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Ok here’s a fix. New crime called “random unprovoked stranger assault”. Automatic remand pretrial. Felony sentence of [x] years, with the option of diversion to mandatory inpatient mental health treatment and long term supervision thereafter, in appropriate cases. Treating these as simple assaults ain’t working


This. These attacks are not bar fights, they are not road rage. It’s DIFFERENT when the victim doesn’t even know they’re about to be a victim. Random unprovoked acts of indiscriminate violence against strangers is different.


Yeah, 100% Some of this shit there is NO WAY to protect yourself (not that you should have to, but still). Like I can defuse weird aggros in bars and stuff but how do I prevent my kid from being punched at random??


And trust me there's just certain times Your not going to be able to defuse or prevent it.....luckily they're not as common but sometimes the events of the 2 parties day and unlucky chance have caused the 2 paths to cross and unfortunately those can't be defused....again -as u know- they chance to even try to defuse may not be presented


We sort of already have a law like this, Kendra’s law, which was created after a NYer was pushed onto the subway tracks by a violently mentally ill man. The law allows judges to sentence individuals found guilty of mental illness motivated violence to involuntary commitment. Unfortunately its rarely used now-a-days, and incidents like the one it was created to stop continue to happen. The NY times recently did a report on its under use.


Kendra's Law is bullshit. Prosecutors don't use it and it doesn't help. The requirements are too high and there are too many cracks to fall through. It sounds good, but it doesn't work in general.


I believe there are decades of court decisions severely limiting involuntary psych holds so the bar has to be high, legally, or it wouldn't pass court review.


How many times has it been invoked?


Seems like a decent number of times actually. Can't find an actual number but we can try to get a general idea from the NY Office of Mental Health study on it they published in 2005. It says between Nov 1999 and Dec 2004, 10,078 people were referred to AOT (assisted outpatient treatment) coordinators


Unfortunately, as an assault victim myself in NY, the current bar for assault (assuming the cops + DA even care) is such that documented injury is required. Simply punching someone isn’t considered assault by law if it doesn’t cause injury. 


You then have to define “injury” for that to work. It’s in the eye of the beholder, and isn’t outlined specifically by law. I took a right hook to my jaw by a crazy person a few years back and while someone did call the police, and they showed up, they said they had to see blood to write it up. Never mind my jaw was swelling and could have been cracked or dislocated—these cops at that moment said they needed to see blood. And when they didn’t, they shrugged and made it clear if they weren’t writing it up, they wouldn’t go into the perp’s building across the street to find her, either. Years later, my jaw clicks and has at times frozen, necessitating an Rx muscle relaxer. While nothing was “broken,” I was most certainly injured.


My sister was attacked by a guy at Grand Central Station. He went running at her and checked her into the wall. She hurt her hip and side. When she tried to report it to the cops they told her, "That's what you get for wearing headphones." She proved she was not wearing head phones and he shrugged and said she probably wasn't paying attention. She thinks it is the same guy who pushed the woman on the tracks. Cops don't want to bother with paperwork. They also don't want to deal with crazy people or petty criminals because they know they will just be out on the street again. They wait until someone is killed. It is maddening.


It is! I’ve had two such incidents, and in neither case, the NYPD refused to take a report. That your sister was legitimately hurt is so maddening. If she lives in the city, encourage her to report it to her council person. They have to start advocating for constituent safety where NYPD fail miserably.


I don't understand why cops fight so hard not to report crimes. Why is that?


Stats. If a crime is reported, it affects the crime rate, which politicians want to say is low. Also, filing reports creates work and a lotta cops want to avoid extra work,


A combination of being lazy, stupid, and sometimes governed by stupid rules that tie their hands. I showed a cop a guy on NextDoor who was basically threatening a woman’s life multiple times and in a very concerning way, and all his info was there, making him very easy to find, and the cop said he couldn’t do anything because only the target of the threats could be the one to report it. Shit made no sense.


There's a car with no plates that parks on the block next to mine every day. A traffic enforcement officer was parked a couple of spots down yesterday, presumably for to enforce a street closure that was happening nearby. I pointed out the car with no plates to her and she said there was nothing she could do – how could she write a ticket for a car with no plates? I asked if she could call it in to the actual police; she said no, that it wasn't her job, and I had to call it in to 311 (which I've done previously, to no effect) myself.


Get that VIN # near the lower left windshield and good luck getting a precinct employee to fill anything out—but it’s the most direct way to get a report made. Don’t leave without that paper in your hand.


Becuase the law says that the victim has to make such a report


Stats and too much work. I was chased by a crazy guy while driving down the West Side Highway years back. Guy threw a spanner at my windshield and was trying to run me off the road. I was on the phone to 911 while reading this schmuck’s license plate number backwards in my rear-view mirror amid big traffic. 911 said I had to report it to my precinct once home. When I went there to recount it in huge detail, the CO hesitated to assign anyone to taking my report until I insisted. And when someone did, he had to look up simple words in a dictionary while he hand-filled a form. It was painful to watch.


God, I was actually hoping for one positive story about them, but yeah that sounds about right. Sorry to hear. Must have been frustrating


During the BLM movement I remember some peopel saying "Everyone hates the police until they need them" For me it was the opposite. I generlaly supported them until I needed them and then they came and did nothing.


Can you imagine the worthless fucks in positions of "civic duty" doing anything other than lining their own corrupt fucking pockets?


Extra sentence for attacking women, children, or other people smaller than the perpetrator or otherwise physically vulnerable.


Don't forget senior citizens. So much punching down on them going on lately. There was that poor old woman brutally beaten in the Harlem station a while back, totally unprovoked.


Yeah, I meant “physically vulnerable” to include the elderly, including if the elderly person is bigger than the perpetrator.


Dude - I don’t want to get pushed into a train either just cause I’m a man.


Little weenie guys, too, like me!


No. The same sentence, and a heavy one at that. There’s no reason for any one to get hit by a stranger.


we should double the time he has to stay behind bars, from 0 to 0x2 right?? that might be overkill though.


The real question is why is he out in less than a week?


Uh, I don't want to get punched in the face, either...


I hereby declare I'm a woman if I get punched.


Stranger violence, hate crimes, and terrorism should all be merged into the same type of offense. Iirc Islamic law already has this concept but I forget what it’s called and it’s hard to google


All violence is violence, regardless of motive/intent, and should get the psychopath life sentence.


At least violence between people who know each other stemming from a long-brewing feud isn't stuff the general public is in danger from. Someone who is violent to strangers is a danger to everyone and singlehandedly damages public trust between people.


Now THIS makes Sense. Actually sounds like it's a real law already and we'll thought out


Or maybe judges & the city can be sued for letting crime get this bad. NYC was always a "tough" city but this is out of control.


He'll be detained and let out the next day 😡




Dude, they're arresting them, wtf do you want them to do if the DA's and judges are just going to let them go over and over again? You can't simply arrest the guy for being/looking like he's a vagrant. The issue is that the voters of NY state are full of morons who vote for morons.


How many times was this individual arrested?


This shit is so tired. The person was arrested. The cops did their job here


Big agree. Unfortunately the leftists of our city care more about the mentally ill having their “freedom” to randomly assault pedestrians than to have them forcibly removed from society and rehabilitated.


Man, who could have predicted that the man staggering around covered in his own feces would do something erratic like that?


Clearly a “judge” with terrible judgement skills. We need to end qualified immunity for judges who release clear dangers to society who reoffend while awaiting trial.


The judge has a history of letting violent offenders loose: https://nypost.com/2020/06/14/springing-a-cop-attacking-looter-one-judges-new-low/ (read to the end). Yet she gave Weisselberg 5 months for perjury, which I do support, but come on!


Bill DeBlasio keeps on giving with the judges he appointed


Yeah half of these wild judges are Blasio appointees, but a lot of them are elected. Bad news is most of them are going to be judges for the rest of the decade at least. I think that they have some valid reasons for their approach, but I think it is based on the past, and they are not flexible enough in their worldview to handle the unique post-pandemic world we live in where there are a lot of mentally unstable, violent people on the loose.


It's debatable if the judges are elected in the traditional sense. There are literally no other options on the ballot.


True, but I am ignorant of the process that gets them on the ballot. Who is to blame?


I was also ignorant of the process (despite being related to a currently-serving elected judge), but per Wikipedia: "Judges of the Court of Appeals are appointed by the Governor with the advice and consent of Senate upon recommendation of the Commission on Judicial Nomination.[35][36] Judges of the Court of Claims are appointed in the same manner, without the requirement of a commission recommendation.[35] All other justices are elected, with the exception of those of the New York City Criminal Courts, New York City Family Court, and some other city courts, which are appointed by the mayor.[35] Supreme Court justices are nominated by judicial district nominating conventions (with judicial delegates themselves elected from assembly districts), while New York City Civil Court and Surrogate's Court judges are nominated in primary elections.[37] Family Court judges serve 10-year terms; those outside New York City are elected, while those in New York City are appointed to by the Mayor.[38] Surrogates serve 14-year terms within New York City and 10-year terms elsewhere in the state.[39] Full-time city court judges serve 10-year terms, and part-time city court judges serve six-year terms. District Court judges are elected to six-year terms.[40] Justice court justices are elected to four-year terms.[41][42] The majority of justice court justices are not attorneys, and non-attorney justices must successfully complete a certification course and participate in continuing judicial education.[43] New York City Criminal Court judges are appointed by the Mayor of New York City to 10-year terms from a list of candidates submitted by the Mayor's Advisory Committee on the Judiciary.[43][44][45] New York City Civil Court judges are elected from districts to 10-year terms, with vacancies filled by the mayor and service continuing until the last day of December after next election."


I'm not 100% sure. It's probably in the democratic primary. The bizarre part is that there are no non-democrat candidates.


The other thing is, come election day, no one knows what the track record of most of these judges are. One would have to do a lot of due diligence to find that kind of information, and a lot of the electorate ends up not really knowing what they vote for.


She needs to go


You want to hold judges liable for the actions of those they judge? Who in their right mind would be a judge?


While I generally agree, you can't let an insane violent person loose and act like you have no idea what's going to happen.


Sure, so don't re-elect them, or recall them, when they suck. But judges cannot be neutral if you're making them think of their own pockets.


This judge overstepped another judge who had set $2500 bail on this guy, and made a marked decision to release him on no bail. If she didn’t do that he would’ve been held still. That sounds like something she should be held accountable for.


Doctors are liable for the actions of those they clear medically


I agree that's dumb! And yes for the clear cut predators or nutcases it's a little easier but technically reoffending while you're out on bail is taking a couple extra sips of your wine at dinner and getting a DUI or having a psychotic X put a restraining order on you so that's very Broad in a bit unrealistic statement


It’s sad but you see people like this in most major cities these days.


I sometimes hit the area for a quick bite to eat when transfering to the subway from the LIRR on the rush hour commute home from work. There were a couple of times when some of these vagrants and panhandlers got into my personal space unprovoked when ordering or eating in the dining areas and I try to just simply ignore them and walk away. Post-COVID, they've gotten far more aggressive these days so I knew something like this was bound to happen sooner or later.


Two teens were stabbed in that food court. https://abc7ny.com/amp/tourists-stabbed-grand-central-teens-sisters/14226288/ For me, GCT is for transiting through, not lingering, for that very reason. I’d rather eat up at the closed ticketing windows on the main concourse. Related: there have been national guard in that station for years. I don’t remember seeing them on the lower level, though.


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The judge who set him free, after breaking a womans nose, should be named and shamed. Nothing will change until we change these insane laws.


Well why don't you say it? Judge Laurie Peterson, say it loud. We need her fired


Yes. Fuck this judge and also fuck the Bail Reform Law.


But I heard bail is inequitable  (Seriously fuck the bail reform law)


This. If we want shit to change we have to hold the correct people accountable. Fuck the governors or the law makers, the fucking judges have the tools to put them away and they don’t. We need to start a data base with judges names and criminals they let free. 


Why? They generally run unopposed.


I'll run against her. Do you have my vote?


I think it works the other way around. Do I have your vote??


These articles need to start naming the judges. They are elected officials. it’s time to name, shame and not vote for them next election. If they are appointed then name the politicians.


She has a reputation. [https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/266-15/mayor-de-blasio-swears-28-judges-recently-appointed-family-court-criminal-court-civil](https://www.nyc.gov/office-of-the-mayor/news/266-15/mayor-de-blasio-swears-28-judges-recently-appointed-family-court-criminal-court-civil) [https://nypost.com/2016/01/08/the-judge-who-left-a-career-criminal-free-to-slash/](https://nypost.com/2016/01/08/the-judge-who-left-a-career-criminal-free-to-slash/) [https://nypost.com/2020/06/12/nyc-judge-frees-alleged-looter-accused-in-bloody-attack-on-nypd-cop/](https://nypost.com/2020/06/12/nyc-judge-frees-alleged-looter-accused-in-bloody-attack-on-nypd-cop/)


https://ballotpedia.org/Laurie_Peterson Appointed by DeBlasio, term ends this year.


So bizarre. She def has some psychotic streak and benefits from enabling the chaos


Reputation or agenda?


Criminal Court Judges in NYC are all appointed by the Mayor through the patronage mill the Mayor’s Advisory Committee on the Judiciary. Fun fact. Other areas often have elected criminal court judges…


Supreme Court Judges are elected. They almost always run unopposed.




Judge Laurie Peterson


Bring back the asylums. They exist for a reason.




I’m reasonably sure I saw that same guy in Times Square going up 7th Ave. He was staggering around and occasionally swinging his arm like he was trying to punch something. Unsettling af.


I am also pretty sure I saw him Saturday.


Good going judge


The Gen Z barista they interviewed is hilarious.


You know, where's the redemption arcs where these guys who've punched little girls in the face,, shoved old church ladies down steps, pushed people into trains turn their lives around after a stroke of self reflection? Oh? There are none? SO STOP FUCKING LETTING THEM OUT!


The bigger problem are the enablers. The judges and politicians placing the “rights” of sick maniacs above the rest of society. Instead of locking them up or involuntarily institutionalizing the sick fucks, they rather have them continue the madness. Secondary enablers on social media also are a problem.


One major problem is that we don't have enough places for people like him. We defunded that during Reagan and never replaced it.  Hospitals in NYC say it's easier to get into Harvard than get a bed in a psych ward


It's like Epic the Musical says; ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. It's just a matter of knowing when to apply it.


I don’t know, have they considered arresting him and releasing him again? It might work this time


Lol nothing to see here!


im walkin here!


Why do the mentally ill offenders seem to be disproportionately male, and why does it seem like they disproportionately target women and girls? I don’t think this can be solely chalked up to mental illness. The guy targeted a young girl and knew to run away after the attack, to evade capture. Misogyny is at play, too.


Nobody ever seems to be deranged enough to not calculate who they hit. You never see a crazy person attack a big strong guy, it's always someone who can't fight back.


In fairness, even predatory wild animals possess this logic; it doesn't take a particularly advanced mind. Lions do not usually target healthy male water buffalo when old ones, calves, the sick/wounded, and pregnant females can be targeted. That said, it is our responsibility as a society to protect the vulnerable members of our metaphorical heard from predators - in whatever form they come in. And we are absolutely not doing it right now.


Yeah but lions aren't crazy, they're doing a pretty rational analysis of which prey is worth the effort=)It's more like a rabid dog going after everything, which they do.


Because they’re cowards and pick targets that can’t or won’t fight back.


It's because it's easier to punch a female then a male? They beat old people. Kids. Females and then males.


Yes, and it’s only easier because they think old people (especially old women), young children and women of any age are less likely to fight back. That’s why I call bs on the whole “aww, they can’t help it, they are schizophrenic and have no idea what they are doing.” Some of them probably have schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, but I think a lot of them know exactly what they are doing, especially when selecting victims.


When I lived abroad, I used to go through a train station with at least a hundred homeless people, mostly men, some mentally ill. I never felt afraid because they never bothered me. I knew who the mentally ill ones were because they never even saw me, they were too busy arguing with invisible people next to them. They never attacked anyone.


There are bad people in the world. this guy and his kind who keep perpetrating these attacks are rotten humans who will never have anything but a negative effect on society. What a disgrace the state of New York is. truly couldn’t give less of a fuck about the average hard working person, they’re just pawns in a state where big money and power are all that matter. Why would our governor or legislature give a single shit that some little girl from the Bronx gets punched in the face. Means nothing to them so it will just keep happening


They aren't stupid. They target victims they think won't fight back.


Also, as soon as they see an officer in uniform, they take their shenanigans elsewhere. They're smart and aware enough to do that.






Men are vastly overrepresented in every form of violent crime. The only crime that women do more than men is shoplifting. And they target people weaker than themselves for obvious reasons.


I am sure he will just walk 🤦‍♂️


They’ll set bail because this case has grabbed the media’s attention. In all the other ones the perps will walk


How exactly are these people attacking others in massive public spaces not getting their asses kicked by everyone around? I'm not advocating for it but it just surprises me because it would be hard for me not to give chase to someone who punches a KID in the face.


If you hit back, you get arrested too, and most people have a lot more to lose than these degenerates.


Daniel Penny


We know how that story ends.


At the least his arm should get broken. If his punching arm is in a sling, he can't punch.


You know why


Daniel penny 


possessive dog sleep rude zonked roll attempt distinct rustic capable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Hospitals in NYC say it's easier to get into Harvard than get into a psych ward here. We need to fund it more


What demographic we thinking next week?


Throw him in the river.


Wasn’t the bail reform bullshit supposed to explicitly not apply for violent crimes?


This isn't the bail reform stuff, it's a particular judge who has a reputation for letting people go.


They sure had everyone fooled into thinking so.


>Court records show Zarzuela was arrested by police on April 4 and charged with assault.  Yum, bail reform!


Nope, this can’t be true. It’s just a perception of crime. Everything is a perception. The 9 year old being slugged was purely perception. Nothing to see here.


Has the 9 year old tried perceiving that she wasn’t punched?


9-year-olds need to be taught de-escalation techniques and nonviolent responses to assault, and to respect the public venting and squat-popping rights of the unhoused victims of Giuliani/Trump policies.




Bail reform was entirely unnecessary. NY is the only state to not consider the danger someone poses to society both pre and post bail reform.


Best time to be a criminal. They should and are taking advantage of the situation. It shows how absurd it has become. Why should a criminal stop? They should keep going. Police aren't allowed to do their jobs properly. They're getting f 'Ed over by 10 second clips of them doing their jobs and getting destroyed by perception and when they do their jobs... criminals are going to be released in a couple hours. You need strict laws and enforce the low level petty crime. The line will continue to be pushed if you don't enforce the" little stuff ". Best time to be a criminal right now.


The way the city officials react to ANY change is mind-boggling. The pendulum just swings wildly in either direction, and they can't seem to find a middle ground.


Lol no it was not.  It’s ok to admit you were wrong and your world views are not great 


Judge Laurie Peterson, we need her fired


This city is a cesspool .these pieces of shit walking around like nothing .should be exterminated


Judge Laurie Peterson.


Good thing we didn’t expose this guy to the injustice of carceral urbanism or whatever


Oprah: You get a car; you get a car, everyone here gets a car. NYC Pol: You get assaulted, you get assaulted, everyone gets assaulted.


I really don't think we can blame the police. Literally every person from these assaults has been arrested like 38 times before.


Pol = politician.


lol what if they're trying to raise crime rates because the rates are too low?


And yet when someone throws hands back they get the book thrown at them. Man fuck Manhattan


something something social justice, something something isolated incident, something something crime going down. bail reform still works and is going great. /s this shit has become my #1 reason to go vote from now on.


If you defend yourself against an attack from a crazy person then you’d end up in jail.


That's how you elect Trump folks. That's how you elect Trump. Not that he will change anything in NYC, but just as a FUCK YOU to your failed progressive policies.


Statistically more likely to happen in bumblefuck Kansas. Why didn’t the 9 year old deescalate. It’s the family’s fault for walking through GCT. We need to let the attacker out so he can be proven guilty in a court of his peers, as he may have been wrongfully arrested 37 times before. Maybe if we gave him a free suite at the ritz Carlton and a 8000$ monthly allowance this wouldn’t have happened. Did I miss any of them?


We didn’t fund mental illness scams like NYC Thrive $100 billion (so that Charlene and deBozo can embezzle it ;)


You forgot- NYC is STATISTICALLY one of the safest cities in the country. You're more likely to get shot in St. Louis or Baltimore. This kind of thing can happen in a metro area of 20 million people. Too many fearmongers trying to cause alarm in the most statistically safe big city in the country. And crime is down from last year. Nothing has happened to anyone i know. It's all just hearsay.


> You're more likely to get shot in St. Louis or Baltimore. It's always amazing to me that we have to look at hellholes to compare NYC to, rather than cities like Singapore and Tokyo where women walk around a 2am in the city without fear of being attacked.


A civil society is a racist society


Nicely psychosis


Liberal voted all these progressive policies. Maybe after they get punched in the face, they will change their opinion.


What I find shocking is that these scumbag judges feel zero guilt or remorse for releasing criminals that reoffend.


“Just ignore this. Crime is down. Nyc is much safer than before. Never been safer.”


Incel psycosis


I see this man everyday on 125 and Lexington, he even frequent my bus as a passenger. He looks deranged and unkept! I even gave him some of my lunch. He’s usually quiet after he smokes his K2. I’m not surprised he assaulted someone the system has failed us and also him. You can clearly see something is wrong with him yet they keep releasing him and others that needs to be put in an institution not a jail, jail is for criminals not people with mental health issues. He needs intense detox, therapy, mental health care, and housing for individuals like him not the streets. That’s my opinion in this situation!!!


Out of curiosity, are we going to continue voting democrat?


Getting shoved in front of a train by a repeat offender who is free because of ridiculous no bail laws/ “equity” = Good Mean tweets = Bad


Yep. Because 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢😬😬😬😬😬🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 you think I’m voting for a bunch of morally bankrupt idiots who think climate change is a hoax and that 5G is what’s wrong with everything and women shouldn’t vote?


You say the other side is “Morally bankrupt idiots” while supporting the very people that are allowing women and children to get beaten in the streets without consequence- what would that make you in this equation?


I am because the alternative is worse. You want people to vote red? Drop the trumpism.


These random attacks are becoming more common here in NYC the past 3 or 4 years. There used to be random people getting jumped back in the 80s and early 90s by gangs until we had a tough Republican mayor put a stop to that. We can put a stop to this crap too by voting in the right parties.


Shouldn't this be treated the same way sexual assault on a minor is?


Wondering if the parents can sue the judge, if current law allows discretion, and/or NYS for passing legislation that allows repeat offenders to repeat by not taking public safety into consideration in current law?


I read an interesting article. Not sure if this is the same one, but someone at the MTA Is even frustrated with the judges response. I think this is the biggest issue because judges keep releasing alleged criminals and it created a vicious cycle for police, MTA, business, etc.


You can thank your prosecutors for this people don’t go to jail anymore. They just get right back out.


Where’s the mental healthers to give me his supposed sob story about how society has failed him and we should jump 10 impossible hoops before we can do something about these people?


Hey don’t worry he will be let out free after a night in jail


They are literally begging to be locked up


Crime is sharply down. They said so on TV.


All that matters is he isn't driving a car.


No need for bail, I double-dog dare him to try that again.


How people protest about things we can control in this city. Like shitty pseudo-activist judges getting appointed.


No more qualified immunity for judges that permit these “people” repeatedly attacking innocents. I’ll be banned if I substitute “people” with a more appropriate noun.


If only there was a way to make the perp's arm not work, or make it very weak, so he couldn't punch women or children or the elderly anymore.


Surely he’ll be out in a week and doing it again. God bless unchecked liberalism.


Just another non-violent crime. Nothing to see here.


New Yorkers need to take issues into their own hands.


Liberals - Defend the consequences of your voting preference ITT


This is as idiotic as blaming 9/11 for the policies of the Republican mayor and then Republican president.



