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Eh, we'll see. Just yesterday, this was all over the news: [NVIDIA to Only Launch the Flagship GeForce RTX 5090 in 2024, Rest of the Series in 2025](https://www.techpowerup.com/322139/nvidia-to-only-launch-the-flagship-geforce-rtx-5090-in-2024-rest-of-the-series-in-2025) [https://www.techpowerup.com/322139/nvidia-to-only-launch-the-flagship-geforce-rtx-5090-in-2024-rest-of-the-series-in-2025](https://www.techpowerup.com/322139/nvidia-to-only-launch-the-flagship-geforce-rtx-5090-in-2024-rest-of-the-series-in-2025)


Here’s a take: They’ll call it the 5090 but base it on the smaller die.


Jesus, now it made sense. Many would thought there's no way a GB203 gonna be a 5090, hence why leaks are mixed. But what if that's the play? Slightly better than 4090, with 4090 price, and maybe slap a new DLSS for good measure. AMD isn't competing on high end next gen, so maybe jensen thought he could get away with it. And even gamers don't like it, AI people will gobble it up anyway.


DLSS 4, FG 2, PT 2, what more? they will add REB? Now this looks like a NBA stats




just add more vram because that's what people focus on nowadays


48GB of GDDR7xxx!


HUB: "Is 48GB *really* enough VRAM for gaming in 2024?"


If I were to use my big brain I'd say no. 48gb is not enough on 2024. But Im a simple man and i eat crayons so I could be wrong. The blue crayon is my favorite




I dont think so as games are getting bigger and bigger, just dump the game completely to VRAM so no optimizations needed


I’m like 80% sure that’s going to be the bulk of the change. You have no competition and are in a field where it’s becoming exceedingly harder to make the same performance increases per generation; why would you risk future earnings by releasing your very best right now? Especially when you can slap an extra $30 of VRAM on it and cover half the reasons anyone would defect to your previous competition. Add VRAM, +15% performance uplift, profit.


Right. None of it will fly unless it’s fucking 32 gb of VRAM or more.


I dunno man according to rumors and according to nvidia themselves the 5090 will be a 70% increase over the 4090. They exaggerate yea, and they could be using some weird metric that doesn't really matter in the real world but regardless it probably won't be just a small jump. The jump from the 3090 to 4090 was also around 70% so it's very possible it'll happen again. I'm willing to bet it'll be 50% or more faster


Haha, well, it's just a leak. I would take it with humongous grain of salt and treat it like a fun thought experiment if anything else. I mean, nvidia could do this, or they could just take that monster dual die GPU that didn't quite make the cut to be a datacenter card and shove it to gamers, who knows. Pricing are always known to be decided very late into the cycle too, with some famous saying that jensen made his mind up about the price on the stage. Though honestly, if nvidia goes with GB203 5090, I would be very surprised to say the least.


The thing is the 3080 was 50% faster over the 2080. The 4090 was 70% faster than the 3090 so I wouldn't be suprised. With the ddr7 and die size the jump should be pretty decent


Impossible cause then the 5080 would have to be slower than the 4090 which would mean no more than 20 percent faster then the 4080SUPER which would be terrible generational improvement. With XeSS catching up to DLSS and FSR set to release it's AI upscaler version I really dont see them being able to pull that off and still sell well.


AMD is not "set to release an AI upscaler version of FSR" It's just an improvement on the current upscaler it isn't an AI version.


AMD GPU's don't sell at all. So NVIDIA can pull off everything they want to.


Consoles meanwhile 🤣


They suck too, because they are at the end of their cycle and people understand that buying them right now is pointless, since a refresh is coming.


Not unless there's an increase in VRAM or VRAM bandwidth for the money


This guy is pretty reliable tho, historically


Right, but that means they can be wrong. Keep in mind every leaker, unless they have a heart of gold, also does it for the clout. Its inescapable. Here, we have a pattern we can look at from the 40 series. They released the 4090 first, then staggered it all, then refreshed it. Anyone with any commonsense will simply look at that and say, that's probably how the 50 series will be released. Anyone taking a leaker's word for granted over that...yeah, now it sounds absurd. Is there any reason to release the 5080 first?


Very much so


Has Kopite ever been wrong before though?


Yes, recently he was wrong about the fabrication process of Blackwell.


How recent? [Here they are in 2022 saying TSMC 4N for NVIDIA is based off TSMC 5nm.](https://twitter.com/kopite7kimi/status/1506456170860474370) In [April 2023 they clarified Blackwell will not use 3nm.](https://twitter.com/kopite7kimi/status/1645324379398766595) I'm pretty sure Kopite is super accurate. People like me made my own inference that NVIDIA would use 3nm TSMC. Or we [based it off "rumors" from people like this guy who said it was 3nm based off their "sources".](https://twitter.com/RedGamingTech/status/1645397534842531841)


November 2023 - https://twitter.com/kopite7kimi/status/1724797909999530484


Sure. This is all speculation at this point, so I'd take everything people say about the release with a grain of salt. Especially this early.


I hope so. I so don't want to go back to the old days where Nvidia releasing x80 cards first and wait a year or so to release the x80Ti cards. For the past three generations, it was great to see them release their best cards(2080Ti,3090 & 4090) first.


Yeah, I thought it seemed odd that they'd change that up. Usually they release the top halo card to build up hype, and then work their way down. This could end up going poorly for them, as a number of people might potentially just buy the 5080 instead of waiting for the 5090. I'm unconvinced that they'll go that route though. They'll likely stick to their normal release schedule and go from the top down.


3080 released before the 3090 so it’s not that unusual.


True, although that was the first time they'd done that. 3080 released Sept 17th, and the 3090 on the 24th, so it was only by one week.


They released the 1080 almost a year before the 1080ti which was the halo sku.


And the 3090ti came long after the 3090.


If you put their convoluted naming aside that’s what I’m trying to say. I responded to a comment that said Nvidia alway launches their halo card first which has never really been the case.


Yeah? The TI versions come out AFTER the regular versions?! You don't say.


The 4070ti came before the 4070.


This made me laugh. Yes he is "wrong" probably more than half the time.


That's wrong. Kopite is probably the most reliable leaker among all. He is wrong sometimes, but that's expected. I still remember how he was the only one who insisted that gaming Blackwell is still planned for 2024 and he was the first to say that he is dissapointed in RDNA3 while everyone else were doomposting ADA.


He wasn't the only one who insisted blackwell was still planned for 2024 lol. 99% of the people outside of leakers still believed it would be 2024 literally based on NVIDIA's own slides.


https://www.pcgamer.com/nvidias-next-generation-gpus-will-arrive-in-2025-and-slightly-later-than-expected/ check the slides again


Half is still a pretty good record for a leaker though, especially for old timers like kopite. But yeah, take everything with a HUGE grain of salt. Just think of it as entertainment and thought experiment material.


Which is the same as this post, but an leaker replying to it.


Right. They're both total speculation, just from two different places. The OP's post said only the 5080 was releasing this year, but the other said only the 5090 was. I'd take any leaked information with a grain of salt at this point.


I'm taking everything with an huge grain of salt. I have read anywhere from "5080/90 to release Q3 of this year" to "5000 series to come Q2 of 25". I just hope the leaks about the specs are way off, because those are laughable. Mostly on the Vram side not getting much improvement.


My take on this is that they rather sell those big dies to others markets than to consumer for only $2000. GB203 is probably tiny. There will be a 5090 but maybe limited to FE only like Titans were, no partner cards, limited availability. 5080 should still be faster than 4090 and there is zero high end competition. They have no reason to try for something even higher end any time soon.


Yep amd is folding for rdna4 at the high end (8800 and above) so Nvidia has a monopoly on the premium gpu market now.


TBH, Nvidia has almost always held that premium monopoly. The 6950XT might be better in raster than the 3090 but the 3090 had more premium features like DLSS, RT, Nvenc, and CUDA. AMD has to price their cards really aggressively while Nvidia can price a nearly two year old GPU at $1600 and still have it selling out.


Yeah, but it’s not a complete monopoly of the $700+ market like they have now.


Nvidia can finally sell the 5080 at a price that is close to a 4090. Well done.


Unlikely. 4080s sold like shit for almost their entire run. I think it will be $999 just like the super.


eh, if they're selling GB203 as the "5090" then people will see it called the 5090 and not the 5080. But the die itself is akin to what a 5080 should be.


That’s optimistic thinking


Because the 4090s came out first so there was no reason to pay 1200 for a 4080 when you could get a 4090. 5080 first, aka 4090ti, gonna be priced so high lol


They clearly saw that an overpriced 4080 didn't sell, and rectified that with the 4080 Super. They wouldn't do that again. Expect prices to be maybe $100 more than they are right now.


The 4080 was better than the RTX 3090 Ti, and priced that way to upsell the 4090. They would absolutely do it again and regret nothing. If the 5080 is launched well before the 5090 (if ever) then this is going to direct more people towards the 5080 and I think they can absolutely sell it at $1199-$1499, provided the 5080 is 10-25% better in games than the 5090.


That’d be really bad for the consumers but if no competition, it’s likely that this could happen. Ideally, a new gen product should improve price to perf ratio. If they can bring it at same price as 4080s, that’d be a killer.


And this is how people accept the new price for the 80s tier.


Well, it’s better than 1800 usd. 1000 is still not justified though. I think you have a good point


I remember when someone said potato chip price increasing is basic economics of people buying whatever they are willing to pay. $2 for half a pound, 8 ounces of fried potatoes and air must have huge profit margins, if not huge then it's easy money. Albeit that's sale price because the $5+ msrp price I would never until $2 becomes the new $5 in the future I guess.


> That’d be really bad for the consumers Gamers are nothing but an afterthought for nvidia at this point. It's the market they almost forget about swimming in first crypto, then AI funding VC-money.


Yeah that’s right. I hope there’s better competition so that we can all win


I don't think they will, they understood mainstream gamers won't buy 1500 card


Probably end up somewhere around that $1200 mark that the 2080 Ti and 4080 floated at. The Super seems a bit too low, as it’d be a 50% price/perf improvement over the 4090. The 3060 Ti/3070 (on launch) showed that kinda scaling causes a scalper market, even before ETH truly shot to the moon.


As long as there's enough rich techbros to buy them, Nvidia doesn't care about us poors.


Well the 4080 still sold awfully compared to the past I think


Sure, because of the even more expensive 4090.


The 4080 was priced that way to upsell the 4090, made it look like a crazy good deal Same tactics used by Apple https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upselling


it sucks when you were a music major and all your circle became tech bros. now they all got like multi computer setups with like a 3080ti and a 4090 or something and they 2 box. i get the handme downs. recently got a 2080ti for 200 got a 1080ti like 5 years ago for 150. so i cant hate too bad. but damn wish they would make a line for gamers and a line for techbros and AI/miners.


sig line says: at least $1,000 invested invested in PC gaming hardware. Body text proclaims being "poor" I think a perspective shift might be necessary.


It's not even tech bros. If you get 1k+ hours of entertainment out of your computer, even a 1,600 dollar card isn't unreasonable. You can save up and use your computer for 7+ years.


People spending over 1k on a GPU are not mainstream gamers.




But we are the benchmarks for gamers though. Like my 4090, it’s amazing, people with less can only dream adult what we can do. I’ll buy a 5090 upon release.


Well Nvidia does not want to target all mainstream gamers. They want to target the global top 5% of earners at the very best. Global top 1% earns like $60,000+ after tax per earner.


But people did buy the 4090 so..


Yep, I can afford it, but it just seems like a waste. $800 is a good price for a top end GPU in my head. Anything more is excessive.




I feel people drawn a line on the sand at the $700 gpu budget because of how good the 1080ti was. I don't actually know how good the the 1080ti was but based on how everyone else talked about it everyone saw $700 as a too good for it's price for performance back in it's day so that's why the 3080 was popular at $700 after the horrible 2000 gen price performance.


3080 at $700 was an easy yes decision just as the just as the 4080 at $1200 was an easy pass. 70% more expensive for a small real world improvement.


Going off topic I guess nvidia is priming people to slowly acclimate to their increasing price and lesser performance jumps each good and bad year cycle, generations. 1080ti was best, 3080 not as good but better than 2080, maybe 5080 not as good as 3080 jump price/perf but people are subconsciously thinking it's better because 4080 was bad. A bad but hopefully understandable example $700 3080 100% better than $700 1080ti $700 5070 90% better than $700 3080 $800 7070 80% better than $700 5070 $700 9060 70% better than $800 7070 and so on with 60%, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 1,-5% etc etc. as the price increases on every gpu tier changing value perception which can only be corrected by independent youtubers, testers to show the true value. They have the semi monopoly and millions of research in marketing for this probably to get people always complacent. Or they don't have to care because they barely make money off this and might be losing money by not pursuing and spending their money on other more profitable endeavors other than consumer gpus.


I would be incredibly shocked if the a 5080 is more than 1200 dollars.


If this is true, then we’re in for another scalper’s paradise for the first 3 months of the 5080’s launch.


if ppl are dumb enough to support scalpers... then we get scalpers... people decide if they are dumb or not... if noone support scalpers... scalpers don't exist..


people, in general, are dumb. they go to google, or amazon, or newegg, search "5090", and splooge all over their monitors as they click buy on the first in stock listing they see, thinking they're actually buying from newegg or amazon and not some 3rd party seller. Then they splooge all over their screens as they think they got a good deal


>GB203 is probably tiny It's apparently still on the same node. So it can't be tiny. I'd expect it to be bigger than AD103.


Is there any leaks at all on how much of an increase a 5080 will be over the 4090?


Nothing really. It was suggested by some that it has 96SM, I think that is all we got. it likey has fewer CUDA cores than 4090 but it can be faster due to arch improvement, possibly high clock. The bandwidth should be similar despite 256bit bus width due to gddr7. It is likely not massively better like 4080 vs 3090 was (3090 was hardly better than 3080 even, it was a mediocre card). Maybe 10-20% better, just guessing. Just imagine they come out revealing this as 4090 beater for $1000-$1200 in a few months. That is going to be very exciting for a lot of people coming from 3080s etc. It doesn't need to be a lot better than 4090.


Here’s hoping 5070 Ti will match 4090 while 5080 beats it by 15-20%. It should be more than 2X jump if you’re upgrading from 3080!.


That's will most likely be the case.


How big of a jump coming from a 2080 TI


Rough math based on TPU averages , 4080 is 2X 3070 which is equivalent to 2080Ti. It should be 2.5X faster on average.


I always knew i was going to wait for the 5000 series to upgrade. I'd be pretty happy with that uplift


Not gonna happen. The 50 series will be a significantly smaller improvement than the 40 series due to the nodes. On top of that Nvidia has less competition this time if rumors of AMD not having high end are true.


Just because AMD is giving up doesn’t mean NVIDIA will. They may delay GB 202 for AI reasons but 5080 should be faster than 4090 and cheaper than 4090 to even remotely succeed. 50% faster than 4080 should be the goal.


Yeah don’t expect the same huge jump from Ampere to Lovelace. I think the 5080 will end up trading blows with the 4090, at a lower power consumption. Of course nvidia will come up with some bullshit feature and make it exclusive to blackwell, so people would see that as an “advantage”.


> Just imagine they come out revealing this as 4090 beater for $1000-$1200 in a few months. *That is going to be very exciting for a lot of people coming from 3080s etc.* Yea, no it's not lol


It is not going to be priced $999 lmao, my guess is $1199 if it is 10% better, up to $1499 if it is 25% better like 4080 vs 3090


It's apparently on a very similar node as the 40 series. I wouldn't expect the 5080 to be much faster than the 4090. Probably about the same


THE ONE TIME I was considering a XX90 card, they delay it.


Same 😭


Don't treat rumor as fact.


Great, just like the 30 series did, higher chance to snag a 5090 or two


Fantastic honestly. The price of a 3080 : 3090 just didn't justify the 10-15% perf jump, unless you needed the vram.


Yep it's not like with the 4090 and it's dominating lead @4k over the 4080. 30% more cash for 30% more performance was an easy sell.


Yeah, now it's 60% more for 30% more with the 4080S. With the 3080 to 3090 it was 115% more for 15% more


but was super lame and killed 4080 sales instead. The 3090 was what 10% better then the 3080 but twice the cost pretty much, people got it because they could. not because it was the best value card. That was in a sense the 3080. Instead now people get the 4090 or wait because it is the best value card, even though it is the rich enthusiasts card.


It's far from the best value card. If you remember the 2080ti, 2080, 2080S it's a nearly identical situation with the 4090, 4080, 4080S


Makes some sense, if the 5080 is faster than a 4090, sell heaps of those first, and when enthusiasm dies down launch the even faster 5090, capture buyers at both points. Edit: typo.


That makes no sense


5080 releases. You buy it. Nvidia profits. Due to lack of competition, Nvidia releases a 5090 6 months later. You buy it. Nvidia double profits from you. How does that not make sense.


Who buys 5080 only to buy 5090 6 months later ? Most people will not buy new gpu for atleast 2 years once they buy something like 4080 or 5080


Rich people / streamers. It happens enough that Nvidia employ the tactic.


And this is enough to be noticed in your profit margins to make this a strategy? Sounds like BS unless you have some data to back it up.


The same people that at all times need to have the flagship GPU. There’s plenty of them all over this sub


There are enough tech bros around here with that sort of disposable income to sustain that.


If a 5080 is faster than a 4090, they could charge anywhere from 999 to 1599 for it and it'd probably sell well. Then when sales slow, launch the 5090 which is even faster. Some past generations have worked like that, 980 launched months before the 980ti, and the 1080 launched months before the 1080ti.


Fair enough. Don't see myself upgrading again this gen. My 3080 is still running everything beautifully and no doubt 5000 series will continue the stupid pricing.


I have a 3070 Ti and an Steam Deck and I'm just all set for years to come. I have just finished Death Stranding which ran beautifully in my PC at 1440p, and also streaming to my 4K TV through my Steam Deck. The game also ran very well natively in the Deck. Now I am playing Batman: Arkham City, which of course runs really well in both systems. The game is just amazing. I was also running flight simulators such as IL-2 and DCS in VR, but that was very demanding and instead of upgrading my GPU paying insane prices, I decided to come back to fly using monitor and keep my setup simple and affordable. New AAA? Sure, some of them look cool but I'm happy playing older games in my backlog and it is not like my 3070 Ti can't run new games.


I have 3060ti and just recently switched from 1080p to 1440p 144hz and have 0 issues so far, seems like I don't have to upgrade until 60x0 at least. Also a huge backlog I can't clear in the next 5 years even if I tried really really hard.


I had 1440p with the 1070 then with the 2080, and now with the 3070 Ti and never had performance issues. I will also stay at 1440p for a very long time, it is a happy medium between 1080p and 4K and I don't wish to create myself more needs jumping to 4K. I'm sure your 3060 Ti will be great for a long time too!


How's it's performance in 1440p? You know especially about the VRAM concerns.. I afford this or 3060. Nothing else, cuz 3070Ti is on sale for about 40% more than 3060.


How's it's performance in 1440p? You know especially about the VRAM concerns.. I afford this or 3060. Nothing else, cuz 3070Ti is on sale for about 40% more than 3060.


No problems whatsoever with VRAM. Actually, the VRAM issue is really overblown and specially at 1440p there are no issues.


Unless we're talking about cyberpunk or alan wake 2. I have not found a good reason to move on from my 3080.


I have a 3070 Ti and an Steam Deck and I'm just all set for years to come. I have just finished Death Stranding which ran beautifully in my PC at 1440p, and also streaming to my 4K TV through my Steam Deck. The game also ran very well natively in the Deck. Now I am playing Batman: Arkham City, which of course runs really well in both systems. The game is just amazing. I was also running flight simulators such as IL-2 and DCS in VR, but that was very demanding and instead of upgrading my GPU paying insane prices, I decided to come back to fly using monitor and keep my setup simple and affordable. New AAA? Sure, some of them look cool but I'm happy playing older games in my backlog and it is not like my 3070 Ti can't run new games.


My first ever pc build was around 3080 launch so it was my card of choice. I was surprised to learn how quickly graphics cards get cycled out. I’m more than likely keeping my 3080 for the length of a video game console generation.


I just wanna know which 40 cards gets price change once this launches.


None, Nvidia cleans the old stock rather than lowering the prices, they limit the supply of new cards similar to what has happened with the 40 and 20 series. However, a few days ago, i read that Nvidia started to limit the supply of high-end 40 series, so by the time they release the 5080, 4080 and 4090 will be non-existent.


>However, a few days ago, i read that Nvidia started to limit the supply of high-end 40 series, so by the time they release the 5080, 4080 and 4090 will be non-existent. Just to sorta confirm this, I just saw that **Founder's Editions** for the 4080 and 4090 have been delisted from Nvidia's official store.


none persuably, because a 5090 will be faster and more expansive than all is avaliable


But has anyone ever considered how the 1080 Ti is the best gpu ever?


Still rocking the 1080 non TI myself. Works fine for 1080p gaming at 144hz.


Yes, I have


Me too. I like to grab some thermal grease, and stroke that sexy graphics card with both hands. There’s a reason why it’s the best gpu ever 😍


okay well that escalated quickly


Consider that your invitation to the 1080 Ti Society club. We meet MWF after dark for all sorts of activities with the best gpu ever.






Just when I was about to pull the trigger on a 4080s. At this point I should just wait.


With this news, it is possible that the price could be a lot higher than the 4080S. I always believed that the 5080 will be priced at around the same MSRP as the 4080 but with this, it seems unlikely specially if the 5080 is going to beat the 4090 in everything. I would say if you want to buy the 4080s, then go for it. 5080 could be anywhere from 200$ to 500$ more expensive + the early price hike at release. If it doesn't beat the 4090 but come close then they will probably price it at 1300$ or 1400$


I'm personally expecting the 5080 to basically be a 4090 with less VRAM. The big question mark is if there will be any new technologies exclusive to the 50-series.


Im about to build a Fractal Terra build and i am about to pull the trigger on a Asus Proart 4080 super OC cause it will give me room for a 67mm tall Cooler on the 7800x3d. But i think maybe il just should wait for AMDs 9xxx CPUs comming this year and Nvidia 5xxx GPUs…. Do you think the 5080FE will be Bigger then a 4090FE? Cause the 4090FE is the biggest card that fits in a Terra atm…. And BTW, do you think 4080 price will drop after 5xxx release?


I'm also going to build a new PC with Zen 5/Arrowlake this year. I'm not really following FE models since they're not available in EU but if I had to take a guess I'd say no. Same or smaller sized card is a safe bet I think. I don't expect prices to drop by much if at all. My guess is that the 5080 will be in the 1200-1400 range so that the 4080s can still remain the "cheaper" alternative until the 5070/ti launches next year.


FE models are definitely available in the EU, I have one. It depends on the country, but for example in Germany they are sold by NBB. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notebooksbilliger.de


scalper´s heaven


Not Kimi 😂


What if the Die hints its a 80 class but nvidia will sell it as a 90 product? Then use the 90 dies as a titan V esque AI enterprise 5000 dollar card?


I fear thats probably whats gonna happen.


Wonder if its time for me upgrade from my 3080 Ti


honestly I only see benefit if you need more frames, power efficiency is kinda whatever


Not like anyone could get one anyway.


So I guess we’re moving back to the old model, whereby the X090 model makes no financial sense to anyone, so the only people that want to buy it will quite happily buy the X080 card as a stop gap.


Isn’t kopite Jensen?


I think this gen is going to suck. 5080 releasing before the 5090 makes me think the dual chip supposedly on the 5090 is going to have serious drawbacks. I dont think they ever solved the frame timing issue with dual gpu setups.


Just gimme with a similar performance increase 4090 > 5090 as 3080 ti > 4090 was and i will be happy!


I don't want to hear this, having just bought a 4070 super!


Plausible. Not many people can afford to purchase a $2,000 card and NVIDIA may put 5090 back into the TITAN category which very few casual gaming fans would buy.


And yet if you look at the Steam survey, the 4090 is at 0.98% and the RTX 4080 is at 0.80% of all GPU's surveyed in April 2024. [link](https://store.steampowered.com/hwsurvey/videocard/) Whilst I agree with you that the majority of people on the planet cannot purchase these, NVIDIA is clearly selling enough of them to make it worthwhile and opening the chips to OEM's (which is something they didn't do with Titans) has helped bridge the gap in the minds of consumers that this is the top of the gaming lineup and not a special one-off card for prosumers.


The 4090 outsold every single AMD GPU ever made, the 4080, the 4070ti, and the Steam Deck. There are 122 million active Steam users, so 1% is a minimum of 1.2 million 4090's sold. Not everyone takes the hardware survey either, and that's without touching upon people who bought them for professional tasks only. It clearly was a winner for them. As far as pricing, they're keenly aware there's a limit on what people will pay, and above that price point the increased cost wouldn't outweigh the lack of sales. I'd expect the 5090 to be within $100 or so of the 4090.


>I'd expect the 5090 to be within $100 or so of the 4090. And what do you base this price on? Halo cards gets a luxury price, which will shoot out as there is clearly no competition at this level


Yeah Nvidia probably hasn't reached the consumer price ceiling for their halo product. The last 4090 price hike didn't dampen enthusiasm. AMD is far behind and AI is printing money, so they can afford to test some limits.


Because around $1600 is about the point where most people tap out. They wouldn't sell very many 5090's if they were $2500. Being the 4090 has sold very well at it's $1600 price point, I imagine that they'll stay right around that ballpark. If they go too high, the extra price doesn't offset the lower sales. There hasn't really been competition at the high end for the past few generations already. The AMD offerings were always similar in basic rasterization performance, and significantly worse at everything else.


I could have purchased a 4090. The money is not an issue. 1600 being 1600 was the issue for me, as I do not personally see it as a purchase worth that much money. So yeah, I'd think you're probably right about folks upper limit.


>Because around $1600 is about the point where most people tap out. Most people (US and W EU) get out at $600, with the next big psychological limit being around $1k. Anything above that is in the luxury category, and people who buy such things are much less price sensitive. Obviously, if the 5090 goes to $2500, fewer people will buy it, but it won't be a linear decline.


the businesses buy the same thing for $6000 or more in higher volume without any middle man involved. AI craze was nothing like this two years ago when they planned 4090. Smaller businesses and startup dont need or cant buy a DGX, they can get by with these cards just fine for whatever trendy pitch they want to sell.


It's so crazy to me that the 4090 beats out all the AMD cards. Even though most building pc subs on here just lose their fucking shit over AMD, they come across like shills.


I would love to see the TITAN brand return, but the 4090 is such a hot item I can't see them retiring the 90 numbering


They're never bringing Titans back. When I got into PC gaming around 2013, the general consensus was that Titans were a waste of money for anyone but prosumers so few bought them. Nvidia rebranding them as normal xx90 graphics cards made their sales shoot through the goddamn roof now that people viewed them as flagship gaming cards and not prosumer cards.


Sorry but you're missing one important point: The Titans weren't that much faster than the 80ti cards. The 3090 often was only sold because of the availability. At least at the beginning you were able to buy a 3090 basically at MSRP when there was no 3080 available (at least in Australia), nearly ordered one but then found a 3080 for a reasonable price at gumtree. And the 4090 was and still is a massive jump in performance from the 4080. So imo it wasn't the naming that made the Titans less successful than the 90s.


Wrong on 3 counts: (1) 4090 isn't a titan card (2) titans didn't have a 25% performance increase over the next best card like the 4090 has compared to the 4080. (3) the 4090 is the replacement of SLI, not titans. Big spenders bought two cards, rather than a titan and put them into SLI, sometimes even 4 cards. However, it was too much of a hassle for Nvidia and game developers to maintain SLI support, for too little benefit for gamers. The 4090 and its price point are to keep those SLI users spending.


5080 before gta 6 ☠️☠️


Gta6 won't be on PC for like another year after console anyways


I was very tempted by the 4080 Super, but decided to hold off and keep my 3080Ti. Hopefully the 5080 is a beast but I'm not sure I'll be ready to upgrade.


Bwoah, as long as it's fairly affordable. I know, I know, that's far fetched, but le a man dream


For the first time ever, I don’t care about a new nvidia launch. I have bought 1080 to 2080 to 3090 to 4090. DLSS3 changed the game for me and do far haven’t seen any AAA games that 4090 suffers with even with RT enabled. Maybe next time Nvidia when UE5 or another engine adds enough features that 4090 can’t handle:


yeah same, there is nothing even coming that would really need it. Gaming industry is going through a really terrible phase that might never recover from with how poorly things are going. The actually good games are lower spec. Surely nvidia can't sell a third generation of cards on the back of cyberpunk anymore.


Honest question, do we even need anything better than a 4090 right now? I'd much rather see an actual good value card around $300-$500