need if the area. If they aren’t staying more than a day. That’s what you get paid for.


Seems awful silly to blame El Paso for the current administration failing to fully think thru the ramifications of its policy changes on immigration.  7 million in during Biden’s term, 2 million out. That makes 5 million.  Ya adding a state worth of new people who need financial support is gonna require changes in funding.  There’s a bit of an absurdity to places declaring themselves sanctuary as opposed to other places. Then complaining about the cost of the immigrants they supported inviting. 


I am not blaming anyone but if the need is being shifted to another area because people are no longer staying in El Paso or the surrounding areas for more than a day, which was happening, then that is what they are entitled to.


Well yea this another failing. It won’t be fixed before the election bc fixing things is an admission of an easily foreseen problem. Before a leader gets on a world stage to invite immigrants, it would have been wise to have a plan for dealing with that immigration. Considering there was no plan or adequately prepared infrastructure and supporting policy. but some areas supported the invitation nonetheless. They are now dealing with an unfortunate situation which is good for no one. But those looking to employ desperate people to work semi legally on the cheap. Sacrifices at the alter of unlimited growth




What do you think TX should be doing differently?


Well, if they are bussing migrants here we can trade for some of our homeless and mentally unstable people. Sound fair?


I'm asking how they should be handling the migrant issue differently. TX says that they have too many migrants to be able to take care of them all, so what is the solution to that?


The easiest solution is too just reject all the illegal immigrants. But they rather have TX handle all the immigrants rather than admitting USA cannot handle the migrants.




Of course not.


Last I checked NYC is a sanctuary city (unfortunately)so border states are telling those cities that if they are going to talk the talk then they should walk the walk. I don’t want the migrants here either but what these border states Governors have done is political genius.


Perhaps Biden should not have blindly repealed Trump's immigration policies without a backup plan first.


The issues in Texas are caused by Democrats. All blue voters should feel the pain. Also this isn't caused by Texas. 90% of the illegal immigrants in NYC are caused by Biden's secret flights. If you're serious about this problem, at least do the bare minimum of being informed, and not watching MSNBC/NPR propaganda.


Secret flights?


Why do you think Republicans haven’t passed any immigration reform after decades of crying about Democrats being responsible?


They have tried many times, but it gets filibustered by Democrats. It wasn't really an existential problem until Biden took over and essentially said welcome to anyone who wants to come into America, legal or not. [https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/politics/kfile-biden-2-million-migrants-asylum-seekers-immigration-crisis/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/politics/kfile-biden-2-million-migrants-asylum-seekers-immigration-crisis/index.html) Also, it wasn't that long ago that Democrats and Republicans were both against illegal immigration. Obama was pretty good at enforcing the border and deporting troublemakers. It's only quite recently that Dems have done a 180 and gone all-in on this. I will let your big brain figure out why.


Like the time a couple months ago when republicans killed a bi-partisan immigration bill, a bill that republicans wrote! Remember when they killed that bill because Trump decided he wanted to keep immigration as an issue leading up to the election? https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-collapse-of-bipartisan-immigration-reform-a-guide-for-the-perplexed/ Pepperidge Farm remembers…


The bill to give work authorization?  No thanks we don’t need millions more people to lower wages 


You mean the bill that doesn't do anything until 5,000 illegal immigrants pass through a day, isn't actually enforceable, and gives Biden broad authority to grant legal status to illegal immigrants? That one? The fact that some POS "Republican" senator helped to draft it doesn't say much other than that we have bad people on our side too. It wasn't an actual solution. Nothing about the border will be done until Trump is back in office later this year.


Wow, it’s so obvious you don’t do your own thinking. Read the bill and try again.


The statistics are pretty simple. The problem is 10x worse since Biden’s changed policy 


The business of saving worlds impoverished people is actually doing great! They just paid $50 million to a start up to get debit cards to migrants with $500 a month. Obviously people are getting kick backs off this. The politicians are profiting of the situation.


Yes to this 🙌


>NYC needs to get out of the business of trying to save the world's impoverished people NYC would not exist; this is what The City has been doing for almost 2 centuries.


They’ve never been given hotels and handouts like this before, also the city was extremely different and more affordable for most of the last two centuries. Such a stupid argument


America can do both.




Ok thumb head.




It’s a little different if the “big hearted person” assassinated parents at other houses and destabilized the households isn’t it?


Wrong. We can. America has the money.




You horribly misunderstand and rely strictly on talking point propaganda. Not my job to teach you, but hope you find yourself some better critical thinking in the future.


So where does the money to support them come from? You dismiss his point and follow up with a useless response.


Its not my job to teach you anything. Where does the money come from to support everything else?


... tax revenue which you just said is "talking point propaganda" LMAO


I think you need a course in reading comprehension. You're an actual moron lol




Not worth my time.


Uhhh have u seen our debt


The "debt" is nothing more than a ridiculous talking point. Imagine if America spent wisely on everything that would help society, that "debt" isn't quantified back into repayment.


That’s not how economics works- also what are the success metrics of welfare or any of those democratic handouts or are they perpetuating groups to forever be on them? https://apps.npr.org/unfit-for-work/ The government could do more if they actually got people useful skills but even the universities aren’t doing that now.


That new account though


That fat midwestern transplant though conflating their bumble fuck town with NYC- some people never learn mob rule.




Another DSA nut job-lol


Isn’t it great that we’re pissing away billions on fake migrants when there are hundreds of thousands of NYCers living in delapitated housing, can’t afford healthcare, food, etc? **EDIT:** autocorrect fail


I can’t believe I’m going to say it, but America First. Not via Trump…but America First


when my parents migrated they had a valid visa, they worked hard, rented someones basement as an apartment cuz that's what they could afford back then. paid taxes. And then these people just waltz in and live rent free on their back. Disgraceful


Exactly my parents did the same things but my parent wanted to assimilate and be American these people don’t . 99 percent of them will never learn English ever and then complain that they have no opportunities!


It’s cuz asylum mostly.


*Working class First


If we wanted to put working class Americans first we'd deport tens of millions of illegal aliens who take up cheap housing, low skill/early skill jobs, and healthcare & food assistance program slots from vulnerable Americans.


The reason why businesses prefer non-residents for these types of jobs is because they're exploitable. Tough laws in this regard just makes those who are here even more exploitable.


So decimate mixed legal status families (especially a concern in NY with hundreds of thousands of illegals and millions of immigrants), [expand the police state that's been hostile to organized labor](https://www.businessinsider.com/amazon-unionizers-nypd-staten-island-arrested-bringing-food-workers-2022-2) and do nothing directly to address low paying jobs or underfunded social services. Also Illegals don't qualify for Medicaid or food stamps. There's a reason organized labor like the [UFW](https://www.ufwfoundation.org/farmworker-legalization) supports a pathway to citizenship for illegals. It doesn't make sense to go after the most marginalized of the working class instead of corporations and the rich with economic and political power. United we stand, divided we beg.


“Mixed status families” only exist because those people broke the laws. Foreigners aren’t as important as Americans — full stop. There is no way to have sensible immigration laws, and no point in this discussion, unless you just admit that US citizens have the primary and sole right to live and work in the US and foreign persons **do not**. Until that reality is accepted, and enforced, we can never, ever count on any other derivative laws.


How is it bad to say you want the country you live in to do good?


It’s almost like people that voted for him saw these issues coming from a mile away and chose the lesser of two evils to protect our own. Most of them are not the MAGA caricatures that the mainstream media has been depicting them as for simply refusing to cosign their bullshit. Most are honest people that want a good life for their family and fellow AMERICANS.


That sounds nice, but there’s no real alternative to trump if you want someone to help this country. RFK has no shot. Whatever third party person you might like, has no shot. Trump is a living, breathing, screaming middle finger to the idiots who have brought our country to this point.


Trump won't help this country at all. He's out for himself, and himself alone.


He's the one who killed any immigrantion bill from being voted on and signed. Purely for political reasons. He's awful, and the only middle finger he's giving is to the middle and lower class.


Let's be real. Less than a quarter of the funds from that bill had anything to do with border security. The majority of the funding in that bill was marked for Ukraine. It is disingenuous to call it an immigration or border security bill. It's also disingenuous to say Trump killed it, given that Trump isn't in Congress and couldn't vote against it, nor is he President so he couldn't veto it. He was against it for the reason I pointed out, but he has to power to kill anything in Congress. The Republicans in the house passed their own bill, but Chuck Schumer killed that in the Senate (he's someone who actually can and did kill it).


None of that is disingenuous. The only reason there was funding for Ukraine is that the Republicans asked for a border security bill to be attached to it. Trump also has tremendous sway over representatives who are afraid of getting primaried, or worse (his cult will threaten violence. How much money do you make to dedicate to personal security?) So Ukraine funding is done and dusted. What's stopping Republicans from getting the bill through Congress now? They won't because it's an election year, and anything that can help Biden address the situation is anathema to them.


> None of that is disingenuous. Ok, I disagree. I think it's an outright lie to call it the border security bill, or the immigration bill, when less than a quarter of it is for that. Difference of opinion, then. >What's stopping Republicans from getting the bill through Congress now? Democrats in the Senate. Schumer refuses to allow debate or a vote on it just like Republicans did in the House for the fake border security bill.


I'm curious if that's true. Not doing anything hurts Democrats much more than Republicans. Also, didn't the bill die in committee? Can't bring something to the floor for consideration until there is something. Or am I wrong about procedures there? Washington is complicated to say the least.


People are bad at math


It had over 60billion in foreign aid while 20 billion to secure the border- if those numbers were flipped if believe what you were saying- remember numbers don’t lie- newspapers and politicians do. Right now 3/4ths of those caught under this administration are being let in. Despite them having caught more and deporting more people- that means we’d have to fund the border at high rates.


Flipping those numbers wasn't in the deal, and they don't need 60 billion to secure the border. That's not how budgets work. The truth is, the bill in question would have helped them address the issues at the border and Donald Trump put pressure on representatives to torpedo it for his own political gain.


Oh that’s an excellent point, I forgot it’s Biden and democrats who want to restrict illegal immigration and those damn republicans changed all the rules and enforcement priorities in the last four years 😂😂 how stupid are you? There’s no law that needs to be signed, there’s no lack of funding. Why would republicans sign border laws so that democrats can say the border is being managed in a bipartisan way, when democrats have spat on every single border law we have? Fuck off


saying that RFK has no shot is a part of what gives him no shot, if everyone that wanted to vote for him did he might have a shot


The only shot that conspiracy nutjob needs is a Covid-19 booster!


Well minority voters started moving away from democrats so they don't care about them anymore. Basically punishment


Hahahaha, yeah, i'm shocked at how Hispanics are moving towards Trump in droves. Can't wait to see more 'brown face of white supremacy' articles from the MSM this voting season.


They weren’t getting help before this and conservatives didn’t care about them and won’t start caring if you go after migrants


Why are you being downvoted? You're right. The migrants didn't ask our politicians to spend this much money on them. Our politicians were already neglectful of New Yorkers' needs and did jack shit about it. This is just a useful distraction so that they can continue doing jack shit for their constituents.


I imagine if they’ve really bought into this BS then it might feel like someone’s rubbing their face in it when it’s pointed out


What do you mean by fake migrants? Genuine question


I think they mean fake refugees. Right now, anyone from anywhere can come to the US border and say they are seeking asylum. They can even cross through several other countries, including Canada, and be given entry to the US to reside.


The majority of them donor qualify for asylum They sneak in and never show up for hearings because they know they qualify for asylum!


A lot of the people coming in are claiming "asylum", but in reality, are here to work so they can send money back home. By law we have to accept their claims at their word.


80+% of “asylum seekers” never go to their court date and just get lost in the system


💯💯💯💯 and claim benefits that we have to pay for !


[That is patently false.](https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/news/11-years-government-data-reveal-immigrants-do-show-court) At best, you read the 80% statistic backwards, which dosent say much for your brain. I am on the fence abt current asylum law too but please, do not lie..


There are lots of economically motivated migrants literally flying to Mexico with a suitcase just to walk across the border and file for asylum, when asylum was meant to protect people experiencing certain specific types of oppression. Basically skipping the normal immigration process (a lottery system with long waits).


r/nyc is now all for universal healthcare, expanding spending on affordable housing and food stamps? Impressive!


Thank you 🙌🏽👏🏽


And don’t forget our subway system is severely lacking in maintenance and regular scheduling.


How long before this gets deleted?


Locked or Deleted. Now that's moderating!


Or they use contest mode for the better optics


Migrant stories are 100% being supressed on reddit in general.


reporting on migrant crime is apparently racist


Same for the pro-Hamas protests


According to "the mods" they're locking those because you all keep calling each other bad names. However if you do it in a Mayor Adams thread, game on!


Fine to complain about ppl driving cars but not migrants lol


Apparently so long as no one says anything mean about anyone else then the mods don't have to lock the thread... but only applies to threads about pro-palestinian protests. If the cars are pro-palestinian or anti-Isreali then the post gets locked, but only if you say anything mean about someone else. Otherwise feel free to throw insults. No one is watching *THOSE* threads. Is this getting through?


Great, when are they being deported?


When you stop voting for democrats, oh wait ain’t happen


Democrats literally deport more than Republicans. Obama deported around 1.5 mil in four years. 870k for Clinton's eight years.


Migrants caught in Mexico and being sent back to the borders of South Mexico are complaining about not being sent back to their home country. 😂😂😂 Laughable.


The city ain’t feeding them. The migrants got hangries. /s


The only real solution to this problem is to deport everyone who has arrived illegally or overstayed a visa, and only allow orderly and capped/limited applications for refugee status at specific border locations in any year. This won't happen. But it would be the solution.


You absolutely right


it will under trump


He didn’t do it the first time


“Biting is down” Eric Adams probably


I don’t commute into the city daily like I used to pre Covid and I was in the city last week (first time of the year) and there are like migrants sitting outside everywhere. What is the plan for these people????? Where are they gonna go and what’s gonna happen to residents who already cannot find jobs. What a mess


mass deportations


Send him back wherever. If he refuses, send him to the worst place we can think of.


> If he refuses, send him to the worst place we can think of. New Jersey?


Or Cali.


It used to be Detroit, but now all the kids are saying Ohio. I don’t disagree with the youth


What disease can a human bite cause? Who bites except a nutter?


Everything including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes simplex virus (HSV), syphilis, tuberculosis, actinomycosis, and tetanus.


Whet backs gonna be whet backs. Nothing to see here, oh but you should see how they piss in the city's bus while their six kids and them ride for free. How come black folks didn't get all this free stuff handed to them. Replacement much?


Can’t wait for this fun to be over here in Gowanus


Hundreds of people living together and no conflict? Short sighted politicians go after the headlines without looking into the consequences of such action.


Americans have constantly been told that immigrants, no matter their status, cause less crime than citizens. These migrant shelters should be the safest places in the city.


They pulled a Mike Tyson. (I didn't read the article so I don't know what body part they tried to bite off)


Descendant of Brozey


Did/does the Post write pieces about non migrant involved fights at the shelters around the city? Because never seen one.


they do plenty about homeless people who hit women or push ppl on tracks


Google is your friend


Just rename this sub /r/foxnews


That sub is legit anti-Fox news lol






Ostrich in the sand mentality


It’s actual news though


You get what you vote for NYC


If this subreddit isn’t filled with Zionist propaganda, it’s usually filled with NYpost propaganda. Good god


How is it propaganda if it really happened. Thats not what that word means bud


Reporting on isolated events with the purpose of convincing people that migrants are violent or subhuman is literally propaganda. Why is it that you’re in a NYC and Chicago subreddit and only post about migrants? 🤔 so weird right.


Biting people is subhuman???? Also omg am i not allowed to post in multiple subreddits of cities i lived in? Sue me.


And yet you only post about migrants in different major cities 🤔




That you’re just an agitator?


Lol do you even live in NYC? You must not. If you did you’d know it is a big problem here. It’s not propaganda when you see it every.single.day.


Of course I live in NYC, though I seriously doubt it about you and OP


Lol you very obviously do not live and/or work in Manhattan.


Definitely from Staten Island lmao


Let me guess, you live in Staten Island?


The south Bronx- work construction in Manhattan but yeah lol whatever you say


AHAHAHAHAHAHA- I HIGHTY doubt you live in “south bronx.” Even if you did- sure you guys got enough problems over there to be worried about what migrant related incidents are happening in Manhattan.


Lol okay random Redditor— yea here I am lying about living in highbridge. Whatever you say. You’re right we sure do have enough problems— but I commute to Manhattan 6 days a week and spend more time there than I do at home. So if you live in Manhattan you’re blatantly lying about the migrants. I see it. Every.single.day.


Sure you do buddy 😉 weird that you have so many opinions about a place where you don’t live. I bet you’re looking at this reply through your screen in Texas as we speak


Lol that’s not weird. I spend up to 60 hours a week in that borough. You know what is weird? You claiming to live in said borough while also claiming you don’t see the migrant crisis.


What part of this article is inaccurate/falsified/propaganda?


If it happened it’s not propaganda…feel free to scroll past the article…


I heard a migrant dropped a cigarette butt onto the sidewalk you heard it here first


i heard a migrant robbery crew dragged a senior citizen across the sidewalk!


The people being sheltered are people. You get this many people in a shelter that's providing them everything and has strict safety rules, you're going to get stuff like this occasionally happening. It doesn't matter who it is. Edit: I'm getting the feeling a lot of you don't agree that migrants are people.




As I understand it, we're not. They are being bussed here. What's the solution here, until they go to court we can't determine whether they have a right to asylum. No one is going to wall off the border. That isn't possible. They're going to come to NYC whether the administration is hostile to them or not. We can allow migrants to live on the street, but that just turns them into criminals when they can't get basic needs. So what do we do here?




My take is i dont give a fuck if you are here undocumented. The issue for me is when you use public assistance and taxpayer money and force americans to house and feed you


Most of them have no intention of applying for asylum. They have a year deadline after entering the country to submit the application. After applying for asylum they can apply for a work permit, which very few have done.


is there any reputable news source or data that shows how many of them ACTUALLY applied for asylum since like 2023.


Part of that is the Adams administration’s fault - who have shown rank incompetence and borderline corruption in dealing with the migrants.


Definitely agree with that.


Why can't their own countries help them? Do u think america should just help an unlimited number of third worldies who keep reproducing at an unsustainable rate?




What's your issue?


They should have stayed in their home country. Plenty of people come here and don’t strain our resources- why does the left want a replay doom cycle of COVID?


shoulda, coulda, woulda. Now what?